Wuqi took the lead in taking out his own weapon, the magician sword and gun. Generally, he can switch between building mode and gun mode weapons at will.


Shaking his head helplessly, the white mage knew that he had to make him suffer before the wizard would retreat.

Just relying on his own words, it is obvious that the other party will not give up looking for history.

Raising the magician's sword and gun, Wu Qi said to the magician without hesitation and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Although he has never seen the real combat power of the White Mage, since the other party is a magician, his combat power will not be any worse.

The bullets fired by the magician's sword and gun are silver bullets, which cause effective damage to the phantoms. That is, for the magician, these bullets are more powerful than ordinary bullets.

It's not that powerful.

He quickly took out a magic ring and put it on his right hand, switched the direction of the palm on his waist, and placed the magic ring in front of the driver's palm.

"B4r (barrier)! Now!"

A protective shield composed of barite suddenly appeared in front of the white mage.

This magic ring is a protective magic ring that can effectively resist attacks from the enemy.

The shot only hit the shield made of barite. Apart from the recent bursts of sparks, it did not cause any impact.

Wu Qi, who was constantly approaching while shooting, took advantage of this opportunity and jumped up in the air.

The barite protective shield is only limited to the front, and it is not a 360-degree defense without blind spots.

He turned around in the air and landed directly behind the white mage.

Wu Qi quickly put a magic ring on his right hand, quickly switched the position of the driver's palm, and attached the magic ring.

After seeing the actions of the witch knight, the white mage took out the exact same magic ring at the same time and activated the magic together.


"Giant. Now!"

The two of them cast their magic at the same time.

A magic circle appeared out of thin air on their right hands.

At the same time, he stretched his hand in, and the right arm that passed through the magic circle suddenly became very large, like a giant's hand.

Seeing that Bai Mage also used the giant magic, Wu Qi swatted him away.


The white mage did not dodge, but also swung out with his huge arms.


Two huge palms collided together, making a violent sound.

After only a few moves, Wu Qi clearly felt that his strength was not as good as his opponent's.


The white mage's huge palm slapped away the huge palm of the witch knight, and at the same time, he punched the witch knight's body with a punch.

Although the White Mage cannot directly kill the Witch Cavalry, it can still make the opponent suffer a little.

Now let him suffer a little, maybe it will help him grow.


Only a scream was heard, and Wu Qi was hit hard by the punch.

Chapter 340 The tortured Master, the order of the sage

He fell onto the road in a state of embarrassment, and Wu Qi rolled several times on the road before coming to a stop.

Feeling that the magic power in his body seemed to be insufficient, Wu Qi suddenly felt his heart sink.

For a magician, the biggest reliance in battle is his own magic.

And if you want to use magic, you must have enough magic power.

Now, the magic power in his body is obviously not enough.

But after finally finding Li, he absolutely couldn't just watch the white mage disappear like this.

Supporting his body, Wu Qi immediately switched the magic ring in his hand and was about to use the next magic.

But no matter how the wizard switched methods, he had no chance of winning against the white magician. All the magic was perfectly broken by the opponent, and he was powerless.

After some use of magic, Wu Qi clearly felt that the magic power in his body had bottomed out.

Standing swayingly inside the room, he looked as if he might collapse at any time.

"I have already said, go back quickly, there is no point in you staying here.

Don't worry about her, I will take good care of her. "

It was these words that made Wu Qi feel very unwilling.

Why did he give the calendar to himself at the beginning, but now he suddenly takes her away from him:

This is not fair!

"No! I must see Li! No matter how you stop me, I will definitely stand up again!"

With that said, Wuqi staggered towards the white mage.

But before taking two steps, Wu Qi felt that his mind went blank, and he couldn't stop falling towards the ground.

Serious consumption of magic power will make the magician's body unable to bear it, especially the mental burden, which will be even greater.

This is why he suddenly fell down.

The Wu Qi who fell to the ground had recovered from his transformation. There were only some faint scars on his body, which were not particularly obvious.

The person has passed out.

The white mage didn't do anything to the wizard. He had other uses for the real Haruto, so he couldn't just die here.

Then, the white magician came to Cao Zhenharuto and took out a magic ring.


The next second, a magic circle appeared next to the white magician.

He picked up the Kao Zhenharuto in his hand and led him into the magic circle.

"You should go back and stay well now. You don't need to worry about Li's affairs anymore."

Bird/Kuaiizaka's face outside the shadow hall.

