The ace dopant immediately lost control of his body and fell directly to the ground before completing the 360-degree turn.

Fortunately, after transforming into an ace dopant, the entire person's defense has been greatly improved, so there won't be any big problems just because of such a fall.


The body suddenly hit the ground, and the earth made a violent roar/whimper.

The figure in the sky flashed for an instant and disappeared again.

When Lu Li just fell back to the ground, a black arm with white lines suddenly poked out of the hole just made.

The next second, I saw a brisk figure jumping out of the diffuse smoke.

Apart from looking a little embarrassed, the ace dopant didn't seem to be greatly affected.

"Lu Li, be careful, I can't guarantee your safety next time."

Before he finished speaking, the ace dopant suddenly condensed the spiritual energy in his body into his arm.

There was a faint shadow on the arm, one card after another, and all the energy just now was poured into these cards.

The gradually temporary cards were grabbed by the Ace Dopant and one of them was drawn out.


Suddenly throwing out this card that didn't seem to be special.

The speed of the card is extremely fast. If it is an ordinary person, it is almost impossible to see the flying speed of this card.

Lu Li noticed the card's movement and easily passed the card's attack.

Seeing the cards lying quietly on Ace Dopant's arm, Lu Li felt as if he was playing cards, and now he just had to say one sentence.

Come out! Blue Eyes White Dragon!


Ace Dopant knew that even if the cards he fired were very fast, Lu Li would not be unable to deal with them.

The result was just as she expected, Lu Li was able to easily dodge the card without even making any extra moves.

If she had known that the card that condensed the energy in her body would have very powerful cutting power, even the aurora dopant transformed by Ten Thousand Deng Snow Warriors might not even be able to cut through it completely.

100% avoided.

However, Lu Li showed terrifying reflexes and super agility, far surpassing Wan Deng Snow Warrior in every aspect.

Even though the attack missed, the ace dopant was not discouraged.

Not even that!

This battle itself is not over, so why should we be discouraged?

The ace dopant suddenly jumped into the sky, throwing the cards in his hand in a weird posture at high altitude.

The attack angle of each card is very tricky. It has to be said that if I were not very proficient in the use of cards, I would not be able to do this.

He was here to test the power of the ace dopant, so Lu Li naturally didn't bother to use his special abilities.

Once these special abilities are used, this battle may be over.

Lu Li grabbed one of the cards very accurately, and it had a strange power attached to it.

At such a close range, Lu Li could feel the powerful cutting force.

He instantly threw the card in his hand backhand, and this card and its tricky angle actually hit two flying cards at once.

There were only four or five cards in total, and half of them were destroyed at once, and the remaining two cards couldn't make any waves.

Without even looking at the golden sickle blade on his right hand, the two cards disappeared without a trace with a swipe of the air.

It's that simple and crude.

The ace dopant did not expect that the card he released would be destroyed so easily.

Thinking of this, Ace Dopant once again exploded with power, and several more cards appeared on her left arm.

But this time, the ace dopant did not directly throw out all the cards, but grabbed all the cards in his hand.

The five cards overlapped, and a powerful energy bloomed from his hands.

That's right, all she has to do is compress the few cards she has on hand.


Ace Doping Body Jiao scolded.

Under the influence of this powerful energy, several cards in his hands actually merged together.

The energy fluctuations released by this card are even more powerful.

He grabbed the card, turned his body violently, and threw the ace dopant at Lu Li again.

"call out!!"

For once, the thrown card flew even faster than before.

The card was cutting the air crazily, and a faint buzzing sound could be heard.

This time, Lu Li didn't dodge or even raise his hand.

The shot hit his body accurately, and when the card touched his body, a powerful force bloomed from the card.

The card released a powerful energy and instantly enlarged and enveloped Lu Li, sealing Lu Li inside the card.

There is a letter J in the upper left corner and lower right corner of this huge card, which symbolizes the ace Jokr!

Lu Li, who was sealed inside the card, could feel this power restraining him.

Seeing that his card successfully blocked Lu Li, Ace Dopant was not at all happy.

Because she felt that she had been blocked by Lu Li, and she had no chance of winning.

But since she has already reached this point, she will not give up the last step.

