Anyway, there are Kamen Riders in this city, and if something goes wrong, the Kamen Riders will stand up and solve the problem.

There are people helping to clean up the aftermath, but the museum has no interest in dealing with these little tails:

There was not much information left at the scene, and there were no witnesses around, so naturally no one knew what was going on inside.

After the on-site survey, Terui Ryu immediately started busy. As a criminal police officer, he had a lot to do.

Now that the case has occurred, the next thing to do is to find evidence.

Even if it is known that this incident is probably not man-made, as long as there is a battle, there will always be some traces left.

The most serious trace left at the scene is water!

Chapter 327 Gatekeeper, Experimental Transformation, Card Repair 000000

There was a lot of water left at the scene, but logically speaking, there shouldn't be so much water in this place.

This is obviously abnormal!

Either it is related to the dopant, or it is related to another guy who fights the dopant.

The case is currently unclear, and Terui Ryu has a lot to do.

Zuo Shotaro can't think of any clues yet.

He planned to go to Philip first to investigate this incident and see if he could find any clues.

Although Shotaro Zuo calls himself a tough guy detective, he has not forgotten that he also has the most reliable partner and companion.

Is there anything wrong with relying on your own partners when you can’t find a clue?

In Fengdu.

The road doping body lay in a very embarrassed state on a highway.

The road memory has been expelled from the body at this time, and the road doping body has returned to its human form, that of a middle-aged man.


There was a sound of footsteps coming from far away.

The middle-aged man raised his head with difficulty,

Seeing the person coming from a distance, his eyes widened slightly.

There was a trace of unconcealable fear deep in his eyes.


A very muscular man, wearing a white suit and black sunglasses, slowly walked towards this side.

There was a beard over there, and he looked like a mature middle-aged uncle.

Nikaido Shou!

He is also a member of Lifengdu, but he is not a cadre, but a quasi-cadre.

What he usually has to do is provide the energy of Fengdu, maintain the infrastructure here, and guard Fengdu.

It is said that the memory used is reactor memory, which has extremely terrifying explosive power.

As for the road doping body, it happens to be managed by Nikaido Shou!

The body exudes a terrifying aura, which frightens the road memory user who has just released his transformation.

Walking to the side of the embarrassed middle-aged man, Nikaidou Mamoru squatted down slightly.

"Looking at you like this, there should be no way for you to continue serving Lord Wan Deng.

In this case, let me give you a ride. Don't worry, I will let you leave without any pain in an instant. "

Speaking such cold words calmly, the middle-aged man's expression suddenly changed.

He never expected that he would be killed by the gatekeeper.

You must know that he only escaped back by relying on his old fate, and now he has ended up like this!

"No! Nikaido-sama! I have no problem! I can continue! Trust me, give me another chance!"

He kept begging for mercy, but his scarred body was obviously not enough to let him stand up again.

However, Nikaido Mamoru obviously would not give him a chance to continue living.

He grabbed the white suit on his body and yanked it hard.

He threw the suit aside, revealing the strong muscles under the suit.

His bronze skin and hard muscles make Nikaido Mamoru look very powerful.

He took out a memory in his hand, which was a silver memory similar to weather memory and alcohol memory.

Reactor memory!

He suddenly pressed the reactor memory in his hand, and a pattern of the memory interface appeared in the middle of his chest.


Insert the memory into the chest.

The memory bloomed with a dazzling red light and instantly enveloped Nikaido Mamoru.

At the same time, a burst of fiery energy suddenly erupted. Under the explosion of foreign terrifying energy, dust filled the sky, making it difficult to see the specific situation for a while.

The middle-aged man lying on the ground suddenly changed his expression when he saw that Nikaido Mamoru had completed the transformation.

He knew very well how powerful Nikaido Mamoru was. A strong fear flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly crawled to the side and picked up the road memory.

Don't want to die!

No matter what, I don’t want to die!


Immediately transformed into a road dopant, he wanted to escape desperately.


There were bursts of footsteps in the smoke and dust, filling Lu Doping's heart with fear.

The head is burning with flames, and the body is almost a reactor dopant made of machinery, appearing in the road dopant's field of vision.

