Kisaragi Gentaro immediately took out the Seiki Driver and put it on his waist.

A battle was unavoidable. Onigashima Natsu'er was completely worthy of Tsukisen Taro, and directly took out the star apprentice switch that had entered the final stage.

At this time, the Star Disciple switch looks a bit different from before. The appearance is the same, but the circle around the top button has completely changed.


"Really? But... Pegasus won't let you succeed!"

Before he finished speaking, he immediately pressed the button in his hand.

Dark nebulae enveloped him, and the star map of Pegasus shone with red light.

After the red light dissipated, Pegasus appeared in place.

At the same time, the body of Natsu Onigashima appeared.

After entering the Last.One stage, the star disciple's body will be separated when he completes his transformation.

Only when you enter the awakening evolution can you reintegrate your body and complete the final evolution.


The bastard who quickly completed his transformation immediately rushed forward and struggled with Pegasus.

Although Onishima Natsu'er is the president of the Rakugo Research Society, he does not lack fighting ability. After becoming a Pegasus, he also studied how to make himself stronger.

He has a strong learning ability and quickly mastered the fighting skills.

While the two were fighting, a gaze was secretly watching the battle.

“We have reached the final stage.

He was wearing a Tiangongtu cloak and holding a magic wand, Lodia.

That's right, it's Virgo.

In order to ensure that Pegasus can indeed complete its evolution, I hope that Guangming will arrange for Virgo to be protected in secret.

All Star Disciples who have entered the final stage have a certain probability of being able to complete evolution, it just depends on whether they can reach that point.

At this time, another figure appeared behind Virgo.

"Virgo, is this matter worth doing in person?"

The voice was low and seemed to have a hint of displeasure.

Virgo doesn't look back.

"This matter is my Lord Wang's order. He asked me to protect Pegasus. It has reached the final stage. He has the value of being protected.

It’s you, Libra, don’t you have anything else to do? "

The visitor is none other than Libra.

The reason why he came was of course to witness whether Pegasus could evolve into the Zodiac.

Anyway, deep down in his heart, he despised Pegasus. After all, he was not the outstanding student he personally selected, but just because Lu Li appointed him.

In his opinion, it is absolutely impossible for Pegasus to reach the state of evolution. Even if it has entered Last.One, it is absolutely impossible to complete evolution.

"I, of course, came here to see if the Ghost Island Xia'er mentioned by Mr. Lu Li could complete the evolution.

But in my opinion, it should be enough. "

When he thought of Onigashima Natsu'er's perfunctory attitude towards him before, he felt inexplicably unhappy.

Even if such a guy becomes the Zodiac, he probably won't listen to his own orders. An ambitious guy is difficult to control.

Without refuting him, Virgo's voice was calm.

Let us wait and see. "

Anyway, he is just here to govern and carry out my orders from Wang Guangming.

Even though he is an undercover agent now, if he makes me suspicious once I see the light, he will definitely be dealt with.

Even if you are an undercover agent, you still need to do something to make the other party trust you. At least at this stage, you are not suitable to be exposed.

Holding the tin staff Di Ke with two large tentacles, Libra looked coldly at the battle below.

This time, he really hopes that the state rider can win and teach Pegasus a lesson.

Only the students he carefully selected were qualified to become the Zodiac. For students like Onigashima Natsu'er, he had no expectations at all.

Just as the two were concentrating on the battle, there was a sudden wave of energy behind them.

The first one to react was Virgo, whose fighting power is stronger than Libra.

At the same time, Virgo itself also has the ability to shift space, and is naturally more sensitive to fluctuations in space.

The Rodia wand in his hand was slammed behind him.


Seeing the sudden movement of Virgo, Libra reacted instantly and immediately ducked to the side and distanced himself.

The wand Ludia, which was originally smashed out, was easily blocked by a hand.

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, Virgo was shocked.


And when he saw the person blocking Rodia's wand, the shock in his heart suddenly turned into relief.

Land from!

Yes, the person who just arrived here is Lu Li.

When Libra saw Lu Li suddenly appearing, he was also shocked and shouted quickly.

"Mr. Lu Li?!"

Glancing at the wand in his hand, Lu Li smiled helplessly.

