With his hand gently holding Shi Mo's slender waist, Lu Li took her up slowly.

Shi Mo's face flushed slightly when he was suddenly hugged

When the two came to the sky, the city below was in full view.

The current Lifeng City has not been completed, only part of it has been completed.

Feng City is not small, and it is not an easy task to simply build it. Even if there are a lot of road impurities, it will take a lot of time.

The whole city is made up of flesh and blood, so a faint strange smell can be smelled in the air.

This city is a city of sin. A city made up of flesh and blood itself represents killing and sin.

All along, Wan Dengxue Shi has been adhering to the principle of quietly developing, and never conflicting with Feng City forces if possible.

Otherwise, Lifeng City would never have developed to its current scale.

"Since everyone is here, let's lead everyone out and solve it together."

As he spoke, Lu Li slowly raised his other empty hand, and a building next to him suddenly rose from the ground.

"Boom boom boom!"

The building was uprooted and caused a huge commotion. Even if you didn't pay attention, you could still hear the sound.

Wan Deng Xue Shi, who was far away at the other end of the city, had a bad feeling when he noticed the violent sound coming from afar.

In this city, there were road admixtures in various places. At this time, they all looked up in surprise. They were also very curious about where the sound came from.

However, the next second, there was a violent roar/hum, and the earth seemed to be shaking.


It seemed that something huge fell to the ground, causing a huge shock.

Shi Mo looked at what had just happened, his mouth slightly opened, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Just now, Lu Li directly threw the huge building that rose from the ground from the sky.

That's right, he threw it directly down.

The huge building smashed into the city fiercely.

This is why the entire Lifeng seemed to be shaking.

"Okay, then we just need to wait for them to come.

Looking around, Lu Li found another tall building and flew over with Shi Mo.

Putting Shi Mo down, he found that the girl was still in shock and had not recovered.

He couldn't help but smile and pinched her smooth and fair face.

PS: Thanks to -

18352. for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 363 Invasion, cadres gathered, and the war began!

After being pinched on the face, Shi Mo came back to her senses immediately, and the surprise in her eyes did not diminish at all.

"Lu. Lu Li, how did you do it just now?"

How could she not be surprised? She witnessed such a thing happen with her own eyes. She felt that this was not something that a human could do.

Touching his head lightly with his fingers, Lu Li uttered three words.



If Shi Mo hadn't known that Lu Li didn't lie to him, he would never believe that this was telekinesis.

Shi Mo, who had memories, also found the existence of telekinesis in his memories.

Chiba Hideo, that guy has telekinesis, and can even control other people's behavior with this ability.

But to raise such a tall building, relying only on telekinesis, is simply impossible in Shi Mo's opinion.

It's too outrageous!

It seems not so strange to think that it was Lu Li who did it after all.

From knowing Lu Li to now, Shi Mo has seen too many things that are worth her surprise.

And these things are almost all from Lu Li.

Compared to the beginning, Shi Mo now has a certain degree of immunity.

"If it's you, it's indeed possible."

In the end, thousands of words converged into this sentence in Shi Mo's mouth.

Since Lifengdu is not particularly large now, it is not particularly difficult to find the place where the sound came from.

Soon, road admixtures rushed to the location where the building fell just now.

At the same time, various cadres from Lifengdu also rushed to the scene.

The huge building was deeply inserted into the ground, and the surrounding area was in a mess. Many buildings collapsed as a result.

But seeing the situation here, Mandeng Xueshi looked unhappy.

The one who could cause such great damage was probably not from the Rifu City, but from outside.

And... I'm afraid the person coming here is not a good person!

Who could it be?

Chiba Hideo, who arrived here later, asked curiously.

"Mr. Mandeng, what's going on here?"

He came a little late, but seeing the situation here, he knew that something big must have happened.

As the gatekeeper of Rifu City, Nikaidou Mamoru didn't even know what the situation was at this moment.

"Sorry, Mr. Mandeng, we haven't figured out what the situation is yet."

With an apologetic look, Nikaidou Mamoru also knew that this was his dereliction of duty.

He was mainly responsible for the operation of the entire city, but such a thing happened, and he didn't even find the reason.


