But now that he was in the opponent's hands, he didn't dare to act rashly. If he accidentally hurt Kurihara Amane again, he would be in trouble.

The reason why he rushed here suddenly was to save Kurihara Amane, so naturally he was not allowed to make any mistakes.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly hit Kurihara Amane's head with his hand and patted her little head gently.

“When you’re tired, take a good rest.

Saying these words, a strange force naturally guided Kurihara Amane to fall into a deep sleep.

Kurihara Amane, who was already asleep, was gently put aside by Lu Li.

Next, it’s time to move around a bit.

PS: thanks

Wei’s monthly pass!

thanks one

03029 monthly ticket!

Chapter 387 Two Kallis! Target, Greater Undead

"The battle... has begun."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li walked up and a golden awakening card suddenly appeared.

Under the warm winter sun, the golden awakening card looked so shiny that it was hard to tell what kind of card it was.

I don't know why, but when Lu Li took out this awakening card, Callisto suddenly had a weird feeling.

He didn't understand why he felt this way, it was just weird, but he couldn't explain it.

As for the undead vines, seeing Lu Li rescuing the little girl, he didn't dare to rush forward.

There was no way, the sense of oppression brought by Lu Li was actually too strong.

It was so powerful that he didn't dare to act rashly.

When the dazzling golden awakening device appeared from Lu Li's waist, Kallis' body suddenly stiffened.

"That is..?!"

Unconsciously, he looked down at his arousal device.

He suddenly discovered that the two were very similar, but also very different.

For a moment, even Kallis couldn't figure out why Lu Li had an awakening device.

Simply swipe the Awakening Card of Hearts in your hand through the Awakening Device.



A terrifying golden power enveloped Lu Li, and the looming knight armor covered his body.

When the energy went up, Lu Li's new appearance appeared in front of Kallis and the vine undead creatures.

Kamen Rider Kallis.Full fusion form!

The biggest difference from the Kallis transformed by Hajime Aikawa is that there are many golden lines on his body.

Other than that, everything else seems to be the same.

"how come?!"

When he saw Lu Li who had completed his transformation, a strong look of shock flashed under Kalis' red eye armor.

He couldn't understand why Lu Li not only had the Awakening Device, but also the Awakening Card of the Ace of Hearts.

Not only Kallis, but also the vine undead creatures watching the show were also blinded at this time.

What the hell? !

Why are there two identical guys? !

Although there were some differences, in the eyes of the vine undead creatures, Lu Li and Kallis were almost the same at this time.

He held his right hand in the air, and scarlet appeared in Lu Li's hand.

The weapons are pretty much the same except for some golden lines.

His eyes kept switching back and forth between Lu Li and Kalis. The vine undead creature didn't know who he should fight at this time.

The two situations always feel similar.

But considering that he attacked Lu Li before and was repulsed by an invisible force, based on this premise, the vine undead creatures finally chose Kali as the target of attack.

Sri Lanka.

The two quickly fought 347 together, and Lu Li became the bystander.

Since he was going to join this battle, Lu Li would naturally not sit aside and sit on the bench.

He strode towards the two of them and directly joined the melee forcefully.

When Lu Li first joined in, there was still a three-way melee, but only a few seconds later, Kallis and the vine undead creatures attacked Lu Li at the same time.

When they first came into contact, the two were already aware of Lu Li's immense strength.

Just relying on one of them would be completely crushed.

"Dang!! Bah!"

Use the awakening bow to directly deflect Kallis' attack, and at the same time, cut directly on the tentacles of the vine undead creature with your backhand.

At the same time, his body turned quickly and kicked Kallis in the chest.


Kalis groaned, and his body hit the pure white snow.

He longed to fight, especially after his transformation.

Completely born for fighting, full of desire for fighting.

Any target will become his target. Although he doesn't know why Lu Li has powers similar to his own, he doesn't have time to think about it now.

Now, he just wants to defeat Lu Li.

In this battle, Lu Li hardly exerted much strength because the current fighting power of the two was too weak.

He was even a little worried that if he exerted a little force, Kalis would lose his fighting ability.

It's just the first meeting, there's no need to be so rough.

