Similarly, the golden magician has also realized this problem.

He had to find a way to defeat Lu Li in front of him before he could leave this weird space.

Taking a deep breath, the golden magician looked at Lu Li attentively, and once again placed the universal magic ring in his hand in front of the drive.

"Dupe! Now!"

Beside the golden magician, two golden magic arrays appeared, and then two other golden magicians walked out of them.

The clone created using magic has similar combat skills to the main body, but its overall strength is definitely not comparable to the main body.


The golden magician in the middle gave an order, and the three golden magicians rushed towards Lu Li in unison.

Launching attacks from three directions, they tried to rely on multi-faceted attacks to find Lu Li's weakness.

However, the golden magician obviously overestimated himself.

It's just a clone. Not even Lu Li's two tentacles can break through.

Each of the six tentacles dealt with a golden magician, but Lu Li himself was not affected at all.

Standing there calmly, as if waiting for the arrival of the golden magician.

“Qiang Qiang Qiang!!”

The collision between the sharp blade tentacles and the death halberd caused bursts of sparks to fly.

The golden magician had already used all the fighting skills at his disposal, but still couldn't shake Lu Li.

In the eyes of the golden magician, Lu Li was like a high mountain range that could not be shaken in front of him.

So strong! !

With great horror in his heart, all the golden magician's attacks were resisted.

Not only that, after getting familiar with the golden magician's attack, the blade tentacles immediately counterattacked.



The two clones, one on the left and one on the right, were instantly eliminated by the sharp-edged tentacles, leaving only the golden magician struggling to hold on.

The four free tentacles attacked instantly, and the golden magician quickly blocked them with the Death Halberd, and retreated with the help of this 1.3 reaction force.

The body slid far away. Although the golden magician was not injured, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

There is really no other way, so the golden magician is ready to use the strongest attack method.

Putting the death halberd next to him, the golden magician took out a magic ring that was different from the universal magic ring and replaced the universal magic ring on his right hand.

This magic ring has a red gemstone in the middle.

Switch the drive and place the magic ring over the drive.

"Yes! Final..Strike (final assault)! Understand?"

A golden magic circle appeared at the feet of the golden magician, and golden magic gathered crazily at his left foot.

Slowly squatting down, the golden magician gathered all the magic power in his body and jumped up.

After jumping to a high altitude, he flipped and his body dropped rapidly.


He doesn't believe this evil!

This was already the strongest special move he could unleash. If he couldn't even hurt Lu Li, then he had no chance of winning.

Strike. Sorcerer!

Success or failure depends entirely on this blow.

The golden light enveloped the golden magician, looking so dazzling.

Who would have thought that the golden magician himself was not a human being, not a phantom.

Facing the golden magician falling from the sky, Lu Li was not afraid at all. He picked up the dual scanner on the right side and swiped the six-link drive.


The chaotic pattern on his chest burst into yellow light, and six rings suddenly appeared diagonally above Lu Li.

Each ring symbolizes an evil organization and exudes terrifying evil power.

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Chapter 375 Extreme.Evil.Spike! A hasty fall

Stomping on the ground, Lu Li rolled in the air, turned into a withered yellow death light, and launched a flying kick upwards.

The body quickly passed through the first ring of the evil organization. In the process, the six sharp-edged tentacles behind Lu Li turned out to be like weapons, merging with the leg that was performing the flying kick.


Each time it passes through a ring, the force of the flying kick will become stronger and the speed will become faster and faster.


The withered yellow light and the dazzling golden light suddenly collided together.


Two terrifying energies collided, and strong air waves spread crazily.

However, after holding on for less than a second, the dazzling golden light was completely swallowed up by the terrifying withered yellow light.

At the same time, the extremely evil thrust instantly broke through the golden magician's killing blow, and the terrifying flying kick hit the golden magician hard in the chest.


The heartbreaking pain came, and the golden magician roared with all his strength.

