Before he finished speaking, Lu Li disappeared again.

As he was exerting force on his hands, the target suddenly disappeared, and Wu Qi staggered.

Before he could stand firm, he felt a pain in his back.


The flying sparks indicated that Lu Li's second wave of attack was launched from behind Wu Qi.

Wu Qi staggered forward two steps and immediately responded by rolling forward to avoid a second attack on his back.

Fortunately, he had knight armor on his body and had a strong ability to resist blows, otherwise he would have been in a terrible situation.

He quickly took out a magic ring to replace the previous magic ring on his right hand, and at the same time pressed the switch on the driver to cover the magic ring.

"Bind! On!"

Suddenly, four flame-like magic circles appeared around Lu Li, and the next second, chains stretched out from these flame-like magic circles one after another.

These chains directly surrounded Lu Li and entangled him.

Wu Qi had just witnessed Lu Li's terrifying mobility, so he wanted to see if he could restrain Lu Li in this way.

The chain is indeed a good thing, but for Lu Li who has teleportation, such a chain is useless.

He can leave by teleporting, and he can easily break free with his powerful strength.

But Wu Qi didn't know this and rushed over with the magician's sword.

However, the next second, Wu Qi knew what reality was.


Lu Li just used a little force, and the chain wrapped around him broke into pieces in an instant.

Such a terrifying power is very shocking.


Wu Qi was shocked. He didn't understand how Lu Li broke free from the chain.

If it was because of insufficient magic power, the chain might be brittle. Until now, he didn't feel that the magic power was insufficient, but felt that the magic power was sufficient.

The chain cast in this situation should not be so easily broken.

But the fact happened in front of him, Wu Qi had no way to deny this. His chain really didn't work.


At this moment, Wuqi had already rushed out. Even if he regretted making this decision, it was too late now.

However, Wuqi had other ways.

He immediately took out another transformation ring and put it on his left hand, and quickly cut off the palm on the driver.

Chapter 371 Big does not mean strong! Phoenix/Crow: Are you stronger than me?

"Land! Please! Do, Do, Do, DoDoDon, Don, DoDoDon!"

Kamen Rider Wuqi. Earth style!

His head looked square and strange, and he had the ability to manipulate soil and earth.

On his right hand was a ring that had been prepared. He quickly cut off the driver and covered it with the magic ring.

"Defend! On!"

A hard slab made of rock suddenly rose from the ground, directly separating Lu Li and Wuqi.

Lu Li thought that Wuqi's magic of changing attributes was pretty good.

It looked quite gorgeous, although it might be a bit flashy for him.

Wuqi supported himself on the hard stone slab with one hand, and was about to use the reaction force to bounce out.

But the plan could not keep up with the changes, and a hand suddenly came out from behind the hard stone slab.



The powerful force directly penetrated the stone slab and pinched Wuqi's arm that had just supported the stone slab.


You should know that the earth-style Wuqi, in addition to being powerful, also has strong defense.

The earth-attributed magic he cast has good defense.

But unexpectedly, Lu Li actually destroyed the hard stone slab he summoned with his bare hands.


Wuqi's first reaction was horror.

At least this point can confirm that the opponent's power is very strong.

Wuqi, whose wrist was pinched, immediately wanted to counterattack, and the sharp blade of the magician's sword in his hand was aimed at Lu Li's arm.

But before his sword blade fell, a powerful force pulled him over on the spot and hit him hard on the hard stone slab.



Even the Earth Style with relatively strong defense, after such a violent impact, suddenly felt uncomfortable.

The huge force directly pulled Wuqi and smashed the hard stone slab in front of him, and forcibly took him from one end of the stone slab to the other end of the stone slab.

Falling to the ground with a sudden force, Wuqi rolled a few times in a mess and stood up quickly.

Seeing Lu Li who was still at ease on the opposite side, Wuqi was very alert.

The opponent in front of him was not at the same level as the phantom demon he had encountered before.

The combat power of both sides was a bit too far apart, and he had already felt a huge pressure.

It has been very smooth to deal with the phantom demon, but I didn't expect to suffer such a big setback today.

Wuqi was full of vigilance in his heart, and he didn't dare to relax at all.

Speaking of power, a magic ring appeared in Wuqi's mind.

Immediately took out this magic ring and replaced the protective magic ring on his right hand.

