The locked Super Galaxy King, watching the invincible figure fall, forgot to escape for a moment.

In the endless darkness, a bright light seemed to appear, almost like a salvation for him.


The Super Galaxy King was completely swallowed up by the dark golden tornado, and his consciousness fell into endless darkness.

After passing through the body of the Super Galaxy King, Lu Li landed smoothly.

As for the Super Galaxy King, one can clearly see dark golden cracks appearing on his body one after another.

The dark golden light in the crack flickered like a heart beating, the frequency getting faster and faster.


As the person involved, the Super Galaxy King took two staggering steps and found that he could no longer move.


The next second, the Super Galaxy King exploded instantly, and the sky-high flames from the explosion instantly engulfed him.

Standing up gracefully, Lu Li completely ignored the violent explosion behind him.

In the flames of the Super Galaxy King's explosion, the three core coins from the future on the original Super Galaxy Drive also cracked under this terrifying force.



There was only a crisp sound, and the three core coins instantly broke into pieces and scattered on the ground.

The fear utopia memory used by Lu Li does not have the power to destroy the core coins.

But Lu Li himself has fused six core coins of the evil organization, and he already has the power to destroy the core coins.

Even without transforming into Repair Card 00OOO0, Lu Li could still exert his power to destroy the core coins.

This power has been integrated into Lu Li's body. As long as the evil organization's core coin is in his body, even if it does not change into the corresponding form, it can still destroy the core hardware.


Lu Li had no interest in the three core coins from the future, otherwise he would have taken them away when he defeated Poseidon.

The battle between Lu Li and Super Galaxy King has ended, and the battle between Shuka Greedy and Sutton Das on the other side has also come to an end.

Facing the extremely powerful greedy card repairer, Sutundas could only be beaten passively.

There is no doubt that this guy was knocked over in the end, and then his head was directly stepped on by the greedy man who repaired the card.

It felt ridiculous to end the battle so hastily.

After the battle, the card-shucking greedy man turned into a coin and flew back directly, reintegrating into Lu Li's body.

Feeling the return of the card-repairing core coins, Lu Li replenished the six core coins in his body.

Not only was he able to repair the Greedy One, Lu Li could also summon five other Greedy Ones in the same way.

Of course, the other five greedy people also do not have self-awareness, they just have fighting consciousness.

This ensures to the greatest extent that the core coins will not betray Lu Li.

The battle was over. Misaki Nadeshiko, who had witnessed the entire battle, suddenly imitated Lu Li's transformation.

A driver very similar to the fusion driver appeared on Misaki Nadeshiko's waist.

When he saw this scene, Lu Li suddenly felt surprised.

However, although Misaki Nadeshiko successfully copied the fusion drive, she failed to copy the Dread Utopia memory.

Instead, he copied a memory that Lu Li had never seen before.

When Misaki Nadeshiko pressed the memory in her hand, a mechanical voice sounded.


Cosmic memory? !

Lu Li couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, even though there were memories related to the universe in the earth's memory.

But the memory related to the universe is too general, and it is almost impossible to create a memory of the universe.

However, Misaki Nadeshiko has actually made it now. Is this really a cosmic memory?

Generally speaking, if you want the power of memory to be stronger, you must have a rich enough memory of the earth.

The memory of the universe is so rich. If it were to be turned into a memory, the terrifying power would be unimaginable.


Insert the cosmic memory in your hand into the drive on your waist.

A bright blue light enveloped Misaki Nadeshiko, feeling like a bright galaxy, extremely mysterious.

At this distance, Lu Li could clearly feel a powerful force emerging from the blue light.

This powerful force is very mysterious and does not seem to come from the memory of the earth.

It's right to think about it. After all, Misaki Nadeshiko is the life seed of the universe. She relied on the ability to copy the drive and memory. In essence, she is still using the universe.


It uses cosmic energy, which is naturally different from the memory of the earth.

When the blue light dissipated, a proud female knight appeared in front of Lu Li.

The knight armor on his body is based on blue, with some silver stripes in some places, and there seem to be some dotted symbols on his body, like stars in the universe.

(bgb) The overall image is similar to Kamen Rider Nadeshiko, but mixed with some forms similar to the fearful utopia transformed by Lu Li.

Kamen Rider Nadeshiko!

Overall she looks very handsome, and you can tell from the aura emanating from her that her combat effectiveness is not low.

The fighting ability of Nadeshiko, who originally copied the bastard, could only be said to be average but not very strong. However, the current Nadeshiko is completely different.

Not only does it look more handsome, but its overall combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved.

The copying ability given to her by the universe is quite wonderful.

When Misaki Nadeshiko is copying a target, she chooses a powerful target, and the stronger her combat effectiveness becomes.

Seeing herself complete the transformation, Nadeshiko suddenly laughed.


She thought the copying would fail, but she didn't expect it to succeed. It was indeed very unexpected.

Feeling the power coming out of her body, Nadeshiko now has the power to fight the monsters.

