The user has supernatural tendencies and has reached a higher level of synchronization with the Star Disciple Switch, making the Altarpiece more powerful.

Not only that, the originally controllable flames turned into cursed flames.

For a time, the battle of Seqi became extremely difficult.

The altar flying in the sky raised the wand Aradia in his hand and fired out groups of terrifyingly powerful cursed flames.

Ce Qi held up the super flame gun in his hand and fired flame bombs not to be outdone.

The cursed flames and fire bombs collided and canceled each other out.

The collision between the flames burst into dazzling firelight.

However, the Altar Seat possesses a power that is infinitely close to the magic dimension, and Qi Qi was temporarily at a disadvantage.

As a member of the supernatural society, Nozama Tomoko was targeted by Scorpio at this time.

Scorpio, one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, holds the star disciple switch unique to the zodiac.

She took out a Star Disciple switch and handed it to Nozama Tomoko.

"I will also give you a switch that can transform you into a witch."

Scorpio's task is to secretly give some students the star apprentice switch and let them become star apprentices.

She... came here like this before.

The Altarpiece with the wand in his hand rushed directly towards the bastard, using the wand in his hand as a melee weapon and waving it vigorously.

Good guy!

A profound explanation of what it means to be a mage who doesn’t want to be a warrior, and is not a good mage!

Obviously, the real power of the Altarpiece is flame, and using a magic wand to perform combat attacks cannot have much impact on the prostrate knight.

Seqi, who withstood two attacks, immediately took advantage of this opportunity, raised his super flame gun and fired several shots at the altar's abdomen.

"Bang bang bang!"

Such a close attack caused the Altarpiece to take several steps back.

It was precisely because of this that he realized that he was a mage, not a melee warrior.

Chapter 302: The first meeting with Gentaro, children must be polite!

"How about it? In this form, I am not afraid of your flames at all.

And I already know that you are not a witch at all! "

The bastard knight holds a super flame gun, and even through the knight's armor, you can see the pride on his face.

The cavalry in flame form indeed has strong fire resistance.

However, the current cavalry has just used the fire-breathing form, and it is not even clear what the specific power of this switch is.

"Haha! You don't think my flames only have this strength, do you?

The flame just now was just a small part I gave to Tomoko and the others. "

As he spoke, a blazing fire suddenly appeared on the top of the altar.

The flames shot out several feet high, like a long whip made of flames.

"My flames are more than that!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Altar Block immediately swung the fire whip on his head and launched a fierce attack on Zhou Qi.

Basi Qi, who was very confident just now, was slapped in the face in an instant.

The flames carried a huge impact, which made the Bastard unable to withstand it at all, and he was knocked away in a few seconds.

Here, after giving Nozama Tomoko the star apprentice switch, Scorpio has already left.

She just wants to give the star disciple switch to the right target, but she is not here to fight with "riders":

Ritsuko Usaka, who had released her transformation from the altar seat, had already left the scene with Yuko Nozama.

At this time, Lu Li had also arrived at the location of the fire, but the fire had been extinguished and a thick black smoke could be seen rising into the sky.

The bursts of explosions coming from the side attracted Lu Li's attention.

After walking a few steps towards the place where the sound came from, Lu Li noticed the battle taking place around the corner.

As soon as he arrived here, Lu Li found that the battle was over.

As for why he knew the battle was over, of course he saw Gentaro Kisaragi and the singer Kengo who had released their transformations.

If the battle is not over, it is naturally impossible for Kisaragi Gentaro to cancel the transformation.

Regarding the specific details in the episode, Lu Li didn't remember very clearly, but this scene felt a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

Which star disciple is he?

At this time, Chuta Osugi, who is Kisaragi Gentaro's geography teacher, suddenly appears.

When the fire broke out, he happened to be nearby. When he got here, the fire had been put out, and then he saw Gentaro Kisaragi.

In his eyes, Gentaro Kisaragi is a very unreliable student, and he doesn't wear the school uniform. He feels like a bad student.

This has always made him very unhappy. If he had this opportunity, how could he easily let go of Gentaro Kisaragi?

He walked up to him, grabbed his ears, and was about to lead him to the Academic Affairs Office.

"Hey!! It hurts, it hurts! Mr. Osugi, what are you doing?!" Gentaro Kisaragi, who had his ears grabbed, shouted loudly with his teeth bared.

This is not an act, it actually hurts!

It doesn't matter other places, but the ears are a very weak place, so how can it not hurt if it is pinched like this.

"Before, when someone said there was a riot in the swimming pool, you were at the scene. Now there is a fire. I saw you at the scene again. Now you are the most suspicious person!"

