"I just want to test the difference between magic and my energy. It's not that he is too weak, but that I am too strong now.

Of course, you are already a complete body, so you can beat him naturally."

As he said, Lu Li gently scratched Metzl's delicate nose.

With a slight wrinkle on her nose, Metzl shook her head without hesitation.

"It's boring. I don't want to fight him. It's more interesting to eat something delicious than to fight him."

After gaining the perception of this world, Metzl didn't care much about fighting.

At this time, Lu Li remembered the silly Gamer who was killed by the dinosaur greedy man Maki Kiyoto.

Since he made the remaining core coins, he didn't know whether this guy had a new consciousness.

"By the way, where is Gamer? How is that guy now? Has he a new consciousness?"

Before, Lu Li gave all the power to Metzl, and he had other things to do, so he didn't pay attention to this matter.

"Gamel has developed a new consciousness, but he is no longer the previous Gamel, although he is still silly."

When mentioning Gamel, a trace of regret flashed in Metzler's eyes.

Gamel had developed a new consciousness not long ago, but the new consciousness was no longer the previous Gamel.

But perhaps because of the influence of the remaining core coins, Gamel still looked silly.

For Gamel's recovery, although he still looked silly, Lu Li didn't think it was strange.

It's good to be able to recover, at least he is a complete body again, and there is one more thug in the museum.

Here at the donut shop.

The store manager and the clerk who were scared and hid downstairs just now, after a while of no movement outside, they climbed out from downstairs and stuck their heads out.

Looking around carefully, I found that everyone was gone.

The two of them sighed and walked out from behind the donut cart.

"What happened just now? Why did that man suddenly fight with Qingren?

I was so scared! How could he disappear in the middle of the fight?"

The store manager looked around, trying to find Lu Li and Cao Zhen Qingren.

The clerk shook his head helplessly when he heard the store manager say that.

"We both hid just now, how could I know? Who cares? Let's clean up here first. Our tables and benches have been overturned."

Looking at the mess around, the clerk looked miserable.

It's really too much!

Don't you know how to clean up after a fight?

Now you give me the job of cleaning up, which is too much.

Having just experienced a battle and consumed some of his magic power, Cao Zhen Qingren has recovered a lot this time.

There are still waves of burning pain in his back, and it's not so easy to relieve it.

He consumed a lot of magic power, so he was going to eat another donut to recover.

I walked slowly back to the donut shop, and saw the manager and the clerk were cleaning up. I said something while enduring the pain.

"Give me a powdered sugar donut."

The two people who were cleaning up looked up at the same time and saw the grinning Haruto Soma, who looked like he was injured.

After all, he was a regular customer, so the manager immediately showed concern.

"Haruto, are you okay? Is it serious? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Shaking his head while enduring the pain, Haruto Soma pointed to the powdered sugar donuts on the car.

"No, just give me one powdered sugar donut.

"Okay, then wait a moment. ”

Another powdered sugar donut, the store manager was helpless.

Why can't you change the flavor?

Is it because the other flavors are not good enough?

How is it possible?!

After eating a powdered sugar donut, the pain in his back was relieved a lot, so he left.

Night fell.

Since Lu Li called Di Mu Zou in advance and asked him to arrange Medusa and Phoenix/Wu to cooperate with him to find Gulemlin and the golden magician first.

It is not easy to find these two guys if you are not familiar with this city.

With Medusa and Phoenix/Wu Leading the way is relatively easy.

Di Muzou agreed without thinking.

Lu Li was not from Tou/Wu Jingzaka. He could easily fool Medusa and Phoenix/Wu with an excuse. He didn't have to worry about them doubting his identity.

On a tall building.

Di Muzou, who had transformed into a sage, was standing on the rooftop, overlooking the brightly lit city below.

After a while, Medusa and Phoenix/Wu arrived.

The two were puzzled by the sudden summons of the sage.

Knocking on one knee, the two shouted in unison.


Hearing this, the sage with his hands behind his back suddenly turned around.

"You are here."

"What do you want, sage?"

Medusa looked respectful and didn't seem impatient.

And just at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the side.

It appeared out of thin air without any signs.

Facing the sudden appearance of the person, Medusa and Phoenix/Wu were startled and immediately prepared for battle.

