If you dare to underestimate yourself, you will have to pay the price!

"What's wrong? Are you going to end it here today? It doesn't seem to be that good."

A sudden sound came from the permeating water vapor, causing the originally confident Road Doping Body to be stunned for an instant.

He looked at the place where the sound came from in disbelief, and vaguely, a figure came out from behind the steam.

At this time, Metzl has changed into his true self.


The first reaction in the road dopant's mind is that the other party is also a dopant.

Metzl, however, was not interested in answering his questions.

It instantly turned into a stream of water and quickly approached the road doping body at an extremely fast speed.

Before the road dopant could react, Mezel had already approached him.

Don't think that Metzl has no competitive ability. On the contrary, her competitive fighting ability is very strong.


A punch hit Lu Doping's chest, causing bursts of water to splash out.


Only a scream was heard, and the road dopant felt as if it had been hit by a truck and smashed into the wall.

I'll kill you while you're sick!

Metzl immediately bullied him, rushed to the wall in an instant, and launched a series of terrifying attacks.

You can see water splashing out with every punch or kick.

Following a series of terrifying attacks, the body of the road dopant sank deeper and deeper, almost getting stuck in the wall.

Even so, Metzl's offensive did not weaken at all, but instead became faster and faster.

With his eyes widened, the road-doping body had no ability to resist facing the violent attack.

The severe pain radiating from his body made it impossible for him to even fight back.


That's outrageous!

I thought he was just a guy with some abilities, but I didn't expect him to be so strong!

A fierce roundhouse kick hit the road dopant's head hard.

With just one kick, the head of the road-doping body was deeply embedded into the wall.


Seeing whether the opponent had no strength to fight back, Metzl stopped attacking.

"Shout! You only have this little ability, but you dare to speak nonsense here and seek death!"

Metzl's combat effectiveness is at the same level as that of a cadre, and naturally cannot be matched by a small road dopant.

In addition, the opponent was completely unprepared and was too careless, giving Metzler the opportunity to easily deal with him.

Mezel, who had returned to his human appearance, glanced at the road dopant embedded in the wall with disdain.

Dimo, who had just been pushed to the back, finally saw Mezel after the water vapor dissipated. At the same time, he also noticed the road doping that was driven into the wall.

The small mouth opened slightly, Dimoli's eyes were full of disbelief.

"Okay...so awesome!"

She was startled by this monster just now, but she didn't expect that Metzler would kill it so easily.

I always feel like the monster opposite is like a paper tiger.

At this time, the body of the road dopant originally embedded in the wall moved slightly.

The movement of the body caused the stones on the wall to fall down.


Noticing the road dopant that was still able to move, Dimoli's footsteps also stopped.

"Damn it! Who are you?

A faint voice came from behind, and even without looking back, Metzl knew who the voice came from.

"Are you still alive? It's really hard for you. You were beaten so badly and yet you can still speak."

Metzl tilted his head slightly, his eyes as cold as an endless abyss. Able to devour the target.

Seeing this mixture of eyes, his body trembled unconsciously.

At this time, a circular pitch-black door suddenly appeared above.

When he saw the round door, Lu Doping's face suddenly became happy.

The door is open!

He could return to another world.

Holding back the pain in his body, the Road Dope quickly used all his strength to jump into the round door.

When he entered, the door closed directly, as if he had never been there.

Metzl looked up at the place where the door had appeared just now, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"What place could be inside that?"

Even Metzl doesn't know what's inside now.

Lu Li had hardly mentioned anything about Li Fengdu, so naturally they didn't know much.

Dimuli, who had also seen this situation for the first time, was also very curious about where it was.

After coming back to his senses, Dimoli hurriedly walked over and looked here and there on Mezier.

"Sister Mezel, are you not injured?"

Hearing this, Mezier smiled and shook his head, and couldn't help but imitate Lu Li's previous actions.

He reached out his hand and gently rubbed Dimu Li's head.

Lu Li had done this to her before, and she liked it anyway.

So he couldn't help but use this action on Dimuli.

"Don't worry, it's just a dopant, how can it hurt me.

It's just that I didn't expect that he was quite resistant to beatings. He withstood so many attacks from me and was still able to move. "

I had originally thought of killing the other party directly, but I didn't expect that the road doping was so strong and unwilling to die.

