Hayami Koichi's job has always been to find students with potential within Tengao, give them the Star Disciple Switch, and then train them.

The former Sonoda Sarina was trained by him.

But since then, he has not trained another Zodiac disciple.

During this period, all those who he personally gave the switch to were defeated by Qi Qi, which resulted in not a single Zodiac appearing.

Now that the chairman cannot designate a person for himself to give the stars a switch, does it mean that the chairman no longer believes in his ability?

The smart Hayami Koi had a lot of thoughts in his mind and was filled with fear.

What he is most worried about is that the chairman will be dissatisfied with him. After all, he has not trained a disciple of the Zodiac for a long time.

Hayami Eiroji, who was slightly frightened, bowed ninety degrees and said anxiously in his heart.

"Chairman! Please believe me, I have always been very serious about selecting potential students!"

If I can't continue to satisfy the chairman, I'm afraid my position will really be in jeopardy.

He knows very well what I need to see the light.

All I want is the zodiac star switch. I don't need an incompetent person to use the zodiac switch.

If you are unable to demonstrate strong enough abilities, you will eventually be eliminated.

Seeing his frightened look, Lu Li almost laughed out loud.

Although the IQ is online, it is easy for Kuaishou Fang, who always worries about gains and losses, to have this worry.

Mainly because I hope Guangming is too powerful, and it would be easy to abolish his Libra status.

Although Lu Li has become my partner in Wang Guangming, he is still an outsider after all.

I really don't like Guangming being so submissive in front of an outsider. Hayami's behavior is obviously not to his liking.

But considering that Hayami Fair still needs to be used, I hope Guangming doesn't plan to do anything to him for the time being.

"Don't be so nervous. I know you are working hard for me. I just asked you to give Onigashima Natsu'er a Star Disciple switch. Don't think about anything else."

Waving his hand casually, I hope Guangming is still very confident in his dominance.

After learning what he was going to do, Hayami Heibo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I have not lost my trust in Wang Guangming, and I am still secretly glad in my heart.

Even if he doesn't know who that Onigashima Xia'er is now, since this matter was personally arranged by the chairman, he will naturally do his best to complete it.

To think so much.

Afterwards, Hayami Eirobi, who was about to turn around and leave, saw Tachigamihou who was still applying medicine to himself, and couldn't help but have a sarcastic smile on his face.

Finally, I saw that Tachigamihou was deflated. This feeling was not very comfortable. Mr. Hayami had wanted to teach Tachigamihou a lesson a long time ago, but unfortunately he never had the chance.

He is not strong enough. Even if he finds the Lishenhou, he will only get beaten.

Regarding this, Mr. Hayami understands this deeply in his heart.

Tachigamihou, who was applying the medicine, seemed to notice Hayami Echibo's mocking gaze, and suddenly his eyes widened with anger, and he glared at Hayami Echichi fiercely.

He looked down on Hayami Fair, in his eyes he was just a drag.

"Mr. Lu, we will just wait for the good news."

"Of course, since I said it was him, it must be him."

With a confident smile on his face, Lu Li knew very clearly that Onigashima Xia'er had evolved into a Cancer star apprentice with the help of the star apprentice switch he picked up.

It can be said that he is very talented, otherwise he would not be able to achieve this level.

Of course, this guy is also insidious and ruthless enough.

Onigashima Natsuji is a second-year student at Tengao High School and the president of the Rakugo Research Club.

It is very easy for Hayami Koei, as the principal, to find his information.

It didn't take long for him to find out all the relevant information about Onigashima Natsu'er.

However, he did not go to Onigashima Natsu'er, but directly arranged for someone to notify the other party to come to his office.

After all, there are many people in the school and it is more convenient to let them come to your office.

Due to the sudden appearance of someone who shouldn't have appeared in the Kamen Rider, everyone in the Kamen Rider Department became very vigilant.

Especially inside the school, everyone was watching carefully to see if they could still find Lu Li.

When Lu Li appeared in Tiangao again, someone quickly noticed him.

After Jojima Yuuki saw Lu Li, he immediately used his cell phone to notify the singer Kengo.

"Hey! Xianwu, I found the target! It's the person who disappeared on the moon yesterday! That... Oh, by the way! Lu Li!"

"What?! He actually appeared! Where is he?"

"It's right here in the teaching building!"

"Just wait! I'll be here right away!"

After hanging up the phone, singer Xianwu immediately rushed to the teaching building.

Lu Li naturally discovered that someone was secretly observing him.

How many tracking skills can a student have?

