Sudo Kirihiko's eyes just lingered on her hand, and Lu Li also noticed it.

"Do you still have a glimmer of hope? What a pathetic man."

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li ignored the pathetic man and turned to take the elevator to the top floor.


At this time, her younger sister Sonosaki Wakana would provoke her from time to time, and she chose to endure it.

For no other reason, it was because the forbidden memory was not in her hands now.

A rash conflict would only put herself in a passive situation.

At the same time, she also learned a very important news from Lu Li.

That is, her own forbidden memory is not in its complete form, but in a deleted state.

The internal information of the forbidden memory is not complete, and there is only one person who can do this, that is, her father!

When she learned of this news, Sonosaki Saeko felt extremely complicated and angry.

She never thought that her father had been on guard against her for a long time.

Sonosaki Saeko, who learned of this situation, was very angry in her heart, but she did not show it at home.

As usual, she treated her father with great respect.

Anger was useless and could not help her defeat her father.

Now, she was more concerned about how much Lu Li had perfected his memory.

According to Lu Li, the power contained in the forbidden memory should be no less than that of the fear memory.

She was very much looking forward to it and even couldn't wait to see her own forbidden memory.

It was just that during this period of time when she was working, she sometimes imagined from time to time the scene of her completely mastering the power of the forbidden memory.


Suddenly, the door of the president's office was opened.

The sudden sound instantly interrupted Sono Saeko's fantasy.

She raised her head slightly unhappy, and she wanted to see who dared to break in without knocking.

But when she raised her head, she found that the person standing at the door was the one she had been thinking about day and night.

"Lu Li?!"

She stood up in an instant, and there was no trace of unhappiness on her face, but a deep surprise instead.

During this period, she has been thinking about her forbidden memory.

Now seeing Lu Li suddenly coming, her first reaction is that her forbidden memory is now ready.

At this moment, Sonosaki Saeko no longer has the serious and dignified attitude in front of her subordinates.

"Saeko, I have helped you to complete your forbidden memory."

As he said, Lu Li shook the forbidden memory in his hand.

Compared with the previous time, the color of the forbidden memory at this time looks purer.

Running quickly to Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko couldn't wait to pick up the forbidden memory.

She wanted to try the power of the forbidden memory in its complete state immediately.

She was about to use the forbidden memory and Gaia drive to transform, but was stopped by Lu Li.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at Lu Li in confusion, Sonosaki Saeko's eyes flashed with confusion.

Lu Li shook his head slightly.

"No, it can't be used for the time being."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko frowned.

She didn't know why Lu Li said that, but she stopped her hand movement out of belief.

Looking at the forbidden memory that seemed to be full of power, Sonosaki Saeko asked directly.

"Why can't it be used for the time being? Is there something wrong with the memory?"

A trace of worry flashed across her face. You know, it's not so easy to make a golden memory.

Once it is damaged, it takes a lot of time to make it again.

Seeing that she suddenly became nervous, Lu Li stroked her soft hair with his hand.

"No, I have made the power of the forbidden memory complete, but now it has not been tested, and I can't guarantee whether the power of the memory is stable.

So before that, I need to find a little white mouse to test it, test the data, and then I will make adjustments."

After learning the news, Sonosaki Saeko breathed a sigh of relief silently.

She thought there was something wrong with the forbidden memory, but it just needed some testing.

"I see. Now, who are you going to find as the guinea pig? Do you have a target?"

She just hopes to adjust the forbidden memory as soon as possible so that she can use it again.

Hearing this, Lu Li shrugged slightly.

"I just came back. Where can I find a guinea pig? See if there is any suitable target."

The question was thrown back, and Sonosaki Saeko lowered her head and fell into thought.

"Test subject..."

After thinking for a while, Sonosaki Saeko suddenly had a bright idea.

She suddenly thought of a very suitable candidate.

Remember the woman who used the Tyrannosaurus memory before, Tsumura Marina.

That woman is currently being held in the Fuuto Police Station.

Criminals who use Gaia memory will be severely punished after being caught.

At least they can't escape prison for a while.

This is also related to the damage caused after the target becomes a doped body.

If someone kills someone or causes serious damage to public places, the prison term will generally be longer.

