"Mick, it looks like you're getting along well with our new family friend."

Mick suddenly became excited when he heard the sound.

When he saw Lu Li, a figure that frightened him, Mick suddenly lost all thoughts of enjoyment and ran upstairs in a hurry.

Seeing this, Lu Li smiled helplessly and said,

Since this guy turned back into an ordinary cat, Mick's personality has become exactly the same as that of an ordinary cat.

It's nothing like the executioner in a museum.

Slowly getting up, Misaki Nadeshiko looked at Lu Li. The memory related to Lu Li in her mind was very simple and clear.

It was Lu Li who brought her back and gave her the corresponding emotions and common sense.

For the first man she saw and had contact with, Misaki Nadeshiko had an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

The two were next to each other, and Misaki Nadeshiko's eyes never left Lu Li for a moment.

Looking at those clear black and white eyes, Misaki felt a strange feeling in her mind. This strange feeling caused her emotions to fluctuate.

Just by looking at her, Lu Li had already determined Misaki Nadeshiko's current state.

It is true that I already have emotions, but I have just acquired them, and I am relatively unfamiliar with emotions.

"This is where I live. Do you like it here? If you like it, stay.

Lu Li was very straightforward and did not mince words about Misaki Nadeshiko.

Misaki Nadeshiko, who was like a blank piece of paper, would not refuse at all when faced with Lu Li, the man who gave her feelings and common sense.


With a sweet smile on her face, Misaki Nadeshiko nodded and agreed to Lu Li's request.

This also means that from this moment on, there is one more member in the family.

And as a new member, he is not an ordinary person and has very powerful power.

Misaki Nadeshiko is the seed of life in the universe. Her cells contain powerful cosmic energy and can easily copy targets.

In the original theatrical version, Seki was easily copied and became Kamen Rider Nadeshiko.

Lu Li was more curious about whether Misaki Nadeshiko could copy other knights.

Kamen Rider Nadeshiko's power is not bad, but it's not that strong.

Just when Lu Li was about to test the extent of the cosmic energy in Misaki Nadeshiko's body, an uninvited guest came to the Sonosaki family.

Most of the people at home are working and are almost never at home during the day. Only a few people don't need to work, but they usually won't be there.

Metzl barely works, but she does go out and collect cell coins.

At the same time, because Gamel's core coins have been restored to nine, although it takes time to give birth to consciousness, enough cell coins are needed for resurrection.

She has been busy with these things during this time.

Dimoli was too young and dropped out of school very early due to illness during his lifetime. Although he was very smart, he was not exposed to many things.

In order to keep up with the current era, Dimo ​​Li took the initiative to study in school and would usually only come back at night.

As for Shi Mo, he has been waiting for his memory to be repaired recently. When he has nothing to do during the day, he goes to Fengdu for a walk.

"Nadeshiko, it seems we have to wait a little while. We have an unfriendly guest here."

"Guest? Unfriendly?"

Misaki Nadeshiko tilted her head, with curiosity in her eyes, as if she didn't quite understand what Lu Li meant.

In her common sense, since she is a guest, how could she be unfriendly?

The common sense 3 and 7 that Lu Li instilled in her were very basic and had no common sense in interpersonal communication, so naturally she didn't understand the twists and turns in these words.

"Let's go meet this unfriendly guest."

Even though he hasn't met the other party yet, Lu Li already knows who the other party is.

Holding Misaki Nadeshiko's little hand, Lu Li took Misaki Nadeshiko and teleported outside Sonosaki's house.

Rem Kannagi, who had just parked his car and had not had time to get out of the car, saw Lu Li and Misaki Nadeshiko appearing outside Sonosaki's house with strong surprise in his eyes.

He didn't understand how Lu Li found out that he was here.

Now was not the time to think about this. He stared at Misaki Nadeshiko tightly, his eyes very hot.

This is the Solu he has been looking for. With her, he can become the most powerful King of the Galaxy, and the whole world will be at his fingertips.

But if he wanted to get the Solu Switch, he had to find a way to convince Lu Li.

"Long time no see, Mr. Lu Li!"

Rem Kannagi walked towards this side with a smile on his face.

Most people really can't see the little Jiujiu in this guy's heart, but Lu Li knows clearly that this guy's goal is Misaki Nadeshiko.

"Rem Kaminagi, I haven't seen you for a while. Why did you suddenly come to my house? You didn't even inform me in advance. I had no intention of entertaining you."

Lu Li was not polite at all.

Hearing this, a look of embarrassment flashed across Rem Kaminagi's face.

He was anxious to get Solu, and there was no way he could take his time. He was eager to take Solu away as quickly as possible.

If Lu Li hadn't been here, this guy might have started robbing Misaki Nadeshiko.

