Then what happened in the next second shocked everyone.



Xing Gong chopped down smoothly without any obstruction, but it was because of this that something was wrong.

Because it was like slashing at the air, nothing was hit, and it fell directly to the ground.

Smoke and dust flew, and Calis, who fell at the place where Lu Li was just now, was full of strong doubts in his scarlet eyes.

"How could it be?!"

Even he didn't see clearly what Lu Li did to avoid his work just now.

He couldn't understand how Lu Li managed to avoid his attack in a short moment before contact.

Isaka's eyes under the sunglasses revealed a strong shock. He had fought with Lu Li before and knew that Lu Li had a super fast movement speed, and even his eyes couldn't keep up.

However, he looked very carefully just now, and Lu Li didn't show any signs of moving at all, but disappeared out of thin air.

That's right, he disappeared out of thin air!

Then he would appear in the next place, which was incredible.

Taking off his glasses, Isaka's eyes were filled with solemnity.

"Teleportation! It must be teleportation! He actually possesses such a terrifying power?!"

Isaka said he couldn't understand.

Teleportation is such an extraordinary power, can it really appear in the Extreme Battle?

As long as there is teleportation, there is no need to worry about losing.

If you can't win, you can use teleportation to leave. If you win, you can use teleportation to find the opponent no matter how he escapes.

It's too buggy.

"Is it true?! This speed is too outrageous!"

Jian couldn't believe what he saw.

You know, his vision has been amplified after the transformation, especially the ability to capture motion, needless to say, but he can only watch Lu Li disappear.

It's amazing.

"Did you feel a little surprised just now, thinking that you could finally hit me?"

The voice came suddenly from the other side, and Calis and Jian looked over at the same time.

Development Lu Li was leaning against the wall over there, looking very leisurely.

It was as if what he had just experienced was not a battle at all, but just a game.

This was the fact. Their fighting power was too weak now, and Lu Li was not very interested.

This would increase their strength, and Lu Li might be able to be a little more serious.

At the same time:

Tachibana Saku was also speeding towards the laboratory.

No matter what, he could not watch Kenzaki Kazuma, his junior, die like this, otherwise he would have trouble sleeping and eating for the rest of his life.

With the information provided by Hirose Shiori, Tachibana Saku quickly found the destination.

Looking at the wall in front of him, Tachibana Saku also took out the knight buckle and inserted the awakening card into it.



A emerald green light curtain appeared in front.

With a sudden twist of the throttle, Tachibana Saku also quickly rushed towards the emerald green light curtain.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

When he passed the light curtain, he successfully completed the transformation.

The speed of the motorcycle remained unchanged, and it slammed into the wall fiercely.

"Boom! ! "

Both his motorcycle and Jian's motorcycle were made of special materials, with very strong toughness and hardness.

With such a violent collision, the wall was directly knocked open.

"Ju Senior? !"

When Jian saw Ge Lian, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect that when he was in such danger, the other party would risk saving him.

Glen, who had just broken in from outside, was very alert when he saw the scene in front of him.

In addition to Jian, there were actually two knights.

The most important thing is that these two actually look very similar, with only some very small differences.

There was also a defeated undead creature lying on the ground. What happened?

Glen, who had just arrived here, had no idea what was going on here.

Lu Li, who was leaning against the wall, suddenly stood up and twisted his wrist.

"Another one? It happens that the three of you are here, so let's go together. "

Glenn was confused, he had no idea what happened yesterday.

Kallis had no interest in Glenn who suddenly came, and now he only had Lu Li in his eyes.

The fighting desire in his heart was urging him to defeat the man in front of him!

He slowly pulled out an awakening card, took off the awakening device on his waist, and inserted it into the middle of the awakening bow in his hand.


Tornado (Eagle)!"

This card is the Hurricane Eagle of the Red Heart 6!

Using this card alone, it can launch arrows with wind attribute bonus, which has strong cutting power.


The emerald green arrow rushed away, aiming directly at Lu Li's chest.