A large amount of steam is ejected from his left hand. This is not ordinary steam, but high-temperature steam with high heat.

Ordinary people may get burned if they are not careful when exposed to this high-temperature steam.

"Okay, I've lit it up, let's... get started1"

The reactor started to operate, and the chimney on the shoulder kept spewing steam.

Suddenly, a powerful force broke out, and the distance with the road doping body was shortened.

"No! Don't come over! Ah!!

Seeing the reactor doping body getting closer and closer, the road doping body screamed in fear.

"Bang! !"

Unfortunately, his movements could not outrun the reactor doping body.

He grabbed the road doping body fiercely and brought it over with a powerful force.

He hit the road doping body's abdomen fiercely with a fierce knee.

"Ah! !"

Facing this extremely terrifying force, the road doping body was thrown out like a kite with a broken string.

The body slammed into the ground and rolled several times before stopping.

The road doping body, which was already seriously injured, was even more injured in this situation.

He supported the ground with both hands and wanted to get up again, but unfortunately, he could not do it.

With his fists tightly clenched, the reactor doping body squatted slightly, as if accumulating a terrifying force.

"Boom! "

The power suddenly burst out, and his legs slammed the ground, and cracks suddenly appeared on the ground of Rifu City.

The body turned into a hot fireball in the sky and fell towards the road mixed body on the ground.

"Boom! !"

There was another loud bang, and the terrifying heat rolled up waves of heat and smoke.

The whole world seemed to be quiet.

There seemed to be no screams, and the road mixed body was gone.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the figure of Nikaidou Mamoru appeared.

At this time, there was a huge pit around him, which was obviously caused by the terrifying attack just now.

As for the middle-aged man, he had completely disappeared and was directly turned into ashes by the terrifying heat.

The road memory was also broken when the user was defeated.

The body exuded a very terrifying heat, and Nikaidou Mamoru would be like this after every transformation and battle.

What he had to do was to release the heat from his body, which required the use of a device.

The obstacle has been cleared, Nikaidou Mamoru, twisted his arm , as if they were not having enough fun.

In Lifengdu, the most common impurities are road impurities.

The death of one is insignificant, and it will not even have any impact on the following events.

In the blink of an eye, a few days have passed.

In the past few days, many cases of dismemberment have occurred in the city.

Because of this incident, the Fengdu Police Station was pushed to the forefront for a while.

Because so far they have not found any clues, not even the clues left by the murderer.

The scene was very tragic, and even some people could be seen with traces of gnawing.

Is this really man-made?

In the eyes of the senior police officers, this does not seem to be man-made, and it can no longer be considered a normal criminal case.

Many senior officials speculated whether this incident was done by impurities again.

In the end, after The police station unanimously decided to hand this matter over to Terui Ryu's Supernatural Crime Investigation Division.

But even Terui Ryu has not found many clues in the past few days.

The perpetrator is so mysterious that it feels like he appeared out of thin air, or disappeared out of thin air.

For this reason, Terui Ryu specially went to find Philip, ready to borrow his excellent mind to analyze this matter.

But even Philip has not figured it out yet.

However, Philip contacted Sonozaki Wakana during this period and learned that this matter has nothing to do with the museum.

He also felt that this was not the style of the museum. The incident was too bad and had a bad impact on Fuuto.

The museum's headquarters is in Fuuto. Since the death of the old man, Fuuto has hardly had any large-scale destruction.

According to a simple analysis, this matter is indeed not closely related to the museum.

Zuo Xiangtaro is also troubled by this matter. He still has no clue and can't find out who did it.

During this period of time, a legend seems to be circulating in Fengdu.

That is a woman named T-shaped Road Witch, who seems to be linked to the recent dismemberment case.

It is not easy for him to find this woman called T-shaped Road Witch.

Zuo Xiangtaro also focused his attention on this T-shaped Road Witch, and he was going to look for her first.

If he could find this T-shaped Road Witch, perhaps many things could be solved.

In Lu Li's research room.

After a few days of research, Lu Li has successfully made the Philosopher's Stone into what he wanted.

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