Soon, almost everyone knew that a special person from outside the school came to the school.

Even if he is the principal, he is polite when talking to this person.

Class B, sophomore year.

This is the class where Taro Kisaragi is studying.

News about a new person who suddenly appeared in the school has now spread to this class.

"Xiao Xian, have you heard? There is a very powerful person in the school. It is said that even the principal is very polite." Yuki Shirojima said with interest.

Hearing this, Taro Kisaragi's eyes widened immediately.

"Really? There is such a powerful person! That's great, I want to be friends with him!"

Making friends has always been the goal of Gentaro Kisaragi.

He wanted to be friends with all the students and everyone at the school, no matter who they were.

"Tch! You think everyone is willing to be friends with you. Stop joking!" Xianwu, the singer on the side, complained disdainfully.

In his opinion, Gentaro Kisaragi is just a simple-minded fool who doesn't understand anything.

Even though the opponent can now use the power of Kamen Rider, singer Kengo still doesn't fully recognize him.

Soon it was time for get out of class to end, and all the people belonging to the Kamen Rider Club returned to the Kamen Rider Club, which was based in the Jade Rabbit Cabin of the Moon Base.

The Kamen Rider Club is a department created by Gentaro Kisaragi without permission.

The purpose of its creation is to protect Tiangao from threats from star disciples.

Compared to the three people at the beginning, several more people have now joined.

"Hey! Miu-senpai, have you heard? There seems to be a special person in the school today." Jojima Yuki asked curiously.

Hearing this, Fengcheng Meiyu supported her chin with her right hand and nodded slightly.

"Of course I have. How could I not have heard of such a thing? It is said that that person seems to be a handsome guy, but I have not seen it with my own eyes. I am quite curious.

How handsome.

Even the principal has to greet that person with respect. I'm afraid the identity of the other person must not be simple. "

While the two were chatting, Gentaro Kisaragi had transformed into a state knight and was testing the power of the switch.

On the other side, Chairman Tiangao's office.

Lu Li finally saw me Wang Guangming.

To be precise, this was not the first time the two met. Lu Li had already met him more than a year ago.

At that time, Lu Li did not reveal his identity, he only came into contact with me as a person with special powers.

"Mr. Lu?"

When I saw Lu Li again, my eyes were full of surprise.

He never expected that the person sent by the museum this time would be Lu Li.

More than a year ago, he and Lu Li met for the first time, but the meeting place was not in Tiangao, but somewhere else.

At that time, the instinct in his body told him that this man was very powerful and had great power.

Although I don’t know what kind of power Lu Li has, I hope that I will still be ready to get in touch with Lu Li.

I also met someone at that time, and of course we only had a conversation, so I can't say how familiar I was with him.

"Long time no see, I wish you the best, Chairman."

Lu Li had a flat smile on his face.

The look of surprise on my face disappeared, and I looked at Guangming and smiled calmly.

"I see. No wonder Mr. Lu Li has such a powerful power and is actually from the museum. That can explain everything."

In my opinion, Wang Guangming, Lu Li's powerful power is nothing more than the memory from the museum.

I hope Guangming has absolute confidence in the Star Disciple switch I researched, and it will definitely exceed the power of the memory.

There is another person in the room, and that is Lishenhou.

More than a year ago, he was already my bodyguard in Wang Guangming.

Naturally, he had met Lu Li at that time, and the first feeling Lu Li gave him was that of unknown.

The strength is unfathomable!

Lishenhou was very wary of such a being.

At that time, he was worried that Lu Li would threaten Wang Guangming's safety, but the two of them just had a brief exchange.

Seeing Lu Li again, Lishenhou found that he still couldn't see through Lu Li.

Regarding his own strength, Li Shenhou was still very confident.

But now, a strange idea came to his mind.

He might not have much chance of winning against Lu Li.

If Lu Li knew Lishenhou's thoughts, he would probably laugh out loud.

If this guy is really suitable for him, it's not that he has little chance of winning, but that he has no chance of winning at all.

Tachigamihou's strength is pretty good, but at best it's not far behind Isaka Fumikuruo. He may be a little bit stronger, but he's still not up to the level of the old man.

The only thing that made Lu Li a little curious was whether Lishenhou had a genetic mutation that allowed him to suppress Libra with his human body.

Of course, the influence of cosmic forces cannot be ruled out.

Moreover, Libras have a strong fear of the Rishen Roar. In addition, the Rishen Roar was very powerful when it was a human. It is not incomprehensible that it can be suppressed.


I looked at Guangming and leaned on the sofa with my legs crossed, looking contented.

