He hopes that Hayami Koei can't find the last twelve houses, but also hopes that he can find it as soon as possible, which is very contradictory.

"Sorry, Mr. Lu, Libra has not found the last twelve houses during this period. I think it may take a while.

When he finds the last zodiac, I will tell you as soon as possible. "

At this moment, Jiang Benshu Hui has chosen to believe in Lu Li.

The main reason is that the power displayed by the current Qi Qi and Meteor is indeed unsatisfactory.

He even gave them a test. It was very difficult for the two of them to deal with him, let alone the most powerful Sagittarius in the Zodiac.


The strength of these two people is no longer expected by Emoto Shuhui.

He could only choose to settle for the next best thing and choose to cooperate with Lu Li.

Even though he still couldn't completely believe Lu Li in his heart, time was running out and he had no better choice.

From the tone and pauses of the other party's words, Lu Li could definitely tell that Jiang Benshu Hui had indeed not lied to him.

Unexpectedly, the last zodiac sign has never been found.

According to what Lu Li knew before, the last twelve constellations are currently Gemini.

In the original drama, Gemini is Jojima Yuuki.

Could it be...have you not awakened yet?

This possibility cannot be ruled out. To awaken to the destiny of the constellation has a certain relationship with oneself, one can only wait first.

Taking advantage of this time, Lu Li could just do his own thing first.

"In that case, let's continue to observe. I'm waiting for your good news, but don't miss the opportunity.

I will definitely do what I promised you, and I will not open the door to jump on the earth. After all, the wind is my territory. "


Jiang Benshu Hui was willing to believe that Lu Li would not open the door to jump on earth.

Unlike I Wang Guangming, who wants to explore the truth of the universe, Lu Li has a bond on the earth, so he will naturally not destroy the earth.

The call ended here, and Lu Li could only focus on Chiba Hideo first.

First, study this guy thoroughly, find out the method of immortality, and arrange it for the girls.

Then he got all the Zodiac Disciple switches, and he could also go directly to the Dark Nebula.

Afterwards, after saying goodbye to the girls, Lu Li went directly to the research room and immediately started research on immortality.

Meanwhile, Bird/Karouizaka.

It's been a while since Gurremulin was last designed.

However, during this period of time, Gulemlin seemed to have completely disappeared, and there was generally no trace at all.

Medusa and Phoenix/Uro failed in their mission, so they were naturally severely punished by the sage.

The order given to the two of them was to find Guremlin as soon as possible, and this guy must not be allowed to act recklessly.

Due to being severely punished, Medusa and Phoenix/Uro's hatred for Guremlin has reached its peak.

But Gulemlin was really good at hiding, and he couldn't find it even if he tried to find it. He didn't even have any clues, which made the two of them very uncomfortable.


Kicking the trash can over with one kick, Phoenix/Black looked angry.

"Damn it! Where did this guy Gulemlin go? Why can't he find any trace of him?

I have searched all the places where this guy usually goes, but there is not even a trace! "

Medusa, who was standing next to her, also had a cold look on her face.

She admires the sage very much in her heart, and is even willing to follow the sage forever.

However, Gulemlin did not die obediently and actually caused so many things. She was severely punished by the Sage, and even made her feel like being raped.

The feeling of disgust for the sage.

This feeling made her uncomfortable.

"Guremlin! Don't let me catch you, otherwise I won't be polite to you!"

Clenching her fist tightly, Medusa was actually filled with anger.

However, at this moment, a familiar and very disgusting voice suddenly came.

"Hey! Long time no see, Misa, Yuugo.

With a familiar tone and a familiar name, Medusa and Phoenix/Wu turned their gazes to somewhere anxiously.

I saw Golemlin, still dressed as before, standing there with a smile on his face, as if he was not worried about being caught at all.

"Guremlin!" x2

The two of them shouted out Gulemlin's name in anger.

Seeing the angry looks of the two men, Golemlin shrugged slightly, showing no trace of fear.

"It's true. I've told you so many times, just call me Sora. There's no need to call me Gurremulin."

He still likes his human name, after all, he is now a combination of human and phantom.

The angry Phoenix/Wu took the lead in transforming into the phantom form, picked up the giant sword Havoc, and rushed over thinking of Golemlin.

"It's true. After all, we were once companions, but now they are pointing swords at me. Hey! My heart feels really uncomfortable."

With a fake look on his face, Gulemlin pretended to be heartbroken as he covered his heart.

As for the phoenix/crow that rushed towards him, it seemed that he didn't take it to heart at all.

In terms of true combat effectiveness, Golemlin is not as good as the Phoenix/Uro.

But its flexibility is higher than that of the Phoenix/Crow, and even if it can't be defeated, it can still choose to escape.