"I just showed up suddenly, no need to give such a big gift, right? Virgo."

Turning around, Virgo immediately took back the wand in his hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu Li. I thought an enemy suddenly appeared just now, so this was the first instinctive reaction of (Qian Hao Zhao)."

Virgo is more afraid of Lu Li.

He knew very well who Lu Li was.

The representative of Fengdu Museum came to Tiangao just to see the power of Star Disciple Switch.

He himself has very strong strength. According to what I hope Guangming and Lishenhou said, the powerful Lishenhou inside is only comparable to that of Lishenhou.

This also means that the strength of the other party is likely to be at the same stage as that of me Wang Guangming. Virgo does not want to provoke such a powerful and terrifying existence at the moment.

If you accidentally expose yourself, things will be very troublesome.

Lu Li didn't take Virgo's explanation to heart.

Slowly walking to the position between the two of them, Lu Li jumped to see Pegasus and Zhou Qi who were fighting fiercely below.

"It has reached the final stage. I think it will evolve soon. Virgo, go get that guy's body first.

If you want to evolve to the final stage, you can't do it without his body. "

Lu Li was talking to himself, as if he was giving orders to Virgo.

Libra, who was next to him, couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

【hehe! You actually want to order Virgo, how is that possible? This guy is my Lord's loyal dog, and there is no way he can obey other people's orders. 】

However, Virgo's next performance surprised Libra.

I saw Virgo nodding carefree, the wings behind him suddenly spread out, and his body disappeared in place.

【how come? ! 】

Libra is filled with disbelief and cannot understand what is going on!

In his opinion, Virgo, who would only obey my orders to see the light, now actually listened to Lu Li's words.

what is this?

Virgo... Do you want to betray Mr. Wang?


Absolutely impossible!

Libra still believes in what he sees. How could Virgo betray me?

There must be other reasons for this, but Libra still doesn't know what this reason is.

Surprised, but Libra didn't take the initiative to ask Lu Li about this matter

Chapter 313 Magnetic pole form! Libra:

Too happy too early? Cancer!

Sometimes you can eat, but you must not talk nonsense, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble.

Libra stood next to Lu Li, protecting Lu Li like a door god.

After a while, Virgo appeared again, holding a body in his hand.

This body is exactly what Natsujima left behind when she completed her last transformation.

Seeing that disgusted face appear in front of him again, Libra felt extremely unhappy.


If this guy wasn't a little bit special now, Libra would probably burn this guy on fire.

Lu Li has a strong sense of the soul, and he can feel the changes in Libra's mentality.

It seems that even with his own intervention, Libra and Cancer are 100% incompatible.

But that doesn't matter. In the final analysis, Lu Li only wanted to obtain the star disciple switch of the Twelve Palaces.

At this time, the fighting intensified.

Although Pegasus has good fighting power, he even learned fighting specifically for this purpose.

But I can't help but the various abilities of Qi Qi emerge one after another.

Now there are launchers, now drills, now chainsaws, now spikes, and even Gatling...

The various abilities indeed caused Pegasus to suffer a lot.


Pegasus just wants to say at this moment that the girl opposite is completely cheating, using all kinds of props even though he is clearly defenseless."

Pegasus, who was knocked back again, kicked his legs violently, releasing a hoof-shaped energy.


When the hoof-shaped energy touched the bastard, an explosion occurred instantly.

Fortunately, Seqi was prepared in advance, switched on the shield switch, and successfully withstood the blast.

But even so, the powerful impact of the explosion still sent the Bastard flying far away.

Seeing this, singer Xianwu immediately shouted loudly.

"Gentaro! Use the magnetic pole phone!"


Immediately took off the astronomical switches on the left and right sides of the Ceqi drive, and at the same time took out the magnetic pole phone.

When the magnetic pole mobile phone is unfolded, it can be divided into two parts and become two magnetic pole switches.

North magnetic pole switch and south magnetic pole switch

When two magnetic pole switches are used together, the bastard will transform into a special magnetic pole form.

Not long ago, singer Hyun Oh made the final adjustments to the magnetic pole switch.

"N.Magnet (North Magnetic Pole)! S.Magnet (South Magnetic Pole)! On!"

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