Will it be better like this?

Shi Mo couldn't find the answer to these questions for a while.

Lu Li naturally noticed the abnormality of Shi Mo.

He could feel that Shi Mo was full of hesitation.

Shi Mo didn't know whether he should reveal his past memories.

He stood up and came behind Shi Mo, patted Shi Mo's shoulder lightly, and raised his neck to the garden outside the hall.

Shi Mo came back to his senses and immediately realized that Lu Li might have something to say to him.

He didn't say anything, but just stood up slowly, holding the ace memory and followed Lu Li's pace.


When the others saw this, they knew that they must have something to talk about, so they didn't follow.

The moonlight shone in the quiet garden, and the shadows were beautiful.

Lu Li came to a chair and sat down, patting the seat next to the chair.

Shi Mo, who had been following behind, saw Lu Li's actions and came to sit next to the chair.

But she lowered her head slightly, said nothing, and looked like she was worried.

"What? The memory is now restored, shouldn't you be happy?

When you use the power of memory, there should be a high probability that you can restore your previous memories."

The voice came from the side, Shi Mo lowered his head even deeper, still without saying a word.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lu Li suddenly asked.

"Shi Mo, do you want to know everything about your past?"

Hearing this, Shi Mo didn't know how to answer for a while.

How could she not want to.

Even if she is very satisfied with her life now, she has no previous memories.

How could she not want to take back the memories that belonged to her before?

But she is worried about another thing now.

When she recovers her memory, can she continue to stay here, and can she still live like before?

Regarding this question, Shi Mo herself doesn't know the answer.

This is why she is hesitating and can't make up her mind.

Reaching out and gently stroking Shi Mo's hair, Lu Li said calmly.

"Treat it with a normal heart, don't always think about those things, you are incomplete without your previous memories.

Now there is an opportunity to become complete in front of you, I think you should still think it over

Don't worry, even if you get your previous memories back, you are still my person, and this will not change."

Shi Mo, who had been lowering his head, suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Li with a twinkling gaze.

Although the contact time was not long, Shi Mo could feel Lu Li's care and concern for him.

"I...I want to restore my memory."

Shi Mo, who hesitated again and again, finally decided to choose to restore her memory.

Perhaps when she completely restores her memory, the knot in her heart will also be untied.

Knowing her origins, knowing what she had done, what exactly do she want to do in the future?

If you want to use the ace memory, then you naturally need to use the new Gaia drive that Lu Li had made before.

Lu Li naturally has this kind of drive on hand, after all, the new Gaia drive, after all, it was developed by him personally.

Sometimes he reached out to the side, his hand fell into the space, and after a while of groping, Lu Li took out the new Gaia driver.

"Use it, let me hear your opinion, but when you transform, you should be a little more controlled, don't overturn the house."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li threw the driver in his hand to Shi Mo.

Taking the driver, Shi Mo looked at this extremely delicate driver, and also recalled what the researchers said when he repaired the ace memory before.

The driver looks small, but it can fully release the power of the memory.

The person who made this driver was not those researchers, but Lu Li

When he first heard the news, Shi Mo still felt very incredible that Lu Li had such ability.

Not only is his own strength very strong, but he can also transform existing memories and drivers to make them stronger.

This is a bit outrageous! Knife,

The 35th ker! Are you going to play cards?

Taking a deep breath, Shi Mo put the new Gaia driver on his waist and pressed the ace memory in his hand.


When the memory card was pressed, a strange force enveloped Shi Mo.

The body suddenly changed, and a dark and strange figure appeared where Shi Mo was just now.

The powerful energy stirred the dust in the garden, and Shi Mo also completed his own transformation.


The black color that matches the dark night very well!

Except for some white lines, the whole body is almost made up of black.

The overall appearance looks a bit like the ace shape in the card.

Even Lu Li felt a little surprised by the energy released by the ace.

Unexpectedly, Shi Mo's ace hybrid form actually has such a strong power.

Even though there is no battle yet, Lu Li can already feel the surging power of the ace hybrid.

When transformed into the ace hybrid, a memory emerged in Shi Mo's mind.

This memory came from the depths of her memory, a memory that she had forgotten.

In her memory, she was indeed from Lifengdu, and was an important figure in Lifengdu:

The emergence of memories made Shi Mo feel dizzy, and her body unconsciously took two steps back.

She knew that her origins were not as simple as she imagined, and at the same time, in her memory, there were also things about her past experiences.

She... was a witch? !