"Haha! Mr. Lu Li, I am here to recycle our consortium's research materials.

This is the lady next to you. She is the research material of our consortium...Solu. "

PS: Thanks

Dieslrea for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 355 You... are nothing! Shocker Greedy!

The King of Darkness

Rem. Kaminagi directly brought out Consortium X, hoping to suppress Lu Li in this way.

But he obviously found the wrong person.

Because Lu Li didn't care about Consortium X at all. In his eyes, it was just a bunch of scum.

If he wanted to destroy it, Lu Li could easily destroy Consortium X.

Using such a thing to suppress himself is useless.

"Oh, so that's how it is. I understand."

Lu Li nodded calmly, as if he really understood it.

Seeing that Lu Li didn't seem to intend to snatch Misaki Nadeshiko from him, Rem. Kaminagi's face suddenly brightened.

Thinking that it was his move out of Consortium X that worked, he said impatiently.

"Okay! Mr. Lu Li, please hand this person over to me now, we will handle it properly later."

As he said this, Rem. Kannagi was about to take Misaki Nadeshiko away.

But before he took two steps, Lu Li blocked his way.

And the following words instantly made his happy mood fall to the bottom.

"Did you misunderstand something? Hand it over to you? Why should I hand it over to you? You. Who do you think you are!"

The words were very arrogant, and Lu Li did not take Rem. Kannagi seriously at all.

The fact is indeed so.

Rem. Kannagi is nothing in Lu Li's eyes.


Super evolved life form?

But so what?

It has nothing to do with Lu Li.

The smile on his face immediately froze, and Rem. Kannagi looked at Lu Li in surprise.

His two fists were clenched tightly, and the veins on his forehead had slightly emerged.

"Mr. Lu Li, what do you mean by that?"

His face suddenly darkened, and the cold light reflected on Rem Shen Nagami's glasses, emitting a chill.

The words were full of coldness, and he was not afraid of Lu Li.

Even if he did not become the King of the Galaxy, he still had very strong power and was not an ordinary person.

However, Lu Li still did not give him face and sneered.

"Heh! This is Fuuto, my territory, and the things in my hands are naturally mine. Why do you take them away with just one sentence?

Do you think you are beautiful and shameless? Or do you think that Consortium X can suppress me?

Even if it is Consortium X, what? Even if your boss comes, I will say the same thing, you... who are you?"

You who are you twice in a row deeply hurt Rem Shen Nagami.

It's okay once, but to do it again is just to press Rem Shen Nagami's face to the ground and rub it hard.

As the little followers, Kataru and Solaris could not sit still when they saw Rem Kaminagi being insulted like this.

The two were about to transform and fight, but Rem Kaminagi knew very well that he had not yet reached the final plan, so it was better not to fight rashly at this time.

He raised his hand to stop the two.

Taking a deep breath, Rem Kaminagi tried to calm himself down as much as possible.

"Mr. Lu Li, Sol is the research material of our consortium X. Isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to take it for yourself?

Although the museum has no cooperation with consortium X now, there is no need for both parties to fall out because of her, right?

I think this is not a good thing for both parties, especially now that the museum is still developing and needs stability, don't you think?"

The hidden meaning of these words is that if Lu Li does not hand over Misaki Nadeshiko, he cannot guarantee whether the museum can continue to develop smoothly.

It is clearly a threat to Lu Li to hand over Misaki Nadeshiko honestly.

"Haha! Shen Nagi, do you think your threats will work for me? I hate it most when others threaten me, and... they are people who overestimate their own abilities."

I have always been the only one who threatens others, and no one else threatens me.

The people who threaten me are now buried under the grass!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li slapped him with his backhand.


Rem Shen Nagi and Lu Li were so far apart in time, but he was slapped by a ruthless force for no reason.

The surroundings were quiet in an instant.

As the one who was slapped, Rem Shen Nagi's eyes revealed a hint of disbelief.

I was actually slapped, and it was in front of my followers.

Raising his head slightly, Rem Shen Nagi could no longer bear the madness in his heart.

Who cares who he is!

No matter who it is, he can't stop his plan!

"Asshole! ! Lu Li! Since you don't want to hand it over, don't blame me for being rude! Do you really think I'm afraid of you if you don't accept my toast? Come on!"

At this moment, Rem. Shen Nagi had a ferocious face, looking like a demon.

When he was in the branch of Consortium X, he still had to endure his direct subordinate, Kima, and he felt a little aggrieved.

A mere human dared to order him to do things, which was simply overestimating his own abilities.

But Rem. Shen Nagi still needed the help of Consortium X, so he didn't fall out with Consortium X.

He was already very aggrieved, and now he was insulted by Lu Li in person, and even slapped in the face from a distance.

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