There is no doubt that what will happen next is a very terrifying collision of power, which may determine the direction of this war.

Seeing the calm figure on the ground, as if no matter how powerful the opponent is, he will not be shaken, Shi Mo has an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

That is, she feels that Lu Li will not lose and cannot lose.

As for why she has this feeling, she herself can't explain it clearly, and it's like an intuition.

The previous collision of the ultimate move has caused great damage, and now he is preparing to use the ultimate move with all his strength, and the destructive power is even stronger than before.

Feeling that this place is not safe, Shi Mo took a closer look and found a safer and farther place.

Hiding in that place, there should be no need to worry about being affected by the next battle.

Shi Mo is not worried about Lu Li's safety, but more worried about her own safety.

Even though Shi Mo is very agile, she cannot rule out the fact that she is an ordinary person.

At most, she can only be said to be a relatively strong ordinary person, not beyond the scope of ordinary people.

Taking long legs, she hid in three or two steps to the distance.

Shi Mo ran outside while looking back.

When she looked back, she saw a golden meteor falling rapidly in the sky, with colorful colors mixed in the golden color, which looked very gorgeous.

If it wasn't because it was broad daylight, many people would probably think that a meteor was falling from the sky when they saw this scene.

With such a big commotion, I'm sure someone around has already noticed it, but no one dared to approach this place, after all, the commotion here was too terrifying.


The W Gale Ace Gold Ultimate Form, which displayed the strongest ultimate move, was falling to the ground at a rapid speed.

The terrifying golden energy bloomed in the sky, as if it was going to destroy the world.

Looking up at the falling golden meteor, Lu Li couldn't help muttering to himself.

04 "Finally... I can be a little more serious."


That's right, this time Lu Li really moved!

He took a step back with his right foot and took a fighting stance.

The tentacles behind him swayed in the wind, and Lu Li's mind moved immediately.

These tentacles automatically returned to the armor on Lu Li's back, leaving the terrifying sharp blade behind.

The power gathered on his right foot, but Lu Li did not think of bursting out with all his strength at once, as he was worried that W would not be able to withstand the strong power burst.

I was just doing an experiment, and there was no need to kill my brother-in-law by doing an experiment.

No matter how bad it was, he was still my brother-in-law!

The golden energy instantly wrapped around Lu Li's right leg, which looked like a clear bone spur.

Under the withered golden light, it looked even more evil.

The two were getting closer and closer, one from top to bottom, and the other standing in place waiting for the arrival.

What will be the final outcome?

At the moment W fell, Lu Li kicked out instantly.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

When two golden lights of similar colors approached each other, an extremely terrifying energy tide suddenly erupted.

Countless pieces of gravel were blown everywhere, and the surroundings were in a mess.

The sky changed color, and dark clouds covered it for a while, as if even the weather was affected by this terrifying energy.

When Mo was hiding in the distance and observing all this, he secretly thanked himself for escaping quickly just now, otherwise he would be in big trouble now.

The terrifying power that erupted was simply not something that an ordinary body could withstand.

The terrifying energy explosion could blow everything around away in an instant.

At this time, the center of the energy explosion.

The ground was almost destroyed, and the surrounding ground had sunk deeply.

The energy was pressing the ground crazily, and countless pieces of gravel were forming, but they were soon blown away by this violent energy.

W, who was shining with a faint golden light, tried his best to launch the strongest killer move, but it did not achieve the effect that W expected.

[Damn! Even if we do this, there is no way to hurt him? ! 】

Looking at Lu Li who was also bursting with energy below, Zuo Xiangtaro felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

He had already turned into the ultimate gold form, which should be the most powerful form at present. It was only with the help of Lu Li that he could transform into this form.

Relying on the opponent's power to become stronger, he wanted to use the strongest ultimate move to deal with Lu Li. The blow in his heart was not ordinary.

[Shotaro, Lu Li has become stronger now! With our current strength, according to my estimation, we can only shake him before,

However, he has now reached a point that we cannot understand, and we can't be his opponent! 】

Philip also wanted to defeat Lu Li, but he knew that this was almost impossible to accomplish.

The two of them are now one heart and one body, and communication only needs to be carried out in thought, without speaking.

The breath bursting out of W's body is getting weaker and weaker, and it has shown that it is weak to continue.

