He knows very well that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Since the other party is willing to find me, I'm afraid they also have requirements.

"Amanokawa Academy High School? Why did you choose a school?

But forget it, no matter where you are, even if it's a dragon's pond or a tiger's den, you must go and see this person. "

Although he didn't understand why Lu Li would ask him to meet in school, but since the other party had already said it, he didn't think too much about it.

"Calendar! Dad will definitely find a way to resurrect you! Give me a little more time.

Dimuzou's eyes gradually became firm.

No matter what the cost, he must resurrect the Dimu Calendar, no matter what!

Amagawa Academy High School, Chairman's Office.

I hope Guangming has received a reply from Sonosaki Saeko before, saying that someone will be arranged to go there on behalf of the museum tomorrow.

When I received the news, I looked into the light with a smile on my face.

He just wanted to see whether the power belonging to the earth was stronger or the power belonging to the universe was stronger.

Not long ago, people from Consortium

But equally, I hope the light needs to show the power of the Star Disciple Switch.

If you can defeat the people sent by the museum, it means that the power of the memory is indeed inferior to the Star Disciple switch.

The investment that originally belonged to the museum will be tilted towards him.

It is still in a critical period of research, and I certainly don’t want investors to have problems here.

You must know that in order to be able to study this power, he specially built Amanokawa Academy High School.

There are two holes in the sky above the earth. These two holes are the transmission points for cosmic energy to be injected into the earth. They are located in Kyoto and Amanokawa Academy High School respectively.

It is precisely because of this that the school he specially built here uses the energy from the universe without anyone noticing.

"Lishen, tomorrow, people from the museum will come to our school to show the power of the Star Disciple Switch.

Let the people in the museum have a good look at it. Our Star Disciple switch is much better than any other memory.


A middle-aged man wearing black clothes sitting on the sofa next to him stood up with a cold look on his face.

Holding two walnuts in his hand, his body looks very strong.


He is Lishenhou, my most trusted secretary and bodyguard in Wang Guangming.

Lishenhou used to be just a street gangster, but after seeing the powerful power of Wo Wangguangming, he chose to surrender.

The degree of centrality towards me Wang Guangming has reached a very extreme level. No one is allowed to offend me Wang Guangming, otherwise he will definitely take action.

Even if someone from Consortium X dares to disrespect me in any way, he will not let him off easily.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Come in."

When I look into the light, I know who is coming outside even without looking.


If Lu Li were here, he would recognize him at first sight.

Isn't this "Principal Orange"?

Hayami Koei walked in with a respectful look.

"Chairman, is there anything you want me to do?"

He is the principal of Amanokawa High School, and he is also a disciple of Libra, one of the twelve signs of the zodiac.

The usual thing, apart from the trivial things in daily life, is to find and give star apprentice switches to promising students in Amanokawa High School.

All this is done in order to gather together the twelve constellations of the zodiac that I hope to see brightly as soon as possible.

"Hayami, there will be a very special guest coming to school tomorrow. I hope you will treat him well."

With a mysterious smile on his face, I hope Guangming is a very deep-minded person.

Although he didn't know who the chairman was talking about, Hayami would not ask any more questions. He would definitely let himself know what he should know, and he would not let him know what he shouldn't know.

Feel free to inquire.

Otherwise... the end will be tragic.

"Yes! Chairman, I understand."

"Well, the detailed information of this guest will be sent to your computer later, so you can greet him well. He is not an ordinary guest."


With a simple command, I Wang Guangming waved my hand casually.

Hayami, who was very aware of his words and emotions, quickly stepped back and carefully closed the door.

Tachigamihou has been watching with a cold eye. He has no good impression of Hayami Koei who likes to flatter him.

In his opinion, it is not a good thing for such a smooth guy to stay with me, Wang Guangming.

"Okay, now let's wait and see, our guests are coming soon."

Putting my hands on the desk, I looked at Guangming's dark eyes and suddenly turned red.

The smile on his face gave people a terrifying feeling.

The next day.

Lu Li went to Tianzhichuan High School early in the morning.

Speaking of this high school, Lu Li hadn't been there for nearly a year.

The last time I went there, I just walked around and the plot hadn't even started yet.

I don’t know how the plot is developing now, but I hope that since Guangming dares to take the initiative to invite the museum, it proves that the Star Disciple switch must have been strengthened to some extent.


