Turning his head slightly away, Aikawa Hajime has not yet fully adapted to life in the human world and rarely communicates with people.

"I found her lying behind there."

After meeting the eyes of the two, Aikawa Hajime exuded only the chill of keeping strangers away.

For some reason, Kenzaki Kazuma always felt that the man in front of him was a little strange.

But he couldn't tell what was strange for a while.

Then, Aikawa Hajime walked down and left.

He kept thinking about a question in his mind.

Why did he suddenly run over to find Kurihara Tianyin? When he heard that she was in danger, he couldn't help but rush over.

Feeling the pain in his chest and abdomen, Aikawa Hajime frowned slightly.

Although Lu Li didn't do anything ruthless just now, for Aikawa Hajime, the damage was not low at all.

Undead creatures have strong recovery ability. Aikawa Hajime will be able to recover soon, but it will take some time.

Just when Kenzaki Kazuma and his group were about to leave, he raised his head and noticed a figure flashing above.

"What is that?"

He always felt that the person was familiar, and he must have seen him before.

But the other person's movements were too fast, and he didn't see what the other person looked like.

Noticing that Kenzaki Ichima stopped moving, Shirai Kotaro asked in confusion.

"Kenzaki, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Kenzaki Ichima came back to his senses and shook his head.

"No, nothing, I just felt like I saw an acquaintance, but it shouldn't be."

"I see."

Then, several people left together.

Just as several people left the mountain, there was always someone watching them leave, and this person was naturally Lu Li.

As for why he saved Kurihara Tianyin, it was not because Lu Li was kind, but because Kurihara Tianyin was a missing character.

Without Kurihara Tianyin, perhaps Aikawa Hajime would not have human emotions.

It can be said that it was because of Kurihara Tianyin that Aikawa Hajime became a real Kamen Rider.

As for why Lu Li did not directly seal the vine undead creature of Heart 7 after the battle, it was mainly because there was no need.

Lu Li currently does not have the power to create undead creatures. After achieving full fusion, the power of these undead creatures is not very useful to Lu Li.

It is not to say that they are completely useless, but at most they are just used to swipe cards. The power released is completely incomparable to the power Lu Li himself possesses.

"Okay, next... what should we do?"

For now, many undead creatures have been released.

Most of the high-level undead creatures have been released, and only a few high-level undead creatures have not been released.

One of them is the ghost mantis undead creature of the Red Heart King.

At present, this awakening card should still be with Guang Shuo Shiori's father, Guangse Yoshito.

To be precise, it should be a modified experimental subject carrying Guangse Yoshito's memory.

Guangse Yoshito can be said to be the culprit who released the undead creatures.

The reason why he deliberately released the undead creatures is that he hopes to understand the real reason for their immortality through the battle of the undead creatures and use it to save his wife's life.

However, it was precisely because of his actions that Pandora's demon was opened, which released a large number of undead creatures and caused a series of problems.

In the early stage, Hirose Yoshito never showed up.

This guy was hiding very deeply, and he had been collecting combat data of the Knight System.

The purpose was to create a more powerful experimental body.

The king behind the scenes, Lu Boshi, now has no clues, and that guy is hiding even deeper.

Now this extreme war started by humans has just begun, and he won't come out so soon.

Lu Li is not sure where the other high-level undead creatures are now, but he can try to find them.

Already with the goal of the next stage, Lu Li is going to look for other high-level undead creatures first.

I don't know if these high-level undead creatures still remember themselves after the second reconstruction of the sealing slab.

Although Aikawa Hajime is a Jokr, his memory is almost completely stuck in the modern period, that is, after obtaining the Heart 2 awakening card.

Before this, he had been living in a daze, and he didn't remember the Extreme War that happened ten thousand years ago very clearly.

In the past, he was lucky to replicate JokerE's power, but it was precisely because he replicated Joker's power that he was able to win the Extreme War in the end.

At this time, the high-level undead creatures scattered in various places did not know that they had become Lu Li's target.

In the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma and others have returned here.

This coffee shop is run by Kurihara Haruka.

"Huh? You just said that the person who saved you was a big brother?"

Kenzaki Kazuma and Shirai Kotaro looked at each other, with strong doubts in their eyes.

