The three captains of the extermination squad who were on the run must be dealt with. They have gone berserk due to the power of the memory. If they are not dealt with, they may cause unnecessary cannabis.


Our company was already in danger due to the issue of experimental subjects escaping. If these things happen again now, I'm worried about the official side..."

Tachibana Yuugo, who has long wanted to deprive Mizusawa Reika, is naturally not one to admit defeat.

He immediately patted his chest and promised firmly.

"President, leave this matter to me, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer.

But before that, I hope Minister Mizusawa can apply to Amazon? All information on cell technology was sent to me, and at the same time... I was also asked to collect data on Mizusawa Yu's belt.

It won't be long before I will give you a satisfactory answer! "

There was sudden silence in the president's office.

Looking at Tachibana Yuugo coldly, Mizusawa Reika was extremely dissatisfied. The other party was still coveting the Amazon cell research data in his hand.

At this time, Tenjo Takahiro, who had been silent for so long, finally spoke.

There was a very determined look on the old face, and he slowly raised a finger.

"Ju, I can give you all this information in one week, but... I want you to handle this matter in one week, can you do it?"

He still has some face, so it shouldn't be a problem to deal with these things within a week.

After a week, if the matter still cannot be settled, the only option is to agree to Lu Li and hand over all Amazon Cell research data.

But that was a last resort.

If the company could resolve this matter internally, there would be no need for Lu Li's help.


Mizusawa Reika did not expect that Tenjo Takaaki would make this decision.

Seeing that Tenjo Takaki had already agreed to let Tachibana Yuugo handle this matter, she couldn't say anything more.

Since this is a decision made by the president, it means that it cannot be questioned and cannot be changed.

However, if you can't agree to Lu Li's request at this time and regret it later, I'm afraid... the conditions may not be like this.

She could not change the president's decision, so Mizusawa Reihua could only call Lu Li to say sorry.

Lu Li didn't feel surprised to receive such a response.

Although Tenjo Takaaki is old, he will not entrust the fate of his company to others.

If he could solve the problem internally, he would not ask Lu Li, let alone hand over the company's research results to outsiders.

Even though he didn't know what Tenjo Takaaki would do, Lu Li concluded based on speculation that Tachibana Yuugo would probably still create a Sigma-type Amazon.

I thought that my appearance had changed Nozama Pharmaceutical Company. Some changes had indeed taken place, but they were still proceeding as before.

Although the detailed research information on Amazon cells has not been obtained immediately, Lu Li is not in a hurry, they will get it back.

Amazoni Sigma, Lu Li didn't mind having a fight with that guy.

I just don’t know how many tricks that guy is planning to do for me?

Afterwards, Mizusawa Reika had no choice but to inform his son Mizusawa Yuu to come to the institute on the pretext of checking his body.

In the process of checking the body, I took the opportunity to export the data of the Amazon drive, along with all the previous Amazon: cell research data, and handed it all over.

Tachibana Yuugo.

After obtaining these two pieces of information, Tachibana Yuugo once again became energetic.

The failure of his previous memory research plan made him unable to hold his head high in front of the president.

He must use this plan to make the president recognize him.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, in the past few days, the three adulterants who originally escaped have begun to cause destruction and chaos in the city.

But fortunately, with Mizusawa Yu and Takayama Jin here, even if there is no way to defeat the dopant, they can at least be able to cope with forcing the opponent back.

The situation has not been allowed to spread further for the time being, but this is far from a long-term solution, and we must find a way to solve the root cause of the problem as soon as possible.

The three adulterants seemed to be acting independently and did not appear in the same place at all.

At this moment, in a laboratory of Nozama Research Institute.

A group of researchers are surrounding a man.

If the extermination squad were here, they would immediately recognize this person as their dead comrade, Jun Maehara.

After analyzing and optimizing the Amazon cell research data, Tachibana's researchers have developed a newer type of Amazon cell.

This new type of Amazon cell does not require oral intake of protein to replenish energy. It can maintain the activity of Amazon cells in the body by injecting protein.

In the past, Nozama Pharmaceutical Company once had a project abandoned due to ethical issues.

This project is the human cadaver Amazon cell transplantation project, with the purpose of developing biological weapons.

Standing outside the laboratory (baj), looking at the situation inside through the window, Tachibana Yuugo had a strong face of confidence.

He believed that as long as he followed his plan, there would be absolutely no problem.

Amazon biological weapons that do not feel pain and have strong recovery ability are extremely powerful. They will surely become killing weapons on the battlefield in the future.

When he thought of the value of Amazon Sigma, Tachibana Yugo's heart was burning.

How powerful is it to make a powerful Amazon Sigma by relying on dead people?

The most important thing is that this kind of Amazon will not eat people at all and will not produce any pain. It is a perfect biological weapon.

In order to achieve this goal, he specifically asked the president to cancel this abandoned project, otherwise it would not be possible.

