"Very well, well, it seems that everyone has understood who... is the real ruler!"

She enjoyed the current feeling very much, as if she could crush anyone at will.

Osugi Chuta, who had been very firm in his own thoughts before and was unwilling to believe in the witch's theory, now looked frightened and his body was shaking.

"Don't come here! No! Don't curse me!"

The scared Osugi Chuta immediately hid behind Sonoda Sarina.

"Teacher Osugi, I didn't expect you to believe this so much?"

He had a determined look just now, but his face changed faster than he could turn the pages of a book.

Jojima Yuki seemed to have found something interesting to do. He sneaked up to Osugi Chuta and whispered.

"Magic attack.

Osugi Chuta, who was already frightened, screamed after hearing this.


While screaming, he ran to the side in fear. His timid and cowardly appearance... made people speechless.

Don’t you believe it?

As for Gentaro Kisaragi, taking advantage of this critical opportunity, he and Yuki Shirojima ran upstairs in an instant.

Run away at that time to avoid being caught by Chuta Osugi later.

Sarina Sonoda is indeed a veteran apostle of the zodiac, with superb acting skills.

As an excellent teacher, I would naturally advise students not to act recklessly at this time.

Stopping Usaka Ritsuko, Sonoda Sarina asked.

"Usaka-san, you didn't set fires everywhere in the school, did you?"

There was a believing smile on her face when she asked the question, as if she absolutely believed that the student in front of her was a good student.

However, who could have imagined that she was actually a Scorpio, one of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac, and that she even gave Usaka Ritsuko the Star Disciple Switch.

"Teacher Sonoda, you are really a very rare and good teacher. If I had met a teacher like you earlier, I probably wouldn't be a witch.

For the sake of being so gentle, I will tell you, run as far as you can now, before I perform the final ritual.

It can only be said that Sarina Sonoda's acting skills are superb and she is very gentle in the eyes of all teachers and students.

After leaving these words, Ritsuko Usaka continued to move forward with her little follower, and naturally bumped into Lu Li standing in the aisle.

Although she didn't know who Lu Li was, Ritsuko Usaka was obviously not interested.

She only knows that she is now the ruler of the sky, and all students will be afraid of her, and the same goes for teachers.

Seeing that Lu Li didn't show any expression of fear on his face, he seemed not to be afraid of him at all:

This made Usaka Ritsuko immediately unhappy. She frowned slightly, folded her hands on her chest and said coldly.

"Step aside!

The two followers behind her also stared coldly at Lu Li. Only Tomoko Nozama, who was still in a state of hesitation, lowered his head.

Facing the powerful Ritsuko Usaka, Lu Li remained unmoved.

When did he give way to others?

Seeing that Lu Li didn't make any move, Ritsuko Usaka, who had just experienced the feeling of a ruler, felt extremely unhappy.

His hand unconsciously reached into his pocket and held the star disciple switch, and said inwardly.

I've already said it! Step aside! Otherwise...don't blame me for being rude! "

This was the first time for Sarina Sonoda to see Lu Li. She didn't know about Lu Li, a guest from the museum.

After all, as one of the twelve houses, everyone has their own things to do, and there are many things that Sonoda Sarina doesn't know about.

Still not leaving, Lu Li suddenly smiled

"Children should be polite. When they see their elders, shouldn't they say hello?"

Tian Gao's student is just a high school student, or just an adult at most, but he is qualified to call himself an elder.

Upon hearing this, Ritsuko Usaka's eyes suddenly became very dangerous.

"Since you don't want to get out of the way! Then... just die!"

The star disciple switch has a similar effect to the previous Gaia memory, and will merge with the dark and negative emotions in people's hearts.

It further amplifies the dark and negative emotions in the heart, and finally gets out of hand.

These two points are indeed different but have the same purpose.

Of course, if you don't have too many negative emotions, the star disciple switch will naturally not have much impact, and the same is true for Gaia memory.

Ritsuko Usaka, who had already decided to burn down the entire school, didn't care whether her identity would be revealed or not.

He immediately took out the Star Disciple switch and pressed the red button on it.


A burst of black smoke suddenly enveloped her, and a sudden bright light pierced the black smoke.

It’s the pattern of a constellation!

Altar seat!

When the black fog was completely pierced by the strong light emitted by the constellation pattern, the Altar constellation disciples appeared in place.

"Weird monster!"

Seeing such a situation, Osugi Chuta was startled, his eyes rolled up, and he fainted immediately.

This speed is simply not too fast.

The little attendant who was following the altar seat was not afraid at all when he saw this situation.

They all already know the identity of Usaka Ritsuko, so there really is nothing to be afraid of.

Sarina Sonoda also showed her excellent acting skills at this time and ran away quickly.