It's possible that this guy I hope Guangming has mastered all the power of Sagittarius.

The specific situation is still unknown.

But since Lu Li has gone, he must understand the energy of the universe, and he can even use the energy of the universe to strengthen himself.

Lu Li was also looking forward to how much change the unknown cosmic energy could bring to him.

This time, Lu Li did not take anyone else with him to Tianzhichuan Gao.

Habara had just completed recovery and still needed to get used to his current body.

Because he was resurrected using Amazo cells, Hahara's physical fitness is much stronger than before in all aspects. He must adapt well before he can do whatever he wants.

Use the body.

As for Metzler, she seemed to have little interest in school and didn't want to come along.

Everyone else was busy with other things and had no time to accompany Lu Li.

After spending some time, Lu Li finally arrived at Tianzhichuan High School.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Amagawa High School is a problematic high school.

The style is completely different from high schools in other places. There are many problem students in the school, and there are even many thorns in the side.

Some time ago, a new thorny student was transferred to the school.

He was wearing black clothes that didn't match the uniform of Tianzi Village High School at all. He had a haircut and kept saying that he wanted to be friends with everyone in the school.


Standing at the school gate, Lu Li was very honored to be stopped.

Yes, Amagawa High School is a school after all, so it is naturally impossible to allow outsiders to come and go at will.

If you want to enter the school, one must be a student of the school and the other must be a teacher of Amagawa High School.

There was no other way, so Lu Li could only call Sono Saki Saeko and ask her to inform me about Wang Guangming.

After a while, Lu Li saw a very familiar figure heading towards him.

Principal Tachibana!

Of course, Lu Li knew that the other party was not Tachibana from Kenzaki World, but the principal of Amanokawa High School, Fairy Hayami.

PS: thanks

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Chapter 301 Goodbye, I hope for the light, the giver!

Although Hayami Hoshi received a notification from Nozomimei yesterday, saying that a special guest would be coming to the school today.

But he didn't know the time, so he couldn't always wait at the school gate.

As the principal, he also has many things to deal with.

After receiving the call just now, I was scolded by Wang Guangming, and then I hurried to the school gate.

Hayami Koibo arrived at the school gate and talked to the security guard at the school gate before Lu Li successfully entered the college.

"I'm very sorry, sir. It was my negligence that I failed to come to greet you as soon as possible.

Hello, I am the principal of Amanokawa High School, Hayami Koei.

With a seemingly friendly smile on his face, Hayami held out his hand in a very friendly manner.

Don't hit the smiling person with your hand, even if the smile on the other person's face may be fake.

No, it should be said that it must be an act.

After briefly shaking hands, Lu Li responded with a smile.

"What Principal Hayami said is that I did not inform you of the specific time of arrival. Hello, I am Lu Li, the guest that your chairman mentioned."

"It turns out to be Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu, please come with me. The chairman is waiting for you in the office. I will take you there right now."

Hayami Koi is the principal of the school, but he is willing to do such a big errand.

It was entirely because he was my loyal dogleg to Wang Guangming, and even in the end he was willing to die for me Wang Guangming.

I have to say that this guy I hope Guangming is indeed very charming, and he is really good at winning people's hearts.

Maybe...this is the charm of the villain BOSS.

Both Hayami Koichi and Tategamihou are loyal to me, Nozomi Mikado, even if they die for him.

After entering Tianzhichuan High School, Lu Li walked on the school road and browsed the high school.

I have to say that it is indeed a high school that was built with a lot of investment and covers a very large area. No wonder there are various clubs in the high school, and each club also has

There are corresponding venues and so on.

In order to cultivate outstanding talents and let them become Star Disciple Switch users, I hope Guangming has taken great pains.

It happened to be recess at this time, and when Lu Li and Hayami Hayashi were on the school road, many students naturally noticed them.

Seeing that Lu Li was so young and handsome, yet was treated so respectfully by the principal, many people suddenly became very curious.

"Who is that person? He shouldn't be from our college. He looks so handsome!"

"Don't be a nymphomaniac. They are much older than us. We are only high school students!"

"What's the point of being older? Isn't it enough to be handsome? And to be more mature and to take care of others!"

"Didn't you notice? The principal seems to be very respectful. Does the other party have any special status?"

"Don't tell me, it seems like this is true. Principal Hayami is so respectful. Who is this person?"

One word is passed from ten to ten, and in Amagawa High School, news cannot be transmitted too fast.

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