He was still going to leave this matter to these two people to resolve first.

It was just a ancient Lemlin, not worthy of his own action, not to mention that now he had to seize the time to give birth to the Philosopher's Stone. Naturally, he would not do it if he could avoid it.

Take action

After receiving the summoning order, Medusa immediately took the Phoenix/Uro to the place where the sage was.

No matter how important the matter is at hand, in Medusa's eyes, the most important thing is the sage.

Sage, no matter how small things are, are big things in her eyes.

Deep in the jungle, in a hidden cave.

Medusa and Phoenix walked in,

"Medusa, does the Sage suddenly come to us at this time for something important?"

Holding his head in his hands, Phoenix/Uro looked bohemian.

After Phoenix/Wu was born, he was very arrogant, but when he met a powerful sage, he chose to temporarily join his command.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't defeat the sage, and the other party had created him, Phoenix/Urni might have left long ago.

Phoenix/Crow has a very terrifying characteristic, that is, it is truly immortal.

No matter how many times it is killed, the Phoenix/Crow can be resurrected, but each resurrection requires a certain amount of magic power.

And with each resurrection, the power of the phoenix/crow becomes more powerful.

This is also why Phoenix/Urban has become a cadre now, and this strength is achieved through fighting.

After glancing at Phoenix/Urni slightly, Medusa's cold voice sounded.

"I don't know. Since it is an order from a sage, there is no need for any reason."

Except when facing the sage, Medusa always looked cold no matter who she faced.

Seeing that the other party was so cold, Phoenix/Crow didn't feel surprised at all. He shrugged slightly and stopped asking about the matter.

The two of them came to the depths of the cave, knowing that the white curtain was blocking it, and there was a shadow on the curtain.

After reaching a suitable distance, Medusa and Phoenix knelt down on one knee.

"Sage, what's the matter?"

But logically speaking, there are three cadres on the Phantom Demon side, and in addition to the two of them, there is also a Guremlin.

But now apart from them, Gulemlin does not seem to have been summoned here.

Medusa and Phoenix/Urni were both a little confused and didn't quite understand why Golemlin didn't appear here.

At this time, the figure behind the white curtain stood up slowly, and then a voice came from inside.

"Medusa, Phoenix/Crow, you must be wondering now why I didn't summon Golemlin."

Hearing this, Medusa and Phoenix were startled, but neither of them asked any more questions.

They will definitely know what they should know, and they will never know what they should not know no matter how much they ask.

Both of them are veteran cadres and know what things should be asked and what things should not be asked.

"There is no need to be confused. I did not invite Gulemulin. The new task I assigned you has something to do with Gulemulin."

The sage's calm voice came from inside, making the two of them even more confused.

What on earth could be happening? Even if he didn’t notify Gulemlin, it still had something to do with him.

Although she was doubtful, Medusa never doubted any of the sage's decisions and said respectfully.

"Please give your orders."

"Medusa, I want you and Phoenix to help me get rid of Golemlin."

The surrounding environment instantly became quiet.

Medusa and Phoenix raised their heads and looked at the shadow with incredulous expressions.

"Sage, did I hear you correctly? You want us to deal with Gulemulin?!"

He raised his voice slightly, with a look of astonishment in Phoenix/Crow's eyes.

Obviously, he really couldn't understand what the sage was thinking.

"Yes, I made it very clear just now. I want you to help me deal with Gulemlin.

As for the reason, it doesn't hurt to tell you. Gulemulin is different from other phantoms, but he turned into a phantom as a human being, rather than being swallowed by the phantom in the inner world.

Born from the phagocytic host.

He is not only a phantom, but also a human being. I had never figured this out before and now I have figured it out.

I believe you should understand what this means. I am not going to keep such a guy. He is lurking on our side and must have his own purpose. "

After listening to the sage's explanation, Medusa and Phoenix/Crow had strong shock in their eyes.

They had never thought that Gulemlin would be such a special phantom.

Normally, this guy feels like he always obeys the orders of the sage, which seems to be his character, but now it seems that the truth of the matter is not like this.

"Guremlin him.

With a cold light in her eyes, Medusa did not doubt the authenticity of what the sage just said.

It can't be fake!

There is no need for the sage to deceive them with such things.

Lowering her head slightly, Medusa said solemnly.

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me and Phoenix/Wu, we will take care of it."

The phoenix/crow on the side didn't say anything, but as Medusa's assistant, Medusa's attitude said it all.

And Phoenix/Urni really can't beat Medusa now.

If it was just that he couldn't win, it would be fine. Every time the Phoenix/Wu died in battle, he would become stronger.

