No wonder you keep calling us by the names of our predecessors, now...I finally know why. "

Now that the matter has come to this, there is nothing to hide.

Now that Gulemlin had fallen into the trap, it wouldn't be a big deal even if he told him the truth.

Gulemlin originally had a brisk smile on his face, but his smile suddenly became stiff.

"Misa, what did you mean by what you just said? Why can't I seem to understand it?"

At this time, Gulemlin was still thinking about pretending to be stupid.

Only now did he realize that something was wrong. Calling him over suddenly this time was probably not a simple matter.

But he has always hidden it very well. He completely regards himself as a member of the Phantom Demon and should not be exposed.

Could it be possible...that your identity has been exposed?

"Guremlin has already reached this point, what's the point of continuing to hide it?

The sage already knows your true situation. Although you are still a phantom, you are different from all our phantoms. "

Originally thinking of getting away with it, Gulemlin didn't expect that his true situation would have been exposed.

He was very confused.

It is impossible for a sage to realize his true situation before, otherwise he would not be able to keep himself until now.

Why are you suddenly aware of your situation now?

What happened that made all this escape his control.

"Guremlin, I've actually been very unhappy with you for a long time. You always like to call humans names. I'm no longer a human!

In the past, due to your identity as a phantom, I didn't do anything to you, but it's different now. The sage's order is... kill you! "

As soon as Phoenix/Wu's voice fell, his body suddenly burst into flames.

The flames were billowing, and the phoenix/crow in the flames was staring at Golemlin with eager eyes.

It seems that there is no way to avoid this battle.

Guremlin knew very well what the combat power of Phoenix/Ukraine was, and it should be considered to be on par with him.

It's just that the opponent has a very difficult immortal body and cannot be killed no matter what.

And now that there is a Medusa beside him, Golemlin has no advantage at all in this battle."

With a slight change in his eyes, Gulemlin immediately transformed into a demonic form, ecstatically holding two swords in his hands and looking at the two of them warily.

Medusa also switches to phantom form.

On both sides of her head, there are many hair-like snake heads, which are almost identical to the legendary Medusa.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect you to find me. I asked you why you suddenly came here. It turns out you were planning to kill me."

By this time, Gulemlin was still able to laugh.

I don't know if he is forcing a smile or if he is really confident that he can escape.

"Hmph! Golemlin, suffer death! Follow the sage's order, I can let you die a little more happily, otherwise I will turn you into a stone statue first, and then knock you into stone.

Fragments! "

There was a chill in her voice, and Medusa took out her weapon, her cane arrogant.

"I said, do you underestimate my ability a little too much, do you think you can trap me just by walking through such a place?

I'm not just quick, bye. "

Before he finished speaking, Gulemlin's body began to sink slowly, as if he could enter the ground.

However, when Gulemlin's body dropped to half of his body, this kind of person found that he seemed to be unable to sink no matter what.


What he really discovered was that no matter how he acted, he could never sink.

Seeing that his body could not sink, Medusa immediately sneered.

"Hmph! Golemlin, you don't think we don't know your abilities, do you?

Now that I know your abilities, I will naturally make preparations in advance.

The surrounding walls and ground are all blocked by magic, and you can't escape at all. "

The body had no choice but to escape through the walls and the ground. Gulemlin had no choice but to give up and get out of the ground.

What greeted him was the phoenix/crow holding the sword of disaster.


A big sword wrapped in flames struck down hard, and Gulemlin hurriedly dodged to the side.

"What a risk! Xionggo, everyone is already so familiar with it, so there's no need to be so cruel, right?

I haven't done anything to make you hate me so much, but it really makes me sad. "

While saying this, he shook his head helplessly, as if the Phoenix/Crow's attack just now was nothing at all.

But Gulemlin's expression cannot be seen, but it gives people a very relaxed feeling.

This guy was clearly in danger, but he still seemed to be doing it with ease, which made Phoenix/Wu very uncomfortable.

Phoenix/Wu chased after him again, the sword in his hand was wrapped in blazing flames and slashed down suddenly.

Gulemlin didn't seem to have any intention of fighting the Phoenix/Uro, and kept retreating and dodging, as if he was approaching in one direction intentionally or unintentionally.

Apparently neither Medusa nor Phoenix/Ura noticed that Gulemlin was deliberately dodging in a certain direction.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm here, Yuugo, your speed is too slow."

At this time, Golemlin was still taunting Phoenix/Urni, as if he wanted to arouse the opponent's anger.

"You guy...don't look down on people!!