Gojo Ichiba, dressed in Gothic style, suddenly appeared next to Chiba Hideo.

A pair of big eyes curiously looked at the surrounding ruins, and his fingers painted with black nail polish tapped his lips.

"It seems something interesting happened. Who could it be?"

Just when everyone was confused, Wan Dengxueshi suddenly felt something and raised his head.

His eyes were fixed on a tall building.

At the edge of the tall building, there was a young man with his hands in his pockets, and a woman with a hair color similar to his.

"Lu Li... Shi Mo...!"

Wan Dengxueshi never expected that it would be Lu Li and Shi Mo.


When he first heard these two names, Chiba Hideo's expression suddenly changed and he followed Wan Dengxueshi's gaze.

He also discovered the location of Lu Li and Shi Mo.

"How can it be?!"

The words were full of incredulity. He really couldn't understand how Lu Li discovered this place:

As the second-in-command among the cadres of Rifudu and a very wise one, Hideo Mikiba knows very well that the only enemy that Rifudu cannot encounter in its current development is Bo.


To be precise, it should be Lu Li from the museum.

According to the information currently known, Lu Li has a very terrifying and powerful fighting ability.

Not only did Lu Li personally defeat the previous leader of the museum, Ryubei Sonosaki, the being who controlled a powerful fear memory.

At the same time, he also defeated Yongqi, who had eternal memory.

It is so powerful that it is definitely the most difficult enemy for Li Fengdu to deal with.

Originally, because of the special nature of Li Fengdu, as long as he was careful enough, he should not be discovered by Lu Li. Even if he was discovered, he should not be able to come here.

But now, the other party not only came, but also brought Shi Mo with him.

Chiba Hideo's face suddenly darkened.

I'm afraid the biggest reason Lu Li was able to come to this place was Shi Mo.

Once a member of Li Fengdu, Shi Mo could still deal with special cards that no longer had the ability to enter and exit at will, as long as he could find the path created by the road dopant.

to enter.

He had no doubt that it was Shi Mo who brought Lu Li here.

Chiba Hideo had mentioned before that it was too dangerous to let Shi Mo out in such a state.

However, Wan Dengxueshi firmly believed that letting Shi Mo stay in the museum was a good decision.

It can help quickly restore memory, allowing Shi Mo to regain control of the power of his trump card memory.

As one of the important fighting forces of Li Fengdu, once Shi Mo regains his memory, it will be a good thing for Li Fengdu.

Gojo Yiye, who had always been very interested in Lu Li, now also set his sights on Lu Li who was standing on the tall building.

There was strong curiosity in her eyes. She had always been looking forward to meeting Lu Li.

But unfortunately, the Snow Maiden of Ten Thousand Lights has an order, which is to never have any conflict with the Kamen Rider and the museum.

What Li Fengdu pursues is quiet development, and Wan Dengxueshi has been suppressing Gojo Yiye's actions.

But this time it was different. Lu Li's skills appeared in Fengdu on his own initiative. Gojo Yiye would never miss this opportunity.

"Hahaha! Is he Lu Li? He's really handsome, he's my type!

I really want to kill him! ! "

With a crazy smile on her face, she looks like a crazy girl.

"Mr. Wan Deng, I didn't take the initiative to find him, he took the initiative to deliver it to his door!

If that's the case, then I won't be polite! "

The words have not yet been spoken"

Gojo Kazuha rushed forward in an instant.

During this sprint, she took out the Gaia Drive Rx, put it on her waist, and inserted the scream memory she was using.


When the screaming memory was inserted, a powerful force burst out.


A rather ugly-looking dopant replaced the original Gojo Ichiha.

There are many marks on the body that look like stitches, and it feels like the body is patched up with many things.

The slender arms, especially the index finger and middle finger in the middle of the right hand are very long, like a curved sickle.

Her head looks like a huge mouth, and inside this mouth is a big one-eye.

Screaming dopant!

Seeing Gojo Kazuha transforming into a screaming dopant and rushing forward, Wan Dengxueshi understood that he might not be able to be kind today.

Since Lu Li had already come to visit him, he had to find a way to keep him here.

This is their home court!

If there was no way to keep Lu Li in this place, then they would have no other way to deal with Lu Li.

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