A red and a blue magnet appeared on the state rider's wrist, and a huge magnet appeared out of thin air.

Two huge magnets attract each other in the air and eventually merge into one.

Kamen Rider Bastard - Magnetic Pole 910 Form!

Seeing the strange-looking knight armor, Lu Li couldn't help but shake his head. The painting style was really strange.

What kind of aesthetics would it take to make such a knight armor?

The switches on both sides of the register driver are north and south magnetic pole switches, just like the handles of arcade games.

There are two electromagnetic cannons on the shoulders, which are quite powerful.

The two handle-like north and south magnetic pole switches are used to control the cannon.

Real battle controller game!

Zhou Qi's magnetic pole form, as the name suggests, is the ability to manipulate magnetic poles. With this ability, he can freely manipulate metal.

After the transformation was completed, the bastard immediately grasped the north and south magnetic pole switches and began to control the electromagnetic cannon on his shoulders.


The two electromagnetic cannons shoot out red and blue electromagnetic cannons respectively, and use electromagnetic force to accelerate the energy bombs fired.

One electromagnetic gun shot after another accurately hit the Pegasus.

"Boom! Boom!...

The powerful Pegasus was retreating steadily.

Being knocked to the ground by the insufficiently powerful electromagnetic cannon, Pegasus slammed the ground hard, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

Reluctantly standing up, Pegasus was very unwilling.

"Damn it! Why do you have to go against me!"

Obviously everything was in line with his own wishes, but the sudden appearance of this guy disrupted all his plans.

"Hmph! It's obvious that you are the one doing all kinds of evil, so working with you is what I should do as a Kamen Rider!"

As the sound of squatting fell, he immediately pushed the handle on the right side of the driver.

The electromagnetic cannons on the shoulders automatically detached, quickly rotated in the air, and finally merged into one.

"Take the move! Knight super electromagnetic bombing!"


Use the north magnetic pole switch on the right to control the combined north and south magnetic pole cannon, and quickly approach Pegasus.

Quickly pressing the button on the magnetic pole switch, I saw a ball of extremely terrifying energy condensed on the top of the north and south magnetic pole cannon, a powerful electromagnetic energy bomb.

In an instant, electromagnetic energy bombs bombarded Pegasus.

The terrifying energy is pouring crazily on Pegasus, which is simply not something that the current Pegasus can resist.


Infused with terrifying energy, the severe pain caused Pegasus to wail.

The electromagnetic energy bomb splashed countless firelights on him.

After several seconds, the electromagnetic energy bomb finally disappeared, and the North and South Magnetic Pole Cannons suspended in the air returned to the state rider's shoulders.

With bursts of arcs of electricity shining on his body, Pegasus fell down unwillingly.

"Ah (cafc)!!"


Amid a burst of screams, Pegasus was instantly enveloped in flames that soared into the sky, and violent explosions resounded throughout the world.

Libra, who had been watching this scene, sneered secretly when he saw Pegasus being eliminated.

【hehe! Sure enough, how could he become the Zodiac if he was not the one I chose?

just kidding! It's great that you're dead! Ha ha ha ha! 】

Of course, you can only laugh in your heart, you can’t say it in person

Virgo is still around now, and there is also Lu Li. If they find out that he is even happy about this matter, please tell me about it and hope for the future.

It will make that person unhappy.

In terms of loyalty, Libra is unquestionable.

He himself is the right-hand man of Wang Guangming, and he doesn't want anyone to take his place.

There can be a Zodiac, but the students must be trained by him to become a Zodiac!

Holding back the urge to laugh, Libra shook his head slightly and said regretfully.

"It's such a pity. We have already reached the Last.One, but it is a pity that we have not been able to complete the final awakening evolution."

Lu Li was right next to him, so how could he not know about his joyful mood.

At this time, Lu Li just wanted to say, Libra, you are happy too early.

Virgo on the side shook his head, obviously not satisfied with the result.

But now that things have been resolved, they cannot be undone.

It seems that Pegasus has no chance to evolve into the Zodiac.

Lu Li crossed his arms across his chest and smiled calmly:

"Don't be too busy saying it's a pity. Things...maybe can turn around."

Everything is expected, it is inevitable that Pegasus can complete the awakening evolution.

