The other side.

In a hidden place, Jushuo also locked Karasuma here, keeping him asleep.

There were too many questions in his mind that needed to be explained, and there was only one person who could give him this explanation, and that was Karasuma Kei.

While the other party was awake, it was obviously impossible to tell him the specific situation.

Then you can only find a way to make the other party unconscious, and then obtain the secrets in the other party's brain through brain wave testing.

But it is not an easy thing to do.

Several days have passed, and he still hasn't gotten any secrets from the other party's mind. Karasuma Kei's mind seems to be locked.

In the simple room, Karasuma Kai lay quietly on a bed, with brain waves connected to his head.

Ju Shuo also looked at the screen and couldn't read anything, feeling very unwilling.

"Why?! Why can't you read anything?!"

Feeling very angry, Ju Shuo had already felt waves of fog shrouding him before, making everything unclear.

We must find out what is the secret here and why do undead creatures appear in the human world?

What happened here?

What exactly does the institute study?

A series of issues that only the director, Karasuma Kei, knew clearly.

Slowly getting up, Ju Shuo also looked at the unconscious Karasuma Kai with an unwilling expression.

"You shouldn't be under any strange protection inside, right? Or maybe... you're very conscious now.

I have something I must ask you now! cough! Cough cough cough! "

Suddenly, Ju Shuo also coughed violently.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, but his physical condition was getting worse and worse recently.

Since using the Knight System, his physical condition seemed to be getting worse day by day, and he wanted to find out what was going on.

Now, his body is like a pineapple! !

But after many tests, he got the result that there was nothing wrong with his body at all.

Although the test showed that there was nothing wrong with him, he kept coughing uncontrollably. Even when he coughed, he could feel throbbing pains in his body.

This state has been going on for a while, and he doesn't know how long he can last, or whether he will die one day.

Looking at Karasuma Kai who was still sleeping, Tachibana Sakuya had no choice but to get any useful information from his mind.

Reluctantly, he left the room and slammed the door again.


The room fell into silence again.

Walking leisurely on the street, Lu Li aimlessly searched for advanced undead creatures.

Without the memory of the earth, trying to find advanced undead creatures is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

As for why he couldn't read the earth's memory, Lu Li had already considered this issue.

The reason why the earth's memory cannot be read may have something to do with the sealing slate.

As the arbiter of the Extreme War, the Sealing Stone Slate is almost equivalent to the ruler of this world. In addition, the fifty-three undead creatures it created represent various

The ancestor of the species.

Lu Li had reason to believe that the memory of the earth was in the sealing stone.

The sealing stone has witnessed everything on earth.

Only this situation can explain it, otherwise Lu Li would have no reason to be unable to explore the earth's memory at all.

Lu Li didn't know where exactly the sealing stone slab was now. The only thing he wasn't sure about was that it was at Tianwang Lu Boshi's place.

Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi, a cunning and cunning old guy, it is impossible for this guy to come out until the last moment.

When the extreme battle has not progressed to a certain extent, the probability that Tianwang Lu Boshi will take the initiative is very slim.

Of course, if Lu Li's appearance breaks the balance of this extreme battle, King Lu Boshi will probably end up under pressure.

Suddenly, Lu Li felt a throbbing feeling in his heart.

Lu Li was all too familiar with this sudden feeling.


And this throbbing feeling was even stronger than when he faced locust undead creatures and vine undead creatures before.

This also means that the opponent should be an advanced undead creature.

Lu Li disappeared out of thin air while walking on the road, but the people around him didn't seem to notice this abnormality and were still walking on the road as before.

When Lu Li appeared again, he was already on a highway.

The throbbing is gradually getting stronger, which means that the advanced undead creatures are coming towards him.

Raising his head slightly, Lu Li noticed a stretched luxury car driving towards him.

When he saw this standard extended-length luxury car, Lu Li already knew who his target was.


Or call it the Peacock Undead!

It can be regarded as a boss in the early stage, a high-level undead creature named Jack of Diamonds.

After being unsealed, this guy quickly integrated into human life. With his powerful mind control, he controlled many people to do things for him.

After breaking the seal, Isaka also fought with other undead creatures, but the final result was that after defeating the opponent, no sealing stone came.

This situation is completely different from the extreme battle ten thousand years ago.

Because he knew about the research done by BOARD Research Institute and also knew that the knight system developed by humans could seal undead creatures, he was very interested in the knight system.

