Shirai Torataro quickly followed.

He was planning to make an exclusive theme for Kamen Rider, so of course he couldn't let things slip at such a critical moment.

Although it is possible to encounter monsters, danger and opportunity coexist.

The two set off one after the other.

I have to say, Torataro Shirai is really a talented guy!

Kenzaki Kazuma rides a motorcycle, and it is specially made to deal with undead creatures.

Naturally, this speed cannot be slow.

But Torataro Shirai actually chased after him on his Shiratori/Urabi bicycle, which was often the case.

I have to say, this physical strength is really good!


The vine undead are attacking humans at this time.

It seems that low-level undead creatures are very keen on attacking people, while high-level undead creatures seem to have little interest in attacking people.

Higher undead creatures are more interested in doing things that interest them.

When Lu Li arrived here, he could see many humans lying down.

Most people have lost their vitality. Only a few people still have a breath left, but they are almost there.

If you don't care, you will die.

Kurihara Amane happened to come here to play with her friends today, but she didn't expect to encounter a monster.

She is just a little girl, so she is naturally afraid of monsters.

He hugged another little girl tightly, with fear in his eyes.

"Are you scared.?"

A sound suddenly came, and a beam of light suddenly shone in the darkness, immediately warming Kurihara Amane's fearful heart.

Mu Ran raised his head, and Kurihara Amane saw a big brother standing in front of him, a very handsome big brother.

But the other party wore very little. It was such a cold weather, but the other party only wore a thin piece of clothing.

Before Kurihara Amane could ask Lu Li, the terrifying monster in her midst came towards her.

She closed her eyes in fear, not daring to look directly at what was about to happen next.

Just when she closed her eyes, there was a sudden sound that she couldn't understand at all.

"Who are you?!

Seeing Lu Li suddenly appear, the vine undead creature felt a throbbing feeling for no reason.

He was very sure that the guy in front of him must also be an undead creature.

But since it is an undead creature, but it has turned into a human form, could it be that... the other party is an advanced undead creature?

Although there is no hierarchy in the battle between undead creatures, the undead creatures are very clear about the gap between higher undead creatures and lower undead creatures.

Higher undead creatures can easily crush lower undead creatures.

In order to win the battle in the extreme battle, it is not enough for low-level undead creatures to rely solely on their combat power.

In the last extreme battle, the human undead creature was able to win the final battle entirely because of its clever mind.

Of course, it also has a certain relationship with the soul power controlled by human undead creatures.

If this were not the case, humans would probably have no chance to dominate the earth now.

Once undead creatures are encountered, a battle will break out in order to win this extreme battle.

Even if the target is a more powerful higher undead creature, the lower undead creature dares to take the initiative to swing the butcher knife.

Even if he didn't know who Lu Li was in front of him, since he was already here, there was no way to avoid this battle.

"I always like to ask useless questions.

Shaking his head slightly, when Lu Li was at the research institute before, the Locust Undead also asked this question.

Seeing that Lu Li had no intention of paying attention to him, the vine undead creature stopped talking and directly threw out the tentacle extended from his right arm.


Kurihara Amane saw the tentacle swinging over and screamed in fright.

But unfortunately, before the tentacle even touched Lu Li, it was bounced away by an invisible force.


The undead vine creature found it incredible that none of his shots touched the other party.

After waiting for a long time, Kurihara Amane opened his eyes in fear, only to find that Lu Li was still standing in front of him intact.

Faced with this situation, Kurihara Amane's eyes suddenly widened, with confusion and surprise in his eyes.

Why is this happening?

At this moment, the roar/whining of a locomotive suddenly came.

Soon, the Blue Spade appeared in Lu Li's field of vision, and it was none other than Kazuma Kenzaki.

Kenzaki Kazuma, who rushed to the scene, saw so many corpses lying on the ground, and a flash of deep self-blame flashed in his eyes.

If he could have come earlier, perhaps so many people would not have died.

"Why is this happening?"

Clenching his fists tightly, Kenzaki Kazuma felt very complicated at the moment.

But this made him determined that he had to fight on.

The undead must be defeated no matter what, and no one should be harmed.

"It's you?!"

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma suddenly noticed Lu Li not far away.

He didn't understand why Lu Li appeared here.

However, now is obviously not the time like this, the vine undead creatures have already set their sights on him:

At this time, the vine undead creature did not dare to attack Lu Li rashly. Since he did not yet understand what kind of opponent Lu Li was, he decided not to attack yet.

A flexible vine extended from the shoulder of the vine undead creature and headed straight for Kazuma Kenzaki.