But the sage took the initiative to stop the two.

"Don't be nervous, he is not an enemy."

After hearing what the sage said, the two of them lowered their guard and looked at the sudden appearance of the person with confusion.

The person who suddenly appeared here was naturally Lu Li.

The sage slowly walked up to Lu Li and took the initiative to introduce the two of them."

"Let me introduce to you, this is my partner and the helper I hired, Mr. Lu Li.

Next, you two must cooperate with Mr. Lu to find a way to find Golemlin and the golden magician.

Mr. Lu will take care of Golemlin and the golden magician. Remember, I don’t want any more (promised) mistakes to happen and find those two guys as soon as possible. "

There was no doubt in his words that the sage had decided to do this.

Medusa and Phoenix/Uro looked at each other and could see a hint of doubt in each other's eyes.

Obviously they don't understand how powerful the helpers invited by the sage are, and they can actually deal with the golden magician and Golemlin at the same time.

They have fully realized the strength of the golden magician, it is very powerful.

Even if the two of them join forces, they can't defeat each other. They are not at the same level as the witch knights they encountered before.


After hesitating for a while, Medusa finally agreed.

Although he didn't know what Lu Li's true identity was, since he could be called a helper by the Sage, he probably had some abilities.

"Mr. Lu, I'll leave you with the rest. They will obey your orders. If you have anything to do, just tell them to do it."

After saying that, the sage disappeared directly, apparently using magic to leave.

Lu Li, Medusa and Phoenix/Crow were the only ones left on the rooftop.

Recalling the words of the standing adult just now, Medusa asked respectfully.

"If Mr. Lu has any instructions, please tell us and we will try our best to complete it."

Her respect was not for Lu Li, but for the sage.

There is only one person that Medusa can respect so much, and that can only be a sage.

As for the phoenix/crow, he curled his lips in disdain, folded his hands in front of his chest, and bought unmoved.

Looking at him like this, he didn't seem to be too interested in obeying Lu Li's orders.

A sage had already made him very annoyed, but now another guy suddenly came, and he felt even more annoyed.

Noticing Phoenix/Wu's movements, Lu Li smiled lightly.

"Looking at you like this, it seems like you really don't want to listen to me, right?"

Hearing this, Phoenix/Wu held his head high and beat his chest hard.

"Of course! Why should I listen to you? Are you better than me?

In my place, only guys who are stronger than me are qualified to order me! "

Chapter 372: Is this an addiction to abuse? trace

Phoenix/Uro is very keen on fighting. He is in awe of those he cannot defeat.

Apart from these two kinds of people, it is impossible for others to gain his awe.

This is the proud phoenix/crow!

Seeing Phoenix/Uro looking so unruly, Medusa's expression suddenly changed.

She turned her head and glanced at him, scolding him sternly.

"Phoenix/Wu! That's enough! Don't be rude! Mr. Lu is the helper brought by the Sage. Do you think Mr. Lu has no strength?"

But Phoenix/Wu slowly shook his head with a firm look on his face.

"It's up to me to decide whether you have the strength or not. Since you want me to obey orders, you have to show me the strength to convince me."

Only big fists are the last word. Mr. Lu, don’t you deny what I say? "

As he spoke, he clenched his fists.

"Phoenix/Uu you.!"

Medusa was about to get angry. She didn't want to involve herself because of the Phoenix/Uro thing.

What if the wise man hates me then?

She absolutely couldn't let this happen.

Phoenix/Wu, this guy, didn’t go to bed for three days!

But just when Medusa was about to transform back into the demon form and teach Phoenix/Crow a lesson, Lu Li suddenly held down Medusa.

"If you want to try it, then give it a try."

"Mr. Lu

Medusa, who was suddenly stopped, was worried that Lu Li would be angry and wanted to say something, but when she saw Lu Li's relaxed and smiling expression, she didn't seem to be angry at all.

I couldn't help but be surprised, why wasn't Lu Li angry at all?

She couldn't understand, shouldn't she be angry in this situation?

When he heard that Lu Li was actually willing to fight with him, Phoenix/Wu suddenly grinned.

"Hahahaha! Okay! This is what you said, don't regret it!

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