"Big! On!"

A khaki magic circle suddenly appeared on his right, and Wuqi directly put his palm into it.

Through the earth-yellow magic circle, an oversized palm suddenly appeared.

"Since you are very powerful, let's see who is stronger!"

His words were full of confidence, Wu Qi believed that his increased strength after becoming gigantic was not as good as Lu Li's.

Just after he finished speaking, Wu Qi waved his huge palm towards Lu Li and slapped him down.

With such a huge hand, it would definitely be uncomfortable to be slapped hard.


Although the huge-looking palm is very scary and does increase strength, the amount of power it can increase is also very limited.

Without even needing to make any preparations, Lu Li punched the huge palm above him.


Huge palms and fists collided.

Due to the wind pressure caused by the squeezing, the surrounding wind suddenly howled.

The leaves kept swaying and rustling.

The wind was blowing hard, but Metzl, who was sitting there enjoying the donuts, remained motionless.

It was as if everything happening around her had nothing to do with her.

Wu Qi was still very confident about his punch.

But now, the confidence in his heart was gone.

Just because he felt that the palm he smashed down was blocked by a terrifying force.

There is no doubt that I have underestimated the strength of my opponent.

Even if he uses the most powerful earth style, coupled with the power doubled by becoming gigantic, he can't do anything to the opponent.

The dust stirred up by the collision of forces gradually dissipated, and Lu Li's figure appeared in Wu Qi's field of vision.

There were cracks on the ground, but Lu Li, the person involved, stood under his palm intact and pressed his fist against his palm.

A solemn look flashed in his eyes. Even though Wu Qidang wanted to withdraw his palm, he found that Lu Li had grabbed one of his fingers. The terrifying power made him unable to do anything.

Way to pull it back.


I was extremely shocked. The other party actually pressed down his huge arm with one hand, and couldn't even pull it back.

"I can tell you that big... doesn't necessarily mean strong!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li grabbed Wu Qi's huge palm with one hand, threw him over his shoulder, and slammed him to the ground.


Wu Qi, who was lying on his back, could feel severe pain coming from his back, and he couldn't help but wailed in pain.

He only felt that his back no longer belonged to him, and the pain had made him numb.

It was precisely because of this over-the-shoulder throw that Wu Qi was beaten out of his transformation on the spot.

Although he was not unconscious, Kao Zhenharuto could feel the severe pain coming from his back, which was burning.

If it weren't for the fact that he had just transformed into the earth style with the strongest defense, it would probably be even more painful now.

"Tsk! So weak.

Seeing that Cao Zhenharuto was no longer able to continue fighting with him, Lu Li also canceled his transformation.

He also now understood what he had begun to wonder.

That is, magic power and the energy in one's own body are still different after all, but it is not yet clear whether these two energies can be converted.

Regarding this issue, Lu Li needs to have the power of a magician.

Fucking Masuto was not his goal, his goal was the golden magician.

The golden magician possesses a universal magic ring that can release a variety of magic.

You only need one ring to cast a variety of magic without switching rings, which is much more convenient than using the rings on Maharuto's hand.

What's more, there are other uses for fucking Maharuto now.

Barely holding on to his body, he looked at Lu Li's back unwillingly. For the first time, Kao Zhenqing realized that he was too weak.

In the past, he was able to deal with the phantom demons and always felt that his strength was pretty good, but today he realized that he was still too weak.

If it weren't for his weakness, how could he have been beaten so hard that he couldn't fight back.

He must continue to get stronger.

But if the magician wants to continue to become stronger, he must obtain more magic gems.

However, magic gems are something that can only be encountered but cannot be obtained. How can it be so easy to obtain.

Here, Metzl has finished eating the donuts. It is obvious that she is very satisfied with the last donut, with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Mezl, it's done, let's go."

Hearing this, Mezier nodded quickly and followed Lu Li's footsteps:

As he walked, he glanced back at Kao Maharuto, who was lying on the ground, waving his little hands as if to say goodbye.

As they walked on the road, Metzl held Lu Li's arm with both hands and asked with curiosity on his face.

"Lu Li, I think that guy's fighting ability just now seems to be very average. Why do you suddenly want to fight him?"

Metzl has no idea about magic or anything like that. After all, the power she uses comes from core coins and cell coins.

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