A backhanded upward slash sent Leo flying on the spot.

He fell to the ground in a mess, and a burst of black nebula was released from Leo's body, and then he quit the transformation.

PS: Sorry, I went out for a while and just came back! Ji.

Chapter 308 Cooperation reached, fear, the new zodiac

Li Shenhou fell to the ground and rolled several times before he barely stopped.

Raising his neck with difficulty, Li Shenhou looked very embarrassed at this moment.

Blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his face was blue and purple.

The chest area of ​​his black clothes was already tattered, which was all left by the violent attack just now.

It can be vaguely seen that there are traces of blood on his solid muscles.

Leo's star disciple switch fell to the side, and Li Shenhou still hasn't recovered.

He... unexpectedly lost inexplicably.

He has never been so embarrassed since he became Leo.

"Damn it!"

Li Shenhou, who was full of reluctance, supported his trembling body with both hands.

He actually wanted to stand up again.

But he endured the severe pain from his body.

His body shook and he stood up very reluctantly.

Even if he stood up, what would happen?

Li Shenhou now could no longer continue to fight with Lu Li.

As a bystander, I looked at the light, and my face was very solemn at this time.

His eyes, which were originally scarlet, had returned to normal, and he looked at Lu Li with deep fear.

From the battle just now, Li Shenhou was almost suppressed throughout the whole process.

And Lu Li didn't seem to use his full strength, which meant that this battle might end faster, but he didn't do so.

He has a mysterious spatial power, and it is powerful.

Even I, Wang Guangming, have to be careful when such a guy cooperates with me.

If it can be used well, it will really be of great help to what I want to do.

But if it is not used well, it may even be very troublesome if I am not careful.

However, I Wang Guangming also saw some of Lu Li's "weaknesses" in the battle just now.

He cannot use space power continuously. His own power is very good, perhaps comparable to himself, but he can use supernova.

Supernova is the ultimate evolution of Sagittarius, and its power is much stronger than the ordinary form.

He is confident that he can deal with Lu Li. Once he uses supernova, Lu Li will definitely not be his opponent.

With such a firm belief in his heart, I Wang Guangming has already had the idea of ​​cooperating with Lu Li.

The other party's purpose is the same as his own, which is to meet the donor.

Before this, both parties have a common goal for the time being, and there will not be too many unpleasant things.

As for who can go to the dark nebula to meet the donor in the end, it depends on their own ability.

I Wang Guangming, who has the trump card of supernova, does not think that Lu Li will eventually compete with me.

The person who can go to the dark nebula in the end must be me!

Now cooperation is completely more beneficial than harmful to me, why doesn't 310 cooperate?

I Wang Guangming, who already had an idea in mind, had a smile of wisdom on his face, and clapped his hands without hesitation.

"Pa pa pa! ! \

,""You are worthy of being Mr. Lu, worthy of being from the museum, and you can even beat the strongest Leo under my command. It's really amazing."

He did not hesitate to praise him. Since he was a partner, what was wrong with praising him?

This is more conducive to future cooperation.

Hearing this, Lu Li also immediately lifted the transformation, the golden armor disappeared in the air, and the awakening device on his waist also disappeared automatically.

Turning his head to look at I Wang Guangming who was walking towards this side, Lu Li said modestly with a faint smile.

"What are you talking about, Chairman I Wang? Leo is also very strong, but he happened to meet a special opponent like me, so it is normal to suffer a loss. "

Li Shenhou, who was still thinking about continuing the fight, saw that Wo Wang Guangming was already gone, and knew that this battle could not continue.

Li Shenhou walked over with difficulty and picked up the Leo Star Disciple Switch that he had dropped.

Holding the Leo Star Disciple Switch tightly, a look of unwillingness flashed across his face.

I was really unwilling to lose to Lu Li, to an unknown person.

Why did the other party win against me?!

I am the most powerful person under Wo Wang, and I should not lose to Lu Li!

It's so embarrassing!

"Mr. Lu is too modest. In this case, from now on, you are my partner. I am very curious about what you said about helping me collect the twelve constellations. How can I do it? "

I, Wang Guangming, was very curious about why Lu Li knew a lot of things that only a few people knew.

But obviously, he would not ask Lu Li so directly, because he knew very well that even if he asked, the other party might not answer his question.

Since the two sides have cooperated, they can slowly analyze and understand Lu Li.

What he wants to know now is how Lu Li is going to help him collect the star switches of the twelve zodiac signs.

"The first one...a student in your school named Guidao Xiaer."

Suddenly hearing this name, I, Wang Guangming's eyes flashed with confusion and curiosity.

