1.2 Unexpectedly, after going round and round, I actually returned to this world.

Did the giver send him here intentionally or unintentionally?

Regarding this point, Lu Li was not sure yet.

However, since they have already arrived in this world, Lu Li doesn't mind staying in this world for a while.

After all, this can be regarded as his first world. Although he only stayed for a short period of time, it was after all that he gained strength in this world.

Since the energy in the institute has been cut off, the security system of the entire institute has been paralyzed.

The door was open at this time, and Lu Li walked in without any scruples.

As for why there are no scruples, of course there is no need to have any scruples. With his current strength, who can be his opponent in this world?

Even in the ultimate battle ten thousand years ago, Lu Li was the ultimate winner.

Just after Lu Li entered the research institute, he suddenly felt a buzzing sound.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a large swarm of locusts flying towards him quickly.

Even from a distance, Lu Li could feel the sense of communication between the undead creatures.


Of course, Lu Li was no stranger to it. Isn't this the undead creature known as the Five Locusts of Spades?

Behind these locusts, a young man was catching up quickly, it was Kazuma Kenzaki.

"Stop! Don't run away!"

Faced with the undead creature that killed almost all the personnel in the institute, Kenzaki Kazuma was of course unwilling to let it go. He ran and roared loudly.

Perhaps because they were a little annoyed by being entangled, the large number of locusts suddenly fell in the direction and pounced on Kenzaki Kazuma.

After surrounding him for a while, they flew to his head and gathered crazily.

Finally, these locusts merged together and turned into a monster.

Locust undead!

"Damn it! Are you the one who killed everyone in the institute?! It's unforgivable!"

Chapter 385 Communication! Clear purpose, odd number!

Kazuma Kenzaki thinks the staff in the research institute are quite good.

Everyone worked hard together to find a way to seal the undead.

But now, these people have died at the hands of this undead creature in front of him, and he can't spare him no matter what.

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma's eyes sharpened, and he immediately noticed Lu Li not far away.

Knowing that the undead were here, and there were other people there, he was naturally worried that the undead would harm Lu Li.

It's his job to protect ordinary people!

Immediately take out the Knight's Belt Buckle and the Ace of Spades Awakening Card, and insert them into the Knight's Belt Buckle.

A belt automatically extended and wrapped around Kenzaki Kazuma's waist.

Slowly raising his right hand and assuming a transformation posture, Kenzaki Kazuma shouted.


The position where the awakening card is inserted in the middle of the knight's belt buckle is flipped and switched to the pattern of spades.

A blue light curtain ejected from the middle, blasting away the undead locusts directly in front of it.

There is a pattern on the blue light screen, which is the pattern of the Ace of Spades awakening card.


He roared and rushed out. When Kazuma Kenzaki passed through the blue light screen, he was instantly attached to a suit of knight armor.

Kamen Rider Blade!

He rushed directly towards the locust undead creature that had been bounced away just now, and launched an attack with wide open range.

Seeing the battle happening in front of his eyes, Lu Li felt nothing in his heart.

The swords at that time were extremely weak in combat effectiveness. They could not even exert much combat effectiveness against low-level undead creatures.

But that's right, the current sword has only been a knight for a short time, and has experienced very few battles.

Although he usually trains, training and actual combat are completely different things.

Unexpectedly, the Giver would throw him directly to the beginning of the plot, and Lu Li was quite surprised.

Lu Li was looking forward to something else.

That is, when I see the King of Spades again, will the other person recognize me?

The ultimate battle, the guy who finally fought with me.

If possible, Lu Li really wanted to fight that guy again.

Even though Lu Li's combat prowess now far exceeds that of his former self, this does not prevent him from wanting to fight Spade Kig.

Among the four Kig, the King of Spades can be said to have the strongest attack and strongest defense, and was also the hardest opponent Lu Li fought against.

If 31 hadn't successfully collected all the Heart Awakening cards and Lu Li had successfully transformed into Wild Kalis, he might not have been able to beat Spades Kig.

With the current sword, combat is really unsightly.

Although he has a lot of passion, fighting cannot just rely on his passion.

Facing the locust undead creature with extremely strong jumping ability, the sword can be said to be badly beaten.

Just a low-level undead creature with five of spades can torture this dead sword to the point where it can't be found. There is indeed no one else.

Its legs transformed into two huge locust legs. The locust undead creature jumped directly over the sword and landed not far in front of Lu Li.