Facing Lu Li's extremely powerful attack, the vine undead creature had no strength to resist, and a large amount of green blood shot out from its body.

A series of ferocious slashes almost completely knocked him out of combat.


The awakening bow slashed at the back of the vine undead creature. The terrifying power made the vine undead creature stagger a few steps, and finally lay helpless on the ground.


Turning around with difficulty, the vine undead creature was very unwilling and wanted to stand up again, but the belt buckle around his waist had opened automatically.

Seeing that the vine undead creatures were now unable to fight, Lu Li turned his attention to Kallis who had just climbed out of the snow.

After noticing Lu Li's gaze, Kalis immediately became alert.

Although he didn't understand why the other party looked similar to himself, there was indeed a huge difference in strength.

The speed cannot keep up, and the strength is far inferior. The gap between the two is completely irreparable.

"This is our first meeting. I'm looking forward to our next meeting. Try to become stronger and...please me!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li turned around and walked along the white snow.

After taking only a few steps, Lu Li's figure had disappeared.


Seeing Lu Li who suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason, Kalis stood up with a confused look on his face.

Why did it suddenly disappear? !

And it disappeared right under his nose, without even seeing clearly what was going on.

"What on earth is he...?"

This is Kalis at this moment. Don't be too confused in your heart. You don't understand what is going on today.

He took a look at the A of Hearts Awakening Card in his hand, and saw that it was still the same card without any problems.

Suddenly, he recalled that the awakening card in Lu Li's hand was golden and looked completely different from the awakening card in his hand.

What is the reason for this?

For a time, there were too many questions lingering in Kallis' mind, and he couldn't figure out what was going on here.

After coming back to his senses, Kalis looked at the vine undead creature lying on the ground that seemed to be struggling to stand up.

After the undead are defeated, if they are not sealed in time, the opened buckle will close again after they recover.

Although it does not mean that peak combat effectiveness will be restored immediately, but once the buckle is closed, you can continue fighting.

Just in case, Kallis pulled out a blank awakening card from the card box and threw it to the chest of the vine undead creature.

Facing the sealing power of the awakening card, the vine undead creature could only struggle feebly, and was eventually absorbed into the awakening card bit by bit.

After sealing the target, the awakening card automatically returns to Kallis' hand.

The battle was over, and Kallis noticed Kurihara Amane who was unconscious beside him.

He immediately took out the 2 of Hearts awakening card and regained his human form.

Slowly coming to Kurihara Amane, Aikawa Hajime looked at the little girl in front of him quietly, squatted down, and carefully picked her up.

He didn't know why he ran over desperately when he heard that Kurihara Amane was in danger.

But he still followed his inner thoughts and came here in one fell swoop.

Holding Kurihara Amane in his arms, Aikawa Hajime walked downwards expressionlessly.

Shirai Torataro and Kenzaki Kazuma, who had just arrived here on bicycles, happened to meet Kurihara Amane's mother, Kurihara Haruka, and the three of them searched for Kurihara Amane together.


"Tianyin! Where are you?!"


The three of them kept calling, especially Haruka Kurihara, the mother, who was even more anxious at this time:

Since her husband died, the only support in her life has been her daughter Kurihara Amane.

If something went wrong with her daughter again, she would have no way to explain it to her dead husband.

Just as the three of them were searching together, Hajime Aikawa heard the call from here and came over with Kurihara Amane in his arms.


Kurihara Haruka ran over quickly after seeing her daughter, her eyes full of concern.

Noticing that his niece was unconscious, Shirai Torataro suddenly felt his heart tighten and shouted quickly.


Aikawa Hajime stopped and handed the Kurihara Amane in his hand to Kurihara Amane.

"Tianyin! Are you okay?!"

Kurihara Amane, who was originally in a sleeping state, raised his head in confusion and looked at the anxious mother in front of him with a puzzled face.


She didn't understand why her mother was around. Wasn't a big brother beside her just now?

When her daughter woke up, she didn't look like anything was wrong. However, Kurihara Haruka cried with joy and held her in her arms with heartache.

“Great, great, great!

It can be seen after repeating it several times in a row. It can be seen that as a mother, Kurihara Haruka is very excited in her heart.

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma all focused on Hajime Aikawa.

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