The white magic flashed by, and only Haruto Soma was left.

Wajima Shigeru, who was busy in the house, suddenly saw a person lying outside, and was immediately shocked.

Don't let anyone die at your door, wouldn't that be bad?

He quickly put down the things in his hands and ran out in a hurry.

When he saw that the person lying on the ground was Haruto Soma, his face changed slightly.

What the hell? !

How could it be Haruto?

After carefully observing the surroundings, Wajima Shigeru found that there was no one else, and he couldn't figure out who sent Haruto Soma back.

Now is not the time to think about these things. He noticed that Haruto Soma had some scars on his body, and he knew at a glance that he had just been through a battle.

He quickly lifted him up and carefully brought him back to the room to lie down.


Hearing that Haruto Soma was calling Li's name even though he fainted, Wajima Shigeru sighed helplessly.

"Hey! I don't know where Li ran off to, why is there no news until now? "

Rinko Daimon happened to have time, so she planned to look for Haruto Soma.

Rinko Daimon had an inexplicable affection for this magician who pulled her back from despair.

And the two were of the same age, and she wanted to get along with him.

As a result, as soon as she arrived at Menying Hall, she learned that Haruto Soma was unconscious!

Rinko Daimon didn't think so much at all, and expressed her willingness to stay and take care of Haruto Soma.

At this time, this method can deepen the relationship between the two parties, which is a very good opportunity.

Just seeing Shigeru Wajima send Haruto Soma back, the white magician used magic again to leave Menying Hall

He was thinking about a problem. Even if he beat Haruto Soma back this time, when this guy wakes up again, he will definitely come again .

It's impossible for me to stay there all the time, right?

It seems that Li can't stay here, and can only live in Fengdu.

Originally, Lu Li didn't plan to let Di Muli live here when he brought her back this time. He just came back to take a look.

If she wants to stay, she will stay for one night at most, and will go back tomorrow.

Over in Tiangao, Lu Li felt that the time was about right, and he planned to go over and take a look after he went back tomorrow.

My fellow Wang Guangming is an old fox. Even if he has gathered all the twelve constellation star switches, I am afraid that the old fox will not tell me if I am not at the scene.

I have to stay there by myself. What if the old fox goes directly to the dark nebula, then everything I have done before will be in vain?

At the same time, Lu Li is going to do one thing this time. Well, it is to take the singer Kengo away.

As long as this guy is kept away from Tiangao, there is no need to worry that he will awaken because of the opening of the jump gate, and the core switch will not destroy the jump gate to the dark nebula.

Time has come to the next day in a flash.

There are still many rooms in Fumuzou's house, so there is no need to sleep last night.

Early in the morning of the next day, Lu Li took Li and Satonaka Erika away from here.

Even though he was very reluctant in his heart, Fumuzou was not at ease to let Li stay in this place.

Cao Zhenqingren has been here once, and this guy will come to this place sooner or later.

He also has to worry about one thing, that is, once Li comes into contact with Cao Zhenqingren, will he recover his previous memory.

If the previous memory is recovered, it may cause some trouble to Lu Li. At that time Things will be difficult to deal with.

In Dimuzou's opinion, the memory of Li during his time in Menyingtang is not important.

Since it is not important, it doesn't matter whether he can remember those things or not.

If possible, he doesn't want Li to have this memory.

The car drove away from Bird/Uoisaka, Dimuzou looked at the car gradually going away, and looked back at the villa above.

He will not come back in the next period of time, because he has a very important thing to do.

In addition to the time of nurturing choices and finding a new magician, the most important thing is to deal with Guremlin first.

There was a deep chill in his eyes. Dimuzou didn't expect that such a shrewd person like him would be deceived by Guremlin.

This guy!

I didn't expect that he was not a pure phantom demon!

And he has a very deep mind and has been lurking around him. It seems that he has a big plan.

"Haha! Guremlin, I'm afraid you can't imagine that I already know your true identity. You acted very well in front of me.

But... I won't give you any chances. If you want to plot something around me, I won't give you any chances!'

With Lu Li's reminder, Di Muzou naturally couldn't underestimate Guremlin anymore.

Since he's a dangerous guy, let's get rid of him first.

Anyway, Guremlin hardly played any role at ordinary times. He was wandering around outside most of the time, and no one knew what he was doing.

Using the transfer magic to return to the base where he was as a sage, Di Muzou, who became a sage again, immediately summoned Medusa and Phoenix/Crow.

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