I want to develop a new knight system and control it, and rely on the knight system's ability to seal undead creatures to achieve the ultimate victory in this war.

And his purpose is to create the strongest knight system.

To be able to create the most powerful knight system, he has great confidence that he can become the ultimate winner.

The extended-length luxury car was slowly moving forward. Isaka, wearing a pair of sunglasses and crossing his legs, suddenly changed his expression.


Following his command, the driver under his control immediately stepped on the brakes.

The car finally stopped, and Isaka saw a person standing on the road ahead through the front glass window of the car.

When he saw this person, he was even more sure of his inner thoughts.

Opening the car door, Isaka took the initiative to get out.

Lu Li and Yi Ban looked at each other from afar.

Sure enough it was him!

After seeing Isaka clearly, Lu Li finally confirmed that it was indeed Isaka.

Compared to Lu Li, who was calm and composed, Isaka looked very calm and calm on the surface, but in fact he was a little panicked inside.

Although he already has the idea of ​​creating the strongest knight system, he hasn't had time to implement it yet!

Unexpectedly, he met other guys at this time. If the other party knew his plan, it would be very troublesome.

Staring at Lu Li's face through his sunglasses, Isaka couldn't figure out what kind of undead creature Lu Li was.

But one thing is certain, since the other party can imitate the human form, it means that the other party must be an advanced undead creature.

Could it be... Category King? !

Isaka, who has experienced extreme battles, naturally knows very well how strong the combat effectiveness of Category Kig is.

Even though they are both advanced undead creatures, the King category is far greater than the Jack and Queen categories. There is a huge gap in strength between the two.

If the person in front of you is a Kig, and you have a head-to-head confrontation with the opponent at this time, you will undoubtedly lose.

...please give me flowers...

Not knowing Lu Li's identity yet, Isaka didn't want to offend Lu Li rashly.

Just when he was thinking this, Lu Li suddenly spoke.

"After searching for so long, I finally found a high-level undead creature. You guys really hid it quite well."

Just now, Isaka was trying to avoid conflict with Lu Li as much as possible, but as soon as Lu Li came up, he said that he had been looking for advanced undead creatures.

Why look for higher undead creatures? Do you want to start a war?

"What do you want to do? Do you want to fight me right here?"

Isaka was still unsure of Lu Li's identity at this time, so rashly initiating a conflict was not in line with his plans.

Even if both sides lose at this time, or even if he defeats this man, he still has no way to seduce him.

Everything must wait until the knight system is perfected before he can seal other undead creatures.

Isaka slowly took off the sunglasses on his face, a cold look on his face.

If this battle can be avoided, that would naturally be the best.

"Starting a war? Is it just you?"

Lu Li crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes full of contempt.

Seeing that Lu Li looked down upon his own strength, Isaka decided to show off his skills and show Lu Li what it means not to underestimate others.

With a sudden wave of his leather-gloved hand, Isaka instantly released a powerful thought.

An invisible force came straight towards Lu Li.

However, a few seconds passed in the blink of an eye, and Lu Li was still standing on the spot unscathed, and the thoughts Isaka had exerted had no impact on him at all.

" could this happen?!"

Isaka is quite confident about his own thoughts.

Not only can it control humans, it can even control undead creatures. Of course, the so-called undead creatures here can only be low-level undead creatures.

All those who are in the suit are not living creatures but powerful advanced undead creatures. It is useless to control them just by relying on his thoughts.

Of course, it's not just undead creatures with colors, but also special types of Aces, which don't fall into this.

Lu Li stood there calmly with a faint smile on his face.

"Isaka, isn't this okay? It seems like your power isn't that great, and you can't threaten me?"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of Isaka.


Isaka was shocked when she saw Lu Li suddenly appearing in front of her at such a speed that she couldn't even see him clearly.

I don't know when a hand appeared in front of Isaka, and then, a terrifying force burst out,



Isaka was caught off guard and his body immediately flew more than ten meters away.

Fortunately, he had the ability to fly, so he didn't fall to the ground in a panic. With his ability to fly, he barely stopped falling.

The powerful force just now did not hurt Isaka, but it knocked him away directly.

So strong!

At this moment, Isaka suddenly felt the pressure on his body doubled.

This opponent was difficult to deal with, and he even felt that he was no match for him.

Isaka dispelled the confusion in his heart. He was not the kind of person who would be bullied.

Others had already hit him on the head, so of course he had to fight back.

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