The mature and charming voice of Sono Saeko came from the other end of the phone.

"Dear, someone from Consortium X has come again. I am about to meet him. Why do you think they are here?"

"Consortium X..."

At this time, Consortium X suddenly came to the door, and Lu Li didn't know what these guys were up to.

However, Lu Li's matter should be related to the recent change in the museum's business model.

The memory produced by the museum now is similar to the pure memory without the earth memory toxin.

Although the power of the memory has been reduced a lot, it still has a good market.

You don't have to worry about turning into a monster, and you can also gain powerful power.

But this is not a good thing for Consortium X.

What Consortium X wants is to create weapons that are powerful enough.

Instead of the memory currently produced by the museum, this is contrary to their original idea.

Presumably, Consortium X is now unable to sit still. After all, every time it needs to invest a lot of money in the museum for research.

And the current development of the museum does not seem to be in line with their expectations. In this case, there is no need to continue cooperation.

Things The situation is just as Lu Li thought. Consortium X no longer intends to continue cooperating with the museum, let alone continue to provide funds.

Compared with Gaia memory technology, there is another technology that is now more valued by Consortium X.

That is the Star Switch!

That's right, the research project of Amanokawa High School Chairman I Wang Guangming.

With the help of unknown energy in the universe, the user of the Star Switch can gain powerful power.

Compared with the power from the earth's memory, the unknown energy from the universe is more mysterious and more promising in the eyes of Consortium X.

For the current museum, it doesn't matter whether there is Consortium X or not.

The museum is already self-sufficient, and the memory technology is quite mature. Even if it needs to be developed, the funds required are far less than before.

Even without the support of Consortium X, there will be no impact at all.

"Saiko, if nothing unexpected happens, Consortium X is probably here to give us an ultimatum. If we don't continue the research according to their requirements, I'm afraid they will cut off our financial exchanges.

After all, those guys are merchants of death. What they really need are war weapons that are beneficial to them. They may not look down on other things.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko's pretty face suddenly turned cold.

Then she snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

"Hmph! If it's cut off, it's cut off. With our current financial resources, we don't have to worry about the problem of the capital chain being cut off.

And the memory technology we are researching now has reached maturity, so there is no need to follow the wishes of Consortium X."

She never likes to be threatened, and this is even more so after becoming the queen of the museum.

Now that the museum has money, there is no need to worry about Consortium X cutting off cooperation.

The cooperation between the two parties was not originally open, but was all done behind the scenes. Naturally, there is no agreement.

There is no agreement, not who has the bigger fist, who has the final say.

The museum led by Sonosaki Ryubei in the past may still be very afraid of Consortium X, but not now.

Sonosaki Saeko is much tougher than Sonosaki Ryubei in this regard. Thanks to the various ways of making money provided by Lu Li, the museum has no shortage of funds.

Even through the phone, Lu Li can hear the dissatisfaction and anger in Sonosaki Saeko's tone.

He smiled calmly and comforted her.

"Don't be angry, do whatever you like, don't worry, it's just Consortium X, don't worry at all."

Even if Consortium X's influence is spread all over the world, if Lu Li is really irritated, he can find all the Consortium X bases distributed all over the world.

Then eliminate them one by one point to point, uproot them.

I believe those guys will not take the initiative to offend the museum because of the problem of non-cooperation.

After all, the current museum is no longer the museum of the past.

If they really offend the museum, it is completely not in the interests of Consortium X.

What they want is to study various project plans with war potential and obtain corresponding technologies. There is no need to offend an equally powerful organization because of some things.

"Okay! I know what to do."

After a brief chat, Sonosaki Saeko hung up the phone and turned back into the aloof queen of the museum.

"Mina, come with me to meet the guys from Consortium X and see what they want to do."

After that, Sonosaki Saeko immediately left the president's office and prepared to go to the conference room to meet the people from Consortium X.

As the president's secretary, Mina nodded and followed immediately.

When she thought about meeting the people from Consortium X, Mina felt a little nervous.

For no other reason, it was just because she was the product of the Consortium X Super Soldier Project. It was because of Lu Li that she was able to escape from that huge cage.

She had no good feelings towards Consortium X at all, and could even say that she hated it very much.

Not long after, the two came to the reception room.

Three people wearing standard Consortium X uniforms were sitting in the reception room, quietly waiting for Sonosaki Saeko to arrive.

Among the three people, the middle-aged man wearing glasses sitting in the middle immediately stood up and greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Ms. Sonosaki! I am Rem Kaminagi from Consortium X.

It's just that this smile doesn't seem so harmonious, and it feels more like it's malicious.

Obviously, the other party came with bad intentions.

"Hello, Mr. Rem, Consortium X suddenly came here. Is there something wrong?"

Sonosaki Saeko was not in a hurry. She had probably guessed what was going on anyway, and she was mentally prepared.

Hearing this, Rem Kaminagi raised his glasses and smiled slightly.

"Since Ms. Sonosaki is so quick to talk, we won't beat around the bush.