"Ding!! 9

Facing the arrow with strong cutting power, Lu Li casually swung the awakening bow and hit the emerald arrow accurately.

The emerald arrow was forced to change direction and shot directly into the wall beside it, opening a big hole in the wall.

The attacks failed again and again, which made Calis very unwilling. Who is this guy?

Why does he have the same card as himself and also has the awakening device?

Is the other party also a Joker?

But shouldn’t there be only one Jokerz in the ultimate battle?

Regarding this issue, Kalis couldn't figure it out anyway.

Since you don’t understand it, don’t think about it for the time being.

At that time, the stronger he is, the more excited he will be, and the stronger his fighting power will be.


Roaring like a wild beast, Kallis rushed towards Lu Li crazily.

"Senior! Let's work together to deal with that guy first! He and the person who kidnapped me should be in the same group!"

Jian Ke did not forget what Lu Li said just now. He was staying here for the time being, which meant that he was at least a collaborator with the organization that kidnapped him.

In this case, you can't let the other party go easily. If you can catch the other party, you might be able to know what's going on behind the matter.

Why did the other party want to catch him? What's the purpose?


At this time, Ge Lian also wanted to figure out what happened, and what was this organization that suddenly appeared? Why should Tsurugi, who is a Kamen Rider, be captured?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jian directly threw out the awakening card, sealing the trilobite undead creature just now.

Then he and Ge Lian rushed towards Lu Li.

Isaka looked down at the sudden intrusion of Ge Lian, with a sneer on his lips.

Although he was very worried about Lu Li's teleportation just now, he was currently his partner, so there was no need to worry for the time being.

(Zhao of Zhao) The real headaches should be the following three guys.

"Mr. Isaka, Green has joined in, shall we test it together?"

"Measure him too! This is a rare opportunity, all data can be collected!"

Isaka was very excited at this time, because according to this situation, he would soon be able to collect all their data.

With these data, I can go one step further to support myself in completing the strongest knight system.

"Fight! Fight! Then let's destroy together!"

There was a chill in his eyes, and Isaka wished they could fight to the death here.

Even killing two here is no problem, which is a huge good thing for the undead.

No matter how powerful he thinks he is in combat, that doesn't mean he doesn't worry about being sealed.

The knight system has the ability to seal undead creatures, so it would be best to solve this problem in advance.

Of course, he also wanted to use the siege of Kalis and the three men to see how strong Lu Li's combat power really was.

You must know that even if Isaka thought he was very strong, he would not dare to face the attack of the three Kallis easily.

Sword, whose combat power has soared due to anger, and Kalis, whose combat power has increased due to the strength of his opponent, have already posed a certain threat to him. Seven.

The only one who poses no threat to him at the moment is Ge Lian, who just arrived.

He has seen that Gelian's fusion coefficient is only a little over 500, which is very stable and has not improved at all.

Although there is a saying that two fists are difficult to beat with four hands, this is only for ordinary people.

When the strength reaches a certain level, it is not a problem to defeat ten hands with two fists.

Kallis and Jian temporarily reached a cooperation to deal with the terrifying Lu Li.

But in the face of the three men's siege, Lu Li still performed with ease.

Almost none of the three people's punches or kicks could hit Lu Li. They were either blocked or missed.

Lu Li had to hold back his strength a little when fighting these three people, otherwise they would lie down without even being able to take two punches.

Chapter 392: Senior Tachibana can’t do it again! His identity is a mystery, who is he?

But even so, Lu Li punched the sword in the chest. The terrifying force caused the sword to fly away and hit the wall behind.



A large number of cracks appeared on the wall, and countless pieces of rubble slipped.

The sword fell from the wall and he could clearly feel the severe pain in his chest.

It only hurts on the surface, even the internal organs hurt.

His body was curled up, his vision blurred, and he couldn't stand up for a while.


Seeing that the sword was beaten so badly, Ge Lian immediately pulled out two awakening cards from the awakening device.


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