
The shadows intertwined, and the six core coins merged together, symbolizing the birth of a chaotic pattern.

Under the withered yellow light of "187", a hideous figure walked out.

For some reason, when the golden magician saw this figure, his heart suddenly turned cold, as if he had been stared at by a demon from hell.

He felt creepy and had a feeling of being on the back.

The golden magician, who was very confident before, was now completely serious.

He dared not be careless at all. The enemy in front of him was completely different from the enemies he had encountered before.

At this time, it was impossible for him to stay and he had to find a way to eliminate Lu Li as soon as possible.

Switch the direction of the driver and buckle the universal magic cube bracelet on the palm of the driver.

"Blast! Now!"

"Help me see if you can withstand my attack! "

A golden magic circle appeared in front of the golden magician, and a terrifying shock wave burst out from it and rushed towards Lu Li.

The terrifying shock wave swept the leaves and flowers on the ground, leaving a long drag mark on the ground.

The momentum was quite loud, but Lu Li did not take the attack power seriously.

He didn't even need to take the initiative to attack, the six sharp blade tentacles behind him took action immediately.

"Swish! ! ”

Not only can the sharp blade tentacles extend as far as they can, they can also directly slash at the incoming shock wave.

In just a moment, the terrifying shock wave disappeared without a trace.

Countless flowers, plants and fallen leaves fell from the sky, which looked quite beautiful.

Seeing that Lu Li blocked his attack effortlessly, the golden magician couldn't help but feel depressed.

Sure enough, just as he thought just now, Lu Li was not just a show-off, but really had strength.

The withered yellow figure suddenly disappeared as a residual image, which made the golden magician nervous.

So fast!

He could barely see a little residual image approaching him quickly, and seeing it did not mean that the body could react immediately.

Relying on his combat experience and prediction, the golden magician swept the halberd of death away.

The sharp halberd blade flashed coldly under the sunlight.

"Too slow. "

The voice came suddenly from behind, which the golden magician had never expected.

Shouldn't it be in front?!

He was shocked.

Now that he had made an attack, there was no way to take it back immediately.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his back.

"Bang! !"


The golden magician screamed and was directly smashed away by this terrifying force.

As for the Halberd of Death, the golden magician couldn't hold it at all and dropped it to the side.

When the golden magician flew out, Lu Li appeared at the position where the golden magician was just now.

With his hands clasped in front of his chest, the previous attack was not caused by him, but by the six sharp blade tentacles behind him merging together and blasting out.

Flying out and falling flat on his face, the golden magician looked very embarrassed.

"How could it be? ! ”

Until now, the golden magician still didn’t understand why this happened.

According to his prediction, shouldn’t Lu Li appear in front of him in the next second? Why did he suddenly appear behind him?

How could he have thought that the afterimage Lu Li had just created was just a fake move.

Lu Li, who could use instant teleportation, didn’t even need to move to appear behind the golden magician.

The pain in his back made him grimace for a while, but fortunately the armor had strong defense, otherwise it would be uncomfortable.

His mind suddenly sank. He was very confident that he had strong strength, but he didn’t expect to be beaten so badly.

“Damn it! Where did this guy come from? ! ”

He was quite daunted. He didn’t recognize the opponent who suddenly appeared with such a strong sense of oppression.

Could he be a sage? Otherwise, why would he have the Philosopher’s Stone?

But Gulemlin had described the sage to him before, and it was not like this at all.

What is going on?!

The magician couldn’t figure out everything now. The development of things seemed to have exceeded his expectations.

He was still planning to get the Philosopher’s Stone before, but he didn’t expect that it had already been obtained by others. What are they still planning!

This opponent in front of him is not easy to deal with. The golden magician has already thought about leaving.

There is no need to fight the opponent to the death.

“Teleport! Now! "

Immediately cast teleportation magic, and a golden magic circle appeared beside him.

The golden magician rushed in, as if ready to leave through teleportation magic.

