That's right, the person next to Lu Li is Mizuki Mizuki.

Today is the weekend, Mizuki Mizuki doesn't have to go to class, and she thought of the last time Lu Li saved her, so she wanted to invite Lu Li out for a walk.

Mizuki Mizuki didn't hear the content of the phone call very clearly, but she still remembered her mother's voice very clearly.

Knowing that Lu Li and her mother had something to talk about, Mizuki Mizuki certainly didn't want to continue to pester Lu Li.

Nodding her head, Mizuki Mizuki said shyly with her hands behind her back.

"Okay, Brother Lu Li, I'll ask you out to play next time, okay?"

Her eyes were full of expectations, and she didn't want Lu Li to refuse.

Lu Li rubbed her shoulder-length short hair, and nodded without hesitation.

"Of course, we'll stop here for now. Go home early and don't hang around outside. This city is very dangerous after dark.

The danger mentioned by Lu Li, Mizuki Mizuki had already experienced it last time.

That scary monster...she heard from Lu Li that it eats people!

And there are many of them in this city, so it's best not to wander around alone.

"Okay! I got it."

After saying goodbye to Mizuki Mizuki, Lu Li walked slowly towards the agreed place.

Watching Lu Li's gradually receding back, Mizuki Mizuki's face flushed, and she quickly covered her face with her hands, her eyes full of love.

"Hmm~! Brother Lu Li is so considerate! "

At the same time, at the base of the expulsion squad.

Shido Makoto had just received news from the investigation squad that something had happened with the task force and the squad was wiped out.

And it was wiped out by the three captains, and all the members of the task force at the scene were killed.

Shido Makoto was extremely shocked when he heard the news.

He had never expected that such a serious accident would happen to the task force.

"Hey, hey, hey! Is this true? ! The task force... is gone just like that? ! Or did they do it themselves?"

Misaki Kazuya's eyes widened, and he couldn't accept such a result for a while.

Mainly in his opinion, the task force should have been very powerful, how could such a thing happen suddenly.

Gao Shouwang, who was hitting the sandbag, stopped, his eyes full of curiosity.

"I also find it hard to believe. Don't they have new equipment? How come they were all wiped out suddenly? !

And it was the three captains who did it. What happened? "

Kouta Fukuda pushed his glasses and analyzed calmly.

"It's obviously not normal for the three captains to suddenly attack their team members. There may be something wrong.

I is very likely that 477 has something to do with the memory they use.

As for Shou, he has only been back for a short time. He only knows a little about the special team, but not much.

But he values ​​the team the most. Now that the captain has killed the team members, he is very surprised.

"Why do you do such an excessive thing? As a captain, shouldn't you fight side by side with the team members?"

Looking a little angry, Shou couldn't understand why this happened.

In the past two days, Mizusawa Yuya has probably found his own fighting goal, which is to fight for himself and protect the people he wants to protect.

Although such a fighting goal is somewhat ambiguous, it has been recognized by Shito Shinji and joined the Extermination Team as a member.

He also recognized Fukuda Kota's analysis just now and nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Fukuda is right. It is very likely related to the so-called memory. Otherwise, it is just a coincidence. Why did it happen to those three captains?"

Even though they already knew about this matter, it had nothing to do with the Extermination Squad.

Amazon: is the primary target of the Extermination Squad. They don't need to care about other targets.

Taking a basin of beer and taking a sip leisurely, Shito shook his head indifferently.

"Forget it. Why think so much? Anyway, the company will handle this matter. We don't need to care about it.

Just do our job well. We are just trying to make money. There is no need to get involved in this muddy water."

They only need to do their own work well. There is no need to care about other things they don't want to be involved in.

Of course, if there is money to be made, it is another matter.

"Mr. Shito, why do we...

Mizusawa Yu was about to say, why don't they go find the three task force captains.

The other side is very dangerous now, and they can even kill their own team members. It will be a huge threat to ordinary people.

Hearing this, Shito Makoto stopped his hand, put the beer can on the table, raised his head slightly, and looked at Mizusawa Yu.

"Yu, all I can tell you is that we are all here just to make money.

We can get a bonus for hunting Amazon, but arresting the three captains will not benefit us at all.

You let us take the risk to catch the three of them, and it's the kind that doesn't ask for anything in return. What do you think?"

The voice was very calm, and there was no anger at all, but because of this, it brought a lot of oppression to Mizusawa Yu.

Opening his mouth, Mizusawa Yu wanted to explain something, but found that he couldn't refute Shito Makoto.

They are people, and ordinary people. He can't use his own standards to demand others.

Thinking of this, Mizusawa Yu nodded and immediately apologized to Shito Shin.

"Sorry, Captain Shito, I didn't think enough about this matter. I was too self-righteous and took it for granted."

He was able to realize the problem in such a short time because he already understood why the people in the Expulsion Squad were fighting.