"Is it no longer possible? It seems... it's almost done."

A flat voice came from above, and Lu Li seemed to have done something very ordinary.

Just now, his right foot collided with W's feet, bursting out with extremely terrifying energy.

Even the ground sank so deep, but Lu Li remained unmoved, not even taking a step back.

There is no tendency to fall!

Suddenly, Lu Li exerted force with his left leg, and an extremely powerful force burst out, causing him to fly into the air.

The moment he turned around, his left foot suddenly moved towards W's chest.

W reacted equally quickly and immediately put his hands across his chest.



The next second, W was blown away like a cannonball.


The body hit a wall heavily, causing countless flying rocks to fly.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

A large amount of gravel fell, and the surrounding area was filled with smoke and dust.

W smashes directly into the wall, and it is impossible to see what is going on inside.

Lu Li, who landed smoothly, looked at the position where W had just hit, his eyes glowing red.

He could clearly see that W had penetrated the wall and smashed into the building inside.

The body lying on the ground seemed to be motionless, as if he had fainted.

But Lu Li knew that W didn't really pass out, he was just out of breath for a moment.

If W hadn't blocked the kick just now with both hands, the transformation would have been released by now.

Bursts of thunder suddenly sounded in the dark sky.


Waves of faint electric light flashed in the dark clouds, and soon, raindrops fell from the sky.

As the light rain fell, the originally diffuse smoke gradually settled.

After a while, W reluctantly stood up, but it was obvious that he was very reluctant. Even if he stood up, he still needed something to support him.

In this state, the possibility of being able to fight is close to zero.

The extreme memory automatically disengaged from the dual drive, and W also automatically deactivated its transformation. Zuo Shotaro and Phillip supported each other, and looked at the golden withering outside with unwilling expressions.

Yellow figure.

Letting the light rain brush against the golden and withered armor, Lu Li restored the tilted six-link drive to its original state.

The six core coins flew out automatically and returned to Lu Li's body.

The golden and yellow armor turned into fragments and disappeared from Lu Li's body.

Letting the rain fall on him, Lu Li turned around and walked out of the big hole left by the energy explosion.

"Shi Mo, it's time to go."


Shi Mo, who was hiding elsewhere to observe, also took the initiative to come out and follow Lu Li.

"Lu Li, how did you do it just now? This power is too outrageous, I can't understand it!"

With a faint smile on his lips, Lu Li replied casually.

"Haha! If you follow me, you will see a lot of things, so don't be surprised.

Moreover, as long as you stay with me, you can also gain powerful power.

When he mentioned power, Shi Mo first thought of the now damaged memory he carried.

There should be a certain relationship between my origin and the damaged memory.

Will he be able to regain his original memories when he gains Lu Li's power again?

Shi Mo doesn't know this situation at the moment, it's just a little guess in her heart.

After Lu Li left, Zuo Xiangtaro and Phillip, who were supporting each other, sat on the ground with embarrassed expressions.

"Phew! That guy is finally gone!"

Zuo Xiangtaro really wanted to win, really wanted to be better than Lu Li.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very ugly. Lu Li once again hit him deeply.

Phillip, who was sitting next to him, touched his hair, with a flash of joy in his eyes.

"Yes, with the power we have now, we will not be his opponent.

Even if we gain the power of wind, we are still helpless against Lu Li. "

Lying on the ground without any image, Shotaro Zuo had a strong unwillingness in his eyes.

"Yes, we are still helpless when facing Lu Li!"

Shotaro Zuo gritted his teeth and really wanted to win once.

Even just once!

But even such a small wish cannot be realized at all.

It was really too difficult to defeat Lu Li.

Although he did not defeat Lu Li this time, Phillip also collected some information about Lu Li.

According to his observations, Lu Li was now stronger than he could comprehend.

It will not be easy to defeat Lu Li in the future.

And now that W has almost reached its peak in strength, the possibility of continuing to become stronger is almost zero.

Of course, there is no solution at all.


Rely on Philip's powerful ability to transform the memory and strengthen the power of the pure memory they possess.

You must be able to make yourself stronger, and naturally you will have a chance to defeat Lu Li.

But this is a very large project, and the degree of adaptation between various memories must also be taken into consideration.

Simply improving a certain type of power cannot balance another collective power, and will instead become a drag.

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