Now the other party has slipped away, and it is impossible to find him now. The next time he meets that guy, Metzl will never let him go easily.

"Li, let's go."

"Go? What about the dead person on the ground?"

"Don't worry, the police will come soon. It will be very troublesome for us to stay here at that time. It has nothing to do with us."

Then, the two left the alley.

As for the severely damaged body in the alley, it was discovered not long after, just as Metzl expected.

Soon, Zuo Xiangtaro, who learned of this clue, rushed here as soon as possible.

Because doping rarely appears in Fengdu, the paranormal crime investigation class, which was previously composed of Terui Ryu and others, has been merged into the Criminal Police Department because the frequency of doping has decreased. Terui Ryu and others

usually go on missions together.

Only when doping appears, their class will act alone.

It happened that Terui Ryu was at the scene, so Zuo Shotaro was able to enter the crime scene very quickly.

As soon as he entered the crime scene, he frowned when he saw the tragic scene.

"What happened? It was so tragic?"

The body on the ground was full of blood, and the body had been cut into many pieces. Not only that, but many parts were missing.

Hearing this, Terui Ryu shook his head coldly.

"I don't know. I feel that the method of committing the crime is not like that of an ordinary person. It is too cruel. Of course, the possibility of a human committing the crime cannot be completely ruled out.

According to the investigation, the traces of inhuman fighting were left behind. This incident is likely to be related to the doping body."

He had conducted a corresponding survey of the scene and knew the specific situation of the scene.

The doping body has not appeared for a long time. Since the museum completed the transformation of the memory body, the doping body has disappeared.

Of course, the doping body just disappeared, which does not mean that it has been completely eliminated.

Some people who have bought memory before, as long as they still have Gaia memory on hand, will still be affected by the power of memory.

"Inhuman battle traces?"

His face changed slightly, and Zuo Xiangtaro immediately thought of something.

When he saw the wall in the alley was beaten like this, he nodded solemnly.

"Indeed, this doesn't look like something that can be left behind when people fight. I'm afraid... there is something else.

Could it be... a museum?"

When mentioning the museum, a trace of unnaturalness flashed in Zuo Xiangtaro's eyes.

The image of a man involuntarily emerged in his mind, and this man was naturally Lu Li.

Before, Lu Li left a very deep memory in Zuo Xiangtaro's mind, all of which were related to fear.

Whenever the museum was mentioned, the first thing Zuo Xiangtaro thought of was Lu Li.

Even after such a long period of adjustment, Zuo Xiangtaro still had an instinctive fear of Lu Li.

His body was slightly stiff, and Zuo Xiangtaro seemed to fall into the previous fear again.

Noticing Zuo Xiangtaro's appearance, Terui Long immediately understood what was going on.

He walked over and patted Zuo Xiangtaro on the shoulder, shouting indifferently.

"Zuo, stop being dazed, now is not the time for you to be dazed."

Suddenly coming to his senses, a layer of fine sweat beads had appeared on Zuo Xiangtaro's forehead.

Swallowing deeply, Zuo Xiangtaro realized that he had just unconsciously fallen into that state of fear.

It's so scary"

Damn it!

Clenching his fists unwillingly, Zuo Xiangtaro knew very well why he had such sequelae.

It was all because of Lu Li's existence.

Because of the memories that Lu Li had left him repeatedly in the previous battles, after being stimulated by the power of fear, Zuo Xiangtaro could no longer extricate himself.

He knew very well why he was afraid, but he could not control such a feeling at all.

Every time he tried to overcome it, his body would enter a trembling state, as if it was warning.

Over time, Shotaro Zuo stopped dwelling on this problem and focused on his current situation.

"It is very likely that it is a trace of a fight between dopants, but who is the person who fought with the dopants?"

Shotaro Zuo and Ryu Terui fell into silence.

Both of them were thinking about who had fought with the dopants.

First, they ruled out the museum. After all, the summary memory was also produced by the museum, and there was no reason for the museum to take the initiative to recycle these things.

After defeating the dopants, the memory would be destroyed anyway.

For the museum, it was not something that had to be done.

However, what they did not know was that the first thing they ruled out was actually the most correct answer.

But as they guessed, the museum had no way to deal with the Gaia memory left in the city.

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