Lu Li's brows raised slightly.

Is it really just a desire to fight?

PS: thanks

Monthly pass for Silent Starry Sky!

thanks one

Monthly pass for The Last Nocturne! pill

Chapter 354: It’s better to come sooner than later, get the emotion! uninvited guest

However, Lu Li didn't care much about whether it was really just a desire to fight.

He was just curious, not to the point where he had to know.

But core coins are always core coins.

Even the core coins created using the power of desire are not completely incapable of being born from self-awareness.

Although Kogami Mitsuo has studied the core coins to a very deep level, it does not mean that he has thoroughly studied everything about the core coins.

"I lost.

After leaving these words, Poseidon's body suddenly turned into countless cell coins.

"Wow!! 1

The Poseidon Drive landed on the cell coin, and the three core coins on it were placed quietly.

This situation was something Lu Li had never encountered before.

If you are a greedy person, you usually need to destroy the core coin that retains your consciousness to become like Poseidon.

But now the three core coins on the drive are not broken, but Poseidon's will suddenly disappeared, which is a little strange.

Looking at these three core coins, Lu Li showed no interest at all.

Even though this is a core coin from the future, its power is just that.

Compared with the six core coins of the evil organization he owned, the power gap was huge. There was no need to hold these low-level substitutes.

However, the number of these cell coins is quite large.

Since Lu Li had fused six evil organization core coins, he could naturally absorb the cell coins easily.

Although the power increase that Cell Coin can bring is only a small amount for Lu Li, it is better than nothing, and sometimes Cell Coin has some other benefits.

His usefulness.

For example, create a desire-devouring monster.

With a slight hook of his finger, a large number of cell coins on the ground quickly poured into Lu Li's body as if they had found a support.

After absorbing these cell coins, Lu Li turned his head and glanced at W and Police Cavalry before disappearing within a second.

"Nine-eight-seven" "Are you leaving...?"

Just after Lu Li left, the oppression on the policeman suddenly disappeared without a trace. He felt inexplicably relieved and his vigilant heart relaxed.

Every time he faced Lu Li, his heart would be a huge test.

Even though the policeman didn't feel any fear in his heart, he knew that there was no way he could defeat Lu Li and he would always feel a lot of pressure.

"Who is this guy? Why is he also made of cell coins? Is he a greedy person?"

Zuo Shotaro was very confused.

Since I have been in contact with Hino Eiji before, I also know a lot about core coins and cell coins.

What's more, Philip was there and he also learned some information about these two coins.

Philip on the right responded.

“I don’t know, he also appeared out of nowhere, who knows who it could be?

However, maybe Hino Eiji will know something about the situation. "

Considering the coins on this thing, Hino Eiji must know more about this matter than they do.

Just when W wanted to recover the Poseidon Drive and three core coins, a car rushed straight towards them.


The policeman who noticed this situation rushed over and tore W away.

Although I have it on my body after my transformation, it won't actually hurt if my armor is hit, but it will hurt!

And the car stopped.

He got up from the ground and immediately asked loudly.

"Hey! What are you doing? Why are you driving blindly? Don't you see someone here?"

However, no one answered W's question.

The car door opened and three people got out of the car.

It was Rem and Kaminagi who had just arrived from Tengao.

When you see these three people wearing white clothes, this iconic outfit is no stranger to the police.

"Consortium X?!"

They didn't expect that it would be someone from Consortium X.

Are these guys so blatant now? Aren't you worried about being exposed?

At this time, Rem Kaminagi, who had just stepped out of the car, came to the Poseidon Drive and dug out the three core coins from it.

As for the Poseidon Drive, it had no effect on him at all.

"Finally got it, the core coin from the future!"

Rem Kamanagi had an excited expression on his face, he finally got what he wanted.

It even omits the battle plot, which is simply not too comfortable.

With the ability of Consortium

There has been no breakthrough in technology yet.

Another important reason why Rem Kaminagi chose core coins from the future is that the core coins that travel through time may not bring the same power.

The core coin carries the power to travel through time, which may make the Galaxy King Drive he developed more powerful.

If there is no core coin from the future, Rem. Kannagi will probably have to settle for the next best thing and choose the core coin made by Consortium X.

