"I hope Chairman, I can help you find people who can evolve into the Zodiac. Even if I can't find everyone, I know someone who can help you."

The calm words echoed in the office, and Lu Li's confident look didn't look like he was being aimless at all.

Squinting my eyes slightly, I saw that Guangming did not immediately deny what Lu Li just said.

Since the other party knows the giver and the twelve houses, it is obviously not simple.

But he still didn't understand what Lu Li's purpose was.

It's impossible to do it for yourself for no reason. There is no such thing as a free lunch. The other party must have conditions.

But if the other party can really help you find the person who evolved into the Twelve Palaces, let you collect the Twelve Palaces in the shortest time, go to the Dark Nebula, and meet the giver, that is

Even if you agree to the other party's request, it's not impossible.

"Conditions, Mr. Lu has said so much, you must have conditions.

Tell me your conditions. If you can really do this, no matter what conditions you put forward, I can agree to it! "

I looked at Lu Li deeply. The only thing he wanted to know now was what Lu Li's purpose was.

“Still the giver.

When Lu Li proposed this condition, I Wang Guangming's face sank slightly.

"Do you also want to see the Giver?"

"That's right, just as you thought, after all the star disciple switches in the twelfth house are gathered, I will go with you to see the giver."

Lu Li did not hide his purpose at all.

There is no use going around in circles with a smart guy like me, Wang Guangming.

If he cannot tell his true purpose, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to let him participate in his plan.

【really! 】

When Lu Li said that he could help me, I Wang Guangming probably guessed that Lu Li's purpose was definitely not simple.

The final answer is the same. It is indeed not simple. His purpose is the same as mine.

The office fell silent again, and Lu Li leaned back on the sofa leisurely, not looking nervous at all.

After a moment of silence, I looked up at Guangming and said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Lu, what you just said is that you want to be my collaborator, right?"

Nodding, Lu Li acquiesced to his question.

187 The only thing I Wang Guangming can’t figure out is why Lu Li wanted to see the Giver.

He is from the Fengdu Museum and studies the power of Earth's memory.

Now, he actually wants to go to see the giver with him after the zodiac is completed. Is there any conspiracy in this?

But no matter what conspiracy there is, if Lu Li can indeed help him find a suitable star disciple switch user, it might not be a bad idea to use it.

As for whether Lu Li should be allowed to go to the Dark Nebula where the Giver is, it was not up to him in the end.

However, what I hope Guangming doesn’t know is that even what he says doesn’t count.

The reason why he chose to help me see the light was entirely because this guy already had four zodiac star disciple switches in his hand, and he was only missing eight.

In addition, Tiangao is the other party's territory, so cooperation can save a lot of trouble.

There was a sneer on his face, and I always looked at Guangming with a hint of coldness.

"Mr. Lu, since you want to be my partner, you should at least show your strength.

Otherwise, why would I believe you, right?

Lishen is my bodyguard. As long as you can fight him evenly, I can agree to your request and cooperate with you. What do you think? "

In his opinion, Li Shen Roar was the most powerful Zodiac besides him, so there was no reason why he couldn't solve Lu Li.

What Lu Li said to Lishenhou before was that Lishenhou was not as good as him. I hope Guangming didn't take it to heart.

So what if he uses the power of memory? The Star Disciple Switch comes from the power of the universe, and there is no reason why it should be weaker than the power of the earth.

"Don't you believe in my strength? It doesn't matter. Since you want to verify it, let's verify it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li stretched out his right hand and lightly snapped his fingers.


A strange energy instantly enveloped the three of them, transporting them to another place.

In a wilderness outside the city.

Lu Li, I hope Guangming and Li Shen Roar suddenly appear in this uninhabited land.

When I looked at Guangming to react, I found that everything in the surrounding environment had changed and I had already left the office.

This power... is definitely not simple!

Deeply aware of this in my heart, I Wang Guangming did not show any panic.

He didn't skimp on his applause.

"Bah bang bang!"

"Mr. Lu is really good at it. He can easily change the position in space."

It was like the ability to switch spaces. Although it felt magical to him when he saw it, it was not enough to shock him.

It looks calm on the surface, but in fact there are already layers of waves stirring up inside.

The ability to change space just now is enough to show that Lu Li is definitely not simple.

It's not yet clear what its strength is, but it must not be underestimated.

"Tiangao is Chairman Wang's territory after all. If I destroy it, I will feel a little sorry.

So I specifically chose this location so that I can play whatever I want. "

If a fight breaks out in this place, there won't even be anyone around, and it won't attract attention.

