Although he has not yet reached the level of a god, he already has the ability to rival a god.

Especially since part of its ability was reproduced just now. Although it was only a part, it was enough to make Lu Li very powerful.

At this moment, Misaki Nadeshiko's eyes suddenly lit up and she raised her head slightly.

Lu Li noticed the change in Misaki Nadeshiko and roughly guessed that the giver must be communicating something to her.

As for what it was specifically, Lu Li didn't know.

After all, he was not strong enough to pry into the thoughts of powerful gods at will, and since the giver only told Misaki Nadeshiko, he would naturally not let Lu Li know about it.

Institute of Human Basic History, or BOARD for short.

The BOARD Research Institute believes that the reason why humans can win and become dominant in this world should be due to some important factors that cannot be summarized in the theory of evolution.

essential factors exist.

Based on this premise, research has been ongoing.

But what the BOARD Research Institute studies may be beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

The thing they studied was a pile of cards. To be precise, these cards should be called awakening cards.

Today, a very major accident suddenly occurred at the BOARD Research Institute.

BOARD has been researching awakening cards, and thus created the Kamen Rider system.

But their research was based on the Awakening Cards.

Research is very dangerous, and sometimes it is necessary to remove the seal of the awakening card and release the undead creatures inside.

After studying these undead creatures, the current Kamen Rider system was created.

And just today, the incubator of BOARD Research Laboratory was looking at eggs that looked very weird one after another.

However, these eggs seemed to be activated and slowly opened, releasing a large number of locusts from inside.

That's right, it's locusts.

When these locusts appeared, they immediately began to kill people in the institute crazily.

Anyone they meet will be attacked by locusts.

There is no doubt that the people in the institute were almost killed and injured, and very few survived.

These locusts are not ordinary locusts, they are part of the undead body of locusts.

As a user of the Kamen Rider system developed by BOARD, Kenzaki Kazuma drove his motorcycle to the research institute as soon as possible after receiving the news.

His job is to seal away the undead creatures that escaped.

As Kazuma Kenzaki alone, the reason why he wants to continue fighting is to protect mankind.

Outside the BOARD Institute.

A circular door suddenly appeared in the sky. It was pitch black inside and nothing could be seen at all.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly fell out of it and hit the ground directly.

Lu Li, who fell out of the jump gate, was very dissatisfied with the giver for throwing him roughly into the jump gate.

Is it necessary to be so rough?

Just after Lu Li completed replicating part of the giver's abilities, the giver said he was ready to keep Misaki Nadeshiko.

As the seed of life in the universe, Misaki Nadeshiko has very powerful potential, and the giver wants to keep Misaki Nadeshiko by his side and cultivate her well.

Since the donor wanted to train Misaki Nadeshiko, Lu Li certainly wanted to learn some secretly from the side. After all, this was a rare learning opportunity.

Unfortunately, the Giver was too stingy and threw Lu Li directly into the jump gate.

Even though Lu Li was already very powerful, he couldn't resist the terrifying Giver.

In the end, he was thrown into the jump gate.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was already here.

As soon as he stood up, Lu Li saw the warp gate gradually disappearing above him.

Lu Li couldn't help but curled his lips and secretly said something stingy.

Looking at the dark surroundings, there seemed to be an alarm sound in the distance.

Lu Li didn't know where he was for the moment.

However, Lu Li's use of space power has reached a certain depth, and he has also successfully reproduced part of the giver's abilities, including his ability to sense space.

However, it must be far better than before. not the Earth where Fengdu is.

Could it be that he was sent to other worlds by the donor?

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

The power possessed by the giver is unimaginable, and sending himself to other worlds is just a piece of cake.

However, if you are sent to another world, it means that you have come to a new world.

The new world means that the mark on his hand should have been restored.

Raising his right hand, Lu Li looked at the back of his hand and found that there were still only faint red marks on the back of his hand, and the engraving had not been restored.

Frowning slightly, Lu Li looked at the engraving that had not recovered at all, a flash of doubt in his eyes.

Logically speaking, as long as you go to a new world, the mark on your hand should be restored.

But now, the engraving on his hand has not been restored at all, it is still the same as after he finished engraving the giver.

It shouldn’t be!

Suddenly, Lu Li thought of a possibility.