"Mr. Lu Li, since you are here on behalf of the museum this time, I will take this opportunity to let you see the power of the Star Switch I developed."

There was a red light in his eyes, and a strong sense of oppression emanated from him.

Facing this strong sense of oppression, Lu Li's face was still very normal. The so-called deterrence of I Wang Guangming did not affect Lu Li at all.

"Really? I am looking forward to it.

Leaning leisurely on the sofa, Lu Li looked relaxed.

Seeing that Lu Li had no reaction to the power he emanated, I Wang Guangming could not help but feel a chill in his heart.

It seems that this representative from the museum is not simple!

Facing the sense of oppression he emanated but being indifferent, he really has some skills.

"Before that, Mr. Lu Li, take this first. With this thing, you can enter and exit our Tiangao at will and will not be stopped outside the school. "

Speaking of this, I, Wang Guangming, nodded to Li Shenhou who was standing beside me.

I understood instantly, and Li Shenhou took out a certificate and placed it on the table.

It said something like "Tian Gao temporary staff member".

With this certificate, it means that you are a Tian Gao staff member, so you will not be stopped.

With a light hook of his finger, the certificate fell directly into Lu Li's hand.

This power made me, Wang Guangming, frown.

Although I don't understand what this power is, I can see that it can't be the power of ordinary people:

The reason why I, Wang Guangming, don't think much of the power of memory is that I think the power of memory can't be fed back to the user himself.

Unlike the powerful cosmic power, the cosmic power can be fed back to the user, making the user stronger.

He himself is an example, and so is Li Shenhou.

But now the power that Lu Li casually displayed made him wonder if he was also wrong.

The power of memory can also act on the user himself, helping the user to become stronger.

He did not continue to discuss this issue in depth, even if he asked, he might not get an answer.

Then, Lu Li left the chairman's office.

Lu Li was still very curious about this school.

Seeing that Lu Li had left, Li Shenhou took the initiative to ask.

"My Lord, do you want me to take action and test him? ”

He was not only concerned about my safety, but also to verify his own thoughts.

He felt very uncomfortable because he could not see through Lu Li's strength.

In his opinion, the only person who could not let him see through should be me, Wang Guangming.

And the appearance of Lu Li has always been a knot in Li Shenhou's heart.

He had already known this more than a year ago, but there was no battle at that time.

Shaking his head slightly, I, Wang Guangming, did not want to take the initiative to provoke Lu Li at this time.

"Not for the time being, it seems... this Lu Li is different from what I thought, he is definitely not simple!

The power just now should be similar to telekinesis, haha! It's so interesting.

I, Wang Guangming, relaxed his frown, and did not feel nervous because Lu Li showed a power he didn't know.

Even if the other party has a power that is not a memory, the Star Apprentice Switch is the most powerful power.

This point... is beyond doubt!

Coming to the academy, Lu Li raised his head slightly and looked at the blue sky.

Although he couldn't see it, he could feel that a strange power seemed to be transported to the sky.

This power should be the cosmic energy transmitted from the void.

However, this energy is not particularly strong. Although Lu Li can feel it, he has not been exposed to this energy and cannot use it directly for his own use.

Perhaps this is why the switch was born.

In order to apply this energy, a switch device is necessary.

The most mysterious existence that appeared in the original play is the Giver, the will of the cosmic abyss.

Everything started from the Giver.

I hope to open the dark nebula by collecting the star switches of the twelve constellations, go to find the Giver, and explore the truth.

This is also the purpose of his creation of Tiangao.

It took seventeen years to achieve this goal.

But until the end, he did not see the Giver.

There are very few hints about the Giver in the play.

His appearance is unknown, his strength is unknown, and Lu Li cannot be sure how strong the Giver is.

The Star Switch can give the user the power of the corresponding constellation, and even the more outstanding the power, the stronger it will be.

Just as Lu Li was thinking about the problem, a sudden flame burst out from not far away.


When Lu Li saw the sudden flame, the first thing he thought of was that the Star Disciple had appeared.

He just didn't know what kind of Star Disciple it was.

Lu Li, who had originally planned to see the power of the Star Disciple, walked directly to the place where the fire broke out.

At this time, at the location where the fire broke out

Kisaragi Gentaro, who had transformed into the state cavalry flame form, was fighting with a strange-looking monster.

He was holding a magic wand in his hand, and looked extremely ugly. The flame on his head was exactly the same as the flame on the magic wand.

Altar Star Disciple!

The altar seat itself only possesses the power of fire, but the people who use it are filled with resentment and curses.

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