She had a very powerful and terrifying power!

"It seems that... the power of the memory did help you recover your memory, at least... it was part of it."

The voice suddenly sounded, and the Ace Doped Body, who was originally immersed in memories, raised his head.

Noticing that Lu Li was looking at him at this time, the Ace Doped Body nodded slightly.

The Ace Memory is not even a golden memory, but it can exert a very powerful power, which is related to the characteristics of the Ace Memory "360".

Under the stimulation of strong emotions, the power exerted by the Ace Memory can increase several times.

Even because of the emotional runaway, it will burst out with more terrifying power.

Although it is not a golden memory, at certain times, the power exerted by the Ace Memory can even surpass that of the Golden Memory.

Of course, this is also closely related to the high degree of compatibility and development between Shi Mo and the Ace Memory.

"Since you have recovered, let's test your strength."


As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li snapped his fingers and the area where the two were in was instantly swapped.

When the Ace Doped Body reacted, she found that she and Lu Li were already in a completely unfamiliar place.

Although she knew that Lu Li had great power and even mastered the power of space, she did not expect that the area where the two were in could be swapped in an instant.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the Ace Doped Body, Lu Li exuded a faint dark golden light.

Then, Lu Li's figure suddenly changed.

A ferocious-looking weirdo suddenly appeared in front of the Ace Doped Body.

There were two golden tentacles on his head, and two long golden chains next to his head.

Dark gold armor, bright red and ferocious body.

There is a dark gold belt around the waist, and a layer of gold is revealed in the red heart in the middle.

Joker. Full fusion form!

The Ace Doped Body is the Joker Doped Body.

At this moment, the Ace Doped Body that Shi Mo transformed into is vaguely similar to the Jokr. Full fusion form that Lu Li transformed into.

It was the first time for the Ace Doped Body to see Lu Li transformed into the current Jokr. Full fusion form, and found that there was a little similarity between him and himself, and he was quite surprised.

"Lu Li, what are you doing?!"

Obviously, she was very surprised that Lu Li could actually transform into a weirdo.

Because she transformed into the Ace Doped Body, Shi Mo felt a little lost when she felt that the distance between herself and Lu Li was pulled away.

But now, Lu Li has transformed into a weirdo, and he is actually a weirdo who is very similar to herself, and she has an inexplicable sense of closeness in her heart.

In order to test the combat power of the Ace Hybrid Body transformed by Shi Mo, Lu Li slowly raised his left hand and gently hooked a sharp claw.

"Come on, let me see your strength.

Hearing this, the Ace Hybrid Body no longer hesitated, and slightly stepped back with his right foot, posing a posture ready to take action.

"Bang! ! "

Then she stomped her right foot on the ground, her body turned into a black shadow, and rushed towards Lu Li quickly.

When she was in human form, Shi Mo had the ability to move far beyond that of ordinary people.

When she transformed into an ace hybrid, her ability would be improved to a certain extent.

She had strong explosive power, and she was in front of Lu Li in just a blink of an eye.

She smashed her fist with all her might, and the ace hybrid had no intention of holding back at all.

Her intuition actually told her that even if she used all her strength to fight Lu Li, the possibility of winning in the end was zero.

As for the strange behavior she had produced, the ace hybrid had 100% confidence.

She quickly waved her fist, leaving a series of afterimages, and attacked Lu Li frantically.

The ace hybrid was indeed fast, and the speed of attack was also very strong.

But Lu Li Not only can he easily dodge the attack of the Ace Doped Body, he can also easily resist it with a wave of his hand.

The terrifying collision stirred up the dust on the ground, and the power of the two people intertwined.

Countless gravel splashed all over the sky, and the figures of the two people were slowly descending.

These gravels all came from the ground where the two were, and were lifted up by the collision of the two people's powerful forces.

The strength of the Ace Doped Body has made the Ace Doped Body understand that relying on this kind of fighting method, the possibility of winning is almost zero.

Knowing that his attack would not work, the Ace Doped Body did not continue to choose to attack in the same way, but stomped on the ground fiercely, and his body slowly flew into the air.

Just as he was about to turn 360 degrees in the sky, the Ace Doped Body turned halfway, but found Lu Li suddenly appeared behind him.


She didn't even understand what was going on, and Lu Li had already appeared behind her.

Lu Li did not launch a powerful attack on the Ace Doped Body, but just stretched out his finger and flicked her forehead lightly.

But even so, this power is still very strong.

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