"Brother-in-law! Why didn't you take me with you this time? That's too much. I haven't even seen what Li Fengdu is like!"

I had always heard about Rifudu before, so Sono Saki Wakana was naturally very curious about this so-called Rifudu.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li took Shi Mo with him and wiped out Li Feng without saying a word. She didn't even look at him.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko shook her head helplessly and smiled.

"Wakana, Fengdu is actually similar to Fengdu. After all, it is equivalent to a replica city of Fengdu.

And I heard that the buildings and roads in that place are all made of human flesh and blood. The air seems to be filled with the smell of blood. Do you think you are willing to go to this place?

place? "

As soon as Sonosaki Wakana finished speaking, as expected, not only Sonosaki Wakana, but also the givers showed disgust.

too disgusting!

Thinking about a city made of human flesh is terrifying, and stepping on a road made of human flesh always feels like a nightmare.

His body trembled slightly, Sonosaki Wakana shook her head vigorously.

"Eh~! Tsk! It's really disgusting! Let's forget about this kind of place. It makes me feel uncomfortable and creepy just thinking about it."

Seeing Sono Saki Wakana like this, Lu Li couldn't help but smile and gently rubbed her head.

"That place is really not that good. The sky is gray and everywhere is eerie. Anyway, I feel like you won't like it if you go there.

By the way, this time I went to Lifengdu and brought back a very special harvest. This harvest is unique to you, but very useful. It can even be said that you

dreamt of. "

With a mysterious smile on his face, Lu Li suddenly became secretive.

Upon hearing what Lu Li said, the girls all showed curious expressions and all focused their attention on Lu Li.

"My dear, what is it? Tell me quickly.

"Yes, yes! Brother-in-law, what exactly is it?"

"Lord Lu Li, please stop beating around the bush with us."

"Boss, if you have any situation, please tell us immediately. Don't make us angry!"

Even Mezier, who is not considered a human being, is actually quite curious about what Lu Li is going to say.

But this matter really has nothing to do with Mezel. After all, she is composed of core coins and cell coins, and has nothing to do with humans.

She belongs to the category of immortality, so what Lu Li is going to say next has little to do with her.

However, Habara Rai and Fueki Koyomi, who are no longer human beings, although they are now working for Amazon, they will also age and die as a result.

Immortality is also useful to both of them and has great appeal.

After successfully arousing everyone's curiosity, Lu Li smiled calmly before telling everyone the news.

"I brought back an experimental material, and this experimental material has an immortal body. I think you should understand (caec) what immortality means."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire hall fell into an eerie silence!

At this time, even if a pin falls on the ground, you can hear it very clearly.

Even Sonosaki Saeko, as the eldest sister, opened her mouth slightly and looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

She thought for a moment that she had heard wrongly, with a strong look of shock in her eyes.

Among the girls, she was considered the oldest, so she was naturally worried about a problem.

That is, when he gets old in the future, will Lu Li still love him as much as before.

Although she didn't usually reveal this problem, Sonosaki Saeko was no longer thinking about how to make herself immortal.

Maybe a long life will be lonely, but as long as there is someone by your side to share everything with you, you will not feel lonely even in a long life.

"Dear, you...are you...serious?!"

There was a hint of excitement in her tone, and Sonosaki Saeko couldn't wait to know if Lu Li was joking.

Seeing Sono Sakiko's excited look, Lu Li smiled slightly.

"When did what I said become false? Of course it is true.

Chiba Hideo, that guy is a member of Rifengdu. Although he looks like a child, this guy is actually seventy or eighty years old.

His father, Dr. Hellstein, cooperated with Consortium X and successfully created him as an immortal person.

As long as you study him thoroughly, immortality is a very simple matter. "

The hall was silent for a while, but then there was a burst of excitement.

"Great! There is such a person! Then we can always be together and never have to worry about growing old!"

"That's great! You can actually become immortal!"

"It's really great that I can stay young and beautiful forever. I can't believe it!"

"Long live the boss! I didn't expect that I would get such good benefits as soon as I joined!"

For women, the most important thing is naturally their appearance.

A beautiful woman hopes to take care of herself in various ways and make herself look very young.

But no matter what, there will always be a day of aging. Even if you can barely maintain it through various cosmetics, it will be a different picture once you take off the makeup.

The appearance of Chiba Hideo will be a huge surprise for them.

As for whether anyone thinks it would be bad to use Chiba Hideo as an experimental subject, they don't think so at all.

The other party is originally from a hostile force, so isn't it natural for him to be used as research material?