"Guidao Xiaer? What's wrong with this person?"

He didn't quite understand what Lu Li meant.

Why is this person suddenly mentioned? Is there anything special about this person?

"He..will be the new Zodiac!"

Lu Li, who was smiling, gave the answer very calmly.


Even when I looked into the light, I was quite shocked inside.

He didn't even understand why Lu Li knew who could become the Zodiac.

How much does this man in front of you know? Why don’t you know these things?

At this time, I looked at the light and suddenly realized that I still underestimated Lu Li too much.

The other party was actually able to predict the next person who would become the Zodiac. He... couldn't be sure for a moment whether this was true or not.

Lu Li didn't find it strange at all when he noticed the confusion and disbelief flashing across my Wang Guangming's face.

After all, what I just said was a bit too shocking. Directly choosing a person and saying that he is one of the twelve houses feels like rolling dice.

Already know the end result.

It's like...predicting the future!

"I hope Chairman, we can experiment whether you believe it or not. Do you think what I said makes sense?"

Hearing this, I hope Guangming has calmed down by now.

What Lu Li said just now is correct. Whether it is possible or not, we will know as long as we do experiments.

It's just the most basic Star Disciple switch. I hope Guangming has already made some calculations in his mind.

"Okay! Then I will trust Mr. Lu for once and wait and see!"

I looked at Guangming with a smile on his face and a scheming look.

Although I still don’t know what the final result will be, if it succeeds, I hope that Guangming will not suffer any loss at all, and it can even be said that it will make a lot of money.

“Happy to work with!”

"Of course, Mr. Lu, happy cooperation!"

The two held hands together, which represented their formal cooperation.

Standing beside him, the roar of the gods was messy in the wind, and he was speechless at this moment.

Hello! There is someone else here! Don't think I don't exist!

After returning home, I looked forward to the bright future and immediately found Hayami Eirochi.

Hayami Eiroji, who had just entered the office, immediately saw Lu Li sitting leisurely on the sofa, and Tachigamihou applying wound medicine to himself next to him.

When he saw Tachigamihou's face was bruised and swollen, and there were many scars on his body, Koi Hayami was naturally very happy.

After all, the relationship between him and Lishenhou has always been bad. He thinks that he is a cerebral type. Compared with simple-minded guys like Lishenhou, he looks down on me.

Light is more useful.

Even behind his back, he calls Li Shenhou a single-celled loyal dog and lion man.

Just an idiot who only knows how to fight!

But in terms of combat effectiveness, Hayami is indeed inferior to Tachigamihou, and the two sides are not even on the same level.

Even if Hayami Koi doesn't want to admit this in his heart, he has to admit that the Tachigami Roar is indeed very powerful.

That was such a powerful Lishenhou, and he was beaten so badly at this time. How terrifying would his opponent be?

Hayami Koi couldn't help but feel his heart tightening when he thought of this.

His eyes unconsciously looked at Lu Li beside him, and they happened to be looking at each other from the distance.

"Hey! Principal Hayami, we meet again."

Lu Li said hello very friendly.

Since the other party had already taken the initiative to say hello, it was natural for Hayami Koei to ignore him.

"Hello, Mr. Lu."

He couldn't help but secretly wonder if it was Lu Li who was responsible for Lishenhou being beaten like this.

As my bodyguard and secretary, Wang Guangming, there is no way that I, Wang Guangming, would have beaten me. This is unrealistic in itself.

Eliminating this possibility, there is only one possibility. It is probably the Lu Li in front of him who has turned the Lishen Roar into what it is now.

Who is the other party...?

To be able to beat the arrogant and powerful Lishenhou into this state is enough to prove the powerful strength possessed by Gao.

Is it possible that the other party's strength is even comparable to that of Chairman Wang?

(bice) Thinking of this possibility, Hayami Koi was suddenly shocked.

Only now did he realize that Lu Li was probably not just a simple guest of the chairman, but also had some other identity.

He didn't notice this yesterday, but now he realized that Lu Li was definitely not a simple ordinary guest.

Now is not the time to think about these things. Hayami Fair has an online IQ overall, but unfortunately his combat ability is a little bit worse.

"Chairman, you came to me suddenly. Do you have anything to tell me?

Nodding slightly, I hope Guangming will not be polite to him.

"Hayui, I have something to do for you.

Hayami Eiroji didn't say anything, he just listened quietly, waiting for my instructions to look at the light.

"Go to the school to find a student named Onigashima Natsu'er and give him the Star Disciple Switch."

I thought I would see the light and say something, but I didn't expect that I would arrange for myself to switch on and off a student star.

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