
"Shua shua shua!"

One after another, powerful fireballs were released from his hands.

The sky was full of fireballs, and Isaka was really angry at this moment.

No matter who the man in front of him was, no one could let him suffer.

"Boom boom boom!"

The moment the fireballs fell, they exploded with a bang, and a series of fireballs exploded continuously.

He didn't believe that under such an attack, the guy in front of him could still be unscathed.

The flames falling from the sky blocked the vision, and Isaka couldn't be sure for a while what was happening to Lu Li below.

But he didn't dare to be careless at all. He couldn't be sure who the opponent was for the time being, and he didn't know how strong the opponent was. It was better to be cautious.

Being able to be the boss in the early stage, Isaka was indeed very smart, and his own strength was not bad.

Unfortunately, the opponent he was facing now was completely different from the opponent he knew before.

"Isaka, your speed... is too slow."

A sudden voice came from behind, causing Isaka's face to change suddenly.


Just when he was about to turn around, a whip kick hit his back.

The huge force made Isaka fall to the ground in a mess.

This time, Isaka failed to rely on his flying ability to stop himself and fell to the ground in a mess.

The terrifying force poured into the road, leaving a pit full of cracks on the road, and Isaka lay in the middle of the pit.

At this time, Isaka's sunglasses fell to nowhere.

The terrifying speed of movement made Isaka begin to guess what kind of undead creature Lu Li would be.

But even in the extreme war ten thousand years ago, not all undead creatures had seen each other.

PS: Thank you

Yiyi for the monthly ticket for the blue and white stripes!

Chapter 389: Temporary cooperation, threats and experiments

It is normal that they have not seen other undead creatures since they are fighting separately.

Judging from the current performance, the abilities displayed by Lu Li are different from the undead creatures he knows.

After all, he is also a high-level undead creature, and Isaka also has good defense.

Standing up from the pit, Isaka looked at the marks on his black leather jacket and felt very unhappy.

Since the last extreme battle, he has not been as embarrassed as he is now for a long time.

In the extreme battle ten thousand years ago, he was embarrassed and defeated because his opponent was a powerful category Kig, otherwise he might have been able to stay until the end.

"Isaka, do you want to continue fighting?"

Lu Li did not have the idea of ​​killing Isaka immediately now.

It was because of Isaka's existence that the last knight's belt buckle was born.

If this guy was killed directly, the last knight's belt buckle would not be completed, and Lu Li did not want this to happen.

As for letting him do it, he was not interested in making another knight's belt buckle.

Standing up from the pit, Isaka did not care about his embarrassment at this time and shook his head quickly.

"No more fighting!"

Even though the contact time just now was very short, Isaka was sure that he had no chance of defeating Lu Li.

The most urgent task now was to find a way to complete the strongest knight system as soon as possible, rather than fighting Lu Li here.

It was obvious that he had no chance of winning now, and such a fight was meaningless, and there was no way to seal it.

But what Isaka didn't know was that Lu Li could seal the undead creatures.

He didn't even need to rely on the power of the sealing slate.

"Okay, let's talk about cooperation now."

The voice came from behind again, and Isaka turned his head suddenly.

At some point, Lu Li appeared behind him again.

He was very sure that he had not been distracted at all just now.

But Lu Li disappeared in front of him all of a sudden, not because of his fast speed, but because he simply disappeared, and then suddenly "830" appeared behind him.

He had never seen such an ability before, and he could not determine Lu Li's true identity at all.

But the only thing he could be sure of was that Lu Li must be an undead creature.

After all, there is perception between undead creatures, as long as they are close to each other, they can sense each other's existence.

If Lu Li is not an undead creature, Isaka will never believe it.

Picking up the sunglasses that fell to the side and putting them back on his face, Isaka patted the dust on his body and resumed his previous pretentious look.

Seeing Isaka so showy, Lu Li really wanted to rush over and teach him a lesson.

If it was a human showy, it would be fine, but you, an undead creature, are also showy, what are you doing?

This guy kept saying that humans are just props that can be used for manipulation, but in some aspects, he has also learned human habits and behaviors unconsciously.

"Cooperation? How do you want to cooperate?"

For this guy who came suddenly, after fighting with him, he actually said that he wanted to cooperate with him. He couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking.

"Isaka, since I have already said cooperation, then I naturally know what you are doing.

In this extreme battle, I believe you have already seen that after the undead creatures won the battle, the sealing stone slab did not appear.