"How is that possible? He has already been beaten."

Libra, who was about to retort, suddenly felt a force emerging from the place where Pegasus exploded just now.

"This is..?!"

Libra and Virgo both looked at the location where Pegasus had just exploded.

A strange energy bloomed from the blazing flames, and the light of the constellations shone.

In the flames, Pegasus, which should have disappeared, suddenly regrouped.

As his body recovered, the energy point on Pegasus' head shone with golden light.

Originally, the people in the Kamen Rider Club were still immersed in the joy of destroying Pegasus, but suddenly they saw Pegasus recovering, with shock in their eyes.

Why is it different from the monsters they killed before?

This guy... is resurrected? !

"What's going on?! Hasn't he been defeated?"

"Is this true? This guy is still alive, what's going on?"

"What on earth is that?!"

This is the first time I've encountered this situation. I've never encountered such a special situation before.

At this moment, I suddenly realized something and a smile appeared on my face.

His black and white eyes suddenly turned red, and I slowly spread my hands.

"I feel it, the long-lost new zodiac is about to be born!"

The birth of the new zodiac means that he will be one step closer to his goal.

Sitting on the sofa opposite, Li Shenhou nodded thoughtfully.

Lu Li's figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

That man!

Is it really the... Guidao Xia'er he said?

Since being defeated by Lu Li last time, Li Shenhou has been very unwilling.

After his body recovered, he worked hard to train himself to make himself stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can he have a chance to defeat Lu Li!

This was the first time he encountered a powerful opponent other than Wo Wang Guangming, and his blood was boiling for the first time in a long time.

He had not felt this kind of blood boiling for a long time, but because of Lu Li's appearance, Li Shenhou's blood was boiling again.

Seeing the shining brightest star of Pegasus, Libra was very shocked.

"How could it be?! That guy is not dead yet?!"

I thought everything was over, but unexpectedly, there was an unexpected situation.

Not only did Pegasus not die, but the brightest star was abnormally bright, which means that he has entered the state of awakening evolution.

How is it possible? !

This guy is not a student carefully cultivated and selected by himself. Why can he enter the awakening evolution, and it is a spontaneous awakening? !

Full of doubts, Libra suddenly turned his head and looked at Lu Li beside him.

From beginning to end, the other party had a confident expression on his face, as if everything was within his expectations.

Could it be... Can this man see the future?

This question popped up in his mind, and Libra took two steps back unconsciously.

At this time, in order to avoid being discovered as an undercover, Virgo had to act immediately.

He jumped down with the body of Guidao Xiaer in his hand and suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Facing the sudden appearance of Virgo, everyone's heart tightened.

"That is... Guidao?!"

The first thing that Ceqi noticed was that the person in Virgo's hand was Guidao Xiaer, who was like being entangled in a spider web.

The other party had a hostage, and the state cavalry did not dare to attack randomly.

No matter what bad things the other party did, they were still human beings. Since they were human beings, they were not the target of the Siqi's battle.

Virgo did not make any attacking moves, but casually threw the body of Guidao Xiaer in his hand to Pegasus.

When the body gradually approached Pegasus, a burst of red light bloomed, and then directly merged into the body of Pegasus.


Pegasus felt an extremely powerful force surging out of his body and roared excitedly.

A powerful aura enveloped him, and the flames that were originally burning around him were instantly extinguished under this powerful aura.

The body gradually turned dark red, and a strange power emerged from the body.

The energy points on Pegasus' body burst into a red light.

At the same time, the energy points symbolizing the constellation began to reorganize and transform into another constellation.

The body gradually changed into another look.

When the energy points were reorganized, they instantly merged into the new body.

The dazzling red light instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Hahaha! I am full of power!"

When the red light dissipated, Pegasus evolved into Cancer.

Looking down at his current state and feeling the surging power in his body, Cancer's eyes revealed a look of surprise.

He never thought that he could evolve!

This powerful force is many times stronger than Pegasus before.

At this time, Virgo came to Cancer.

"Come on, new partner, Cancer's star apprentice."

The magic wand in his hand, Luodia, glowed with a pink glow, and with a gentle wave, a tornado instantly enveloped the two of them.

The next second, Virgo and Cancer had disappeared from the spot.

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