Lu Li walked up to the transformed Nadeshiko and rubbed her head.

"Well done. I didn't expect you to be able to copy my power."

Nadeshiko didn't feel any discomfort when her head was rubbed. Instead, she put her hands behind her back and swayed her body from side to side.

This look makes people feel like a girl in love is having her head rubbed by the person she likes.

It was absolutely impossible for Nadeshiko, who had not integrated human emotions before, to make such an action.

Of course, Nadeshiko's actions like this do not mean that she fully understands what feelings are. It is a corresponding reaction based on the memory of the earth she has obtained.

It will take some time to fully understand the human condition.

After putting down his hand, Lu Li couldn't help but start thinking about this time he suddenly came to Fengdu and found his Rem Kaminagi.

How did this guy know that Misaki Nadeshiko was in his hands? She was obviously here for him.

The only people who know that Misaki Nadeshiko is here are probably some students from Tengao and I, Nozomi Guangming and others.

Needless to say, those students have nothing to do with Consortium X. So the only person Lu Li can think of to bring this matter to him is probably me.

Hope Guangming this old fox.

He lost to himself in the fight for Misaki Nadeshiko, and was beaten to a very embarrassing state by himself, which made him feel very unwilling.

Therefore, he wants to lure Consortium X to his side by diverting trouble to the east, so that he and Consortium X can compete with each other.

And while he is being entangled by Consortium X, this guy will definitely speed up his search for the last Zodiac disciple.

It was a good calculation, which further strengthened Lu Li's idea of ​​​​getting rid of me and Wang Guangming.

This kind of old fox teacher is very dangerous, always scheming behind the scenes and causing obstacles for himself.

Keeping such a guy would be a disaster.

However, before the last switch of the Zodiac Star Disciple was taken out, Lu Li would not touch me to see the light.

When this guy gathered all the switches of the last Zodiac Disciple, I suddenly snatched him away. It was quite satisfying just thinking about it.

I'm afraid that when I'm robbed of my sight, my blood pressure will soar on the spot. As for whether I'll die suddenly, it's hard to say.

The cooperation between the two parties is now on the verge of collapse. There is no problem for Lu Li and the undercover agent Emoto Shuhui to pass the news to him.

Everything is going according to plan, Lu Li is not worried at all that I hope Guangming can escape from his grasp.

Let this guy be proud first, then he will cry later.

One day passed in the blink of an eye.

X branch of the consortium.

Kima had already received the news before that Rem Kaminagi was gone.

As for the so-called plan, it has now been put on hold due to the death of Rem Kaminagi.

This also means that Consortium X’s previous material and financial investment was in vain, and in the end it got nothing.

Of course, it’s not like there’s nothing at all, there’s still a bunch of data.

Fortunately, the results of the Star Disciple Switch have been recovered, and the investment of Consortium X is not without return.

After Kima learned that Rem Kaminagi had died, he didn't show any discomfort at all. Instead, he sneered.

Kima already knew everything about what Rem Kaminagi had done.

It's not good for this guy to provoke anyone, but he wanted to provoke Museum Lu Li.

You must know that the current museum is no longer the museum it used to be. Even Consortium X does not dare to take the initiative to cause trouble for the museum.

Especially now that the museum is very powerful and has a lot of high-end combat capabilities, Consortium X really doesn't want to provoke it if it can avoid provoking it.

Otherwise, Consortium X had invested so much money in the museum but had not received much return. How could Consortium X be indifferent?

The reason why he did not act rashly was of course because he was afraid of the power of the museum.

But now it's better. Rem Kaminagito ran directly to the opponent's base camp. It was simply looking for death.

No one can stop him from seeking death. Now Kima still needs to consider whether the museum will attack Consortium X.

After all, this matter was initiated by Rem Kaminagi, and Rem Kaminagi was a member of Consortium X. This was an undeniable fact.

Of course, Lu Li would not miss any opportunity to exploit Consortium X.

In Lu Li's eyes, Consortium

After dealing with Rem Kannagi, Lu Li called Sonosaki Saeko and told her everything that happened at home.

When she learned that Consortium

Good guy!

There is no cooperative relationship between the two parties anymore, but you took the initiative to hit me. Now that you have done it, I won't be polite.

Sonosaki Saeko contacted Kima immediately, and first she angrily denounced Consortium X for such behavior.

She was in the wrong, and there was nothing she could do about it. This matter was indeed Consortium X's problem, and she hated Rem Kaminagi even more.

Instead of this guy, how could he possibly offend the museum and even ask the other party to call him to accuse him.

Later, Sonosaki Saeko and Shishida opened their mouths and made some conditions. Of course, Consortium X was unwilling to accept such threats.

When has Consortium X ever taken the initiative to compensate others for their belongings?

Consortium X is not a charity, but a global arms dealer, and may agree to these inexplicable compensation demands.

PS thanks

Broly x’s monthly pass!

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