In his opinion, the probability of his sneak attack being successful was very high, and Lu Li would at least be injured.

Just when the Super Galaxy King was so self-righteous, Lu Li directly told him through actions what absolute strength meant.

Without looking back, Lu Li just stretched out two fingers.


The rapidly rotating huge blade was pinched tightly by Lu Li's two fingers and suddenly stopped rotating.

"What?! How is that possible?!"

Seeing with his own eyes that the sneak attack he launched was so easily resolved, the Super Galaxy King had a strong sense of disbelief in his eyes.

Unable to understand!

Why was it that things were completely different from what he thought? It could even be said that there was a huge gap.

Such a large blade has a terrifying weight, and it spins extremely fast with the blessing of power.

But even such a terrifying attack was blocked by two fingers, unable to even make Lu Li take a step back.

The Super Galaxy King, who was in shock, looked at all this in disbelief. He had no idea what was going on.

Why was this so different from what he thought? Shouldn't Lu Li be cut into two pieces?

Although you couldn't see the expression on this guy's face, you could feel the strong loss in his heart.

Bringing the huge blade in front of him, Lu Li tapped it twice with his right finger, making a very soft sound.


It's a pity that such a large weapon is completely unsuitable, let alone Lu Li's already suitable weapon.

Before the Super Galaxy King could recover from the shock, Lu Li, holding a huge blade in his hand, had arrived in front of the Super Galaxy King in the blink of an eye.

With such a familiar application of time-stopping power, the Super Galaxy King immediately felt how stupid his previous behavior was.

The little power he controlled was not taken seriously by Lu Li at all.

Maybe I got the Solu Switch and I can fight again, but what can I do to snatch the Solu Switch now?

Now that his life is in the opponent's hands, how can he snatch Solu's switch?

Just one step away!

He was only one step away from becoming the true King of the Galaxy, and the Super Galaxy King was very unwilling to do so.


A punch hit the ground hard, and the Super Galaxy King felt very desperate in his heart.

If he could get Solu early, maybe the situation would be different now.

It's a pity that Solu was taken away while being transported to the branch. This was something that no one expected.

"Lu Li, you won. I underestimated your power. I didn't expect you to control the power of time.

If I could have gotten Soru before, maybe I wouldn't have lost now. "

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but laugh out loud.


This laughter sounded so harsh in the Super Galaxy King's ears.

His heart suddenly became angry, and the Super Galaxy King had now accepted his fate and said unceremoniously.

"What's so funny?! What I'm telling you is the truth. If it hadn't been for someone snatching Solu away on the way, I would have become a complete body long ago. How could I be where I am now?

What a look! state

Roaring at the top of his lungs, the Super Galaxy King punched out in anger.

This punch went straight to Lu Li's face.

Unfortunately, even a full punch in anger could not hurt Lu Li.

He tilted his head slightly, and the fierce punch passed right by the side of Lu Li's head, but it didn't even touch him.

At some point, Lu Li had already grasped the Super Galaxy King's wrist.

"Kanagi, the gap between you and me has been irreparable (money or not) from the beginning, even if you get all Soru.

It makes no sense, you know nothing about the power I possess.

As he spoke, Lu Li held the Super Galaxy King's wrist and gently exerted force.

The huge power crazily compressed the Super Galaxy King's wrist, making him wail continuously.

"Ah!! Let go! Let go!!"

He knelt down on the ground in pain, trying to pull out his arm, but the severe pain prevented him from using any strength at all, and naturally there was no way to escape.

The held arm twisted and deformed little by little, as if it had been crushed by this powerful force.


There were faint sounds of broken bones in the air, and the Super Galaxy King screamed in pain.


His arm was suddenly pinched off by Lu Li.

Even though Consortium X has very advanced medical technology, it can heal the crushed arm.

But even Rem Kaminagi, as a super-evolved life form, could not bear the pain he endured.


The Super Galaxy King was just a broken arm. As Lu Li gradually increased his strength, within a few seconds, the Super Galaxy King's arm suddenly exploded like a small bomb.

Black liquid splashed everywhere.