Chapter 307 Wild Calis. Full Fusion Form! Crazy Lion Abuse

With my hands behind my back, I looked at the light in a black suit and said calmly

"In that case, Lishen, let's have a good fight with Mr. Lu to see how strong Mr. Lu is..."

Hearing this, Lishenhou nodded, took a step forward, exerted a little force with his arm, and easily crushed the walnut in his hand.


The walnut in his hand was like a boiled egg, which could be easily crushed.

I have to say that this hand strength is really extraordinary.

Cut the walnut residue aside, and the momentum of Lishenhou suddenly changed.

As expected of Lishenhou, who has a special physique, he can grow to such a level just by relying on his flesh.

Of course, this is nothing more than the power of Leo, which helped Lishenhou grow to this point.

The next second, Lishenhou took out the Leo Star Apprentice Switch he held.

The Xing Tu switch for the Zodiac looks very different from the ordinary Xing Tu switch, and the overall appearance looks completely different.

The whole is red, and there is a star map corresponding to the Zodiac on it.

Press the switch above with your thumb, and Li Shenhou is immediately shrouded in a black nebula.

On this black nebula, several bright lights bloomed, arranged in the shape of the corresponding constellation, which is Leo.


Faintly, the roar of the lion can still be heard.

Then after the black nebula dissipated, it had transformed into a Leo Xing Tu, replacing the Li Shenhou who was standing there just now.

Wearing a sky map cloak, his figure looks tall and burly.

On his head, it looks like a huge mouth with very sharp teeth, flashing cold light, which makes people feel powerful.

He exudes a strong momentum and is very deterrent.

But even under this strong momentum, Lu Li is completely unmoved.

Seeing this situation, it makes me feel surprised in my heart.

Could it be... Is this Lu Li really powerful?

Suddenly, such a thought came to my mind. I couldn't be sure of Lu Li's strength for a while.

Since completing the fusion of all undead creatures, Lu Li has not used Kalis and other related forms except for the Jok fully fused form he used before.

I feel a little itchy, so I'll give it a try.

Without even any serious expression on his face, Lu Li's fully fused awakening device automatically appeared on his waist.

It's the same as the previous transformation into Jokr. The whole belt is transformed into Joker again? After the fully fused form, it has completely turned dark gold, which looks very textured.

Lu Li, who has completely fused all undead creatures, can no longer see the existence of the storage card box on his belt.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed on Lu Li's body, and an awakening card appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Red Heart A!

But the current Red Heart A is different from before.

The whole card has completely turned golden, as if it has completed its evolution.

Without Lu Li's action, the golden Red Heart A automatically passed through the awakening device.

"Change! Evolution!"

The dazzling golden light enveloped Lu Li, completely enveloping his figure.

Such a dazzling golden light made Wang Guangming and Leo cover their eyes.

They could feel that the dazzling golden light was very dazzling, and they covered their eyes unconsciously.

The golden light gradually dimmed, and Wang Guangming and Leo put down their hands that were covering their eyes.

All their eyes were focused on the center of the golden light.

In the dimming golden light, a figure with a strong aura appeared in front of the two.

The armor was gold and red, with some black as embellishment on the armor.

The ghost mantis pattern on the chest and the eye armor were still green, but there was a hint of dark red in the green.

The dark gold awakening device looked more powerful.

When the golden light completely dissipated, Lu Li appeared in front of Wang Guangming and Leo in a brand new posture.

Wild Kalis fully fused form!

It was slightly different from the Joker.Fully fused form that Lu Li had transformed into before.

Jokr. Full Fusion Form, pays more attention to the balance of power of the fifty-two undead creature awakening cards.

And the Wild Kalis. Full Fusion Form will make the power of the Heart Series awakening cards stronger.

After the transformation, Lu Li exudes a strong aura.

The gravel at his feet was blown away by this powerful aura, and the surrounding weeds were instantly bent by this powerful force.

Lu Li was not surprised at all about the powerful power he gained after the transformation.

The improvement brought by the fusion of all undead creatures is definitely not something that can be explained in one or two sentences.

Feeling the powerful aura and terrifying momentum emanating from Lu Li, my first feeling was that Lu Li was very strong.

The opponent's strength may not be weaker than his own!

Even though Lu Li and Leo have not fought yet, I can almost foresee what the final result will be.

There is no doubt that Leo will lose this fight.

As for how Lu Li will end this battle, I naturally have no way of knowing.

The black and white eyes suddenly turned red, and I looked at the light with a slight smile on my face.

He was full of curiosity about the upcoming battle. How would things develop?

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