In the past, Tsumura Marina destroyed many public places and seriously damaged the public interest, so she would have to spend at least several years in prison.

It is conceivable that a woman of her prime age would be willing to spend her time in prison.

When she comes out, she will be old and ugly. No matter which woman, I am afraid she will not be able to accept such a result.

As long as she is slightly induced, she will be very happy to get the Gaia memory again.

"I do have a candidate here, but..."

Saiko Sonozaki suddenly thought of Marina Tsumura being detained in the police station. Even if she wanted to get close to her, it would be difficult.

And how can she perform the memory connection surgery on Marina Tsumura?

If this problem cannot be solved, it is almost impossible for Marina Tsumura to get the taboo memory.

Seeing that Saeko Sonozaki's face became embarrassed, Lu Li smiled and came to her chair and sat on it.

"It seems that there is trouble. Tell me, who is the so-called target, and I will help you solve it."

Seeing that Lu Li was so confident, Saeko Sonozaki, who was still hesitating whether to mention Marina Tsumura, no longer hesitated.

"Marina Tsumura! She used the Tyrannosaurus memory before, and she should have recovered almost completely after this period of time.

Moreover, she should be very eager to escape from Fuuto Prison. I believe she will be willing to cooperate."

When Lu Li heard the words "Marina Tsumura", he didn't feel anything, mainly because she didn't remember some people's names.

But when he heard the Tyrannosaurus memory, Lu Li naturally remembered the battle that happened before.

With his feet resting on the desk, Lu Li looked very comfortable.

"That woman? I know, leave it to me with confidence. Since she is now in the cell of the police station, I will go there first.

By the way, Saeko, arrange for someone to help me prepare the equipment for the memory connection operation."

"Okay! I'll ask someone to prepare it right away!"

Before she finished speaking, Sono Saeko ran out of the room as soon as possible.

She hoped that she could run a little faster, so that she could complete the test of the forbidden memory faster.

Not long after, Sonosaki Saeko hurried back, holding the instrument for making Gaia memory interface.

Handing the instrument to Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko asked.

"Lu Li, this is the tool you want. You should know how to use it, right?"

From the beginning to now, Lu Li has never used this instrument for making memory interface.

The instrument for making interface looks like a special pistol.

Open the top position, insert the Gaia memory to be used, and aim the tip at the user to make the interface.

Only by relying on the memory interface can the power of Gaia memory be used normally, so that the power of memory can be used at will.

He took the memory interface gun and played with it casually in his hand for a few times.

To be able to research such a thing, I have to say that the researchers in the museum are quite useful.

"Okay, just wait here peacefully, I will bring you good news."

After that, Lu Li took the taboo memory again and left the president's office.

Watching Lu Li's back as he left the room, Sonosaki Saeko's lips curled up slightly with a charming smile.

"Dear... I'm really surprised."

She felt very sweet.

Although Lu Li didn't say anything caring, everything he did was to show his concern for her.

Even if the forbidden memory was unstable, Lu Li had already thought of a solution in advance.

This feeling made Sonosaki Saeko feel very good, as if it was not bad to have someone to rely on.

In the past, Sonosaki Saeko never took the initiative to rely on anyone.

At home, her father was not reliable at all.

He was a very strict and ruthless father. Only from Lu Li could she feel his love for her.


Fuuto Police Station.

Due to the frequent appearance of memory users, the Fuuto Police Station also attached great importance to this matter.

Now they are even considering whether to set up a new class specifically for dealing with this type of case.

In the proposal, this new class is called the Frequent Case Investigation Class.

Of course, these are still under discussion and have not been established immediately.

The main thing is to build a new classroom, which requires enough manpower, but no one can temporarily support this new classroom.

Therefore, this is just a proposal and has not been implemented yet.

A female prison under the jurisdiction of the Fuuto Police Station is not too far away from the Fuuto Police Station.

As a criminal in Gaia's memory, Marina Tsumura was very honored to get a single room.

Here, the time to move freely every day is very rare.

Compared with the free days outside in the past, Marina Tsumura is very uncomfortable with the days here.

But even if she is uncomfortable, what can she do? She no longer has the power of the Tyrannosaurus memory, and it is almost impossible to escape from here.

And the person who sent her in personally was her childhood sweetheart, Shotaro Sa.

That ruthless man!

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