Whether the Philosopher's Stone and the Sabbat Plan can really successfully resurrect the Dimu Calendar, even Dimu Zuo is not 100% sure.

This is just the expectation in his heart, and it is not clear whether the final result will be like this.

He didn't drink the coffee on the table. After standing up to pay, Dimuzou left the cafe.

He needs to think about whether he can accept such a result.

Using Lu Li's method, his daughter was both his daughter and not his daughter after resurrection.

He needs to use these two days to think about this issue carefully.

PS: thanks

Tiao Hua’s monthly ticket!

Chapter 306: Identity is in doubt, cooperate with me, Wang Guangming?

On the other side, inside the Kamen Rider Department.

After JK collected the intelligence and learned things yesterday, he roughly figured out who Lu Li was, but the information was relatively limited.

"Everyone! Didn't you want me to check on that man yesterday?

I have found out all the information about him. Of course, it is limited to what is known within the academy. I don’t know about things outside. "

As soon as they heard JK's words, everyone immediately became interested and gathered around.

Everyone looked at him curiously, waiting for his answer.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, JK flipped his golden retriever coolly and immediately began to share the information he had learned.

"According to the information I have obtained, this person's name is Lu Li. I don't know who he is or what he does. The specifics...

JK didn't notice the darkening of everyone's faces at all, and still wanted to continue talking.

At this time, Shirojima Yuki slapped him.

"JK, tell me some useful news. The news you mentioned is totally useless!"


JK, who was talking to himself just now, noticed that everyone looked at him as if they wanted to eat him."

"Ahem! Okay, okay, let's talk about the information we know. According to the information I got, Lu Li shouldn't be from our school.

He only appeared in the school yesterday, and when he first appeared in the school, he was very eye-catching. Do you know why? "

However, everyone stared at JK and did not answer his questions.

Shrugging helplessly, JK stopped talking in circles and continued,

"As soon as he showed up at school yesterday, he was welcomed in by the principal. He seemed to have a high status, and the principal also acted very respectfully.

According to what I know, Lu Li was taken to the chairman by the principal at that time. It is very likely that this Lu Li has a certain relationship with the chairman!

Okay, okay, this is the information I know. He just showed up yesterday and it’s already very difficult to know this information. Don’t look at me like that! "

Seeing that everyone was still staring at him, JK had no choice but to surrender.

He indeed only knew this information and didn't know much more.

"Chairman, Principal, Lu Li... I always feel like there's something going on here." Fengcheng Meiyu said thoughtfully.

At this time, singer Xianwu also told them what he discovered yesterday.

"Everyone, yesterday I only noticed that Lu Li appeared in our Kamen Rider Club, but then I discovered another problem."

"Ah?! Are there any more questions? Are there any other questions?" Gentaro Kisaragi touched the nose of his plane, looking confused.

Later, singer Xianwu pulled up yesterday's surveillance video and played it quickly.

"Do you see anything unusual?"

After playing it quickly, everyone shook their heads in unison.

Good guy!

Singer Xianwu slapped his forehead fiercely. Are these people really looking carefully?

"It's the entry and exit records!"

With that said, singer Xianwu rewound the surveillance video and played it again.

After watching the surveillance video again, this time, some people finally discovered the problem.

Daimonji Falcon had already seen the problem and said immediately.

"I know! This man named Lu Li just went out. He probably went to the moon through the hatch, but he never came back!"

"That's right, that's it. This man has never come back at all."

And not only that, I found that we didn’t even have one missing spacesuit, which meant that this man was not wearing a spacesuit at all! "

With a serious look on his face, when singer Xian Wu discovered this situation yesterday, he realized that things were not as simple as he thought.

"What?! No one else has come back, and they haven't put on their space suits yet?!" Gentaro Kisaragi looked shocked.

Isn't this outrageous?

Going directly to the moon without wearing a spacesuit is no different from seeking death.

Unable to understand!

Fengcheng Miyu pinched her chin and frowned.

"Wait a minute! Lu Li should be able to transform like Gentaro. Is it because he can transform that he doesn't wear a space suit?"

"But where are the others? How could they disappear? They are obviously on the moon!" JK touched the golden retriever on one end and couldn't understand the situation.

After yesterday's incident, Nozama Yuko, who had joined the Kamen Rider Club, weakly raised her hand.

"Is it possible that he... is using magic? The kind that disappears as soon as it is given as a gift!"

Shaking his head slightly, Jojima Yuuki obviously didn't believe in magic.

"It shouldn't be! Is there really magic? I don't think there is."

On this matter, the crowd did not discuss any results.

Now it is almost time for class, and they don't stay here any longer, and rush back to their classrooms to attend classes.

