Seeing Lu Li showing such a smile, Shuizawa Linghua's heart suddenly tightened.

A bad feeling arises spontaneously

She always felt that the other party had bad intentions, but now did she have any choice?


In this situation, she has no right to choose at all.

"I want all the research information on the Amazon cell project."

When Lu Li proposed this condition, Shuizawa Linghua's brain buzzed.

For a moment, she was completely confused and could not recover for a long time.

Mainly because she didn't expect that Lu Li was actually collecting all the research materials for the Amazon Cell Project.

Could it be...that the other party's purpose was this from the beginning.

The reason why we sold them the memory was because of this plan!

It's not surprising that she guessed like this, mainly because she felt that everything was too coincidental. After such a situation happened, Lu Li immediately made such a request.

Looking at Lu Li in disbelief, Mizusawa Linghua didn't know what he could say at this time.

"You...have you been... from the beginning?

Faced with her doubts, Lu Li neither admitted nor denied.

It's better for her to guess this kind of thing by herself.

The current situation has absolutely no advantage for Mizusawa Reika. Besides agreeing, can she still refuse?


She can't!

Once Lu Li is rejected, this matter may become really troublesome.

Whether it is the beast dopant or the other two dopant bodies, once destroyed, it will probably be more terrifying than Amazon.

The whole city will be in big trouble, and then Nozama Pharmaceutical Company will also be in huge trouble.

Are you just letting yourself be slaughtered like this? Do you really want to hand over all the Amazon project plan information to Lu Li?

She couldn't make a decision on this matter.

This matter must be reported to Tenjo Takaaki.

"I. I can't give you an answer now. I have to go back and report the matter to the president and let him make a decision."

Even though she is the main person in charge of the Amazon project plan, she does not have the right to hand over the company's research directly to others.

No one dares to do this unless the president agrees.

Of course, Lu Li could understand Mizusawa Linghua's decision that he had no way to do this.

However, he then dropped another bombshell.

"Minister Mizusawa, don't worry, I won't let you suffer. I can also promise you to help you research Amazon gas.

Help you eliminate the experimental subjects in the city as much as possible and prevent your company from being at the forefront. What do you think? "

With a confident smile on his face, Lu Li was not worried that Mizusawa Linghua would reject this matter.

Amazoni gas has currently reached a research bottleneck. Continued research has not yielded any effective results, and many problems remain unresolved.

Because of this matter, Mizusawa Linghua also felt a headache.

But researching this thing does not mean that it can be researched by spending time.

When he heard the word "Amaz0n gas", Mizusawa Reihua looked at Lu Li as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Regarding the research project on Amazon gas, very few people in the entire Nozama Pharmaceutical Company know about it]

It can be seen that the Lu Li in front of him not only understood this matter very well, but even promised to help him solve the problems he encountered.

She didn't know how Lu Li knew about this project.

But it is certain that the person in front of me must have great hands and eyes to know these related project plans.

The negotiation between the two was completely controlled by the other party. Mizusawa Reihua found that he could not refuse Lu Li.

Even if he was inclined to agree in his heart, this matter still had to be reported to Tenjo Takaki first.

As a subordinate, it was necessary to inform the president of these two crucial matters. She did not dare and would not hide anything.

Although that person looks very old, he holds the power of life and death for everyone in the company, and this is still the case today.

There was a slight silence in the private room for a while.

Lu Li was not in a hurry. Anyway, the person who was anxious now was not him, but Mizusawa Linghua.

After a while, Mizusawa Linghua knew that he had been completely controlled and nodded.

"I understand. Regarding the condition you proposed, Mr. Lu Li, and your sincerity, I will truthfully tell the president.

I agree with this in my heart, but it still needs the president to make this decision. I will try my best to persuade him to agree. "

Mizusawa Linghua had no choice at all.

As for asking Yu Mizusawa to help her deal with the three squad leaders, she had not thought about it.

But considering that the beast hybrid's previous record was already very terrifying, she didn't want to let Mizusawa Yu take any chances.

He was always her son, she couldn't be so ruthless.

"Of course it's no problem, Minister Mizusawa, then I'll just wait for the good news.

Lu Li had already guessed that this would be the result, so he was not surprised at all.

If we want to get rid of the adulterants, the current Nozama Pharmaceutical Company has no way.

Even if Mizusawa Reika arranges for her son Mizusawa Yu to fight, the possibility is infinitely close to zero.