Chapter 292 Negotiations and Conditions, Tachibana Ogo was crazy

Here, Lu Li did not use space transfer or the like, but slowly came to the place where Mizusawa Reika had invited him last time.

If he came too early, the other party had not arrived yet, wouldn't it make Lu Li look anxious.

He was not anxious at all, the person who should be anxious was Mizusawa Reika.

When he came here, Mizusawa Reika had already arrived here.

After seeing Lu Li, the lobby manager Yin immediately led the way and took Lu Li to the private room where he had dinner with Mizusawa Reika before.

As soon as he entered, Lu Li saw Mizusawa Reika frowning, and it was obvious that she was in a bad mood at this time.

Such a big thing happened, the task force was wiped out in just one night, it would be strange if Shuize Linghua was in a good mood.

Seeing Lu Li coming in, Shuize Linghua quickly stood up from her seat with a forced smile on her face.

"Mr. Lu Li, you are finally here, please take a seat."

Lu Li came to the seat next to her and sat down, his face indifferent, as if he didn't know what happened

As for whether he really didn't know or pretended not to know, I'm afraid only he knew.

After Lu Li sat down, Shuize Linghua immediately poured Lu Li a glass of wine, and then got straight to the point.

"Mr. Lu Li, something very serious happened last night...

After telling Lu Li everything that happened last night, Shuize Linghua wanted to see if Lu Li's face would change.

But unfortunately, Lu Li didn't change his expression at all.

This made her idea fall through.

"Mr. Lu Li, do you know what happened? Is it... something wrong with the memory? "

After saying that, he also glanced at Lu Li obscurely.

It seemed to mean that this might be a problem with your memory.

Lu Li, whose expression did not change at all, picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it in one gulp without hesitation.

It seemed that this matter was not a big deal at all, just some trivial matters.

Turning his head to meet Shuize Linghua's eyes, Lu Li asked back with a faint smile on his face.

"Minister Shuize, I wonder if you have heard of a saying, there is no free lunch in the world...?"

Hearing this, Shuize Linghua was confused for a moment, but still nodded.

"Of course I have heard of it, but...didn't our company pay a price? We spent a lot of money to buy memory."

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li interrupted Shuize Linghua's words that he was about to continue.

"No, obviously you didn't understand what I said just now. What I mean is, if you want to get powerful power, how can you not pay a price.

Since you have already seen the power of memory, you should be able to understand that it is impossible to use such a powerful power without paying a price. "

The pupils suddenly shrank, and Shuize Linghua seemed to suddenly understand something at this time.

Indeed, the power of the memory is too strong, and it is not even an existence that ordinary Amazoni can match.

This is a power that humans can master.

But as Lu Li said, can humans... really master such a terrifying and powerful power?

Powerful power is often accompanied by a huge price.

" mean, these three captains are now..."

She vaguely had a bad feeling.

"Let me tell you this, Gaia memory must have a powerful power that can allow humans to master power beyond ordinary people.

But people are very complicated, and their emotions will resonate with the data in the memory/woo.

In this case, people will be infected with the special toxins in the memory.

As time goes by, the impact of the toxin will become deeper and deeper, and when that time comes, they will lose control or away. "

After telling Mizusawa Reika about the situation of Gaia's memory, Lu Li directly made himself and the museum clear.

The only ones to blame for this matter are the three captains, who shouldn't have too many negative emotions in their hearts.

Negative emotions resonate with the toxins in the memory data/Wow, it is inevitable that it will become like this, and Lu Li doesn't find it strange at all.

"How could this happen? ! "

She had never expected that things would develop like this, and it was even beyond her expectations.

She had also considered before whether there would be some negative effects if she used such a powerful memory.

But during this period of time, the task force had been busy eliminating Amazon, and she didn't even have time to pay attention to this issue.

If she could notice this problem in advance and nip it in the bud, perhaps this situation would not happen.

However, what she didn't know was that once the memory toxins corroded, it would not be a problem that could be solved by paying attention.

The reason why the three captains of the task force became like this in such a short time was entirely because of the work they performed.

In the process of hunting Amazon, they would always see some very bloody things, which would cause great pressure on their spirits and make them have negative emotions.

That’s why they lost control so quickly.

It’s useless to discuss these things now. Shui Ze Linghua is eager to find the three captains of the task force.

At least, this matter should be handled before a more serious incident occurs.

Otherwise, the Amazon incident has not been resolved yet, and several big troubles have arisen. That would be really troublesome.

At this time, she can only ask Lu Li for help.

“Mr. Lu Li, do you think there is any way to help? Of course, our company is willing to pay the corresponding price.”

Here comes the point!

What Lu Li wants is for the other party to take the initiative to speak, so that he can put forward conditions.

After drinking the remaining wine in the glass, Lu Li put down the wine glass in his hand and looked at Shui Ze Linghua with a smile.

“Minister Shui Ze, in fact, your company can easily get what I want, but it depends on whether you are willing to give it.

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