Previously, the Super Galaxy King was still screaming, lying on the ground clutching his arms in pain. The heartbreaking pain made him unable to scream.

The severe pain can make people speechless. You can imagine how intense the pain is.

"Let me see if your so-called super-evolved life form Mutamit can withstand the power of my fear."

With a wave of his hand, many black marsh grasses spread out from under Lu Li's feet.

In a very short period of time, the quagmire of fear quickly enveloped the Super Galaxy King

Just like when he helped Hayami Kouhei awaken the supernova, the Super Galaxy King was also pulled into a dark and terrifying space.

In this space, there was no sound or light.

Neither could he see nor hear.

PS: Thank you

- Blank (..................1) for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 357 The End of the Super Galaxy King! Cosmic Memory? Nadeshiko!

In the extremely dark and terrifying space.

The Super Galaxy King was still screaming in agony due to the pain of his arm bursting, but he could not hear any sound he made.

He knew very well that he was screaming, but there was not even a little sound in his ears.

After a while, although the Super Galaxy King could feel the pain in his arm, it was much better than before.

He slowly stood up, covered his broken arm with one hand, and looked around, trying to find a little light.

But he found that there seemed to be nothing here except himself.

Even light did not exist!

Where on earth did he come to?

They were fighting before, how come they suddenly moved here?

After an unknown amount of time, the Super Galaxy King felt that he was going crazy.

In this dark and enclosed space, there was no sound or light.

The longer you stay, the greater the probability of going crazy.

Especially the mental torture, it is too serious!

Although the Super Galaxy King was not crazy, his condition was not good at all.

I believe he can't hold on for much longer, and he might collapse because of this.

Endless fear spread in his heart and was gradually dominated by fear.

The Super Galaxy King was now wrapped in the power of fear, and his heart was full of fear.

I thought this guy could hold on for a while, but I didn't expect that he would not be able to do it in such a short time.

"It seems that... I still overestimated him. What kind of super-evolved life form can hold on for a while in the face of endless darkness, but it can't hold on for too long."

Muttering to himself, Lu Li snapped his fingers casually.


The quagmire of fear that enveloped the Super Galaxy King gradually receded like a receding tide.

Back to Lu Li's feet.

The Super Galaxy King had already sunk into madness in the endless darkness, and he didn't expect that he would return to reality.

Lying on the ground, he quickly got up and looked around.

When he saw Lu Li only a few steps away from him, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Back? !

He was extremely shocked.

He didn't understand where he had just been, but there was nothing in that place except emptiness and nothingness.

However, after staying in the empty and empty place for a long time, an incomparable fear would be born in his heart.

He almost went crazy because of this, but he didn't expect that he would come back at the critical moment.

There is no doubt that the initiator of all this is Lu Li.

A trace of fear flashed in his eyes unconsciously, and the Super Galaxy King took two steps back while enduring the pain in his arm.

"Just now...just now, all that was done by you?!"

Recalling the endless darkness and emptiness, he couldn't help trembling in his heart.

He didn't want to stay in that terrifying space anymore. Even death was better than staying there.

In that dark space, he even thought about committing suicide, but found that he couldn't die anyway.

He could only endure the mental torture and gradually sink into depravity.

"Rem. Kaminagi, it seems that even your so-called super-evolved life form can't escape the quagmire of fear.

The test is over, it's time to... send you to hell.

A cold voice came.

Lu Li took off the Terror Utopia memory on the fusion drive and inserted it into the memory slot on the right side of the belt.

"Terror.Utopia! Maximum.Drive (Terror.Utopia Extreme Drive)! "

The dark golden energy gushed out from Lu Li like a flame.

Enshrouded by the dark golden flame, Lu Li was like a god at this moment.

He took a step forward with his right foot, and the terrifying power caused the earth to collapse.

He jumped up and turned into a dark golden arrow and rushed into the sky.

The sky was gloomy because of Lu Li's transformation. Now it became even darker under the influence of this terrifying power, as if the end of the world was coming.


The body shining with dark golden light turned lightly.

It suddenly turned into a dark golden tornado and fell from the sky.

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