Forcing himself to calm down, Kima immediately called his subordinates to settle the loss this time.

At the same time, she also had to implement the requirements raised by the museum one by one.

Looking at the devastated building, she felt sad.

The high-ranking Consortium X is now being trampled under Lu Li's feet. How sad.

But Kima did not give up because of this. Lu Li won this time, but it does not mean that Consortium X will not have a chance to make a comeback in the future.

It's just that before there is absolute certainty, Consortium X will not take the initiative to go against Lu Li.

On the company side

Sonosaki Saeko soon received a call from Kima.

When she saw the other party calling, Sonosaki Saeko's face suddenly showed a smile.

She knew that there was only one possibility for the arrogant head of Consortium X to suddenly call her at this time.

It must be that Lu Li had settled the matter, and the other party came to take the initiative to compensate.

After the phone rang for a while, Sonosaki Saeko slowly answered the phone.

"Hello! Who is this?"

"Ms. Sonosaki, this is Kima from Consortium X. We talked on the phone before."

Kima was still furious, but unfortunately she could only hold it in.

Pretending to be unaware, Sonosaki Saeko pretended to be curious.

"It's Ms. Kima. Do you have any advice for me by calling suddenly?"


There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, but Sonosaki Saeko vaguely heard the sound of smashing things.

Then, Kima's voice came again.

"Ms. Sonosaki, we don't need to beat around the bush. Mr. Lu Li has already come here. I already know your demands, and the headquarters has agreed to your request.

Regarding the corresponding compensation matters, I will arrange someone to contact you later."

There was dissatisfaction in the words, how could Sonosaki Saeko not hear it?

But she likes this kind of look that you are not happy with me, but you can't do anything about it.

"Haha! So you have already met. In this case, thank you for the help of Consortium X. Don't worry, after the compensation is over, we will not owe each other."

After saying a few simple words, she hung up the phone directly. Sonosaki Saeko could feel that Kima didn't want to say a word to her now.

After all, Consortium X is bleeding heavily this time, and Kima, as the top person in charge of the branch, must be under tremendous pressure, needless to say.

It is now a question whether the top person in charge of this branch of Consortium X can continue.

"Sister Saeko, has Consortium X agreed to the request made before?

As a secretary, Mina certainly knows the request made by Sonosaki Saeko before.

It can't be said to be excessive, it's simply too much.

It's outrageous that Consortium X can agree to such a request.

"Haha! After all, agreeing to our request will make Consortium X bleed heavily, but it will not make Consortium X unable to survive in this country.

After weighing the pros and cons, they naturally knew what choice to make. "

Mina nodded thoughtfully. Although she knew that Lu Li was going to go to Consortium X to discuss these conditions.

But Mina didn't think about it at all, and thought it was just a talk.

A few hours later, the people from Consortium X Branch came to the company to meet with Sonosaki Saeko.

Then they sorted out a series of conditions and fulfilled them one by one.

These things no longer need Lu Li to deal with, Sonosaki Saeko will handle them herself.

Of course, during this incident, I Wang Guangming on Tiangao also got the news.

"Consortium X Branch was attacked and suffered heavy losses? "

When I heard the news, I felt a little bit unbelievable.

It was indeed a bit outrageous. It was really surprising that a giant like Consortium X would be suddenly attacked.

As for who attacked Consortium X, I did not find out the specific information.

It would be quite difficult to know this information. I did not take the initiative to send spies to Consortium X, so I had no way of knowing the specific situation.

"Who could the mysterious strong man be? "

With a dangerous red light in his eyes, I was quite curious about who did such a shocking thing.

It was really audacious to go after Consortium X.

Didn't the other party consider the consequences of doing this?

The consequences of offending Consortium X are very serious.

Suddenly, a mysterious strong man appeared, and even Consortium X seemed to be unable to do anything to him.

This made me quite nervous, and I just hoped that... the other party would not affect my plan.

The plan has reached the most critical moment, and he absolutely does not allow any mistakes.

Two days later.

Consortium X was forced to agree to the museum's request, and almost all the requirements that should be met were met.

It is precisely because of this that Consortium X can be said to have a big loss this time.

In addition, the branch suffered serious damage this time, and it would cost a lot of money to repair the branch.

All this money needs to be paid by Consortium X itself.

As the initiator of all this, Lu Li did not make any corresponding compensation, and Consortium X did not dare to go.

Two days passed in a flash, and Lu Li was going to deal with another matter first.

Considering that he would go to the Dark Nebula through the warp gate to find the Giver, Lu Li planned to solve all the potential threats and troubles.


It was time to go to Lifengdu.

To go to Lifengdu, Lu Li still needed Shi Mo's help.