"Minister Tachibana, everything is ready. Do you want to transplant the latest Amazon cells?"

A voice came from the headset, asking Tachibana Yugo whether he should continue.


Tachibana Yugo gave the order without blinking.

The person on the experimental platform is just a dead person. Since he is a dead person, there is no need to worry so much.

Can a dead person die again?


After receiving the affirmative order, the researchers in the laboratory took action and immediately began to transplant Sigma Amazon cells.

The whole process lasted for several hours, and the experiment was finally over.

When the Amazon cell fusion was completed, Maehara Jun, who was lying on the experimental table, trembled suddenly.

The researchers around were also shocked. After all, the person was dead, and now they were suddenly resurrected by them.

Suddenly, Maehara Jun, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes suddenly, and a purple light flashed in his eyes.


He roared suddenly, and a powerful force burst out of his body. The researchers who were closer were blown away by this force.

Even a less unlucky researcher smashed directly on the glass window of the laboratory, which scared Tachibana Yugo.

For a while, the laboratory was wailing.

Tachibana Yugo's focus at this time was not on these researchers at all, his focus was on the guy sitting on the experimental table.

That was an...Amazon!

He has a silver body, his chest and face are dyed orange, and his pair of purple compound eyes look ferocious.


The Amazon, who had just completed the transformation, saw the researchers lying crookedly on the ground around him, and felt nothing at all.

He is the latest type of Amazon cell, which does not need to eat people, but only needs to replenish protein regularly.

Seeing all this through the window, Tachibana Yugo suddenly showed a crazy smile on his face and jumped up on the spot.

"Yes! Success!"

He knew that it would succeed.

The transformed Sigma Amazon will obey orders 100% and will never mess around. It is a perfect biological weapon.

Since the most perfect biological weapon has been successfully manufactured, the next step is naturally to test it and use the Amazon drive.

Thinking of this, Tachibana Yugo immediately made a phone call to ask how the Amazon drive was manufactured.

With Mizusawa Yu's Amazon data and the strong strength of Nozama Pharmaceutical Company, it is not difficult to manufacture it.

In the eyes of Tachibana Yugo, this perfect Amazon biological weapon must be transformed using the Amazon driver, so that it can fully exert all its power.

Amazon Sigma!

Of course, Lu Li knew everything about what Nozama Research Institute had done recently.

Just as he expected, Tianjo Longxian still didn't want to hand over the company's Amazon cell research data to Lu Li.

As expected.

Before being forced into a desperate situation, everyone would have a little hope in their hearts.

Only when they are really forced into a desperate situation and unable to turn the tide will they choose the worst strategy.

Amazoni Sigma, in terms of combat power, is indeed very powerful.

But this power is only relative to Amazon Omega and Amazon Alpha.

The main reason is that Amazon Sigma blocks the pain and will not feel any pain at all.

As long as you can't feel any pain, you can think in the most calm way in battle and calculate the best response method.

Moreover, the Amazon resurrected with the body of a dead person, although he has all the memories of his life, has become a completely different person, with a calm brain like a machine.

Through testing and fighting, you can input the corresponding data into your brain and make the most effective response in advance. The reaction speed is almost the same as that of a machine.

"It's almost time. Tian Tiao is prominent. The birth of Amazon Sigma has given you new hope, but such hope is meaningless.

Amazoni Sigma may be stronger than Amazon Omega and Amazon Alpha in combat,

but it is not so easy to really deal with the doped body.

The power of the doped body is far more complicated than Amazon:, and it is hard to say who will win or lose.

Next, all he has to do is wait and see.

And taking advantage of this leisure time, Lu Li naturally can't be completely idle.

It has been decided before that six consecutive core coins should be made.

After all the collected corresponding data were grouped, Lu Li had already started preparing for the final stage.

The production of core coins.

If it was the production of ordinary core coins, it would not be difficult for Lu Li.

But these six core coins are completely different from the previous core coins, and are much more difficult to make.

After so many days, Lu Li still hasn't made one of them.

Lu Li encountered huge obstacles when making the first card repair core coin.

Lu Li even failed several times in making the core coins for repairing cards.

He also gradually moved forward while groping, overcoming obstacles bit by bit.

But overcoming this obstacle is not an easy task and will take some time.

Only by completely overcoming this obstacle and producing the first card repair core coin, the difficulty of making the other five core coins will be much smaller.

Not only do we have to make this kind of core coin, we also need to channel the energy of the purple core coin into it, which is another project.

In addition, Mezier already had Gamel's core coin on hand, but the core coin containing Gamel's consciousness had been destroyed, and Lu Li could only re-make the weight.

The core coin of the system.

Nine core coins can give birth to a new weight greedy person, but this birth requires a time process.

No matter what, Gamer has always been a very qualified thug, and very obedient, unlike Wu Fan, who is always a little clever.

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