That is the world that I am in now. It is not a new world, but the world that I have been to before.

According to the worlds Lu Li has experienced so far, there are only two in total.

The other world that participated in the extreme battle at the beginning was the world where Fengdu was located.

From the spatial position just now, Lu Li was sure that this was not the world where Fengdu was.

Could it be...that this is Blade's world? !

One look at the surrounding environment makes it clear that this is not the era of extreme battles at all, but the modern era.

He unexpectedly came back again by accident, and he returned to the era after the end of the Extreme War.

Due to Lu Li's arrival, the extreme battle ended hastily, without directly deciding the winner.

The main reason was that Lu Li was restless at the time and wanted to carve the sealing stone slab, but was thrown directly into the space crack by the sealing stone slab.

This is indirectly equivalent to the fact that there is no winner in the ultimate battle.

Without a winner in an extreme battle, it would naturally be impossible to decide which race of undead creatures should rule the world.

In the end, the sealing slate recreated fifty-three undead creature awakening cards, and started a new extreme battle.

This extreme battle, just as Lu Li knew, the human undead won the victory.

The human undead successfully won the ultimate battle and finally won, thus making humans the masters of this world.

Lu Li didn't see anyone, so he was probably sure that things would go the same way as before.

I just don’t know where the plot has developed at the time I have now.

The current Kenzaki Kazuma is a knight novice who has just started.

Following the sound of the alarm in the distance, Lu Li walked directly over there.

When Kazuma Kenzaki drove his motorcycle to the research institute, he only heard the alarm bell ringing.

Taking off his helmet, Kenzaki Kazuma hurriedly ran into the research institute.

What he saw after sending them away shocked him, because many researchers seemed to be lifeless lying in the corridor.

"Hey! Wake up! Hey! Damn it!!"

No matter how hard he shook these lying people, there was no movement...

He couldn't care less and immediately ran towards the center of the research institute.

When he came to the research room, he found that it had become dilapidated and there were many researchers lying on the same ground.

"What the hell is going on?! What the hell is going on?! Hey! Hey! Hey!


A burst of electric sparks erupted from the damaged instrument nearby.

Seeing everything familiar around him turn into this, Kenzaki Kazuma felt very incredible.

He didn't understand why it was like this, but he knew that something very serious might have happened.

"What the hell happened here?!"

He looked around carefully, trying to find any survivors.

At this moment, there was a sound of banging on the door from the blocked door next to it.


After hearing the sound, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly ran over and opened the locked door with force.

When the door opened, Hirose Shiori, who was wearing a researcher's uniform at the institute, fell down from the compartment inside.

She was seen covering her arm in pain, and blood was still flowing out of her arm.

How could Kenzaki Kazuma not recognize this senior, so he quickly helped him up.

"Miss Hirose! How are you? Are you okay?

Hirose Shiori, who had a painful expression on his face, frowned.

"It's Undead! Undead: Attacked us!

What's worse is that it may be Undead controlled by Tachibana! "

Even though he didn't want to believe it in his heart, Hirose Shiori still told Kazuma Kenzaki about his suspicion.

"What are you talking about? Senior Tachibana did it? How is that possible? What are you talking about!"

Kenzaki Kazuma couldn't believe this conclusion.

In his opinion, Tachibana-senpai is a very powerful senior, and he is usually very willing to support him as a junior.

Although he sometimes feels a bit weird, he doesn't believe it if he says that the other party has betrayed the institute.

"Just now, I saw Director Tachibana and Karasuma arguing.

"How could...then you doubt Senior Tachibana just because we had a quarrel? I don't believe he would do this!"

At least until there is no conclusive evidence, Kenzaki Kazuma will not doubt Tachibana Sakuya.



At this moment, a large swarm of locusts suddenly broke through the window next to it and flew to another place.

Seeing these locusts, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly chased after them.

Under the night, there is no moon tonight.

The clouds in the sky seemed to be a symbol of something big happening.

Following the siren, Lu Li arrived at his destination.

A research institute surrounded by iron nets, but this time there was no light at all and it seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

The alarm sound came from this research institute.

Standing at the entrance of the research institute, Lu Li saw the sign and name above.


Lu Li was naturally familiar with this name.

When he saw this name and this research institute, Lu Li finally confirmed that this place was the original research institute in Kamen Rider Sword.

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