As he walked around the corner of the teaching building, Lu Li suddenly disappeared.

Shirojima Yumu, who had been carefully following behind, saw Lu Li turning the corner and hurriedly followed him.

But when she followed him, she realized that Lu Li suddenly seemed to have disappeared from the world.

"Eh?! Where's the person? Did he just turn this way?"

Jojima Yumu looked around in confusion, but he still didn't see Lu Li.

Chapter 309: Take action at the slightest disagreement! The first fight with the Bastard Cavalry

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind Yuki Jojima.

"This classmate, are you looking for me?"

The sudden sound suddenly startled Yugi Shirojima.


When Dangjie screamed, Yugi Shirojima turned around quickly.

When she saw that the person standing behind her was Lu Li whom she had just followed, Yuki Shirojima's eyes widened in surprise.

"you you you!"

Faced with this unexplainable situation, Jojima Yuki stuttered a little.

She didn't understand at all how Lu Li could suddenly disappear around the corner and then suddenly appear behind her.

Could it be...that the other party is a ghost?

When he thought of this possibility, Shiroshima Yuki's face suddenly turned pale.


Unconsciously, Yuki Shiroshima swallowed his saliva and was very scared.

Although she usually looks carefree, in the final analysis, she is just a high school girl.

Seeing that Jojima Yumu was too frightened to say anything, Lu Li stretched out his hand and was about to do something.

Suddenly, a burst of shouting came.

"Hey! Stop! You are not allowed to touch her!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw a plane rushing over quickly.

He even raised his fist, ready to teach Lu Li a lesson.

Lu Li casually grasped the fist that was thrown at him, and he knew who was on the head of the plane without even looking.

With a faint smile on his face, Lu Li looked at Gentaro Kisaragi curiously and asked.

"This classmate, what are you doing?"

"You! Who are you! Why did you appear in our Kamen Rider Club? Why did you disappear suddenly? What did you want to do to Yumu just now?!"

After a series of questions, Taro Kisaragi stared at Lu Li, trying to get the answers from him.

Seeing how serious he looked, Lu Li replied half-jokingly.

"There are quite a few questions, but why should I answer your questions?"

With a little force, Lu Li shook off Gentaro Kisaragi's fist.

The powerful force made Gentaro Kisaragi stagger two steps before he could stand upright.

"So strong!"

Kisaragi Gentaro is still very confident in his fists, but he didn't expect that the opponent could easily throw away his fists.

Although the other party looked gentle, I didn't expect that he was quite powerful.

Taking out the Zhouqi driver, Kisaragi Gentaro certainly knew that Lu Li was not an ordinary person, after all, he had seen it yesterday.

Since you have defeated the opponent with fists, let's transform!

"No matter who you are or what your purpose is, I will never allow you to hurt my friends!"

Before he finished speaking, he immediately put the Zhouqi driver on his waist and quickly pressed the four astronomical switches on the driver.



The inexplicable dynamic music continued to sound, and Gentaro Kisaragi, who was shrouded in light, was immediately covered by the Rocket Knight armor.

Kamen Rider one by one!

"The universe...is coming!!"

It transforms right away as soon as it comes up, and it seems like it won't work without fighting.

Even though we still don’t know Lu Li’s true identity, not only is he spying on the secrets of the Kamen Rider Club, but he actually plans to attack Jojima Yuuki.

Naturally, we cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

"It seems...it's inevitable."

At this stage, the combat effectiveness of the Bastard Cavalry is really average, and even Libra may not be able to solve it.

Since the other party wanted to play, Lu Li would naturally not be polite to him.

Quickly remove the Fusion Drive T2 permanent memory.

Currently, among the various forms that Lu Li has mastered, whether it is the Dread Utopia form, the Eternal Ultimate form, or the final form such as Kallis, they all have strong combat effectiveness.


On the contrary, it is eternity in ordinary form, and its combat power is the most average.

But this is generally only for Lu Li, not for other people.

For others, T2's eternity is already a very powerful form.



The blazing blue flames enveloped Lu Li, and a pure white figure was born in the blue flames.

The blazing blue flames converged on Shuangwan and his feet. After the flames dissipated, what was left was a handsome white knight.

Kamen Rider Eternal Blue Flame!

At this time, singer Kengo and others from the Kamen Rider Club also rushed here.

When they saw Lu Li, a flash of surprise flashed in their eyes.

White knights also have white as their main color.

"Then let's have some fun."

He curled his fingers slightly, and the aura emanating from Lu Li seemed to be above everything else.

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