From the beginning, Lu Li had completely grasped Mizusawa Linghua's mentality.

This negotiation has been biased towards Lu Li from the beginning.

On the side of Nozama Pharmaceutical Company.

As for what happened in the task force, Tenjo Takahiro naturally knew.

As a shrewd man, he certainly understood that they were probably tricked by the museum.

The power of memory is indeed very strong, but it is unreasonable to obtain strong power without paying any price.

And now, the price has finally appeared.

In the president's office, Tachibana Yugo was reporting to Tenjo Takahiro about the disassembly and research of memory.

Tachibana Yugo's face was not good, and his face was slightly gloomy.

President, I'm very sorry, according to a series of studies by our researchers, they don't know where the power of memory comes from.

This is a mysterious power before, and they have no way to analyze it with their current technology.

I'm very sorry! I disappoint you! "

Speaking of this, he bowed deeply.

I thought that with the researchers in their hands, they could at least research something, but in the end, nothing was found.

The power contained in the memory is too special, and the instruments and equipment in the institute have no way to analyze it.

When analyzing it, no useful information can be obtained at all, which is really weird.

Hearing this, seeing Tachibana Yugo lowering his head, Tianjo Longxian shook his head slightly.

"I expected it to be like this from the beginning."

"What? !"

Tachibana Yugo was confused.

What's going on?

How did the old man expect this to happen so early?

Seeing his face full of doubts, Tianjo Longxian smiled indifferently.

"Haha! Since the other party dares to sell this kind of thing, it proves that the other party is not worried about leaking the secrets.

Or once the secrets are leaked, the other party will choose to destroy it, which is reasonable. ”

He had expected this to happen.

After all, the memory is the product of the other company. It would be a dream to crack it so easily.

Although he was not scolded, Tachibana Yugo's face turned pale.

Although he was not scolded openly, it was almost like scolding him for not using his brain when doing things.

The museum dared to sell this thing. They were not afraid of others to do research. They were very confident that others could not research anything.

"Knock knock knock (good job Zhao)!"

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in.

Takashi Tenjou suppressed the smile on his face and shouted lightly.


The person who walked in from outside the office was Mizusawa Reika who had rushed back all the way.

When she came in and saw Tachibana Yugo, she frowned unconsciously.

"President, I have something very important to tell you."

The meaning of this sentence is already very clear. He wants Tachibana Yugo to go out first.

"It's okay, just say it directly."

Tenjo Longxian did not let Tachibana Yugo out this time, obviously he was very dissatisfied with the task force.

It was normal for him to be dissatisfied with such a big thing under Shui Ze Linghua's hands.

When he heard that the old man would not let him go out, Tachibana Yugo was like a chicken blood, with his head raised and chest puffed out, with a proud face.

Seeing this, Shui Ze Linghua had no choice but to tell Tenjo Longxian the exchange conditions proposed by Lu Li.

Before the old man spoke, Tachibana Yugo screamed first.

"Ah! What?! Such a thing actually happened?!"

He was often uncomfortable with Shui Ze Linghua, and now that he saw that the other party had a problem, he was very happy.

Now is the opportunity to show off, of course he will not miss it.

"President, how can we accept the threat of Lu Li! Amazon cell technology was developed by our company, how can we just hand it over to others!

I think this matter should be handled by our company, and we can't sell out the interests of the company!"

The righteous look on his face seemed as if Shui Ze Ling Hua had done something heinous.

Shui Ze Ling Hua's face sank slightly after hearing these harsh words.

Of course, she didn't want to sell out the interests of the company, otherwise she wouldn't have taken the initiative to tell Tian Tiao Long Xian about this matter.

But at present, she has no way to deal with this matter.

Amazon and doping bodies are different, and the expulsion team can't handle it at all.

And the captains of the three task forces are very powerful in themselves, and they are like fish in water in the city. If they are not careful, they may cause a big mess.

Chapter 293: The confidence of Tachibana Yugo, Amazoni Sigma! Weight core coin!

When that time comes, I'm afraid that even if there is money, it will not be able to solve all the problems.

This is extremely unfavorable for the development of the company.

Shui Ze Ling Hua laughed in anger and looked at Tachibana Yugo coldly.

"Hehe~! Minister Ju, according to you, how should we solve this problem?

The current situation is very serious, and we must calm down this incident as soon as possible.

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