The locked Kenzaki Kazuma quickly dodged, but the vines were too flexible, and their strength was not weak at all.

After Six+ was slapped aside, his neck was tightly wrapped again. Kenzaki Kazuma quickly took out the knight's belt buckle and inserted the Ace of Spades awakening card in his hand.

Lu Li thought that the vine undead creature was going to continue fighting with him, but he didn't expect this guy to give up.

It seems that this guy has realized the danger and gave up on his dangerous enemy in advance.

At this time, Kurihara Amane and his friends quickly turned around and ran away.

Two little children, of course they can't be expected to face monsters here.

Being constantly pulled closer, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly transformed when he reached the right place.



The blue card phantom released by the knight system directly ejects the vine undead creature in front of him.

Kazuma Kenzaki, who was entangled by vine tentacles just now, also lost his restraints in an instant.

Rubbing his neck, he speeded up and rushed towards the blue card phantom. After passing through, a suit of knight armor was attached to his body.

Kamen Rider Sword!

Although it has experienced some battles, the combat effectiveness displayed by the sword is indeed average.

The offensive method is very messy, just playing whatever comes to mind without any plan.

The advantage is that the opponent cannot understand his moves, but the disadvantage is that he cannot understand his own moves.

Looking at the undead vines and swords fighting each other, Lu Li did not stay here anymore, but turned around and walked towards other parts of the observatory.

It won't be long before Hajime Aikawa will arrive here.

At the same time, Hajime Aikawa, who was speeding towards the observatory on a motorcycle, felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

He didn't know why he suddenly wanted to rush here, but he was just following his inner thoughts.

He took out the Awakening Card of Hearts, and the Awakening Device automatically appeared on his waist.

"々, transform!"


An other force enveloped Aikawa Hajime and the motorcycle, and both of them changed at the same time under this magical power.

Kamen Rider Kalis and Phantom Chaser!

The Phantom Chaser, which was also changed by the power, has been greatly improved in performance.

With a sudden twist of the accelerator, Kallis rushed towards his destination quickly.

We’re almost there, the observatory!

Originally he only knew how to destroy all Jokr, but unknowingly, he began to gradually acquire human feelings and emotions.

And all of this was brought about by the sealed human undead creatures.

When they first encountered the human undead, there was no fight between the two sides. Instead, the human undead simply gave up the fight and opened their hands to actively seal Jokr.

After successfully sealing the human undead, he gained the ability to transform into a human being and be able to survive in today's human life.

But he didn't know that the soul power of human undead creatures was unknowingly and subtly affecting him, so he gradually gained the perception of human emotions.


As for why the human undead creatures in 2 of Hearts did this, I don’t know. Maybe it was something that happened in the Extreme Battle 10,000 years ago.

After some galloping, Kalis finally arrived at the observatory.

When he stopped the motorcycle in the snow, he happened to see Kurihara Amane running up from below.

For some reason, when he saw that Kurihara Amane was fine, he felt inexplicably relieved.

He didn't understand why he felt this way, he just couldn't explain it anyway.

The vine undead creature that was fighting the sword before had also escaped the sword's pursuit and found Kurihara Amane again.

The undead creatures who are obsessed with killing people for fun may be venting their anger for not successfully winning the Ultimate Battle ten thousand years ago.

The human undead creatures in 2 of Hearts can be said to have very weak combat power. Compared with other undead creatures, they are almost the weakest group.

But in the end, he won this extreme battle (good or bad), which was a very frustrating thing for other undead creatures.

Higher-level undead creatures will not be driven by such simple anger, but the same cannot be said for lower-level undead creatures.

Perhaps because Lu Li blocked the undead vines before, Kurihara Amane quickly ran to Lu Li and hugged his legs.

He closed his eyes tightly, not daring to open them to see the monster fighting.

The vine undead creature wanted to kill Kurihara Amane, but now he did not dare to act rashly.

He didn't understand, what was Lu Li thinking now? Will you go against yourself?

He looked at Lu Li carefully, as if he was waiting for the next step.

And Kallis, who had just arrived here, felt inexplicably relieved when he saw that Kurihara Amane was fine.

At this time, he didn't understand why he felt like this. After seeing that Kurihara Amane was indeed safe, he felt relieved...

His eyes couldn't help but focus on Lu Li, and Kalis was also keenly aware that the man in front of him was unusual. He was an undead creature.

An undead creature that can transform into a human being is probably...not easy.

Could it be some advanced undead creature? !

When he thought of this, Kallis was immediately shocked and took out his bow, ready to attack.

Isn't that Tianyin very dangerous? ! .

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