His consciousness was empty, and he was about to enter the earth's memory, but the result was not quite what Lu Li thought.

He failed to enter the earth's memory.

Sure enough, in different worlds, the memory of the earth is naturally different.

The memory of the earth is different, so Lu Li naturally has no way to enter the memory of this earth.

After completing the test, Lu Li did not feel disappointed because he had expected this situation from the beginning.

Now that everyone has returned to this world this time, Lu Li plans to stay for a while before leaving.

As the ancestor of mankind, although he won the ultimate battle, he was thrown into the rift in time and space due to problems with the sealing stone.

Lu Li has not forgotten this god-like intelligence about the sealing stone slab.

When it comes to revenge, Lu Li is not someone who doesn't hold grudges.

At this time, the Ten Sealed Cases should still be at Tianwang Lu Boshi's place. Where exactly they are, Lu Li doesn't know yet.

But he is not in a hurry, Tianwang Lu Boshi will be exposed by then.

As the chairman of the BOARD Research Institute, everything this guy did was to control the victory of this extreme battle.

To gain the final victory, reorganize the human world and become the most powerful ruler.

He was indeed very ambitious, but it was a pity that Lu Li had already seen through his ambition.

Once you've come, make peace with it. Lu Li's figure flashed and disappeared on the top of the mountain in an instant.

Here at the institute.

After Kazuma Kenzaki gave Hirose Shiori a simple bandage, the two found a surveillance video among the ruins of the research institute.

The surveillance video mainly shows that Tachibana Shuo also transformed into Gelian and forcibly took away Karasuma Kei, the director of the research institute.

Combined with what happened before, people feel more certain that Jushuo also betrayed the institute.

This is also because he controlled the undead creatures, killed the people in the institute, and destroyed everything in the institute.

Kazuma Kenzaki, who came to this conclusion, was completely shattered. Why did the person he trusted betray him without knowing it?

Although he was still willing to believe that Ju Shuo would not betray him, but now the facts were before his eyes, and he couldn't believe it even if he didn't want to.

Since the research institute has been damaged like this, they naturally cannot stay here any longer.

Let's leave for now and deal with their injuries first.

Suddenly, the two of them, who were still employed, were now unemployed.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Li visited various places in the city.

Relatively speaking, the technological development of this world lags far behind that of others.

And he also determined what he wanted to do. Didn't he exile himself, the winner, into the rift of time and space before sealing the stone slab?

Then it seems that it is not impossible to take advantage of this opportunity to participate in another extreme battle led by humans.

I just don’t know if the current sealing slate still recognizes me.

Lu Li also wanted to know what changes would happen to the sealing slate when he freed it and saw himself again.

If it were Lu Li before he re-engraved the Giver, he might not be able to challenge the sealing stone, but it's different now.

Lu Li has not yet reached the point of truly becoming a god, but his power has already touched the realm of gods.

This is what the giver said. Lu Li has the qualifications to become a god, but it just takes some time.

That's right, Lu Li wanted to go head-to-head with the sealing stone and try to see what his strength was like now.

The sealing stone tablet does not possess the intelligence of the giver, but more like a mechanical intelligence.

It is just a terminal set up to complete the ultimate battle.

Lu Li didn't have to worry about his own safety during the conflict and battle with the sealing slate.

He was confident that he could protect himself, and the sealing power of the sealing stone slab would have no effect on him.

Since he is an undead creature and has the power of Jokr reproduced at 720, Lu Li is completely an undead humanoid radar.

As long as an undead creature appears, Lu Li will be able to detect it immediately.

At this time, somewhere in hiding.

On top of a mountain, a man wearing a blue turban and plain clothes sat cross-legged.

On his right index finger hung a red knot.

Suddenly, a breeze blew, and he slowly lifted the red knotted rope on his right index finger. The piece that fell below was swaying in the wind.

The man slowly opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction.


There was a flash of doubt in his eyes, and the man obviously didn't understand why an abnormality that he didn't even know suddenly appeared.

It seems that I have been here long enough, and it is time to go and see what is going on.

Standing up slowly, the man turned to look at the cage at his feet. There was a beautiful canary in the cage.

"Naiqier, it seems... I have to go back. Let's go back and tidy up first."

With a smile as warm as the breeze on his face, Jiu Sheng lifted up the cage and walked downwards.

He didn't know what the strange number he had just sensed was, but the sudden appearance of this strange number made him quite uneasy.

Finally decided to go back and take a look.

Jiu Sheng, the first time I saw him, I felt that he was a very friendly person who was easy to get along with.

But he is not a human in essence, but an undead creature.

And he is not an ordinary undead creature, but a King of the category.

Plum Blossom King, Wolf Spider Undead Creature!

It can be said that he is the highest level of undead creature, with very powerful power, and has the opportunity to compete for the victory of the Extreme War.