When Shi Mo learned that Lu Li was going to Lifengdu in person, he naturally understood what he wanted to do.

There were some dopants in Lifengdu, and there were many powerful dopants, such as Wandeng Xueshi or Gojo Ichiye.

They were in Lifengdu, and they were always a potential threat to the museum. Since they were potential threats, it was best to kill them in the cradle.

Moreover, Lifengdu had been making trouble in Fengdu, and Lu Li had waited so long to clean them up, which was already a great tolerance.

After hesitating for a while, Shi Mo finally agreed to Lu Li.

Although she was a member of Lifengdu before, she is not now.

Now she is a cadre of the museum.

Even if a battle is going to happen, it is for the museum, not for Lifengdu.

Her personality was so out of place in Lifengdu before, she was completely an alien.

That place was more like a cage, trapping her there.

But in the museum, she found a sense of belonging.

At this moment, Wan Deng Xue Shi probably could not have imagined that Shi Mo had completely recovered his memory.

And not only did he recover his memory, but he was also ready to bring Lu Li to Lifengdu.

If Wan Deng Xue Shi had known that this would happen, he would never let Shi Mo leave Lifengdu.

Although Shi Mo, who has recovered her memory, does not have a special card that allows her to enter and exit Lifengdu freely, she can sense the path created by the road doping body.

In addition, she is very familiar with Lifengdu, so it is not difficult for Shi Mo to find the way to Lifengdu.

Fengdu, near the three-way intersection where Shi Mo used to frequent.

Lu Li and Shi Mo came here again

When they came here again, Lu Li was also quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, the road to Lifengdu is still in this area.

Shi Mo's face was a little solemn, and he reminded.

"Lu Li, be careful. There are many road admixtures that eat people in Lifengdu, and there are also many cadres in it.

Although you are very strong, it is better to be careful."

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled indifferently and patted Shi Mo's shoulder gently.

"Don't worry, I will never do anything that I am not sure of. Since I dare to go to Lifengdu, it proves that I have the ability to defeat them."

For Lu Li, it is not too easy to defeat Wan Deng Xue Shi and others.

The most effective ability is T2 Eternity. After the transformation, using the Eternal Extreme Drive can make all the memory versions lower than T2 lose their function.

The memory used by Wan Deng Xue Shi and others is all the first generation of memory. Facing the second generation of Eternal Extreme Drive, it has no effect at all!

However, Shi Mo has not seen the power of Lu Li using the Eternal Memory, so naturally he doesn't know these:

But since Lu Li is so confident, Shi Mo didn't say anything more.

The two then came to a dark alley, and Shi Mo pointed to the dead end in front.

"It's here."

Walking slowly, Lu Li reached out to touch the wall, but his arm passed through the wall very easily.

Even though Lu Li's perception of space was quite sharp, he didn't realize that this was the passage to Lifengdu just now.

Turning slightly sideways, Lu Li answered Shi Mo.

"Shi Mo, do you want to come together? If you don't want to come together, I won't force you."

As he said that, Lu Li stretched out his hand and waited for Shi Mo to respond.

This time, Shi Mo, who had thought it through, put his hand on Lu Li's hand on the road without any hesitation.

Seeing that Shi Mo no longer hesitated in his heart, Lu Li's mouth corners slightly raised.

Now Shi Mo is the Shi Mo who joins the museum wholeheartedly.

When he recovered his memory before, Shi Mo was still entangled in his heart, whether he should betray Lifengdu.

At this moment, the decision has been made.

It means that from this moment on, Shi Mo has completely returned to his heart.

Holding Shi Mo's hand with his backhand, Lu Li took her into the passage in the wall.

As expected, after passing through the wall, Lu Li saw a different world.

The sky was gray and the surrounding atmosphere was very mixed.

This place was like a gathering place for evil. Compared with the other side of Fengdu, this place was like a place where filth and dirt were hidden, a completely dark side.

"Here... is Lifengdu."

Lu Li looked at this place that was even darker than in the play, and there was no ripple in his heart.

Closing his eyes slightly, Lu Li could feel that there were many auras in this city.

Among these many auras, the auras of road admixtures were almost the same, and the number was large.

With the help of the road admixture, he walked out of Lifengdu first. It must be said that Wan Deng Xue Shi was indeed very powerful and a rare talent.

However, Lu Li was obviously not particularly interested in this talent.

Wan Deng Xue Shi, a very arrogant guy, would never be willing to be inferior to others.

He has his own strong ambitions. If he keeps such a guy by his side, he might betray him at any time.

Even though Wan Deng Xue Shi might be insignificant to him, Lu Li doesn't want to keep an ungrateful person by his side.

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