This also caused the sword that the sword had just charged up to miss, staggering a few steps and almost falling to the ground.

When he turned back, he found that the undead locusts were gradually approaching Lu Li.

"Hey! It's dangerous, get out of here quickly!"

He only regarded Lu Li as an ordinary person who accidentally entered the institute, and his mission was to protect the safety of mankind.

He quickly rushed over again holding the B|ay Awakening Device, preparing to stop the locust undead creatures approaching Lu Li.

The undead locust creature approached Lu Li step by step, with intense confusion in its dark eyes.

Tilting his head, the undead locust slowly spoke, saying some words that ordinary humans could not understand.

"Who are you? Why do you have such a breath on your body? Mixed breath!

Although ordinary people couldn't understand it, Lu Li could understand it very clearly.

Such words did not feel strange to Lu Li, and could even be said to be very familiar.

I haven't heard such language for a long, long time.

It is a language used for communication between undead creatures. Other than the undead creatures, others cannot understand it.

Lu Li had no interest in answering a question from a low-level undead creature.


A terrifying force struck instantly, and the undead locust creature was blasted away by a powerful force without even feeling anything unusual.

Jian, who was running towards him, saw the undead locust flying towards him. Although he was very confused and didn't quite understand what was going on, this was an excellent opportunity.


He immediately unfolded the B|ay Awakening Device and took out an Awakening Card from it.

4 of spades!

Stop the wild boar!

The function is to enhance the impact force!


The awakening card suddenly turned into a shadow and merged into the Bly awakening device.

I saw Blay's Awakening Device emitting a faint white light, stabbing the undead locust creature flying over with all its strength.


The Bly Awakening Device with enhanced impact force easily tore the undead locust creature's back.

Green blood spurted out, and the undead locust creature suddenly became dying.

Although undead creatures do not die, they can be injured and become weak after being injured.

The sword pulled out the Blay Awakening Device, and the locust undead creature fell to the ground, lying weakly on the ground.

The belt buckle on his waist also opened automatically, revealing the number in the middle.


Finally winning, Jian silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, he didn't understand what was going on.

He pulled out a blank awakening card used to seal the undead creature and threw it directly to the chest of the locust undead creature.

The blank awakening card releases a special sealing power, sealing the locust undead directly in the awakening card.

And Jian, who had just experienced a difficult battle, fell to the ground weakly, breathing heavily.

"Phew! Finally won! Phew!

For a sword with a low fusion coefficient, it is indeed very difficult to win a battle.

The Kamen Rider system produced by BOARD Research Institute is modeled after Jokert's Awakening Device.

Although the Kamen Rider system was successfully created, the people who created the Rider system did not consider one problem: as the fusion coefficient gets higher and higher, the use of awakening cards

Afterwards, the person will be united with the power of the undead.

This also led to the later time when Kazuma Kenzaki merged with thirteen boss creatures, gradually changing his own structure, and finally became Jokr.

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma, who had also transformed, raised his head, trying to find traces of Lu Li.

But when he raised his head, he found that Lu Li had disappeared.

"Huh? Where are the people?!"

Looking around in confusion, he found that Lu Li was nowhere to be seen, and he was very puzzled.

It's impossible for a good person to disappear inexplicably. What is going on?

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma recalled what happened just now. The undead locust creature seemed to have said something he couldn't understand, and then Lu Li also said a lot of words he couldn't understand.

I couldn't help but secretly guess, was...were the two having a conversation just now? !

After getting this answer, Kenzaki Shinichi was very surprised. Undead creatures and humans are actually communicating?

What's going on?

Regarding this issue, he couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

Suddenly, Kazuma Kenzaki remembered the injured Hirose Shiori who was still lying in the research institute, and hurriedly ran back dragging his tired body.

In the entire institute, except for Hirose Shiori, no one is still alive.

As for Lu Li, who had disappeared, he had naturally left the research institute at this time.

There is nothing in here, and there is no use in staying here.

What's more, Lu Li has no interest in the things inside the institute.

Lu Li had already made the knight's belt buckle himself.

He has to do something now.

Although it has been integrated with the memory of the earth in Fengdu's world, it does not mean that Lu Li can still consciously enter the memory of the earth when he is in other worlds.

This time, Lu Li returned to this world as a test.

On the top of the mountain some distance away from the research institute, Lu Li opened his hands and closed his eyes silently sensing.

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