But such a person, Shima Noboru, has no idea of ​​competing for the victory of the Extreme War, and he even stands on the side of humans.

He and Karasuma Kei are good friends. Shima Noboru has also given some key suggestions on research issues.

At the beginning, Karasuma Kei was unwilling to believe that there would be undead creatures who would stand on the side of humans.

But after a long time of getting along, Karasuma Kei finally believed Shima Noboru.

In order to avoid this unnecessary Extreme War, Shima Noboru hid in this place.

But because of the sudden appearance of this anomaly, he had to go back.

Maybe this trip back will be involved in this unnecessary battle, but he still decided to go.

Just to determine what impact this key anomaly will have on this Extreme War.

As for what happened in the research institute, Shima Noboru naturally knew.

However, Karasuma Kei was not in any danger of life, and Shima Noboru also knew that there were many questions about the reason why Tachibana Sakuya took Karasuma Kei away.

He didn't need to intervene in this matter for the time being.

To leave here, he naturally needs to pack up well. When he returns, it may be a different scene.

Shima Noboru didn't know what kind of impact the appearance of the anomaly would have on this extreme battle.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of

Playing Bubu!

Chapter 386 Goodbye! From the first meeting with Calis

On the other side.

"Here it comes."

Lu Li suddenly felt a strange feeling coming.

This feeling is the perception that Lu Li passively produces after the undead creature uses its power.

If the undead creature does not want to be exposed, Lu Li cannot feel its existence without using any power.

Lu Li can only detect it when it uses its power.

This is similar to Aikawa Hajime, but Lu Li's feeling is stronger.

Moreover, even if the undead creatures that did not use their power appeared around, Lu Li could still sense their presence.

However, at present, there were no traces of undead creatures around Lu Li.

According to the current plot, the undead creatures that appeared at this time should be the vine undead creatures of the Red Heart 7.

The undead creatures that appeared in the early stage were almost all low-level undead creatures, and their combat effectiveness was not very good.

However, Lu Li remembered that this time, Kurihara Tianyin would be attacked by the vine undead creatures, and Aikawa Hajime would rush over at the first time to fight with the vine undead creatures.

I just don’t know what kind of expression Aikawa Hajime would have when he saw that he could also transform into Calis.

That was really... too interesting!

Sensing the location where the undead creatures appeared, Lu Li immediately disappeared from the spot and appeared in another place through space transfer.

At the same time, in a farm owned by Shirai Kotaro.

Because the research institute had been destroyed, Kenzaki Kazuma and Hirose Shiori lost their jobs for a while!

It just so happened that Shirai Kotaro wanted to write a report about Kamen Rider, so he took this opportunity to take in the two.

Anyway, the house was very spacious, so he didn't have to worry about where to live.

Leaving the two here meant that there was a Kamen Rider by his side, and almost any information he got was first-hand.

Report what can be reported, and keep what can't be reported until later.

Anyway, for him, this is a matter of 100 benefits and no harm. What he paid was just a place to stay, and at most he could support a little living expenses.

After all, Kenzaki Kazuma and Hirose Shiori are now both unemployed. They have no jobs, so naturally they have no income.

As for whether the research institute will pay them again, that's another story.

Kenzaki Kazuma had just experienced Tachibana Sakuya's "betrayal", and he was feeling lost at this time.

He even began to doubt whether he should continue to fight, and what was the point of continuing to fight?

Hirose Shiori had just connected the monitoring equipment of the undead creatures, and immediately received the corresponding signal, and immediately called Kenzaki Kazuma over.

Seeing the response signal, Kenzaki Kazuma did not attack as quickly as usual, but quietly walked to the side.

Then, Hirose Shiori hurried over and pulled him over, and asked loudly and angrily.

"What's wrong with you? Aren't you a knight? Hurry up and move!"

She had seen Kenzaki Kazuma very depressed in the past few days, but she had never said it clearly, after all, she had just experienced a very big blow.

But at this time, can you really continue to be depressed?

If you ignore the undead creatures, more people will be killed and injured.


A slap hit his face, Kenzaki Kazuma was stunned on the spot, and his heart was immediately angry.

"What are you doing?!"

"Stupid, how long are you going to be depressed? I know this matter makes you very sad, and I know you are very troubled, but now someone is suffering in front of you, are you

just going to ignore it?

In order to save them, shouldn't you stand up and fight? ! Isn't this a discriminatory job? "

After questioning, Kenzaki Kazuma suddenly became silent, and then pulled away Hirose Shiori's hand.

"I'm leaving."

Sure enough, he still couldn't watch someone get hurt or die without doing anything.

Especially since he himself had experienced very cruel things and witnessed his parents die in front of him, he didn't want this kind of thing to happen to others.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

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