When Lu Li came to Tiangao again, he would not be stopped with a temporary work card, and he entered Tiangao very smoothly.

Obviously, there are monsters in the school, but the students in the school still go to school as usual.

I can only say that Tiangao is really awesome!

Of course, maybe these students are just newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers and don't worry about monsters at all.

The matter of flute and music has been dealt with, and the next step is to see if he agrees.

And what Lu Li has to do now is naturally to find me, Wang Guangming, to discuss cooperation.

In order to meet the giver, I believe that I will not refuse my kindness.

It took more than ten years, and everything I did was to meet the giver.

It would be best to speed up the pace and pace.

Lu Li, who had been to the chairman's office once, found the building easily.

When he arrived at the chairman's office, Lu Li did not knock on the door, but pushed it open directly.

There were only two people in the office as usual, one was naturally Wang Guangming, and the other was his bodyguard and secretary Li Shenhou.

When he noticed that Lu Li had pushed the door open without even knocking, Li Shenhou immediately frowned and glared at Lu Li fiercely.

"You guy...are you so rude? You actually broke into the office of Mr. Wang!"

He respected Wang Guangming very much, and at the same time, he didn't want to see anyone disrespect him.

Li Shenhou would eliminate any target who dared to disrespect Wang Guangming without hesitation.

And Wang Guangming had already completely integrated the power of Sagittarius, and just now he had already felt someone outside the door.

"Li Shen, don't be so nervous, Mr. Lu Li is also our friend.

Since I Wang Guangming has already spoken, Li Shenhou naturally said nothing more.

But his eyes never left Lu Li for a moment, and his eyes were still very sharp.

He came to the sofa and sat down by himself, and Lu Li did not regard himself as an outsider at all.

Seeing Lu Li like this, Li Shenhou's eyes twitched suddenly.

He really wanted to rush over and twist Lu Li's clothes and throw this rude guy out.

I Wang Guangming sat on the chair, leisurely crossed his legs, and asked in confusion.

"Mr. Lu, you suddenly came here today, is there something wrong?"

After all, he came here yesterday, and Lu Li suddenly came again today. If he said there was nothing wrong, he would never believe it.

Hearing this, Lu Li glanced at Li Shenhou, who looked unhappy, and smiled.

"I, Chairman Wang, came to you again because I have something to discuss with you, and I think... you will definitely be interested. ”

Standing up slightly, with his hands clasped together, I look at the light with a hint of curiosity in my eyes.

"Oh? How can Mr. Lu be sure that I will be interested?"

Although he didn't understand what Lu Li wanted to say, it was true that Lu Li's words successfully aroused his curiosity.

"The Giver.

After spitting out three words, Lu Li leaned back in his chair and looked at I look at the light quietly, his black eyes were extremely deep.

I look at the light and Li Shenhou's faces changed at the same time.

There are very few people who know about the giver, and I look at the light did not even tell the consortium X.

In other words, even if the consortium X does not know, others are even less likely to know.

But now, Lu Li pinched the dead point of I look at the light as soon as he opened his mouth.

His eyes suddenly turned red, and I look at the light staring at Lu Li deeply.

"Mr. Lu.. also knows the giver?"

He had a vague idea of ​​wanting to take action.

Regarding the giver, he did not want to cause trouble, and he did not want too many people to know, especially the consortium X that gave him enough funds.

Those guys are pure businessmen. They will not let go of anything that is beneficial to them.

If the other party knows the existence of the donor, it may cause some unnecessary trouble.

I Wang Guangming is not a person who likes trouble. He often kills trouble in the cradle.

Because of my sudden change, Li Shenhou suddenly became alert.

The walnut coiled in his hand stopped, as if waiting for my order, and he would act immediately.

"Chairman I Wang, let's be frank. Don't think of suddenly attacking me.

With this big guy next to you, I don't think he is my opponent."

Lu Li raised his head slightly and glanced at Li Shenhou, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

It's not that Li Shenhou is not strong enough, but compared with Lu Li, this strength is indeed not enough.

I just made a small move, and Lu Li had seen through my thoughts.

I Wang Guangming only realized now that this seemingly young man was far from being as simple as I thought.

The red light in his eyes faded, and I Wang Guangming returned to his previous calm appearance.

Seeing this, even though Li Shenhou was in a bad mood, he could only hold back and keep his hands on the walnut.

After Lu Li said that he was no match for him, he almost couldn't help but fight.

Except for I Wang Guangming, who gave him great power, he didn't obey anyone.

At this moment, I looked at the light and had completely put away my contempt. The Lu Li in front of me was definitely not as simple as I imagined.

"Tell me, what exactly does Mr. Lu want to do?"

At this time, I looked at the light and still kept my composure.

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