This time we came here mainly because we wanted to inform Miss Sonosaki.

If the museum can no longer develop memory in accordance with our requirements, our consortium X... will terminate funding for the museum's memory research and development. "

The glasses were glowing with white light, and there was a faint smile on Rem Kaminagi's lips.

He was not interested in the power of the memory. He said he came here to inform, but in fact he just came here to give orders.

Moreover, it was still a threatening order.

Rem Kaminagi himself has nothing to do with Consortium X's memory research project. He is responsible for Consortium X's development of unknown energy.

But now, due to the sudden death of Jia Tou Shunsong, even Consortium X does not know the specific situation.

Because of this, the specific project plan could only be put on hold temporarily and temporarily assigned to Rem Kaminagi to be responsible for connecting with the museum.

But Rem Kaminagi is most interested in the unknown energy of the universe, and the project related to him is the Star Disciple Switch that can control the energy of the universe.

However, Consortium X has a limited budget, and can only allocate so much to each investment project.

The memory occupies a part, and the Star Disciple switch also occupies a part.

In order to further support his projects, Rem Kaminagi would naturally find a way to kick the memory project out.

Just like the previous undead research project, without the person in charge of the project plan, he could easily do this.

However, for the sake of the reputation of Consortium X, he still had to come and have a good talk with the queen of the museum.

It would be best if the other party can take the lead in raising the issue of non-cooperation, so that it is not considered a problem of Consortium X.

What Sonosaki Saeko hates most is being ordered, and she hates being threatened even more.

And when Rem Kannagi threatened her in front of her, Sonosaki Saeko was naturally in a bad mood.

There was a coldness in her beautiful dark eyes. If she didn't want to create a powerful enemy for herself and the current museum, she might have transformed and killed Rem Kaminagi.

Got it

With her arms folded in front of her chest, Sonosaki Saeko looked at Rem Kannagi with cold eyes, a sneer hanging from the corner of her mouth.

"Oh? Is this what you mean, or what Consortium X means?"

Hearing this, Rem Kaminagi shrugged his shoulders, looking indifferent.

"Miss Sonosaki, this question is meaningless.

Since I am here, I naturally represent Consortium "

Rem Kannagi could tell from the moment Sonosaki Keiko came in that she was a proud and arrogant woman...

This kind of person cannot stand the orders and threats of others, and will 100% not agree to his own requests.

And what he wants is this result. As long as the other party doesn't agree to his request, everything will be fine.

Since he can become the person in charge of a project plan, Rem Kaminagi is naturally quite intelligent and capable.

He is not an ordinary human being, his true identity is the super-evolved life form created by Consortium X, Mutamit!

Looking at the guy in front of her coldly, Sonosaki Saeko clearly felt that the other person wanted to anger her and make her take the initiative to cut off her ties with Consortium X.


But since the other party has already done this, wouldn't it be bad if Sonosaki Yuko didn't help the other party?

"Sorry, Mr. Rem, I have absolutely no interest in what you are saying.

The museum will only do things according to the museum's ideas, and Consortium X and us only have a cooperative relationship.

You have no right to order the museum to do anything, and you have no power to threaten me. "

Her words were full of arrogance. Sonosaki Saeko now said that she was ruling the museum, and she really had the confidence to say these words.

If it were any other member of Foundation X, they would never discuss a matter with Sonosaki Saeko like this.

The two parties were originally in a cooperative relationship, but now they suddenly threaten each other. Isn't this a typical case of causing trouble for oneself?

The person who came to discuss this matter this time was Rem Kaminagi, and the two people next to him were his assistants, so naturally they wouldn't say much.

Standing up slowly, Rem Kamanagi raised the corners of his mouth slightly. This was the result he wanted.

"In this case, the museum project has nothing to do with our consortium X.

Our cooperation ends here.

From now on, Consortium X will not provide any funding to the museum.

It was a pleasure discussing with you, Miss Sonosaki, goodbye. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Rem Kaminagi left with his two assistants.

He didn't care at all what good outcome this negotiation would have.

The only thing I care about is to cut off the museum's funds and integrate this part of the funds into the Star Switch project.

I believe that with the injection of these funds into the Star Switch project plan, the research progress of the Star Switch will be improved.

I had already raised the issue of more research funds with Wang Guangming before.

At that time, Rem. Shen Nagami suffered from the fact that Consortium X did not have extra funds to invest, so he could only spend it slowly.

Now that he has this opportunity, he will certainly not miss it and must seize it well.

A very brief meeting and conversation.

However, in just a few minutes, the connection between the museum and Consortium X was completely cut off.

As Rem. Shen Nagami said just now, from now on, the museum's memory project research will no longer receive any financial support from Consortium X.

Sonosaki Saeko shouted casually without looking back.

"Mina, see the guests off."


As the president's secretary, Mina naturally needs to do things like picking up and dropping off 4 or 3 guests.

Sonosaki Saeko was the only one left in the reception room. She was thinking calmly, could it be that the reason why Rem Kaminagi did this was the same as Lu Li guessed?

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