Guremlin, who was fighting with Metzl, saw that the golden magician was about to leave, and his face suddenly changed.

Good guy!

What the hell?

He actually wants to sell himself at this time, it's too unsportsmanlike!

He was fighting very hard, but the golden magician as a teammate actually wanted to sell him out, it was really too much.

"When fighting with me, you still have the mind to look around, you also... overestimate yourself!"

A cold voice suddenly came from the side, and Guremlin reacted and said in his heart that it was bad.

A terrifying impact force instantly blasted Golemlin away.


The ancient Lemlin that was blown away broke a tree and fell into the pile of fallen leaves.

In the battle just now, he had actually discovered that this woman's fighting ability was not inferior to him, or even a little stronger.

The most important thing is that she can turn into water at will, and has strong fighting skills that catch people off guard.

After suffering a big loss at once, Gulemlin did not dare to be careless and stood up quickly.

At this time, he already had other ideas.

Since the golden magician is going to leave him and run away, there is no need for him to stay here.

If you can't win, run away. Thirty-six tactics are the best!

Gulemlin imagined escaping from the earth as he faced Medusa and Phoenix/Una.

Living is the most important thing, and there is no need to worry about face now.

As his body slowly sank, Gulemlin waved playfully at Mezel.

"Haha! You are still awesome, but unfortunately, I have to leave first."

Seeing that Guremlin wanted to escape by hiding, Metzl didn't even have the slightest intention to stop him.

She knew that the surrounding space had been blocked by Lu Li before.

In this case, there is a ghost if Gulemlin can escape.

Gu Lemlin almost escaped together with the golden magician. He thought he could escape this time. In fact, he had no idea that this place had already become theirs.

Burial place.

The golden magician has also entered the magic circle at this time, and uses magic teleportation to quickly reach another place.

But when the golden magician came out from the other side, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

He found that he was still in the surrounding area, but in a different direction.

"how come?!"

He was shocked and couldn't understand why his teleportation magic failed.

When using teleportation magic before, such a situation has never occurred. Why is it wrong this time?

The golden magician did not believe in evil and used teleportation magic again.

But the end result is that he is back to his previous position, unable to escape at all!

"Why is this happening?!"

After trying twice in a row, but unable to leave the area, the golden magician finally realized that something was wrong.

Suddenly looking at Lu Li, the golden magician's eyes were full of fear.

"It's you! You did it all!"

The only person he could think of who had such means was probably Lu Li.

He didn't know exactly what method the other party used, but he was sure it had something to do with the person in front of him.

After thinking about this, the golden magician suddenly felt horrified.

He had been targeted from the beginning, but he didn't know it yet.

Taking a deep swallow of the foam, the golden magician felt an unprecedented crisis.

The trouble...is big!

It was not just the golden magician who also felt that he was in big trouble, but also Golemlin.

After Gulemlin moved underground for a while, he immediately emerged from the ground.

When he got out, he was dumbfounded because he had not left the area at all, and was even very close to where he was just now.

If it were before, I would have run far away by now, but now it seems like I am still standing still...

"why is it like this?!"

Even though Gulemlin was very smart, he couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

Is this some kind of magic?

"Don't think about escaping. As long as you can't defeat me, you can't leave this place."

Metzl crossed his arms on his chest and looked at Gulemlin as if he were a clown.

She only said one point, and another point was that there was no way to leave this place without Lu Li's consent.

However, it was obviously useless to talk too much to the other party. After all, Metzler did not think that Gulemlin had a chance to defeat him.

No matter how much you say, it's just nonsense and useless.

"It seems...this battle has to be fought."

Gulemlin put away his previous cynical attitude, his aura changed slightly, and he became serious.

This battle is a matter of life and death, so Golemlin naturally needs to pay more attention.

If you accidentally reveal yourself here, everything will be over.

"Do you understand now? It's too late."

Before he finished speaking, a stream of water from Mezel quickly approached Golemlin.

When it got close, it instantly transformed into its original form and displayed powerful fighting skills.

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