
Waqi rushed over like a fool, raised his fist and hit Lu Li.

He dodged the fierce punch easily by turning sideways.

He grabbed Zhouqi's arm and pulled it hard, then hit Zhouqi's chest with his shoulder.


Waqi couldn't help but screaming with a sharp pain in his chest.

Ceqi returned smoothly as he came.

Just a shoulder collision made Wanqi so embarrassed.

The singer Xianwu, who was observing the battle, suddenly sank.

This opponent was definitely not simple. He could easily suppress Wanqi with one move. He was definitely not the Xingtu he had met before.

Even the fighting power of both sides was not on the same level.

"My God, that white knight is so powerful! He actually knocked Gentaro away in one go!" JK was surprised.

Hearing this, Yuuki Jojima slapped JK on the back.

"Hey! How can you say that? Xiaoxian is still very powerful, maybe he was just careless, and he hasn't used other astronomical switches yet!"

"Hiss~! Be gentle! It hurts!"

Taking a breath of cold air, JK looked at Yuuki Jojima speechlessly.

How can this woman be so fierce? She is so strong!

And the singer Kengo was also not optimistic about this battle.

"No! What JK said just now is not unreasonable. Although Gentaro has had many battle experiences, the opponent obviously has more battle experience.

There is still a big gap between Gentaro and the opponent, and it is not easy to make up for this.

The calm analysis made the other members of the Kamen Rider Club nod.

After listening to this analysis, Daimonji Hayabusa couldn't help but ask.

"Then. Do you want me to drive the power robot to help? ”

Fujo Miu, who claimed to be the head of the Kamen Rider Club, pushed Daimonji Hayabusa.

“Go quickly, what are you still hesitating about!”


Hearing this, Daimonji Hayabusa ran quickly towards the warehouse.

There were some power robots used to support Ceqi in that place.

The power robot was developed by the Outer Space Technology Development Organization. It is a power loader used to work on the surface of the moon. It has a large mechanical front and a missile launcher as an armament.

It is a good auxiliary machine.

If operated properly, even ordinary Star Apprentices can handle it.

The battle continues.

The current combat power of Ceqi is too weak.

After all, it is still in the early stage of the plot. Zhouqi can't even deal with the Twelve Palaces. Fighting with Lu Li, there is no chance of winning at all.

Even Lu Li has to be a little more careful, so as not to accidentally hurt Ceqi.

Rather than saying it is a battle, it is better to say that this battle is just Lu Li playing.

He simply played with Zhouqi, and even used only one hand throughout the whole process, and the other hand was always behind his back.

No matter what kind of attack Siqi used, Lu Li could take them all.

The ineffective attacks again and again made Zhouqi doubt himself. Was he too weak, or was the guy in front of him too strong?

It was outrageous.

Ceqi gritted his teeth and immediately switched to the rocket switch No. 1.


An orange rocket appeared on his right arm.


The rocket pushed forward and exploded with full force, and the powerful thrust released allowed Siqi to move quickly.

The swinging fist was more powerful than before, but even so, Lu Li still looked very relaxed.

The white palm slapped lightly, and the rocket that was smashing straight at his face was instantly slapped aside by a powerful force.


The other party slapped the rocket in his hand so lightly, and Siqi couldn't accept it for a while.

The next second, a fist as big as a sandbag slammed into Siqi's chest.



The intense pain hit him, and Siqi rolled in the air for several rounds before falling heavily to the ground.

"It hurts so much!!"

After all, he was just a student, and he didn't hold back when he should have screamed.

He rolled back and forth, holding his chest.

If it wasn't for the battle, I would have thought Siqi was here to make fun of him.

After rolling twice, Zhouqi got up again, looking at Lu Li with an unyielding face.

He would never admit defeat easily, even if his opponent was stronger than him, he would

defeated the opponent at once.

Immediately switched the switch and took out the 20th flame switch.


The blazing red flame enveloped Zhouqi, and a circle of red armor appeared around him, quickly replacing the armor he originally had on his body.

When the red hot flame went up, Zhouqi, dressed in red and holding a super flame gun, appeared in front of everyone.

Kamen Rider Siqi - Flame Form!

Seeing that Siqi had switched his form, it seemed that he still hadn't given up the plan to attack him.

Lu Li shrugged slightly and said helplessly.

"Haven't you given up yet?"

Perhaps it was the spirit of the Kamen Rider lineage that never knew what giving up meant.

Even though he knew that he had no chance of winning this battle, he was still willing to continue fighting.

Raising the super flame gun in his hand, "Qi quickly pulled the trigger.

"Let you taste the taste of fire, ha!"

"Bang bang bang! !"

One after another, the flames were ejected and rushed towards Lu Li.

"Since it's too hot, let's cool it down a little.'

Lu Li took out another T2 memory and inserted it into the memory slot on the right side of his belt.

"Ice.Age! Maximum.Drive!

(Ice Age Extreme Drive)"

As the power of the Ice Age Memory was activated, the temperature in the surrounding area with Lu Li as the center suddenly dropped.

There were even layers of frost on the ground.

.....Please give me flowers.....

"I'm going! Why did it suddenly get cold?! It's so cold {()}!!" JK rubbed his arms vigorously, and mist appeared in the hot breath he exhaled.

Jojima Yuuki was in a similar situation and sneezed unconsciously.

"Ah! Oh my god! Why did it suddenly become so cold?!"

"That guy should have done it. He activated such terrifying freezing power in an instant!" Singer Xianwu's face was full of seriousness.

Until now, he has never figured out why his opponent is so strong this time.

Who is this man...?

"What is this guy doing? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

After looking around, Fengcheng Miyu found that she didn't see the big falcon.

"I'm coming!!"

Suddenly, a yellow and silver robot ran quickly and headed straight for the battlefield.

"It's finally here! This way, we should have a slight chance of winning."

But when he said this, singer Xianwu himself had no confidence at all.

This time the opponent is too special, even beyond the understanding of singer Xianwu.

Facing the fire bombs coming from a large area, Lu Li took a step back unhurriedly.

Then his right leg suddenly exerted force and made a sweeping sweep.

A terrifying ice blade suddenly condensed in front and flew towards the bursting flame bombs at a fast speed.


Wherever the terrifying ice blade passed, all the flame bombs were extinguished instantly. These flame bombs were not even enough to slow down the ice blade's flight speed.

Seeing the terrifying ice blade approaching like a transparent crescent moon, Ceqi quickly took out the flame switch and inserted it into the super flame gun.

"Limit.Bteak (limit smash)!"

"Rider.Bakunetsu.Shoot (Rider Hot Shot)!"

The muzzle of the gun, which was crazily gathering flame energy, instantly sprayed out terrifying flames.


The ice blade and the flame collided together, making a snapping sound.

The next second, a violent explosion occurred at the location of the collision.



The aftermath of the explosion instantly shook Zhou Qi back, causing him to fall on his back.

Compared with the embarrassed Qi Qi, Lu Li couldn't see any problem at all.

With the explosion, the temperature of the flames gradually began to melt the ice that had condensed around it.

At this moment, Daimonji Falcon, who was driving a power robot, rushed into the battlefield immediately and hit Lu Li with a huge iron fist.

With a slight tip of his right foot, Lu Li's body had left the spot.


The power robot's punch should not be underestimated, it actually made a hole in the ground.

I have to say that the power of the power robot is quite strong.

It's just that it's more troublesome to control, and its flexibility is relatively poor.

It is not an easy thing to master the power robot itself, and it requires many times of practice.

Seeing Lu Li retreating, Fengcheng Meiyu suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Okay! Falcon! Go ahead! Defeat him!"

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