Seeing that Lu Li's attitude towards his daughter was "one, two, seven", as if he was a different person, completely like the big brother next door, Di Muzou looked quite strange.

He didn't understand whether Lu Li wanted to use his daughter to contain him, or whether he was really good to his daughter.

He had already considered this issue before leaving Di Muli with Lu Li.

By keeping his daughter by Lu Li's side, perhaps Lu Li would truly trust him.

But now it seems that it is not what I imagined.

Judging from Lu Li's emotional change just now, Di Muzhuo felt that Lu Li was not pretending, but was really relaxed.

Could it be...that there was indeed some emotion between him and his daughter?

This thought came to mind inexplicably. The more Di Muzou thought about it, the more it seemed like this was the case.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Perhaps this was a good thing.

According to what he learned, Li was no longer an ordinary person, and he would not be able to get married and have children like ordinary people in the future.

Following Lu Li not only ensures safety, but also avoids discrimination. This may be the best outcome.

Just thinking about how close his daughter was to another man not long after she was resurrected made Fueki Kanade feel a little emotional.

My daughter...has grown up too!

If calculated according to normal time, Dimuli has indeed reached the point where it is time to fall in love.

As the father of Dimu Zao, he had no objection at all to a deeper relationship between Lu Li and Di Mu Li.

When I come into contact with a world that ordinary people cannot access, I realize that this world is far from simple.

If you want to survive well, just having money is not necessarily useful, you must also have strong strength.

Lu Li obviously has this ability.

The other party is not only rich, but also powerful. He is the best choice to entrust his daughter's future.

If the two of them can really create sparks, Dimu Kanade would be happy to see it.

At this moment, Di Muzou's expression changed slightly.

Not for anything else, just because he felt the presence of magic.

This location should be very secret. Medusa and the others didn't know it, and they didn't know that the sage was Di Muzou.

Logically speaking, the possibility of finding this place is almost zero, which means it is not a phantom.

Then besides Phantom, there is only one other guy.

Damn it!

Regarding the fact that Kao Maharuto has been looking for Koyomi during this period, Fueki Kanade naturally knows about it.

It's just that he didn't explain this matter to Fu Zhenqingren.

He always appeared in front of Kao Zhenqing as a white magician, even when he gave his calendar to him.

During this period of time, he has not gone to Fuck Zhenqingren in order to reduce the possibility of the matter being exposed.

Now that Tomoko has been resurrected, there is no need to stay by Kao Maharuto's side.

Moreover, although Kao Maharuto is a magician, he does not have enough power to protect Yukio. As a father, he does not want to see his daughter being harmed at all.

No harm at all.

The reason why I didn't take the initiative to tell Kao Maharuto was to prevent the other party from asking more questions and making too many mistakes.

The best thing he could think of was to leave Maharuto alone.

Maybe this guy will stop when he gets tired of searching and won't be in a hurry to look for history.

But I didn't expect that even after such a long time, Kao Zhenqingren still didn't give up.

Even though he was very tired and the magic power in his body was barely full, he never gave up.

In my heart, I still have a slight fondness for Kao Maharuto, but Fueki Kanade will not let him disturb his daughter's life again.

Especially now that her daughter no longer remembers Mianyingtang, she can't let him appear in front of her.

Taking advantage of this time, he planned to deal with it first.

If Kao Zhenqingren can retreat from the difficulties, then forget about this matter. If he is ignorant, then beat him up.

Even Haruto Soma, who has become a magician, will never be a match against the powerful Fueki Kanade.

Dimuzou turned around and left the villa, heading to the location where he sensed the magic.

When leaving, Dimu put on a magic ring on his hand.

This is a magic ring with a black palm, waved gently in front of the belt.

"Driver..On (driver is now)!"

A faint light flashed across a belt, suddenly appearing around Di Muzou's waist.

The belt is overall black, and the middle of the driver looks like a black palm with red lines around it.

Put on the transformation ring on the other hand, and place the ring on the palm of the hand in the middle of the driver.


The next second, Dimu Kanade had successfully transformed into a white magician.

Wearing a white robe, it looks like a saint, and the orange facial armor makes people look a little serious.

The other side.

Not too far away from the villa, Kao Zhenharuto had reunited with his three familiars.

From the three familiars, he finally found useful information, which was the car from before.

That luxurious car is parked not far away.

After hearing the news, Cao Zhenqing's face suddenly became happy, thinking that he would be able to see Koyomi again soon.

He was about to rush to his destination, but his journey was suddenly interrupted when the figure appeared.

