Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be true.

It's just that this guy didn't propose it on his own initiative, but deliberately irritated himself and made himself uncomfortable, and then took the initiative to cut off the connection with Consortium X.

Very scheming!

A sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, and Sonosaki Saeko also knew that she was being used as a weapon by the other party.

But what does it matter? It has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Anyway, the museum can now fly alone. Even if it does not receive the support of Consortium X, it will not have any impact.

Today's museums are not just about manufacturing and researching memories, they are involved in all walks of life in society, and there are many ways to make money.

"It's good that there is no Consortium

After leaving the company, he got into a luxurious car.

One of Rem Kaminagi's assistants is a woman wearing black glasses, Solaris.

"Mr. Rem, are you really going to cut off all ties with the museum? Then the funds that our consortium has invested before, aren't they?"

Before she could finish speaking, Rem Kannagi raised his hand slightly to interrupt her.

"You can't say that. It was in the research stage before, and no one can say which project is better.

Investing in separate funds to conduct a level of research allows us to see the potential of this project plan.

Look at the potential of these memories produced by museums now. They are useless to our consortium.

We naturally need to put funds into more important research projects, and I think you should understand this.

Rem Kannagi spoke with full confidence, as if the Star Disciple Switch research project would definitely succeed.

PS: thanks

Lin 8804’s monthly ticket!

Chapter 291: The conceited Rem God Yong, the next stage begins, going berserk

Seeing that he had made the final decision, Solaris did not continue to object.

She is just Rem Kaminagi's assistant, not here to seize power.

And all she has to do is obey orders, there is no need for her to make a decision

Rem Kannagi was extremely happy when he thought that the research funds that should have been given to the museum could be invested in the research of the Star Disciple Switch.

There was an unconcealable smile on his face, even arrogant.

It’s another step forward from my plan.

When he completely completes his plan, the whole world will surrender to his feet, and he will have the most terrifying power.

Rem Kaminagi has great ambitions and desires, and of course this is also allowed by the consortium's envoy.

If you don't have any ambition at all, you will be a waste within Consortium X.

All projects of Consortium X have the opportunity to dominate the world, and they are even investments based on this premise.

Regarding the conversation with Rem Kannagi, Sonosaki Yueko immediately conveyed it to Lu Li.

Lu Li felt a little surprised when he learned that the negotiation ended so quickly.

But he didn't expect that the person who would temporarily take over the memory project this time would be Rem Kaminagi.

When Lu Li mentioned Rem Kaminagi, he thought of the Super Galaxy King who transformed after this guy. He was also a very powerful guy.

Not only is it powerful in combat, it also has the power to pause time. Even if it's just for a few seconds, it touches the realm of time.

I just didn't expect that this guy was supposed to be the person in charge of the Star Apprentice Agency project, but now he was suddenly the person in charge of the memory project plan.

The museum cut off contact with Consortium X, and this guy was most responsible.


When drowsiness comes, someone will naturally give you a pillow. There is nothing better than this.

The museum no longer needs to worry about Consortium X. There is no longer any cooperative relationship between the two parties.

This means that Caitong X has completely given up on memory research, and all relevant information obtained will be sealed.

After all, they had invested for so long and acquired some memory-related technologies. They were not stupid and knew to seal up all the related technologies they had acquired.

The negotiations of Consortium X were settled very quickly, thanks to Rem Kaminagi's selfishness.

"Zezi, given our current actual situation, the result will be the same whether there is a consortium or not, so we don't have to worry about it.

The confidence in his words showed that Lu Li had great strength, and he didn't need to take it to heart even if it was the consortium.


Sonosaki Saeko had a trust in Lu Li that went beyond common sense. No matter what Lu Li said, she was unwilling to believe what Lu Li said unconditionally.

Now that there is no restriction from Consortium X, the museum can develop as it wants.

But if the museum develops better in the future, and Consortium X wants to come back and seek cooperation, it is not impossible.

But I'm afraid that Consortium X may not be able to afford the price.

You must know that Consortium

If it needs to pay a greater price to invest in the future museum, I am afraid that Consortium X will not make this stupid decision now.

The reason why Lu Li chose to leave Consortium X and have nothing to do with these guys was to prevent him from becoming a target of the knights in the future.

Even though he is very strong, it does not mean that he is absolutely invincible, at least not yet:

After hanging up the phone, Lu Li was ready to make his next plan.

There are already many Amazon experimental targets collected so far. There is no need to collect more. What we need to do now is to get detailed information about the Amazon cell project.

There is no need to snatch it, Lu Li will let Mizusawa Linghua hand it over willingly.

I don’t know if it is because there are more special teams now, which has led to the accelerated elimination of Amazon: experimental targets. Mizusawa Reika’s original research included Amazon gas.

But now it is still under research.

