His head was buzzing, and Isaka couldn't figure out what was going on.



Powerful energy attached to Lu Li's body, blooming with a faint golden shimmer.

When the golden light dissipated, Lu Li finally appeared in front of Jian in another posture.

"how come?!"

Seeing Lu Li who was almost similar to Kallis who he had just fought with, Jian looked back and forth to confirm that there were indeed two very similar looking knights in front of him.


His mind was completely shut down. Jian said he didn't understand why there were two of them.

It wasn't just the sword that was confused, it was also Isaka who was standing next to the broken window.

"There are actually two Kallis?! Why is this happening?"

Even though he thought he was very smart, when faced with this situation, his brain was a bit weak.

Why does this incomprehensible situation occur?

Who is Lu Li? !

With ten thousand questions in his mind, Isaka felt that things seemed to be a little beyond his expectation.

The researchers on the side were also confused at this time and asked in a low voice.

"Mr. Isaka, what should we do now? Do we want to end this battle?"

At this time, Isaka was completely stunned. He didn't even come back to his senses at this call.

"Mr. Isaka!

Another researcher increased his voice, and Isaka recovered from the shock.

This battle was so interesting, it completely exceeded expectations.

"Hahaha! Although I don't know why, but now is a rare opportunity, give me a test together!"


Isaka, who was still very surprised, didn't know what the situation in front of him was going on, but he didn't want to miss such a rare opportunity.

When the third computer was used for data recording tests, the researchers were stunned on the spot.

Because the fusion coefficient of Kalis transformed by Lu Li had already reached more than 6,000 at the beginning, and it was still growing gradually.

"This, this, this... Mr. Isaka?!

The researcher's eyes widened and he shouted quickly as if he had seen a ghost.

When he heard this shocked cry, Isaka immediately turned around unhappy.

"What's your name? Tell me if you have anything to do!"

He is now more concerned about how the next battle will develop. Anyway, he does not need to fight, he can only watch it slowly from above.

"You... come and see! Is there something wrong?!"

Frowning and walking over, Isaka turned his attention to the third computer.

When he saw the values ​​​​generated on the third computer, his whole mind was buzzing.


Even Isaka, who thought he had a strong endurance, felt like his brain was running out of energy at this moment.

How come there is such a terrifying value? !

When he looked over, he found that the fusion coefficient of Kallis transformed by Lu Li had reached more than 7,000, and... it was still rising.

The growth rate is very fast. It seems that it will not be long before it exceeds 8,000, or even 10,000! ! .

Chapter 391 Horrified Isaka, Kallis: Two Jokers? ? !

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! There must be something wrong with the instrument!"

Isaka had already taken off his sunglasses and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

I found that the value on the display was still increasing, and a trace of fear appeared in my eyes unconsciously.

He couldn't imagine why Lu Li's fusion coefficient could reach such a high value? !

Even if Jian and Kallis were added together, the fusion coefficient at this time was completely inferior to Lu Li's.

The gap...is too big!

With such a huge numerical gap, Isaka couldn't help but suspect that there must be something wrong with the equipment, otherwise it wouldn't be possible.

"Turn it off, turn it off! There must be something wrong with this computer!"

yes! "

Since Isaka said there must be something wrong, the researcher didn't say anything more and immediately shut down the computer.

Seeing the numbers on the screen disappear, Isaka's nervous mood calmed down a little.

With his hands on the experimental table, Isaka stared closely at the figure with a hint of gold.

"Lu Li...who are you?!"

Even though he didn't want to believe it in his heart, he knew that the data just now might not be false.

Although the fusion coefficient is real, the data under this fusion coefficient that is beyond comprehension is completely useless for the knight system he wants to create.

This cannot be a fusion coefficient that humans can achieve.

Even if the knight system was created based on Lu Li's outrageous data, I'm afraid no one would be able to use it.

Wei chooses powerful data to create the strongest knight system. Even if it can be created, there will not be any adapters.

Not to mention whether it can be made, even if it is made, it will probably be a waste product that no one can use.

Isaka knew this very well.