Raising his head slightly, Rem. Kannagi had a faint sneer on his face.

"Thank you so much for helping me get these three core coins so smoothly."

"Hey! What on earth do you want to do with Consortium X? Are you planning something bad again?!"

Although W didn't know why Rem. Kannagi seemed to care about the three core coins, it was precisely because of this that he couldn't let the other party take them away.

"Haha! You will soon know what we are planning, but before that, I have to recover another thing.

Kataru, Solaris, let's go, don't waste time on them."

After saying that, Rem. Kannagi was ready to turn around and get in the car to leave and go to the Sonosaki family.

The most important material Solu is still with Lu Li. No matter what the price, he must get that thing back.

"Hey! Stop! Don't try to run!"

The police and W naturally couldn't watch the guys from Consortium X slip away from them.

For example, taking away the three core coins must be for something. It's unclear what it is, but it's definitely not a good thing.

When the two chased after him, Rem Kaminagi suddenly turned around and opened his mouth.


An invisible and terrifying impact came.

The invisible and intangible power directly blasted the two away.


The two did not expect that Rem Kaminagi, who looked like a human, could have such a terrifying power.

Falling to the ground in a mess, W and the police were completely caught off guard:

Passively canceling the transformation, Shotaro Zuo and Ryu Terui looked very embarrassed.


Rem Kaminagi sneered, waved his hand, and left with two followers.

He didn't have time to waste here.

Solu has to get it as soon as possible. Only by collecting these two things can he become the powerful king of the galaxy.

When the plan is achieved, the whole world will be his own.

What Lu Li, what Consortium X, are all not to be feared, they will all be his stepping stones.


The car slowly drove away, and the direction it went was exactly the direction of the Sonosaki family.

Watching the car leave, Shotaro Zuo and Ryu Terui were very unwilling, but they were powerless.

"Damn! What is this guy? How can humans have such power!"

Ryu Terui's tone was very shocked, and he couldn't understand what kind of power Rem. Kaminagi's power was!

"I don't know, it's certain that the guy should not be human. Consortium X has various research projects, maybe something we don't know."

Since they are still carrying dual drivers, Shotaro Zuo and Philip can communicate without obstacles.

"Hey! Philip, what on earth was that guy just now? His power is too terrifying. He actually beat us to transform!"

"I don't know. There are still many unsolved mysteries in Consortium X. We don't know how many projects they have."

Even Philip couldn't find information about Rem Kaminagi for a while.

There are too few clues.

At this moment, the Sonosaki family.

Misaki Nadeshiko, who was absorbing the emotional memories and earth common sense transmitted by Lu Li, slowly opened her eyes.

She has now completely integrated the emotional memories and earth common sense. When she opened her eyes, she found that the world was different.

Before, Misaki Nadeshiko, because she did not have intelligence, she could only mechanically copy the actions of the target.

Because the cosmic life seed itself is very magical, after integrating the emotional memory, the corresponding wisdom was born.

Now Misaki Nadeshiko, that is, Solu, is no longer a cosmic life seed without intelligence.

At this time, she has her own thoughts and her own thinking, and is no longer limited to the simple copying actions before.

Looking at this huge room, Misaki Nadeshiko looked around the room with strong curiosity.

She carefully pushed the door open and walked along the corridor to the hall.

Suddenly, a gray, slightly chubby cat passed by her.

Mick raised his head and glanced at Misaki Nadeshiko, with a flash of surprise in his eyes, but soon returned to normal.


Slightly squatting down, Misaki Nadeshiko carefully reached out her hand and gently stroked Mick's hair.

Mick, who was stroked, showed a look of enjoyment on his face.

You know, Mick is very wary of strangers, and it is unlikely that he would recognize a stranger touching him like this when they meet for the first time.

But Misaki Nadeshiko did it.

It was only because Misaki Nadeshiko herself was not a human, but a life seed from the universe, and her individuality was quite special that Mick did not feel any discomfort.

Mick, who enjoyed being touched, poked his head out and gently rubbed Misaki Nadeshiko's feet twice, as if to show intimacy.

Lu Li, who had just returned to the hall, happened to see the man and the cat, who seemed to be getting along very well.

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