Of course she didn't really want to escape, just to observe everything in secret.

To observe all this without being discovered, running away immediately is the best decision.

Fengcheng Meiyu, who had just arrived here, naturally saw Lu Li and the altar seat, and was immediately surprised.

Turns out to be a star disciple!

She immediately picked up her cell phone and called Gentaro Kisaragi. She was the head of the Kamen Rider Department. How could she just sit back and watch at this time.

Facing the altar that suddenly appeared, Lu Li looked up and down with a scrutinizing gaze.

Judging from the energy emanating from the body, the average fighting ability of an ordinary constellation apostle is similar to that of a dopant.

The power of the memory comes from the memory of the earth, and the power of the Star Disciple switch comes from the unknown energy in the vast universe.

Anyway, based on the current situation, a simple comparison shows that the two sides are... evenly matched.

The so-called Gaia memory here is just a memory that has not been modified by Lu Li in the past, and is just a general commodity.

"Burn you!

The top of the wand in Altarpiece's hand condensed into a ball of flame, aiming directly at Lu Li.

Now, in the sky, she doesn't want to see anyone go against her word.

"call out!!"

A ball of flame appeared directly in front of Lu Li, seemingly planning to burn him to ashes.

Fengcheng Meiyu, who was hiding aside and watching all this, was shocked when she saw that the development of the situation had exceeded her expectations.

Sarina Sonoda, who had already run upstairs and was observing the situation in another place, heard a flash of curiosity in her eyes.

Just because Lu Li acted too calmly, it didn't look like the reaction a normal person should have.

A normal person's reaction would be to either be frightened and faint on the spot, or to run away on the spot. How could it be possible to stand motionless on the spot.

The most important thing was that Sarina Sonoda couldn't see any emotional change in Lu Li's eyes.

His eyes were as calm as water, as if even the appearance of the altar seat, covered in flames, had no impact on him.

PS: Thank you

Yiyilin8804’s monthly ticket! watt.

Chapter 303 Another Kamen Rider? eternity and altar

Sarina Sonoda had an inexplicable feeling in her heart that Lu Li could not be an ordinary person.

The changes that ordinary people should have are completely invisible to Lu Li.

As Altar Zu's followers, the other three were shocked when they saw Altar Zu actually attacking people, and seemed to be preparing to kill the man.

Is this crazy? !

They are not affected by the power of the Star Disciple's switch, so naturally they will not be dominated by evil consciousness like Ritsuko Usaka, and can treat life with such indifference.

They all closed their eyes in fear, not daring to look at what was about to happen next.

In everyone's opinion, they might hear a terrifying scream next, and they might even smell the smell of barbecue.

However, as several seconds passed, no one heard any screams, and no smell of barbecue was heard.


Instead, a surprised voice came from the altar seat.

"how come?!"

Hiding in the dark and observing Sarina Sonoda, I was shocked when I saw such a strange scene.

The blazing fireball was quietly stopping in front of Lu Li. It was still burning, but there was no way to get close to Lu Li.

The three little followers who had been so frightened that they had closed their eyes just now opened their eyes cautiously and also saw this incomprehensible scene.

"How could it be? The flames stopped?!" Nozama Yuko couldn't understand what was going on for a moment.

Why can the fire emitted stop out of thin air?

Is this also what the altarpiece is made of?

However, as the person who fired the fireball, Altar Seat could not understand why there was no movement in the flames at this time.

After reacting, the altar holder stared at Lu Li in disbelief and said in surprise.

"You...you did it! Who are you?! Why can you control my flames?"

She herself believed that there were no witches in the world. The reason why she was able to obtain such power was entirely because she used the Star Disciple Switch.

Without the Star Disciple Switch, I am afraid that I would still be just an ordinary person. How could I control other people's life and death at will like now?

Looking at the flames in front of him, Lu Li gently moved his fingers to the side.

The flame seemed to be subject to some kind of traction, falling towards the ground next to it.

"Who am I? I should be... a guest of your principal and chairman.

As a student here, is this the way you treat guests at your school?

Isn't this a bit unfriendly? "

Lu Li still had a calm smile on his face.

It was as if what he had just done was so understated that it was not worth mentioning.

Although he didn't understand how Lu Li managed to catch the flames he released, Altar Seat didn't care about friendly or unfriendly issues.

She only knew that she was the ruler now, and everyone should be afraid of her. 643

The sudden appearance of an unknown person who was not afraid of her at all made her very unhappy.

"Hmph! No matter what method you use to block my flames, since you are not afraid of me! Then I will beat you until you are afraid!"

Before he finished speaking, the Altarpiece raised the wand in his hand, and a dazzling fire burst out instantly.

He fired multiple fireballs in succession, driving Lu Li away.

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