She actually sent herself to prison, and now she has to live in such a lonely place.

Deep in her heart, a strong hatred was born.

In the prison, Tsumura Marina wore a prison uniform, looking at the world outside the cage, her eyes full of hatred.

"Xiao~ Xiang!"

She whispered these two words.

The only thing she thought of now was revenge.

The target of revenge was Shotaro Sa.

But Tsumura Marina, who had lost her power, could do nothing except being angry.

If she wanted to get out, she had to reform here and strive for a reduction in sentence.


Night fell.

There was silence in Fuuto Prison at this moment, and the prisoners began to rest one after another.

Tsumura Marina lay on the bed in the room, not wanting to sleep at all.

How could she sleep with hatred in her heart?


Suddenly, a strange force came, and everything seemed to be in a state of stillness.

All the mosquitoes in the prison were quietly suspended in midair, without even a tremor of their wings.

They were completely restrained by this inexplicable force, and seemed to be unable to move.

At this moment, Tsumura Marina, who was lying on the bed, looked up without blinking, and also completely entered a state of stillness.

A figure appeared outside the cell.

Seeing that everything around him had stopped, he easily opened the cell door and walked in.

Seeing Tsumura Marina lying on the bed, Lu Li's mouth corners slightly raised, stretched out his right hand and gently snapped his fingers.


The sound of snapping fingers rang out.

Time in the prison seemed to flow again.

The mosquitoes that had stopped flying began to flap their wings and continue to fly.

Tsumura Marina, who was looking at the ceiling, came to her senses and found that there was an extra person in her cell.

Tsumura Marina, who was startled, immediately turned over and sat up.

She stared at Lu Li with a vigilant face.

She didn't understand how the other party got into her cell, when there was no one just now.

PS: Why does it feel so quiet after the data is put on the shelf (﹁﹁)~→.

Chapter 65 Desire for power, eat you!

Being stared at by those vigilant eyes, Lu Li didn't take it to heart at all.

He looked at the small cell by himself.

After a while of silence in the quiet cell, Lu Li's voice suddenly sounded.

"Don't be so nervous, Tsumura Marina, it feels bad to stay here, right?"

This sentence seemed to be asking her, and it seemed to be very sure that she was having a bad time here.

Seeing that Lu Li did not seem to show any hostility, Tsumura Marina relaxed her vigilance a little.

Looking at Lu Li, she was sure that she didn't know this man, and asked in confusion.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in my cell? How did you get in?"

She really couldn't figure out how Lu Li managed to appear in her cell at this moment.

Facing her question, Lu Li just smiled slightly and didn't answer.

Then, Lu Li stared at Tsumura Marina and asked back.

"Do you... want to go out?"

The word "go out" deeply hurt Tsumura Marina's heart.

How could she possibly go out in her current state?

Unless she could come and go without a trace like the man in front of her.

Although she didn't know why Lu Li asked her if she wanted to go out, she still answered that word herself.


She wanted to go out all the time. Who would want to stay in prison for a long time?

Unless someone has a hole in their brain, who would be so stupid?

Seeing her being so smart, Lu Li nodded slightly and took out the memory interface making instrument.

Seeing this thing, Tsumura Marina's pupils suddenly shrank.

"How... do you have this thing?! Is it... prepared for me?!"

There was a hint of disbelief in her tone.

It was hard for her to imagine that Lu Li came to give her the Gaia memory.

But what was this for? What was the other party's purpose?

"If you want to get out, then rely on your own strength. I am only responsible for giving you the power. How to use it is up to you."

Lu Li gently shook the memory interface making prop in his hand, as if he was tempting Little Red Riding Hood's Big Bad Wolf.

Marina Tsumura, who has lost the Tyrannosaurus memory, is still very eager for the power of memory.

Only when you get the powerful power you once had will you understand how attractive power is.

Even if you don't know who the other party is, it doesn't matter. She doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, she wants to escape.

Marina Tsumura can't wait to open her collar, revealing the position where the Tyrannosaurus memory interface was inserted before.

The previous interface had long disappeared with the damage of the Tyrannosaurus memory.

Staring at Lu Li with a fiery look, Marina Tsumura said anxiously.

"Hurry! Come on! I want to get out! I don't want to stay here, I want revenge!"

Her eyes were full of desire for power.

Seeing the fiery look in her eyes, Lu Li inserted the forbidden memory into the memory interface production instrument and slowly came to Tsumura Marina.

He could see the whiteness of her chest by lowering his head slightly, but Lu Li could not muster any interest.

Let’s not talk about the fact that Marina Tsumura is not as good as Saeko Sonozaki, and she even had a boyfriend.

Lu Li doesn’t have that hobby, and doesn’t like driving a used car.

Whether it’s Saeko Sonozaki or Lu Li’s sister-in-law, neither one is better than her.

Aim at her shoulder and cover the prop on the epidermis.


As if she was pricked by a needle, Marina Tsumura felt a deep pain and couldn’t help frowning deeply.

But in order to get strength, she had to endure it.

After a minute, she finally got used to the pain in her shoulder and it was no longer a problem.

The interface has been made, and Lu Li took out the forbidden memory again.

When she saw the golden interface memory, Marina Tsumura was slightly stunned.

She had seen the Gaia memory sold by the salesman before, but she hadn’t seen such a special Gaia memory with a golden interface at that time.

"This memory..."

"This is a high-level memory. Generally speaking, you can't get it by yourself, but I just happened to be doing an experiment and needed a guinea pig for the experiment.

So I chose you. What do you think? Do you want to use it? If not... forget it."

As he said this, Lu Li handed the forbidden memory in his hand to Tsumura Marina.

Although the memory interface has been made, if you don't want to use it, you can choose not to use it.

But does Tsumura Marina have any choice now?


She can't get the forbidden memory now, and it's no less than a fool's dream to get out.

No! She must get out!

What to do after getting out?

Of course it's revenge!

Even though she knew she would become a guinea pig, Tsumura Marina still chose the forbidden memory without hesitation.

Tsumura Marina took the forbidden memory and said coldly.

"Yes! Of course!"

Having achieved her goal, Lu Li had to wait for the test data next.

After the test data is out, Lu Li will be able to make various adjustments to the forbidden memory to ensure that it reaches the most stable state.

"Then I look forward to your performance. See you next time."


Before he finished speaking, Lu Li snapped his fingers again.

The strange power instantly swept the entire Fuuto Prison.

Tsumura Marina kept the action of holding the forbidden memory, just like before, motionless.

Then, Lu Li turned around and left the prison, leisurely leaving Fuuto Prison.

The moment he stepped out of Fuuto Prison, everything started running again.

This is the power of Spade 10, the time scarab.

The time scarab has no other special abilities, the only ability is... to stop time.

In the evening breeze of Fuuto, Lu Li gradually disappeared at the end of the night.


Back to the prison.

Tsumura Marina, who recovered from the time stop again, looked at the forbidden memory in her hand and the memory interface on her shoulder.

A crazy smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"Hehehe! Hahaha!"

She thought she was done and would have to spend the next long time here.

But she didn't expect that she would have a chance to get out.

Staring at the direction of the prison door, Tsumura Marina said sternly.

"Wait! Shotaro Sae! You sent me in with your own hands, this time I must get revenge!"

There is a saying that goes, if you can avoid provoking a woman, don't provoke her, otherwise when she takes revenge, it will be more difficult to deal with than anything else.

Tsumura Marina is in such a situation now, she wants to take revenge on Shotaro Sae at all costs.

There are people on duty in the prison even at night.

Hearing this wild laughter, the guards immediately rushed over.

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