At this moment, a strange magician suddenly appeared in the sight of Phoenix/Uro and Medusa,

This magician was different from the wizard knight they met before. He was wearing a golden magician uniform with a black magician skirt underneath.

"The golden magician?!"

This was the first time Medusa saw the golden magician.

She didn't understand why there was suddenly another golden magician, and he didn't seem weak.

How did Gulemlin get involved with this golden magician?

Regarding the sudden appearance of the golden magician, Phoenix/Urni didn't pay attention at all. In his opinion, the opponent was no more than a wizard knight at best.

Seeing that Phoenix/Uu still looked very brave, Gulemlin suddenly grinned.

"Golden Magician, I leave this friend to you.

Hearing this, the golden magician nodded calmly, as if he didn't take the phoenix/bird seriously at all.

The current Phoenix/Crow has not even been defeated by the Wuqi, and has not been reborn to make his combat effectiveness stronger.

It is not difficult for the golden magician to deal with Phoenix/Crow.

A halberd appears in the hands of the golden magician. This is his exclusive weapon, the Halberd of Death.

Taking the initiative to meet the Phoenix/Uro, the two instantly broke into a very fierce close combat.

“Qiang Qiang Qiang!!”

The powerful golden magician almost completely suppressed the phoenix/wu in the battle.

Phoenix/Crow, who thought he was powerful enough, didn't expect to suffer a big loss at the hands of the golden magician in front of him.

Faced with the opponent's terrifying power, Phoenix/Uro can only retreat steadily.

Seeing Phoenix/Crow losing to the golden magician, Medusa certainly couldn't sit idly by.

He instantly transformed into a phantom form, raised the arrogant cane in his hand, and instantly released several purple energy balls, heading straight for the golden magician.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

The golden magician, who had been able to suppress the Phoenix/Uta with ease, saw an energy ball full of magic coming.

A magic ring on the right hand is clasped on the palm in the middle of the drive.

"Reflect(( Reflection)! Now!

A golden magic circle suddenly appeared beside the golden magician, blocking the path of the purple magic ball.

When the purple magic ball hit the golden magic circle, this powerful magic was reflected back instantly.


Seeing her magic being reflected back, Medusa immediately hid in her heart.


The dodged purple magic balls scattered in various places, causing a series of explosions.

Medusa didn't expect that this magician could reflect her own magic.

It seems that the magician in front of him is not simple, and may be more difficult to deal with than the witch knight.

Medusa was in a serious mood for a moment. Why was there suddenly an unknown magician?

And most importantly, why did this guy get together with Gulemulin?

In Medusa's view, as long as you are a magician, you must be the enemy of the illusion:

Even if Gulemlin is not a pure phantom, at least half of it is a phantom.

Something was obviously wrong with the magician in front of him who was still cooperating with Golemlin.

At this time, Gulemlin's mean voice came.

"Haha! Misa, are you confused as to why this magician would cooperate with me?"

Medusa raised her eyebrows when she heard this voice. She didn't think that Gremlin would tell her about this.

"But unfortunately, I don't want to tell you, who told you to suddenly attack me?

Originally, I had been hiding it well and no one would reveal it, so we could always live in a friendly relationship, but unfortunately, my identity has not been retained. "

Spreading his hands and shrugging slightly, Gremlin looked helpless.

Hearing this, Medusa suddenly turned cold.

"Hmph! Golemlin, the sage already knows your true identity. You stay with us Phantom Demon only to achieve your goal.

Although I don’t know what you are planning, I can be sure that your plan is different from the sage’s. "

0Requesting flowers.

In the eyes of loyal Medusa, anyone who opposes the sage is an enemy.

Anyway, his identity has been exposed, and Gulemlin is not trying to hide anything.

"You are right. I do have my own purpose, and the purpose of the magician I brought is the same as mine. Our two purposes coincide with each other."

At this moment, the golden magician completely suppressed the phoenix/crow.

The powerful force was not something that the current Phoenix/Crow could resist. The death halberd struck the Phoenix/Crow again and again, splashing out a large number of sparks.


Another ferocious blow hit Phoenix/Wu's chest, and the terrifying force caused Phoenix/Wu to fall to the ground in a panic.

"Hoo! Hoo! Damn it! This guy is so strong!"

Even if you don't want to admit it in your heart, it is the fact.

Unless Phoenix/Uro can die two or three times, he may be able to catch up with the current golden magician after becoming stronger.

But if you want to die like this two or three times, how easy is it?

Moreover, every time he dies and is resurrected, a lot of magic power is consumed, and Phoenix/Wuke cannot withstand several consecutive resurrections.

Insufficient magic power will result in a very slow resurrection speed.

"Hey! Medusa! Do you still have the time to chat with the guy from Gulemlin? This guy is too powerful, I am no match for him!"

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