Can a human fight against monsters like undead creatures?

It seems impossible to the two, but children can't lie in front of them.

"Yes, it was a handsome older brother who was standing in front of me. The monster seemed to say something to him, but I couldn't understand it at all."

"Did he say anything?!"

Kenzaki Kazuma's eyes flashed with surprise, and his tone was filled with a hint of surprise.

It was the first time he knew that undead creatures could actually talk.

Sitting alone in the back, Aikawa Hajime recalled Lu Li's appearance in his mind.

He was also very curious about the mysterious man. Who was he?

Not only did he have an awakening device very similar to his own, but he also had a very similar Ace of Hearts awakening card.

Who was he?

This question has been bothering Aikawa Hajime until now, and he has never been able to think of the answer.

A slight pain came from his abdomen, making Aikawa Hajime frown.

Standing up, he was going to go downstairs to deal with it.

Hearing the movement behind him, Shirai Kotaro looked at Aikawa Hajime with some confusion as he walked downstairs.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing this, Aikawa Hajime stopped and shook his head slightly.

"No, nothing."

After saying that, he continued to walk towards the basement on his own.

Kenzaki Kazuma always felt that Aikawa Hajime had a different feeling, and he didn't understand why.

Maybe.... this is a man's sixth sense!

PS: Thanks to Yi

★★★★★★★☆ for the monthly ticket

Thanks to Yi

Yi Gu Ying for the monthly ticket, the ticket for urging for more updates and 100 VIP points!

Chapter 388 My body is already pineapple pineapple! First meeting with a high-level undead creature

"Kotaro, who is that person?"

"He is Aikawa Hajime."

Kurihara Tianyin replied impatiently.

And Shirai Kotaro added one more point.

"The cohabitant of this family."

"Half a year after my brother-in-law passed away, he showed up in this coffee shop and asked if there was an empty room to lend him."

Kurihara Haruka, who was holding her daughter seriously, nodded.

"Originally, I didn't plan to lend it to him, because I wanted to keep the way my husband was when he was alive.

But I always felt that his eyes were really sad at that time, so..."

"So I lent it to him. Of course, I was very opposed to it. I didn't know what kind of guy he was."

Shirai Kotaro always rejected Aikawa Hajime in his heart.

How can he, as a younger brother, feel at ease when a man of unknown origin moves into his sister's coffee shop?

After all, they are an orphan and a widow. What if the other party is a bad guy? Wouldn't that be terrible?

When he heard what he said, Kurihara Tianyin's face suddenly changed.

"Don't say that! Let me make it clear first, now Brother Shi is like a family to us."

Seeing Kurihara Tianyin's serious face, Shirai Kotaro shrugged helplessly.

"Yes, yes, yes! Family."

"I dare to assert that compared with Kotaro, I have a higher opinion of Brother Shi."

That's right, as a niece, Kurihara Tianyin almost never called Kotaro uncle, but always called him by his name.

With a depressed look on his face, Shirai Kotaro said helplessly.

"It's still Kotaro.

He is obviously a generation older than this niece, but this little girl just refuses to call him uncle.

He doesn't know what the reason is, but he can't force his well-behaved niece.

This is his niece, my dear! Don't hit her!

Kenzaki Kazuma nodded, and the man he saw that night at the institute appeared in his mind.

Why did he appear in the observatory again?

Could the big brother mentioned by Tianyin be him?

Although he had this guess in his mind, he couldn't get a reasonable explanation for a while.

According to the information he knew, the man should be with Kurihara There should be no relationship between the two families, so there should be no reason to save Kurihara Tianyin.

Is it just because he cares about a little girl?

Although the place where Aikawa Hajime lives feels like it is in the basement under the coffee shop, it is not a basement in essence.

The coffee shop is on the second floor, and this room is on the first floor.

The sun shines into the room, and Aikawa Hajime stands quietly by the door.

He naturally heard clearly what Kurihara Tianyin said just now.


This word is extremely unfamiliar to Aikawa Hajime

Because he has no family at all, and family does not exist, these two words are extremely far away from him.

"Family? What is it? Why should I save Tianyin? Why?"

There are too many questions in his mind, and he can't figure it out.

Not only is there doubt about his family, but also doubt about Lu Li.

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