The body squatted slightly again, then jumped up suddenly and shot straight into the sky.

A 360-degree turn in the sky, a powerful flying kick from top to bottom, heading straight for the huge card.

Lu Li found the power of Ace Memory very interesting.

Compared with the ace memory used by the dabbler, the ace memory used by Shi Mo was obviously more powerful.

There is no doubt that Shi Mo, who has transformed into an ace dopant, can become a cadre of the museum.

Unexpectedly, a memory that is not even a golden memory can release such terrifying power, which is quite good.

Facing the ace dopant who launched a flying kick and came straight towards him, Lu Li certainly had no intention of getting kicked.

Even if nothing happens to me, the pain will still hurt.

The body shook slightly, and the terrifying energy burst instantly tore the ace card apart.

Lu Li, who was sealed in the card, reappeared after the trump card was torn apart.


The ace dopant who was kicked down from the sky was very shocked when he saw this.

She didn't even understand what was going on, why it was suddenly and inexplicably unblocked.

However, this flying kick has already taken shape, and even the ace dopant has no way to withdraw at this time.

Facing the fierce flying kick, which contained a very powerful energy, Lu Li did not retreat at all.


The terrifying energy exploded instantly, and a flash of white light swallowed Lu Li and the Ace Dopant.

The ground trembled, splashing countless gravel.

In the area shrouded in white light, the ground seemed to be shattered, and it looked extremely tragic.

The white light gradually dissipated, leaving a deep pit around Lu Li's position.

Lu Li was in the center, but there was a stone pillar under his feet that was just big enough for him to stand.

Lu Li was seen raising his right hand, and his right hand was grasping the right foot of the King 2.4 Doped Body.

The explosive flying kick just now was blocked by Lu Li.

He didn't even take a step back, he was still where he was just now.

Ace Doping's mood at this moment was very complicated.

He had tried every means to attack Lu Li, but he didn't expect that he would still be no match for him in the end.

So strong!

There are only these two words in her mind now.

Lu Li's power had exceeded her estimation, and even exceeded her ability to understand.

It goes without saying that Shi Mo, who has developed his ace memory to a considerable extent, can unleash his combat power.

"I lost."

The ace doping body uttered these three words and was convinced.

Hearing this, Lu Li released his grip on the Ace Dopant, and the Ace Dopant fell to the ground easily.

The two of them released their transformation at the same time.

"Your strength is very good, and you are enough to serve as a cadre of the museum. From now on, you will be an official cadre of the museum."

Shi Mo, who had no control over power before, joined the museum, but it was not yet part of the cadre journey.

But now, she has shown enough strength to be ranked among the cadres.

"A cadre?"

For some reason, Shi Mo suddenly thought of the time when he was in Li Fengdu.

At that time, I should be considered a cadre.

I didn’t expect that now that I have joined the museum, I am also a cadre.

As for Li Fengdu, she didn't want to go back.

Compared to Li Fengdu, she prefers her current life in the museum.

After thinking about it, he suddenly raised his head. With a smile on his face, Shi Mo gently pushed his hair behind his ears.

"I understand. From now on, I will be an official official of the museum."

PS: thanks

-13871. monthly ticket!

If I want to go out for a while, I’ll send this out first.

lest you forget

Chapter 360: Variables, invasion of Consortium X, surprise coming!

When Lu Li used space transfer to take Shi Mo back to Sonosaki's house, the only remaining stone pillar in the pit collapsed.

After returning to Sonosaki's house, Lu Li naturally shared the good news with everyone. The museum had added a new official official.

At this time, Li Fengdu

Wan Dengxue Shi has been moving very frequently recently.

However, he was also very careful in order not to attract the museum's attention as much as possible.

Seeing that Li Fengdu had expanded so much, he felt very pleased in his heart.

The city was starting to take shape and it was time to find more members.

Suddenly, Wan Dengxue Shi frowned slightly.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly had an inexplicable feeling, as if something important had been taken away.

However, this feeling only passed by briefly and did not last long.

Wan Dengxueshi didn't know what this feeling meant for herself.

Frowning slightly, Wan Dengxueshi couldn't figure out what happened recently.

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