However, it had no effect.

He didn't expect that he would lose so completely and couldn't even hold on for a second.


Immediately afterwards, Lu Li turned into a withered yellow sharp arrow and penetrated the golden magician's chest on the spot.


Lowering his head with slight trembling, the golden magician looked at the place where his chest was penetrated, which was being invaded by the terrifying power of death.

The terrifying energy gathered crazily in his body, and finally exploded.


The violent explosion shook the earth, and Gulemlin, who was fighting with Mezzer, was suddenly startled.


The words are full of incredulity, you must know that he is a golden magician!

The golden magician's combat power is not even weaker than that of the sage. He is very powerful. Although Golemlin is cooperating with him, he must still be careful to avoid being counterattacked by the other party.

Of course, such a powerful guy was solved in such an understatement.

Compared to the stunned Golemlin, Mezel didn't find anything strange at all.

It was only reasonable that Lu Li could win the battle, and he was not surprised at all.

Taking advantage of Golemlin's distraction, Mezel punched him in the abdomen and launched a series of ferocious melee attacks.

Golemlin was stunned for a moment, and the result was that he was taught such a miserable lesson.


The screams of Ancient Lemlin echoed through the woods.

24 After a series of swift attacks, Metzl directly kicked Gulemlin to the ground.


Gulemlin fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, and dropped the two swords in his hands to the side.

He tried to hold himself up and stand up, but Metzl stepped on his back.

"I told you before, don't be distracted when fighting me. If you don't pay attention to yourself, blame yourself for being careless."

Gulemlin was trampled to the ground and couldn't get up at all. Now he only felt pain all over his body.

This woman is so ruthless, she can be so ruthless when fighting, she doesn't hold back at all!

At this time, Lu Li fell to the ground after passing through the golden magician.

The explosion in the sky behind him couldn't attract his attention at all.

As the golden magician exploded, oooooo yellow symbols could be seen in the sky, corresponding to the evil power of death.

And after the golden magician exploded, whether it was a drive or a magic ring, the transformation ring,

All fell into Lu Li's hands.

Got something!

As for Omar, who had transformed into a golden magician, there was no way he could survive the explosion just now.

There is no doubt that it is absolutely dead.

He was already dead before he could even use his phantom power.

Looking at the magic ring and transformation ring in his hand, Lu Li nodded with satisfaction:

This is what he wants, but he doesn't know if he can use the power of magic.

Now that I have got the thing, I naturally want to give it a try.

After releasing the transformation, the six core coins of the evil organization automatically returned to Lu Li's body.

Lu Li also casually threw the Sixth Drive into the created space.

Lu Li directly put on the transformation ring and carried the magician driver around his waist.

When you have the Transformation Ring, place the palm close to the middle of the drive.

Seconds two seconds three seconds!

Several seconds passed without any feedback, as if the transformation ring and driver had no response to Lu Li.


There is no magic.

Although there is a huge amount of energy in the body, there is an essential difference between this energy and magic power.

If you want to use the power of magic, you must use magic power, but Lu Li does not have magic power now.

No way, this thing is a bit useless to Lu Li now.

But it doesn't matter. Although Lu Li does not have magic power at the moment, it does not mean that he will not have magic power in the future.

The easiest way to obtain magic power is the Philosopher's Stone.

After the sage gave birth to the Philosopher's Stone and found a way to fill it with the magic power inside the Philosopher's Stone, Lu Li would have the magic power that he could use.

There was no need for it at the moment, so Lu Li threw the ring and drive into the created space.

Metzler's side.

Of course, Golemlin, who was trampled under his feet, was not willing to die here like this.

He immediately stretched out his right hand, and the two swords falling far away seemed to be pulled by some kind of force.

Coming quickly.

Seeing this, Mezzer stepped on Gulemlin's body and jumped into the air, avoiding the double sword ecstasy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gulemlin quickly rolled to the other side and grasped the two swords again.

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