The higher the data collected, it does not necessarily mean that it can be used, and it may become a burden to the production system.

But Lu Li's terrifying power had already made Isaka aware of the problem.

He had learned about Lu Li's incomparable power, but he still couldn't understand why Lu Li was also Kallis.

In the Extreme War 10,000 years ago, this form of Calis had never appeared, he was very sure.

It would be fine if the seal slate did not appear in this Extreme War,

but now there are other anomalies, he really can't figure out what's going on.

Is there any other change in this?

Or is there something wrong with the great God, that is, the seal slate?

At present, Isaka can't get any explanation for all this.

He doesn't know much about God, he just knows that God created them so that they can start the Extreme War.

And God has powerful power and can reshape civilization.

Perhaps all these changes have a lot to do with God, after all, God is omnipotent.

Now all this can be attributed to God, and Isaka can't think of any other possibilities.

Seeing Lu Li transformed into Calis, Jian's eyes were full of confusion.

His eyes swept back and forth between Lu Li and Calis, obviously not quite understanding why there were two very similar guys.

Compared to Jian who was in a daze at this moment, Calis had seen Lu Li before, so he naturally didn't feel any surprise this time.

He only knew one thing, that the man in front of him was very powerful and a very strong opponent.

Calis, whose desire to fight had been activated, was very eager to fight against a strong person at this time.


With a roar, Calis rushed to Lu Li first.

Waving the awakening bow, it seemed that he was going to destroy Lu Li here

With a volley, another awakening bow that looked more gorgeous fell into Lu Li's hands.


The two awakening bows collided with each other, and sparks flew.

Calis ran over, but with the help of inertia and his own powerful strength, he couldn't shake Lu Li.

Just a contact, the difference between the two sides was already clear.

Jian also came back to his senses at this time, but he didn't have time to care about Calis and Lu Li at this time, the trilobite undead creature was still staring at him.

First deal with this guy!

Holding the awakening device tightly, Jian attacked the trilobite undead creature frantically.

Lu Li was originally planning to fight two against one, but he didn't expect it to turn into a one-on-one fight. This trilobite undead creature was a bit annoying.

His eyes changed slightly, and Lu Li elbowed Calis fiercely, forcing him to retreat.

Then, he quickly drew his bow and aimed at the trilobite undead creature.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Three energy arrows flashing with a faint golden light shot at the trilobite undead creature in an instant.


The trilobite undead creature, whose back was facing Lu Li, didn't even have the strength to resist and was shot through by the golden arrow on the spot.


The trilobite undead creature, which had thick armor, should have extremely strong defense.

But he didn't expect that it couldn't even withstand the general energy attack released by Lu Li.

His body fell directly to the ground, and at the same time, the belt buckle opened, revealing the pattern inside.

Spade 7!

The sword that was about to release the ultimate move was shocked to see that his opponent was easily defeated.

"Really?! This... was defeated?!"

He couldn't understand it. From the previous battle, he already knew that the trilobite undead creature had a strong defense, but he didn't expect that it couldn't withstand Lu Li's arrows at all.

If the arrow hit him directly, would he be able to withstand it with the knight armor on his body?

This question suddenly popped up in his mind, and he didn't know the answer to this question.

It's impossible to try it yourself, and you might die if you try it.

It's better not to try this kind of thing, because you can get yourself into trouble if you are not careful.

Calis didn't expect that Lu Li would have time to attack the trilobite undead creature after repelling him, and he was immediately angry.

He felt that he was ignored, which was a great insult to Calis who was eager to fight.


He jumped up and slashed in the air.

Calis used all his strength to attack Lu Li. Calis did not believe that he could not hurt Lu Li.

Lu Li, who was facing away from Calis, did not make any unnecessary movements, as if he was ready to withstand the attack.

There is a chance!

Calis was delighted when he saw that Lu Li did not have any intention of dodging.

“Why didn’t you dodge?”

Isaka, who was standing in the laboratory, was very confused. Lu Li should be able to dodge Calis’s attack, but why did he stand there motionless?

He said he could not understand.

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