After Erika Satonaka joined the museum again, she felt that the treatment was no different from before.

But now she knows that such treatment cannot be exchanged for more money.

Immortality and immortality, this is something that many people have been pursuing!

I didn’t expect that not long after I joined the museum, I would be able to enjoy such treatment. It was simply incredible.

She felt nothing but joy in her heart, and she was very glad that she had joined the museum.

In Hongshang Foundation, it is impossible to enjoy this kind of immortality!

At this moment, Erika Satonaka is even willing to give up all her other benefits in exchange for immortality.

Lu Li's plan was to take care of things and upgrade all the girls before he went to find the giver.

All achieve immortality.

Just because he couldn't be sure when he would return after going to the Dark Nebula to look for the Giver.

Everything is uncertain now, so he did this as a precautionary measure.

In Shi Mo's room.

She did not attend the dinner tonight, but wanted to calm down alone.

Just because too many things happened today, including the fact that Li Feng was wiped out, she needed to calm down.

Of course, she didn't miss her life in Lifengdu, it was just that she once belonged to that place.

Now that it was suddenly destroyed, she would feel more or less lost in her heart.

At this moment, there was a slight knock on the door.

“Dong dong.

Hearing the knock on the door, Shi Mo came back to his senses, walked over and opened the door.

When he found Lu Li standing outside, a flash of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Can't you just go into my room? Why do you have to knock on the door?"

After glancing at the door, Lu Li pointed to the room and said.

"Don't you want to go in and talk?

Hearing this, Shi Mo nodded and moved away, and Lu Li entered the room.


After closing the door again, Shi Mo looked at Lu Li curiously.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Why didn't you just go into my room instead of knocking on the door?"

Looking back, Lu Li smiled calmly.

"You didn't attend today's dinner, so I knew you were thinking about something in your room. Since you are thinking, I can't come and disturb you directly.

And when I knock on the door, if you want to see me, you will naturally open the door. If you don't want to see me, you will naturally not open the door.

His face was slightly blank. Shi Mo really didn't expect that Lu Li actually cared about his thoughts, so he didn't enter his room directly.

This feeling of being cared for was inexplicably good, and Shi Mo was very happy.

A beautiful smile appeared on his face, Shi Mo gently lifted his hair to his ear and whispered.


Seeing her like this, Lu Li went over and gently lifted the hair from her forehead.

"Don't say thank you. Since you are already a member of the museum, we are also family members. There is no need to say thank you between family members."


Whispering softly, Shi Mo raised his head slightly, stretched out his hand and gently touched Lu Li's cheek.

The two gradually came closer, and their lips touched.

Embracing each other gently, the two people's feelings heated up rapidly, and they gradually moved closer to the bed.

A night of silence.

the next day.

When Lu Li woke up early in the morning, Shi Mo got up early.

She was seen holding a lock of lavender hair and gently flicking it in Lu Li's ear.

I have to say that Shi Mo, who was a wife for the first time, looked even more charming than before.

"You're such a lazy idiot, you actually got up later than me."

Shi Mo had no regrets about what happened last night.

She has sincerely joined the museum, and her former self has become a thing of the past.

Last night was a transformation. Now she is no longer the trump card of Fengdu, but the museum, and Lu Li's trump card.

Afterwards, the two simply washed up and walked downstairs. Shi Mo was pulled over by the girls, and the matter discussed was naturally not something Lu Li could listen to.

He himself wouldn't mind listening to it, but it's a pity that the girls didn't give him a chance.

Chapter 368 Haven’t awakened yet? Golden magician!

After a simple breakfast, Lu Li had not received any contact from Emoto Shuhui during this period, and he didn't know what the situation was there now.

So he took the initiative to call Jiang Zhouhui.

After a while, the call was finally connected, and Emoto Shuhui's voice came.

"Mr. Lu, what's the matter~?"

The main reason I called him was to see if Teru Emoto was still alive.

If this guy is killed, wouldn't it be a big delay for him to get the news?

The sudden call was also to determine what kind of situation Emoto Shuhui was in now.

Now that the other party is connected, it means that there is no problem for the time being.

As for whether Jiang Benzhouhui would deceive him, Lu Li was not worried at all.

"Professor Emoto, you haven't contacted me in recent times. Is there something about the last Zodiac Disciple switch that I hope Guangming hasn't found yet?"

Emoto Shuteri knew what Lu Li meant by calling him. During the recent period, Hayami Noihiro had really tried his best to find the last zodiac sign.

But unfortunately, it was never found, and Jiang Benshuhui could do nothing about it.

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