But he never took the initiative to provoke Medusa, because Medusa could not kill him, but make him want to live or die.

Medusa has a special ability, petrification.

Once petrified, it is no different from being sealed. There is no death, but it can't move at all.

This is why the Phoenix/Wu is willing to be Medusa's assistant.

Not to mention that he can't win, he may even be petrified by the opponent. There is no need for this.

After understanding the situation clearly, Medusa and Phoenix/Wu took action immediately.

They did not go to Guremlin immediately, but notified the other party first and let the other party come to them.

And the two of them set up traps and venues in advance, which would be more conducive to getting rid of Guremlin.

As phantoms, they and Guremlin know each other's advantages.

Guremlin has super fast speed. If it is not prepared in advance, it is difficult to trap this guy.

Make preparations in advance so that Guremlin has no chance of escaping.

"Medusa, leave the battle with Guremlin to me this time. It's been a long time since I had a decent opponent."

Twisting his neck gently, Phoenix/Wu likes fighting very much and is eager to fight.

Since he became a cadre, he has hardly fought much, and his body almost forgot the pleasure of fighting.

"Since you want to fight, I'll leave it to you, but I won't let Guremlin run away. Since the sage has given us this task, we will never allow failure.

Phoenix/Wu, don't let Guremlin escape, otherwise... you know the consequences very well."

At the end of the words, there was no lack of threats.

This mission is not allowed to fail, otherwise Phoenix/Wu will take the blame.

"Don't worry, as long as you can trap that guy, I won't let him escape."

Phoenix/Wu also doesn't like Guremlin's character.

Anyway, we will be able to fight that guy soon, so it doesn't matter what happens.

Guremlin, who suddenly received the news from Medusa, felt very strange.

Why did Medusa suddenly find him at this time and said that she had something very important to say?

He couldn't help but feel suspicious. Guremlin was a very cautious guy.

Once there was any danger, he would try his best to avoid it at the first time.

After thinking carefully, he found that he didn't seem to do anything special, so Guremlin decided to go and see.

However, although the cautious Guremlin was ready to meet Medusa and the Phoenix/Crow, he needed to prepare for the place in advance.

Once he encountered any emergency, Guremlin could escape at the first time.

Guremlin, who was very cunning, never let himself have no retreat.

His mind has always been very deep, completely different from other phantoms

Chapter 341 Ten thousand minds, come to the Jade Rabbit Cabin again! Target,

Singer Xianwu

After the birth of the phantom, there is a certain amount of scheming, but there will not be many outrageous places.

Only this special guy Guremlin would have ten thousand thoughts.

He has been investigating some things all the time, and now he has a little clue, but he still lacks a lot of crucial information.

Before he figured out all the situations, he still needs to stay in the Phantom Demon Camp.

When he arrived at the agreed place, Guremlin finally saw Medusa and Phoenix/Wu.

Guremlin, wearing a strange outfit, a black hat on his head, and a scarf on his shoulders, walked in.

This is an abandoned factory.

Since it is an abandoned factory, naturally not many people come here.

Because of this, this place has become one of the Phantom Demon’s bases.

When he saw the two, Guremlin immediately called out their names.

"Misa, Yugo, long time no see!"

That's right, he didn't call them Medusa and Phoenix/Wu.

The two names he called here were the names of Medusa and Phoenix/Wu when they were still human beings.

"I've said it many times, don't call me by that name!"

Phoenix/Wu really doesn't like hearing his old name.

He's obviously not that person anymore, but Guremlin insists on calling him by that name, which makes him feel very unhappy.

This is not the first time, but Guremlin just won't listen.

Seeing the cold and fierce look on the face of Phoenix/Wu, Guremlin shrugged helplessly.

"Forget it, since you don't like it, just pretend I didn't say it."

He looked playful, as if he didn't take the threat of Phoenix/Wu to heart at all.

And Medusa seemed to understand why Guremlin would call himself or others by human names, because Guremlin still has human


Although this guy is a phantom demon, he always does some human behaviors.

Humph! Sure enough, the sage was right, Guremlin is indeed problematic.

"Okay, Misa, what's the matter with you calling me here all of a sudden this time?

You don't want to see me normally, let alone calling me here on your own initiative.

Gremlin came to Medusa with a happy face, and he was eager to know what Medusa wanted to do.

Holding her arms across her chest and looking at Guremlin with an indifferent expression, Medusa said coldly.

“Guremlin, you are indeed hiding very well, even we can’t see it, but you can’t hide it from the sage.

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