Zuo Xiangtaro has always wanted to overcome the fear in his heart. If he can defeat Lu Li, maybe he can overcome the fear in his heart.

He doesn't know why he doesn't feel fear now, but it may be related to Lu Li.

Now he is in the strongest form. If he can't defeat Lu Li in this form, then it's useless to say anything else.

If three pairs of wings suddenly spread out, W stomped his legs on the ground, and his body suddenly took off.

He felt that his wings were like a part of his body, and he could control them very easily, without worrying that the wings were redundant.

A golden stream of light passed through the sky. W was not going to fight Lu Li slowly, and was ready to come up with a big one right away.

The prism light appeared in his hand at some point, and he quickly took out the prism memory and inserted it into the hilt.


He pulled out the prism holy sword and quickly pressed the button on it.


The golden stream of light fell from the sky, and a golden sword light attacked instantly.


After transforming into the ultimate form of Gale Ace Gold, he was also blessed by this power when using his special move.

Seeing W use his special move right away, Lu Li was just a little surprised.

At the moment when the golden sword light slashed down, the six terrifying tentacles behind Lu Li instantly extended out.


The six tentacles joined together and accurately blocked the special move of the golden sword light.


An extremely terrifying energy instantly swept everything around.

Even Shi Mo, who thought he was standing farther away, felt a strong force rising.

Immediately hid aside and found a suitable position to resist the terrifying force attack.

"These two guys...their power is too outrageous, right?!"

Shi Mo, who felt the impact of this energy, widened her eyes slightly.

Although she already knew that Lu Li was very powerful, she didn't expect that even W had such a strong combat power.


Lu Li stood on the ground steadily. Facing this extremely terrifying impact, he did not make any other moves.

He just raised his neck slightly and looked up at the W shining with golden light.


The powerful force broke the cement floor under Lu Li's feet, splashing countless flying stones.

With Lu Li as the center, the ground cracked inch by inch in a radius of about five meters, and the entire ground seemed to sink.

"Damn! This guy didn't move at all?!"

Zuo Xiangtaro saw that Lu Li caught his ultimate move so easily. Even though he had already guessed it, he was still horrified in his heart.

Just now, with the help of the power of the wind, he successfully transformed into the ultimate form of the ace of the wind, which made Zuo Xiangtaro think that they would have a little hope of winning.

Even if they couldn't win, at least they could suffer a little loss from Lu Li.

But the result was different from what he thought. Lu Li didn't even make any extra movements.

The six terrifying tentacles easily blocked the ultimate move he released.

He was very unwilling in his heart. He thought he was approaching Lu Li, but when he got closer, he found that there was an unreachable mountain in front of him.

"Shotaro! Calm down! We are not completely without a chance.

The two are now of one mind. Philip can also feel what Shotaro is thinking.

The force of the collision is getting weaker and weaker. W seized this opportunity to retreat immediately.

W made a 720-degree backflip in the air and landed smoothly.

Because W suddenly retreated, the energy that had exploded finally stopped.

Except for a huge pit and a pile of rubble on the ground, Lu Li stood in the middle of the huge pit, completely unscathed.

Even on the dark golden and withered armor, there was not even a bit of dust on it.

Lu Li already had a general understanding of the power of his six tentacles.

It's far more than that!

Just now, the six tentacles did not use any power at all, and easily resisted the ultimate move of the Golden Extreme Form of the Gale Ace.

Lu Li, who came to this conclusion, was quite satisfied in his heart.

Not bad, very good!

As expected, it was a very good decision to treat W as his own trial stone.

Suddenly, Lu Li moved.

He walked out of the pit step by step, his steps were steady and calm, as if nothing had happened just now.

Seeing Lu Li come out unscathed, W couldn't help but take a step back.

This was an instinctive reaction.

The power Lu Li showed now was too terrifying, and it could even be said that it was beyond cognition. It was reasonable for Zuo Xiangtaro to be afraid.

[No! I finally got stronger power, maybe I have a chance to decide the outcome, I must overcome the fear in my heart! ]

The reason why I took this step back just now was completely Zuo Xiangtaro's subconscious behavior.

It was not easy to get to this point, and he evolved to this form through the power of the wind, but he found that he still felt fear.

Taking a deep breath, W immediately calmed down.

I haven't said it's unnecessary, but I'm getting discouraged now, calm down!

After calming down, W finally calmed down and didn't run away because of fear when he saw Lu Li.

Seeing that W didn't move, Lu Li took the trouble to hook his finger again.