Kao Zhenharuto, who had just mounted the mechanical winger, was suddenly startled when he saw the figure that suddenly appeared.

"White Mage?"

He unconsciously mentioned the other party's name, and Cao Zhenqing was very confused as to why the white magician appeared here.

Suddenly, Kao Zhenharuto thought of a possibility.

The calendar disappeared suddenly and inexplicably before. Could it have something to do with the White Mage? !

With this possibility in mind, Soma Haruto immediately put his helmet on the rearview mirror, left the motorcycle and stood face to face with the white magician.

"Fuck Maharuto, hurry up and do your thing. Recently, many phantoms have been born. Don't you want to deal with them all?"

The white mage didn't intend to do anything to Maharuto, at least not now.

If you want to inject enough magic power into the Philosopher's Stone, you must have a magician!

It took a lot of effort to find a magician, but the remaining three have not been found until now. The white magician does not want to lose the only remaining magician.

Hearing this, Kao Zhenqingren frowned unconsciously.

In his opinion, the White Mage's words were intended to send him away from here.

After thinking about the unicorn seeing Dimu Calendar before, is all this really related to the White Magician?

"White Mage, I want to know if Li is here with you now?"

Kao Maharuto, who had a serious face, now wanted to know what was going on.

Since he was able to catch up to this place, and he suddenly appeared, Kao Zhenqingren could guess a little bit, and the white magician didn't find it strange.

Looking at Mao Zhenharuto quietly, the white magician put his hands behind his back and replied in a calm voice.

"You don't need to worry about this matter now. I will take care of the problem. You just need to do your own thing."


His eyes gleamed slightly, and he thought he had guessed correctly.

All this really has something to do with the White Mage. It is very likely that the other party took away the experience.

But if the other party wants to take away the calendar, why not explain the reason to me? Instead, he chose to take it with him suddenly.

Is there any other situation here, some situation that I don't know about?

"White Mage, what do you want to do? You handed the calendar to me with your own hands, and now you suddenly took it away without even telling me, what are you going to use the calendar for?"

do what? "

He felt that this matter was not as simple as he thought, but he couldn't tell what the specific situation was now.

"I said, you don't need to take care of this matter, you just need to do your own thing.

Don’t you want to help more people who are in despair? Have you forgotten your purpose?

I will take care of everything, so you don't have to worry.

The white mage just wanted to get rid of Zuko as soon as possible and didn't want to have too much communication with him.

The more you talk, the greater the chance that the other party will find flaws.

"No! Answer my question, what do you want to do?"

Chacha Cao Zhenqingren is also a master who will never give up until he achieves his goal. Seeing that the white magician kept silent on this issue, he became more concerned.

This guy... doesn't make sense!

His eyes suddenly became dangerous. The White Mage didn't want this matter to drag on any longer. Damn Haruto must leave here now. 0

"It's for your own good not to tell you. Li is in a good state now, but I don't want you to meet her.

Now...get out of here quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude! "

His voice became cold, and he didn't want to continue wasting his saliva by drinking and fucking Maharuto here.

If this guy doesn't listen to the advice, give him a good beating first, and then use transfer magic to send this guy away:

Still unable to get the answer he wanted, Kao Zhenharuto immediately took out the driving device and found the ring.

"Driver.On! Please!"

His driver looks very similar to the White Mage's driver, except that the lines on the palm are not red but gold.

"I will definitely let you... tell the answer!"

Before he finished speaking, he immediately took out the transformation ring.

There is a red gemstone inlaid in the middle of the ring. This is the Fire Mage Ring.

"Shabadobie.Touch.Henshin! Shabadobie.Touch.Henshin!"


"Flame! Please! HiHi. Hi-Hi-Hi!"

A fiery red magic circle suddenly appeared on his left side.

The red magic circle gradually passed through his hands until his body finally disappeared completely.

Then, a magician with a red gem-like breastplate appeared on the spot.

Black and silver armor, with a skirt that is black on the outside and red on the inside.

Kamen Rider Wizard!

Looking at the wizard knight who had completed his transformation, the white mage immediately understood what the other party wanted to do.

There is no way to get the information you want from yourself, so you can only use some special methods.

However, the White Mage didn't take it to heart.

The witch knight is indeed weak in strength, but compared with the current white mage, the witch knight's power is still not good enough.

What's more, the current witch knight has not kept the magic power in his body full during this period, and his combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the white magician.

Insufficient strength and worrying combat effectiveness.

"Come on! Show.Time."

Seeing that he insisted on fighting him, the white mage knew that this battle would not be possible without fighting.

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