But unfortunately, for some unknown reason, the experiment with Amazon gas has not made much progress.

She wanted to eradicate the Amazon experimental target to avoid a wider impact on the company, so she had to have this thing.

However, now, Amazon gas is at a very subtle stage, its lethality is not high, and there seems to be some problems.

To increase lethality, more optimization must be done.

Of course, we also need to consider the harm to the human body, and at least find a way to distinguish people from Amazon to avoid accidental injuries.

Although Lu Li can help Mizusawa Reika perfect the Amazon gas, this condition alone may not be enough to obtain the detailed information of the Amazon: Cell project.

We still need to add more fire, and I think it won't be long.

The poison in Gaia's memory should have corroded the members of the task force, especially the three captains, and they will soon be out of the control of Nozama Pharmaceutical Company.

When the situation develops to the point where he has to take action, that's when he should put forward conditions.

What we have to wait for now is an opportunity, waiting for Mizusawa Linghua to take the initiative to beg for herself.

Everything was under Lu Li's plan, everything had been planned.

Mizusawa Reika probably never expected that he would be tricked as early as when he went to buy the memory.

And just in the next two days, a very serious thing happened to the task force.

The task force previously had three teams, but due to personnel losses, it was later consolidated into two teams.

The first team has one beast memory, and the second team has two non-mass-produced memories.

But as the number of battles gradually increased, it seemed that there was something wrong with these three captains.

In an operation last night, the three captains were leading their team members to attack Amazon. After eliminating Amazon, they suddenly launched an attack on their companions.

Everything happened so suddenly.

This incident completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

Everyone in the task force was wiped out. Except for the three captains who had memory that was not mass-produced, no one else was spared.

In one night, the special task force was wiped out by the regiment.

The performance of the task force during this period is obvious to all. Nozama Pharmaceutical Company is also very optimistic about the task force and believes that they can effectively solve the problem of Amz.


But who could have imagined that something like this would suddenly happen at this sensitive node.

The special team was wiped out overnight. When the news came, Mizusawa Reihua's cell phone fell to the ground.

She even thought for a time that she might have heard wrongly, why did it happen so suddenly for such a period of time.

According to the intelligence sent back by the investigation team, it was learned that after successfully eliminating Amazon last night, the task force did not choose to retreat, but a fierce fight broke out immediately afterwards.


The three captains of the special team went crazy and attacked all the team members.

All teammates who used mass-produced makeup memories were killed, and the whole process did not even take more than three minutes.

After taking care of all the team members, the three captains fled without leaving many valuable clues at the scene.

Shaking his body and sitting down on the chair, Mizusawa Reihua's eyes revealed disbelief.

She didn't understand what was going on at all, why was this happening?

The development of the situation has exceeded her imagination. Amazon's problem has not been solved yet, and now something like this has happened again.

For a moment, Mizusawa Linghua felt an extremely headache.

Leaning on the chair, gently pinching the center of his eyebrows, Mizusawa Linghua's mind was a mess.

The situation is serious and we need to find a way to find out what is going on as soon as possible.

Whether this is due to the memory or Amazon must be thoroughly clarified.

Thinking of this, Mizusawa Linghua quickly made a phone call.

As for the target of the call, of course it was Lu Li.

The person currently in this city who also has a close relationship with the memory is Lu Li.

She hoped that through Lu Li, she could figure out what was going on as soon as possible.

"Hey! Minister Mizusawa, you called me suddenly. Do you have any advice?"

Lu Li's voice came from the other end of the phone, his tone was very relaxed.

He was already exhausted, but Lu Li was still so leisurely, which made Mizusawa Linghua very dissatisfied.

But she didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction.

After all, we still need to find Lu Li to confirm what is going on next, and to find out the specific situation.

"Mr. Lu Li, can we meet now? I have something very important to ask you for advice, in person!"

Please tell me two words. Mizusawa Linghua enunciates them very strongly.

She suspected that Lu Li knew that such a problem was likely to arise from the beginning, but did not inform her.

I was more or less dissatisfied in my heart. I cooperated with sincerity, but I didn't expect to be tricked by the other party. As a result, the current situation developed beyond expectations.

How could Lu Li on the other end of the phone not hear the trace of dissatisfaction in Shuizawa Linghua's words?

It is heard but does not necessarily mean heard.

"Of course. Since Minister Mizusawa invites you, where should we meet?"

"Let's have a meal together at the place where we last ate and talk about this matter."

Mizusawa Reihua determined the location at the place where they had dinner together last time.

"No problem, we'll see you later.

After saying that, Lu Li hung up the phone directly.

Lu Li turned to look at Mizuki Mizusawa, who was staring at him, and said with a smile.

"Meiyue, originally you had to go back by yourself today. Your mother has something to ask me about. It seems to be a very important matter."

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