To win, you must rely on the special knight system, after all, the knight system can seal the undead creatures

I know that you have been secretly investigating the Knight System, and you are also planning to create the strongest Knight System, right? "

When Lu Li told Isaka what he wanted to do, how could Isaka not be shocked?

You have to know that he has been hiding very deeply all along.

After all, creating a Knight System means making enemies with all other undead creatures.

His behavior is likely to cause resentment from other high-level undead creatures, and it is not impossible for them to join forces to deal with him.

If it really comes to that, he will be the one in danger.

Because he was wearing sunglasses, he could not see the shock in Isaka's eyes, but Lu Li could sympathize with Isaka's emotional changes.

"You...how did you know? ! ”

His plan has been going on all the time, very covertly.

It has always been the humans under his control who have been conducting investigations and such, and they have never exposed themselves.

In theory, it should be impossible for anyone to know about this plan, but this guy in front of him knows it so clearly.

Has he been monitoring him all the time?


If the other party is monitoring him, the very perceptive Isaka thinks it is impossible for him not to find out.

But how does the other party know what he wants to do?

For a moment, in Isaka's eyes, Lu Li was covered with a very mysterious color.

"How about it? Do you want to cooperate with me?"

Lu Li was not worried at all that Isaka would not cooperate with him.

This guy has seen his power, and in order not to offend him, he will choose to cooperate with him.

Of course, this guy may do something behind the scenes and not let him know, but it doesn't matter.

Lu Li just wants to complete the last knight system.

After a moment of silence, Isaka weighed the pros and cons and nodded helplessly.

"Okay! I understand, since you want to cooperate with me, let's do it together. "

Before he finished speaking, Isaka stretched out his arm towards Lu Li, as if he was going to shake hands and make peace.

Seeing him like this, Lu Li couldn't help but smile.

"Isaka, how come you have become so humane? You even know that cooperation requires a handshake, haha!"

Lu Li did not take the initiative to shake hands with Isaka. The cooperation he mentioned did not mean that he really wanted to cooperate with Isaka.

Based on Isaka's strength, Lu Li really looked down on him.

Saying cooperation is completely flattering the other party, but it does not mean that Lu Li recognizes Isaka's strength.

Walking to the seat behind the extended luxury car and sitting down, Lu Li did not even look at Isaka.

The outstretched arm awkwardly froze in the air, and Isaka retracted his arm in a huff.

He also found that he seemed to be influenced by humans unconsciously.

In order to integrate into human life, some behavioral habits have changed Just like humans.

Back in the car, the car set off again.

The only thing left was the road with potholes and cracks. The flowers and plants on the roadside had long been turned into a mess under the burning flames.

This day.

It has been a while since I reached a cooperation with Isaka.

Just now, Isaka specifically notified Lu Li that he wanted to show him something very interesting.

Lu Li, who was very relaxed for the time being, had nothing to do, so he didn't mind seeing what the so-called interesting thing that Isaka said was.

It must be said that Isaka's ability is indeed very useful, and he can Use your mind to control people's thinking and make them your own tools.

Do things completely according to your own thoughts, do whatever you want, and it will not affect the other person's brain.

It is because of this that Isaka can say that he can create the strongest knight system by himself.

Came to Isaka's secret laboratory, which is hidden in a very hidden place.

After all, if you want to avoid attracting attention, you naturally have to be more hidden.

Even if you can control people through your mind, it does not mean that there will be no mistakes.

When Lu Li came to the laboratory, he happened to see Isaka in the laboratory, and there was another person here.

Aikawa Hajime.

See When the two of them were together, Lu Li had already guessed what was going on.

At this time in the future, Kenzaki Shinichi should have been caught by Isaka!

As for the purpose, it was naturally to test their physical condition and the integration with the category Ace.

Only by collecting these data can the strongest knight system be better completed.

Aikawa Hajime, who had met Lu Li once before and even fought with him, was suddenly shocked when he saw Lu Li again and immediately took a vigilant attitude.

Seeing that Aikawa Hajime seemed very nervous, Isaka didn't quite understand what was going on.

"Do you two... know each other?"

He hadn't heard Lu Li mention Aikawa Hajime, so naturally he didn't think that the two of them would know each other.

Lu Li smiled indifferently at Aikawa Hajime, who didn't care at all and was very vigilant.

"It's considered an encounter. We met once, and we even fought.

He walked to a chair leisurely and sat down. Lu Li didn't treat himself as an outsider at all, and didn't even take Aikawa Hajime's vigilance to heart.

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