With a roar, Phoenix/Wu jumped up fiercely.

The big sword in his hand suddenly erupted into even more terrifying flames, and he slashed out with the sword in the air.


The flame attached to the great sword Disaster instantly turned into a fire blade and struck quickly.

With a cunning flash in his eyes, Gulemlin suddenly dodged the attack, and the terrifying flames instantly hit the wall of the abandoned factory.


The fire blade of normal high temperature and energy exploded instantly, causing gravel to fly and dust to fill the sky.


Medusa immediately understood what Gremlin was planning.

This guy wants to use the attack of the phoenix/crow to destroy the magic applied to the wall.

Although the magic applied to the wall can hinder the movement of Golemlin, it cannot block the attack of the Phoenix/Uro.

Amidst the dust and smoke, a faint sound could be heard.

"Xionggo, thank you very much for your help this time. If I have a chance next time, maybe I will help you again. So...goodbye."

The ancient Lemlin in the smoke and dust quickly turned into an afterimage and fled the scene at a very fast speed.

"Damn it! You dare to play tricks on me! Stop!!"

Phoenix/Wu hurriedly chased after him, but when he reached the wall, a blast of explosive force hit him instantly.


The terrifying impact instantly blasted the Phoenix/Crow that had just rushed past back.

His body slammed to the ground, and the big sword in his hand fell aside.


It turned out that Gu Lemlin had been at this location in advance and had already deployed quite powerful bombs.

In order to get rid of the pursuit, preparations were made in advance.

Gulemlin was indeed very scheming and very smart, and he had considered possible situations in advance.

Standing up from the ground, Phoenix shook his head vigorously.

The explosion just now only blew him away and did not cause much substantial damage.


Medusa's eyes revealed bursts of murderous intent.

Unexpectedly, even though I was prepared in advance, I would still be tricked by this guy.

I failed to complete the task I had assigned myself. Now that Gulemlin had escaped, it would not be easy to find him.

It will be much more difficult to kill him later than it is now.

What Golemlin is best at is escaping. He can easily escape into walls or underground and cannot be found even if he tries to find it.

Moreover, this guy moves quickly and will run away as soon as he encounters any danger.


Transforming back into human form, Medusa looked at the location where the explosion had just occurred.

There was a hole in the wall, and the ancient Lemlin had disappeared without a trace.

"Damn you guy! How dare dare you play tricks on me!!"

Smashing his fist to the ground, Phoenix/Wu roared unwillingly.

But the road was of no use, everyone had already run away.

Now, Medusa is thinking about how to remedy this problem.

The task assigned to them by the sage has not been completed. If they go back like this, they may be severely punished.

As for the escaped Gulemlin, he is now far away from the abandoned factory.

After escaping so far away, Gulemlin silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he seemed calm and relaxed just now, he was actually very nervous inside. Medusa did not take action immediately and petrified him, giving him a chance to escape.

If Medusa had suddenly taken action and petrified him just now, maybe he wouldn't be able to escape at all now.


"Haha! It seems that I will have to figure it out alone from now on. It's really troublesome."

With a sneer on his face, Gulemlin returned to his human form, pressed the hat on his head, turned around and left.

After returning to Sonosaki's house, Lu Li immediately went to Tiangao.

Singer Xianwu, it’s time to take this guy away.

Otherwise, when the Twelve Stars Switch is turned on and the jump gate is opened, this guy will awaken, making it impossible for the Twelve Stars Switch to open the Dark Nebula.

This was not what Lu Li wanted to see.

Sky high, Kamen Rider Club.

In the past few days, two more zodiac signs have appeared one after another, namely Taurus and Pisces.

This means that the Zodiac has now successfully collected eleven of them, and the last one missing is Gemini.

More and more cadres appear, putting tremendous pressure on the Kamen Rider Department.

But fortunately, these cadres were eventually defeated, and only those few in the Zodiac could really participate in the battle.

Gentaro Kisaragi and Ryusei Sakuda, who have already fought against Leo, have become deeply aware that this is a very difficult opponent.

Leo is so strong that he can easily defeat them one to two. He is so strong that it is beyond imagination.

After class, everyone gathered in the Kamen Rider Club, preparing to discuss the future matters.

Everyone had just arrived and before they had time to hold a meeting, the meeting was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a person.

Everyone was sitting together, preparing to hold a meeting, but Lu Li suddenly appeared in the Jade Rabbit cabin.

The first person to look at Lu Li was Fengcheng Miu, the head of the Kamen Rider Club.

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