The previous attack was not bad. It can be confirmed that it is a very powerful special move among all W's skills, but it is not the strongest special move.

Steady his mind, a ray of light bloomed in W's red eyes, and the wings behind him instantly spread out, and he flew towards Lu Li at a high speed.

"Melee? It's useless."

Seeing whether W was ready to fight him in close combat, Lu Li didn't think it was a big deal, but... could the other party force him to fight?

With a smile on his lips, the six tentacles behind Lu Li suddenly stretched out.

If you want to fight him in close combat, the first thing to consider is to deal with these tentacles. If you can't even deal with Lu Li's tentacles, let alone him.


Under W's roar, golden light shone, and the Prism Holy Sword and the six tentacles had a fierce conflict and collision.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang! !

The sound of fierce fighting came, and every collision could see violent sparks blooming.

And every collision was accompanied by waves of energy spreading wildly around.

Due to his own strength, W's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, whether it is the speed of attack, strength, etc., there has been a significant improvement.

However, even so, W still couldn't break the defense of the six tentacles.

"Dang! ! !"

Suddenly using the Radiant Holy Shield to bounce off a tentacle, W was about to stab the Prism Holy Sword in his hand into Lu Li's body"

Another tentacle attacked instantly, and was entangled around W's waist before he could react for a while, and the powerful force directly threw W out.

No matter how he attacked, the six tentacles were like absolute defense, and all physical attacks could be blocked.

After several consecutive flips in the air, W relied on the guarantee behind him to maintain balance, and then he barely stopped his body.

"Philip, is there any way? We can't even break his tentacles, so we can't touch him at all!"

W Gale Ace Gold Ultimate Form can also connect to the Earth database, instantly search and download the necessary matters for the battle, and find the most effective tactics and strategies.

However, just now in the battle, W had already conducted a comprehensive analysis of Lu Li.

The final conclusion is that there are no shortcomings!


There are no shortcomings, and there are no corresponding tactics.

The reason for this conclusion is entirely due to W's current lack of combat effectiveness.

Insufficient combat effectiveness, no matter what tactics or methods are used, it will not work.

"No! Shotaro, I just searched the Earth's memory and did not find any suitable method.

Lu Li standing in front of us is like a perfect collection, and no shortcomings can be seen or found.

If you want to defeat him, the possibility of winning is almost zero!"

After getting such an answer, Zuo Shotaro's mood sank suddenly.

"The possibility of winning is almost zero, which means there are other ways, maybe there is still a little hope, even a little bit! We must not give up!"

0.9 can only say that this is very Shotaro Zuo, and only Shotaro Zuo is unwilling to give up when facing a winning rate that is almost close to zero, 0.1%, 0.01%, as long as

it does not return to zero.

"Then let's try our strongest attack. If even our strongest attack cannot be done, then it is indeed impossible."

At this time, Philip was also infected by Shotaro Zuo's spirit and decided to give it a try.

As W's brain, Philip should not have such emotional behavior, but he decided to give it a try.

"Okay! You are worthy of being my partner! In this case, let's go!?

After the voice fell, W took out the prism memory at the hilt.

The prism glare in his hand disappeared automatically, W inserted the prism memory into the memory slot on the right, and quickly pressed the button on it:

"Prism! Maximum.Drive! (Prism Extreme Drive!)”

That’s not all. At this time, Shotaro Sae and Philip have raised the synchronization rate to the extreme, so they can activate the Extreme Extreme Drive again.

He closed the drive on his waist with both hands, and saw a dazzling golden light blooming on the extreme memory.

Open the dual drive again.

“Xtreme.Maximum.Drive! (Extreme Extreme Drive)! "

With the current body, he can directly use two extreme drives, or extreme memory plus prism memory.

The terrifying power is also the strongest attack that W can release at present.

A tornado is wrapped around his body. At this time, the tornado has colorful energy, giving people a very gorgeous feeling.

Indistinctly, it seems that golden light can be seen.

The three pairs of wings behind him suddenly spread out and rushed straight into the sky, with dazzling golden light blooming on his body, like a little sun in the sky.

After seeing this scene, Shi Mo hurriedly hid behind and observed secretly.

PS: Thank you

Mo Wuyuan for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 335 Golden Meteor Falls, Perfect Test

"Is this going to happen again? !"

The words were full of shock. Shi Mo felt that W was a robot, otherwise why was he tireless.

He released a powerful ultimate move at the beginning, and then quickly collided with Lu Li repeatedly.

Now he is preparing for a stronger ultimate move.

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