Osugi Chuta didn't think he was wrong, his eyes were sharp.

"Ah! Teacher! It's not me! That's not me, listen to me!"

When passing by Lu Li, Lu Li passed by Kisaragi Gentaro.

Singer Xianwu naturally noticed Lu Li.

He was familiar with this school, but found that he had never seen this man before.

Moreover, this man was not wearing a school uniform, so he was probably not a student of this school.

With doubts in his eyes, singer Xianwu suddenly thought of the rumors he heard in class.

A special man came to the school, and it seemed that even the principal was very polite to him.

Could it be that...he is that person?

The time is consistent, the appearance is handsome, and the combination matches, it should be him.

However, the singer Xian Wu, who had nothing to do with Lu Li, was obviously not interested in him.

He left alone.

Lu Li passed by the singer Xian Wu, but he did not stop the singer Xian Wu.

The reason why I came here was just out of curiosity about the battle that took place here and to see how far the state cavalry plot had reached.

But unfortunately, it was a little late.

But it didn't matter. Lu Lixin knew very well that Kisaragi Gentaro was a bastard. As long as he followed him, he would easily know where the plot was going.

This side of the teaching building.

Chuta Osugi kept tugging on Gentaro Kisaragi's ears, and there were quite a few people watching the excitement along the way.

As a companion, Jojima Yuuki followed anxiously, but there was no way to make Osugi Chuta let go.

Who knows that the other party is a teacher, but Kozuki Gentaro also happens to appear at the scene, every time.

Yuki Shirojima, who followed closely behind, kept explaining.

"Teacher Osugi, Xiao Xian really didn't do this, it was the witch!"

However, Osugi Chuta obviously would not believe such nonsense.

What he believed in was science. In his opinion, supernatural beings like witches simply could not exist.

Don't think about it, it must be the students who are fooling you.

How could a teacher as smart as him be held hostage so easily?


At this time, when preparing to go up the stairs, Sonoda Sarina noticed the situation here and shouted quickly.

"Teacher Osugi!"

Hearing this extremely familiar and pleasant voice, Osugi Chuta was instantly elated.

"Ah! Mr. Sonoda, what can I do?"

Without hesitation, he pushed Gentaro Kisaragi aside. Chuta Osugi thought he was handsome and lay on the railing, looking at his favorite Sarina Sonoda with a smile on his face.

All it takes is the words "I like you" written in my eyes.

Sarina Sonoda wondered when she noticed Gentaro Kisaragi being pushed against the wall.

"Teacher Osugi, did Gentaro make any mistakes?"

Of course she knew what was going on. After all, she was Scorpio, and it was she who spread the Star Disciple Switch to the students.

Hearing this, Osugi Chuta's face suddenly fell.

I thought my favorite teacher, Sarina Sonoda, would be chatting with me, but to my surprise, the person she was talking to was Gentaro Kisaragi.

"Teacher Sonoda, you don't know that Gentaro Kisaragi was at the scene of the previous commotion in the swimming pool, and he happened to be at the scene when the fire broke out just now.

Do you think this matter has anything to do with him? Jojima Yuuki-san always told me that a witch did this.

But as a glorious teacher, how could he believe such absurd words! "

He held the suspenders of the overalls on his shoulders with both hands and let go very skillfully.


Obviously it was quite painful when the strap bounced on his body, but Chuta Osugi felt an inexplicable feeling of relief in his heart.

After all, this is his signature move!

At this time, a student said next to him.

"Teacher, the fire was caused by a witch. We saw this with our own eyes!"

The other two students next to him also nodded, agreeing with what the student just said.

"Huh?! Witch? Why do you even say that? It's so outrageous, even if everyone joins forces to lie to me, it's useless!"

Osugi Chuta's face was full of determination, saying that he would never believe in the theory of witches.

While they were having a conversation, Lu Li naturally knew what the plot was going on and what star disciples were appearing.

Altar seat!

This means that not long after the plot starts now, even Sarina Sonoda, the Scorpio, is still there.


"Don't curse me!"

"It's a witch!!"

"Run away!"

Suddenly, a burst of noise came from the other side of the teaching building.

Following the sound, Osugi Chuta looked towards the place where there was noisy propaganda.

I saw Ritsuko Usaka and her followers walking arrogantly in the corridor, and the surrounding students were so frightened that they hid aside.

Nowadays, there are many things about witches in the academy. Everyone is full of fear of witches, fearing that they will be cursed by them.

It is already known to everyone that the previous riots and fires in the swimming pool were all caused by the witch.

Apart from anything else, the transmission of information in this school is not very fast.

Ritsuko Usaka saw that everyone around her was so afraid of her, with a proud smile on her face.

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